popey | marcoceppi_, i need to steal your playlist :) | 00:22 |
popey | good coding music | 00:22 |
marcoceppi_ | popey: ping lazypower to get a copy. It's his mix | 03:02 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:56 |
dpm | morning dholbach | 07:57 |
dholbach | hey dpm | 07:59 |
dholbach | how are things in Stuttgart? | 07:59 |
dpm | good good, slowly waking up :) | 08:06 |
dholbach | :) | 08:09 |
dholbach | dpm, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/gadget-snaps/ | 08:12 |
dholbach | images are loading | 08:12 |
dholbach | not sure what changed it, but it's working now | 08:12 |
dholbach | I'll add a bit more text to the top | 08:12 |
dpm | dholbach, ah, cool! | 08:13 |
dpm | dholbach, I can only see generic images, though. Is that intended? | 08:14 |
dholbach | so that's at least one "new" landing working | 08:14 |
dholbach | dpm, I can see 10 images | 08:14 |
dholbach | generic-i386 and generic-amd64 are the ones I'd call generic | 08:14 |
dholbach | if you're commenting on the icons: the page would use images, if they were uploaded to the store, but it looks like nobody did | 08:15 |
dpm | dholbach, here's what I see: http://i.imgur.com/uDXTMUU.png | 08:16 |
dholbach | right, I'm seeing the same | 08:16 |
dpm | yeah, that's what I meant, no specific images are shown, only the generic icon | 08:16 |
dholbach | yes | 08:16 |
dholbach | so what I said above: if somebody uploads a gadget snap without a specified icon, we show one of those (generic) snappy icons | 08:17 |
dholbach | I could try to find out who maintains the snaps and see if they'd be willing to upload an image to go with it | 08:18 |
dpm | yeah, I think that'd be good. Otherwise we might want to consider not showing the icon | 08:18 |
dholbach | I think we tried that in the beginning and the page looked quite dull | 08:19 |
dholbach | ok, I'll figure something out | 08:19 |
dpm | thanks dholbach | 08:20 |
dpm | dholbach, another question: is there a more human-readable field that we could use as a title for each gadget? I.e. on "panda.gumstix" to show "Panda Board" instead? | 08:21 |
dholbach | unfortunately not :-/ | 08:23 |
dholbach | there's nothing coming from the store api that is more readable | 08:23 |
dpm | ok, let me ask beuno when he's up later on, perhaps there is a field they can make visible to the API | 08:28 |
dholbach | dpm, this is wha uappexplorer does: https://uappexplorer.com/app/panda.gumstix | 08:33 |
dholbach | basically a .split('.')[0] | 08:34 |
dpm | dholbach, yeah, we could do that plus a capitalization of the first letter | 08:34 |
dpm | not sure where they get the icon, though | 08:35 |
dholbach | I found a bug with the icons - I'm just fixing it right now | 08:35 |
dholbach | we imported everything from the store, but we were looking at screenshort_url instead of icon_url :) | 08:35 |
dholbach | it's an easy fix | 08:35 |
dholbach | dpm, would this look OK to you: Beagleblack, Pi2, Panda, Pepper, Overo, Duovero, Odroidc, Beagle (leaving out generic-*) | 08:36 |
dpm | dholbach, yeah, I think until we have a field we can use directly (if we can have it), that would be a good workaround to make the names more readable | 08:37 |
dholbach | ok | 08:37 |
dholbach | salut davidcalle | 08:49 |
davidcalle | Hey dholbach o/ | 08:49 |
dholbach | davidcalle, showing the images on the gadget snap list is working | 08:50 |
dholbach | davidcalle, I'm just fixing a few small mistakes :) | 08:50 |
davidcalle | dholbach, I know, it was the same fix as the css for menus one. But as a side effect, not sure if you have noticed, but now, breadcrumbs have a large bottom padding | 08:55 |
davidcalle | (fix was to update static files on prod) | 08:55 |
dholbach | no, I didn't look at that one yet :-/ | 08:55 |
davidcalle | dholbach, I just wanted to point it out, but if you reaction was not "ugh, it looks awful" when looking at any page on the site, I would call it a non-issue for now :) | 08:57 |
dholbach | davidcalle, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/show-gadgetsnap-images/+merge/277089 | 09:05 |
dholbach | davidcalle, maybe you can help me with the size of the images - it doesn't quite match up with the placeholder images we used | 09:06 |
davidcalle | dholbach, do you know if snaps icons have a minimum size? | 09:06 |
dholbach | let me check | 09:06 |
dholbach | davidcalle, "A 256x256 icon that will be used when listing your app. If not provided, the value from the icon field from the click package manifest will be used." | 09:07 |
davidcalle | dholbach, what I meant earlier, btw, was that prod wasn't even showing fallback images (the ended up on a 404), and that it was fixed | 09:08 |
dholbach | davidcalle, yes, I closed https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1505539 | 09:09 |
davidcalle | dholbach, oops, forgot :) | 09:09 |
dholbach | davidcalle, looking at https://trello.com/c/mFtSDK7G/60-add-a-device-list-2 I wonder if we need a "short list of devices" | 09:10 |
dholbach | because if we want it to on the front page, it shouldn't be this big table I'd say | 09:10 |
dholbach | dpm, ^ what do you think? | 09:10 |
* dpm reads backlog | 09:11 | |
dholbach | just the last 2-3 lines | 09:11 |
davidcalle | dholbach, we can probably go smaller, indeed :) The initial idea was a dedicated page, hence the current size | 09:11 |
dholbach | davidcalle, maybe we can offer both | 09:11 |
dpm | I think it might be good to have a shortlist and then a search option to show all perhaps | 09:12 |
dholbach | search option as in "directly query the api"? | 09:13 |
dpm | I was going to say like http://partners.ubuntu.com/find-a-partner - but then I see that we're showing _all_ partners on that page already :) | 09:13 |
davidcalle | dholbach, I can envision a future where we list apps "using some API" on API and tutorials pages and a smaller format would work for it as well. I'd be tempted to ditch the large version for now, it's just a template change :) | 09:14 |
davidcalle | dpm, shortlist as in "smaller icon and box size" we are not on queries yet | 09:14 |
dholbach | davidcalle, I'll take a quick look at having one template for a small list and this big one | 09:14 |
davidcalle | dholbach, I've started on it actually, since I'm fixing fallback icons | 09:15 |
dholbach | ok | 09:15 |
dholbach | I'll leave it in your capable hands then :) | 09:15 |
* dholbach hugs davidcalle | 09:15 | |
* davidcalle hugs dholbach back | 09:15 | |
dpm | no, I wasn't suggesting to do queries yet, I think for now we're fine in doing a regular sync and then be able to handle the data the way we want it on the site (e.g. showing a shortlist or a full list) | 09:16 |
davidcalle | dpm, ah, right. eg. showing the n latest by default? | 09:18 |
dpm | davidcalle, yeah, or marking a few as "featured" in the admin, and showing those as the shortlist | 09:18 |
davidcalle | dpm, right, we don't have the admin for it yet, I'll look into it | 09:19 |
davidcalle | dholbach, woah, it looks huge indeed :) | 09:19 |
dpm | davidcalle, no worries, just an idea prompted by dholbach's shortlist suggestion | 09:20 |
dpm | davidcalle, what's the plan with fixing the breadcrumbs bottom margin? | 09:20 |
davidcalle | dpm, asking webteam :) | 09:20 |
dpm | davidcalle, ok, thanks is this something you could look into today? I'm a bit worried about the production site's look atm | 09:22 |
davidcalle | dpm, on the other hand, I don't think it's awful, it actually highlights breadcrumbs, I'll ask them in a short moment | 09:22 |
dpm | hm, I'm not sure I agree on this one | 09:22 |
davidcalle | dholbach, hmm, I'm tempted to ditch descriptions | 09:26 |
davidcalle | Or not, nvm. | 09:28 |
davidcalle | dholbach, I would suggest : one or two lines of boards (with a slightly smaller form factor than what we currently have), then a link to a page listing all boards, would that work for you? | 09:36 |
davidcalle | dpm ^ | 09:36 |
dholbach | davidcalle, so for the smaller list, this would be just like a small table listing what we have? | 09:38 |
davidcalle | dholbach, a small table would work, yes | 09:40 |
dholbach | yes, that sounds good | 09:40 |
* davidcalle will send screenshots in a short moment, to make sure we are on the same page :) | 09:40 | |
dholbach | cool | 09:51 |
dholbach | I just added a bit of text to the top of the page | 09:51 |
dpm | davidcalle, dholbach, something like http://imgur.com/FNaSwJD ? | 09:53 |
dholbach | dpm, is the [x] a scaled-down version of the image? | 09:54 |
dpm | dholbach, [x] is generally the way images are shown as placeholders in web mockups | 09:55 |
dpm | it just indicates there is an image there | 09:55 |
dholbach | dpm, which image would it be in this case? | 09:55 |
dpm | I think we could go with the same approach as now: icon as available from the store, if no icon, generic snappy grey con | 09:56 |
dholbach | ok, that's what I thought, so a scaled-down version of what we show now | 09:56 |
dholbach | davidcalle, was your approach going to be the same thing as dpm's? ^ :) | 09:56 |
dpm | exactly, so a scaled-down version on the front page and full on the gadgets page | 09:57 |
dpm | oh, I was just trying to see if we're on the same page, mine is the same proposal as davidcalle's, if I understood it correctly | 09:57 |
davidcalle | dholbach, dpm, pretty much, yeah | 09:57 |
dholbach | awesome :-D | 09:58 |
* dpm hugs dholbach and davidcalle | 09:59 | |
dholbach | sorry for moving a new card to our current sprint | 10:00 |
dholbach | :-) | 10:00 |
dholbach | but this morning I noticed that we were almost there with the gadget snap list....... :) | 10:00 |
dpm | it's all good news in any case :) | 10:47 |
davidcalle | dpm, dholbach: http://imgur.com/LZvpCW7 , thoughts? | 11:13 |
dholbach | that's brilliant! | 11:14 |
davidcalle | dholbach, if dpm agrees, let's roll with it for v1, next step would be to actually query the API at run time (at least for the shortlist) with the parameters we want (eg snap store & sort by rating or download count) | 11:19 |
dholbach | davidcalle, hum... you mean we query the store api for every view of the page? or what does "run time" mean in this context? | 11:20 |
davidcalle | dholbach, yeah, do you think it's asking too much to the store API? | 11:20 |
dpm | davidcalle, looks great to me. I have some comments, but are minor things regarding the format that we can look at in detail before hitting publish. | 11:20 |
dholbach | davidcalle, we could ask beuno, but I'd say that it's too much | 11:21 |
davidcalle | dholbach, it's to avoid loading thousands of items in the db during the night, I mean, we already have this db, it's the store :) | 11:21 |
dholbach | wasn't that the reason why we used the cronjob? | 11:22 |
dholbach | and we're not loading too many items from the db | 11:24 |
davidcalle | dholbach, for now, but I'm thinking about other use cases, like showcasing phone apps. popey, how many time does your click store parsing take? | 11:26 |
davidcalle | dholbach, in any case, that's a discussion for later :) | 11:26 |
popey | not too long | 11:26 |
popey | what do you need? | 11:26 |
dholbach | ok cool | 11:26 |
davidcalle | popey, metadata for all apps | 11:27 |
dholbach | let's ask beuno - I just tried to avoid hammering other sites databases wherever I could | 11:27 |
davidcalle | dholbach, and that's an excellent point, I don't deny it | 11:28 |
* dholbach hugs davidcalle | 11:28 | |
dholbach | great work on the gadget snaps list | 11:29 |
dholbach | thanks a lot! | 11:29 |
davidcalle | popey, let's say we want to showcase apps on d.u.c, we are wondering if we should copy the full store content locally at night and use this, or simply query the myapps API when the page loads | 11:29 |
davidcalle | popey, anyway as I said, that's a discussion for later that should involve beuno, thanks :) | 11:29 |
popey | okay | 11:30 |
davidcalle | dholbach, can you change the branch owner so I can push to it? | 11:34 |
dholbach | sure | 11:34 |
dholbach | davidcalle, https://code.launchpad.net/~developer-ubuntu-com-dev/developer-ubuntu-com/show-gadgetsnap-images | 11:36 |
dholbach | davidcalle, another option instead of a cronjob would be a context_processor where we either check time_since_last_lookup or number_or_requests_since_last_lookup | 11:37 |
davidcalle | dholbach, that's a nice idea | 11:38 |
davidcalle | a very nice one | 11:38 |
dholbach | we would need to save it somewhere in the db though | 11:38 |
dpm | dholbach, davidcalle, popey, balloons, is any of you up for the Q&A today? | 11:43 |
popey | I didn't do it last week due to the Q&A clashing with a session I think. Up for it this week. | 11:43 |
dpm | great | 11:43 |
dholbach | I'd be up as well | 11:43 |
popey | TEAM EURO! | 11:43 |
popey | s/EURO/HIPPIE/ | 11:44 |
dholbach | popey, you don't have the euro! | 11:44 |
popey | Yeah, I let the kids play with that funny money :) | 11:44 |
dpm | :-) | 11:44 |
davidcalle | dholbach, pushed | 11:47 |
dholbach | davidcalle, another problem could be that whoever loads the page when the content needs to be updated might have to wait... or encounter a database which is down on the other end - that shouldn't happen very often, but should be something we look into as well | 11:47 |
davidcalle | dholbach, true | 11:47 |
davidcalle | dpm, I won't be able to do the Q&A, please share your comments about the screenshot, I'll address them right after picking up lunch (or explain why you are wrong :p) :) | 11:48 |
dholbach | haha | 11:49 |
popey | :) | 11:49 |
dholbach | davidcalle, "|divisibleby:1"? | 11:49 |
dpm | nice try davidcalle :) | 11:50 |
davidcalle | dholbach, always a useful check! *cough*, I'm keeping that in case I need to tweak the layout and not do twelve-col, will ditch it if it's indeed twelve-col :) | 11:51 |
dholbach | ok ok | 11:51 |
davidcalle | dholbach, that's "super defensive" programming: we never check if integers are divisible by 1! :p | 11:53 |
dholbach | yes, you never know | 11:53 |
dholbach | davidcalle, for me it looks like this: https://imgur.com/SpLz6aS | 12:41 |
dholbach | popey, shall we chat about snapcraft before we start the Q&A? | 12:41 |
popey | ya | 12:42 |
dholbach | awesome | 12:42 |
davidcalle | dholbach, that's normal, now you need to use it into a div class="row" | 12:44 |
dholbach | ahhhh ok, thanks | 12:44 |
dholbach | in that case it's good to go for me :) | 12:44 |
davidcalle | dholbach, that's the only way to make it feel part of the rest of the page, the padding of other solutions is just too much :) | 12:44 |
davidcalle | dholbach, yay, now waiting for dpm comments | 12:45 |
dholbach | <3 | 12:45 |
dholbach | relocating to the office, bbiab | 12:48 |
dpm | davidcalle, is this on a draft page I can look at, atm? | 12:57 |
davidcalle | dpm, in branch only | 12:58 |
davidcalle | dpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~developer-ubuntu-com-dev/developer-ubuntu-com/show-gadgetsnap-images/+merge/277089 | 12:58 |
davidcalle | dpm, do you want me to do a draft page with it, I can reproduce it manually | 12:58 |
dpm | davidcalle, not if it's just extra work for you, I can work with the screenshot, no worries | 12:59 |
davidcalle | dpm, ok | 12:59 |
dpm | davidcalle, how much of the content is code and how much CMS? | 13:00 |
dpm | i.e. what can I change when this is on a live page? | 13:00 |
davidcalle | dpm, the two lists of boxes are code, that's it | 13:01 |
dpm | ok, cool | 13:01 |
dpm | davidcalle, and how is the shortlist generated? | 13:04 |
davidcalle | dpm, only constraint is that they only work very well in twelve-col divs, in other sized divs, they will still work, but may have small padding issues. | 13:05 |
davidcalle | dpm, beginning of the big list, which is based on updated_date of snaps | 13:05 |
dpm | davidcalle, http://pad.ubuntu.com/gadget-page-feedback let me know what you think, or let me know why I'm wrong ;) | 13:15 |
davidcalle | dpm, my bad I haven't noticed this comment was about the shortlist | 13:28 |
dpm | davidcalle, np, I had also missed the fact that it's not trivial to choose which link | 13:28 |
davidcalle | dpm, also, I don't want to hardcode a page url in the template | 13:28 |
davidcalle | dpm, that's why I've kept things like the "read more" out of the code | 13:29 |
dpm | davidcalle, no, I'm not a friend of hardcoding, either. | 13:29 |
dpm | so it seems the easiest thing might be to go with no link | 13:30 |
dpm | however, how do you actually go about inserting the shortlist on the main page? Wouldn't you need a full template? | 13:30 |
davidcalle | dpm, simply add the "Snpp Shortlist - Gadgets" plugin in a row div | 13:33 |
davidcalle | $Snap | 13:33 |
dpm | ah, so one is a plugin and the other is a template, or are both plugins? | 13:35 |
davidcalle | dpm, template is just a generic django term for any html used to render data. They are both plugins, and should both be used in twelve-col divs, in text or raw html plugins. This gives more flexibility than using them as standalone plugins (even if it's still possbile, I haven't found how to disable it). | 13:40 |
dpm | ok, gotcha (I think) | 13:41 |
dholbach | davidcalle, bad news: we're going to need another migration for the store_data thing | 13:58 |
dholbach | we're supposed to use .title | 13:58 |
dholbach | davidcalle, pushed the necessary changes | 14:14 |
dholbach | dpm, ^ the MP uses .title | 14:14 |
davidcalle | dholbach, sorry, I was reading the API doc, can you add last_updated as well? | 14:15 |
dpm | great, thanks dholbach. I guess we'll still need the name massaging given the status of the titles uploaders write | 14:15 |
dholbach | dpm, that's what style_snap_name() in https://code.launchpad.net/~developer-ubuntu-com-dev/developer-ubuntu-com/show-gadgetsnap-images/+merge/277089 does - let me know if there's anything else missing | 14:16 |
dholbach | davidcalle, last_updated for each of the entries? | 14:16 |
davidcalle | dholbach, yes and "website" | 14:16 |
dholbach | davidcalle, we have last_updated | 14:17 |
dholbach | I'll add the website field | 14:18 |
davidcalle | dholbach, current last updated is the duc db time update, we should have the actual date the snap was updated in the store | 14:19 |
dpm | dholbach, lgtm for the parts I can understand :) | 14:19 |
dholbach | davidcalle, where do we get website from? is it also a field in the api? | 14:19 |
davidcalle | dholbach, yes, simply called "website" | 14:21 |
davidcalle | dholbach, you'll have to teach me how to create migrations :) | 14:24 |
dholbach | davidcalle, in the api? | 14:26 |
dholbach | I can't seem to find it | 14:27 |
dholbach | popey, I'll set up the Q&A | 14:31 |
popey | ok. I'm just grabbing a late lunch | 14:31 |
dholbach | davidcalle, basically it's just: | 14:31 |
popey | be back in 10-15 | 14:31 |
dholbach | davidcalle, ./env/bin/python manage.py schemamigration store_data add_title_field --auto | 14:31 |
dholbach | and then migrate and bzr add <migrations-file> | 14:31 |
dholbach | mhall119, dpm: can you confirm that the Q&A is in 30m? | 14:33 |
dholbach | davidcalle, I guess I won't have time to do the website thing today | 14:33 |
dpm | dholbach, I think it should be at the same time as usual, i.e. in 1h30 | 14:33 |
davidcalle | dholbach, no worries :) | 14:33 |
dholbach | dpm, in the calendar it's at 30m | 14:33 |
dholbach | in the team calendar I mean | 14:34 |
dholbach | dpm, if we do it in 1h30m, I can't make it to the donations call with clan | 14:34 |
dholbach | popey, ^ | 14:35 |
dholbach | ok.... I'll announce it for in 1h15m then | 14:47 |
dholbach | davidcalle, in that case, I can add the website field... if you tell me where to get the information from | 14:48 |
popey | okay | 14:48 |
popey | I am easy | 14:48 |
davidcalle | dholbach, simply with the rest of the data, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ClickPackageIndex#line-280 | 14:49 |
dholbach | davidcalle, KeyError: 'website' | 14:49 |
davidcalle | dholbach, you'll probably want to do a entry.get('website', None) instead of entry['website'], though, it doesn't seem to be required when adding a snap | 14:49 |
dholbach | popey, I got the event set up and ubuntuonair.com updated | 14:49 |
dholbach | ok | 14:49 |
popey | dholbach, so it's in 1 hour 10mins right? | 14:49 |
dholbach | yep | 14:49 |
* popey gets his hair ready | 14:49 | |
popey | just enough time | 14:49 |
dholbach | davidcalle, field added | 14:52 |
davidcalle | dholbach, ty :) | 14:52 |
mhall119 | fyi, I've changed the timezone on the calendar entry to be UTC, so it will always be at 1600 UTC | 14:56 |
dholbach | hum | 14:57 |
dholbach | ah, you just changed it, ok - thanks! :) | 14:57 |
popey | mhall119, i managed to break my apps scanning script a bit, will update you and the sheet when it's fixed | 15:05 |
mhall119 | popey: ok | 15:09 |
popey | mhall119, i need a better way to identify "does this click package contain executables" | 15:10 |
popey | previously I just looked for .so files, but that's not fair, some are just a single binary executable I imagine with no .so files | 15:10 |
popey | but it's roughly accurate | 15:10 |
popey | I expect those which have binaries almost all have a .so in somewhere | 15:10 |
popey | it's all a big brute force kludge :) | 15:10 |
mhall119 | popey: by "contain executables" do you mean binaries compiled from C++? | 15:11 |
popey | or go.. or python ;) | 15:12 |
popey | I don't discriminate on language perversion. | 15:12 |
mhall119 | but not QML or HTML5 | 15:12 |
mhall119 | I mean, you could check file permissions for +x | 15:12 |
popey | no, the measure is "does this click package contain any architecture specific components" | 15:12 |
popey | nope | 15:12 |
popey | tried that :) | 15:12 |
dholbach | popey, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13216403/ is from click-reviewers-tools | 15:12 |
mhall119 | oh, well python isn't arch specific | 15:12 |
popey | it is | 15:13 |
dholbach | popey, and there are a bunch of other checks in the code as well | 15:13 |
popey | when you bundle the python binary in your click like a good person | 15:13 |
mhall119 | oh right, bundling | 15:13 |
popey | :) | 15:13 |
popey | actually looking at the filename is a good clue :D | 15:13 |
popey | _armhf _multi etc | 15:13 |
popey | duh :) | 15:13 |
mhall119 | I suppose you could run `file` on everything in the package looking for something with ELF headers | 15:13 |
popey | thanks dholbach | 15:13 |
popey | i did that :) | 15:13 |
dholbach | ok | 15:13 |
dholbach | cool | 15:13 |
popey | well, I do that too | 15:13 |
popey | takes a lot longer | 15:14 |
popey | i think it's good enough right now to look for .so files | 15:14 |
popey | as that's consistent with the previous runs | 15:14 |
popey | I now also identify binaries like i386, amd64 and armhf, and also if it's linked against SDL | 15:14 |
mhall119 | "good enough" is goog enough, there's always going to be packages that don't fall neatly into just one category anyway | 15:16 |
popey | ya | 15:18 |
dholbach | popey, I guess we'll start the propaganda machinery now? :) | 15:27 |
popey | \o/ | 15:29 |
* popey puts his propaganda trousers on | 15:29 | |
* balloons readies his canon | 15:29 | |
dholbach | :) | 15:29 |
* mhall119 plays the propaganda slide-whistle | 15:29 | |
popey | hah | 15:30 |
dholbach | nice, looks like we're working as a team here :-P | 15:30 |
popey | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnQ2zOmb6Hg | 15:30 |
popey | terrible 80's song that davmor2 would be proud of | 15:30 |
popey | (by propaganda) | 15:30 |
popey | The video is about as 80s as it's possible to get without knocking down a german wall. | 15:31 |
* balloons eyes AND ears are bleeding | 15:31 | |
popey | It's only popular in the UK because part of the song was used during the titles of a TV programme :) | 15:32 |
popey | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KumaE_Qfj8 | 15:32 |
* popey goes back to other things | 15:32 | |
* dholbach prepares for the worst | 15:32 | |
dholbach | davmor2 really likes that song? :) | 15:33 |
popey | he loves all 80s songs | 15:33 |
popey | he's stuck in a time vortex or something | 15:33 |
dholbach | popey, shall we start the hangout now, so we can chat about snapcraft still? | 15:46 |
dholbach | davidcalle, mhall119: mail to Daniel sent - I CCed you because I thought you'd be interested | 15:46 |
popey | OKAY! | 15:46 |
popey | dholbach, just grabbing coffee, 2 min | 15:46 |
davidcalle | dholbach, reading it, thanks a lot | 15:47 |
dholbach | cool cool | 15:47 |
popey | dholbach, link? | 15:50 |
dholbach | popey, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcwua5jDE8hJHoWq4SKb0Pa6e7S3fHU0dA9s_TT_6NQVCMqVQ | 15:51 |
balloons | popey, I remember the issue with dropping letters now. It doesn't build via cmake | 16:28 |
* davidcalle -> xenial | 16:44 | |
balloons | I'm so proud of you guys all upgrading early in the cycle :-) | 16:47 |
popey | balloons, oh bum. | 16:58 |
balloons | I seem to remember trying to fix that at some point. Regardless, the jobs are all there now. I'll disable them again so it doesn't do needless tries over and over | 17:00 |
dholbach | mhall119, davidcalle: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-cms/jcQEuJ3VQaM | 17:03 |
dholbach | davidcalle, go go go! | 17:03 |
dholbach | balloons, man, I'm on the LTS :-) | 17:03 |
davidcalle | dholbach, yes! | 17:04 |
popey | balloons, I'll take a look at converting to cmake | 17:04 |
dholbach | all right my friends - see you all tomorrow! | 17:07 |
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm | ||
davidcalle | dpm, you have probably missed when you were bombarded with questions, but it seems that http://i.imgur.com/TRHa5Zu.png is our best way forward for duc menus | 17:08 |
dpm | davidcalle, sorry, I was in a call. I had seen the ping but hadn't looked at the page yet | 17:11 |
davidcalle | dpm, no worries :) | 17:11 |
dpm | will look at it in detail in a moment | 17:12 |
davidcalle | dpm, ok, I'll probably be off as soon as the upgrade to xenial has finished, let's follow up by email if needed | 17:13 |
* davidcalle is on his way home, have a nice eod =) | 17:19 | |
dpm | ok! | 17:22 |
dpm | (too late) | 17:22 |
czajkowski | aloha | 18:40 |
popey | yo | 18:48 |
popey | hows tricks? | 18:48 |
czajkowski | I am 142 conferences in for reviewing 2016 event | 18:48 |
czajkowski | I may go insane! | 18:48 |
mhall119 | czajkowski: how many in Florida? | 18:49 |
czajkowski | 1 | 18:49 |
mhall119 | :/ | 18:49 |
czajkowski | just the one so far | 18:49 |
mhall119 | FOSSETCON? | 18:49 |
czajkowski | and it's one that wasn't well attended from our speakers point | 18:49 |
czajkowski | mhall119: http://www.orlandocodecamp.com/ | 18:49 |
mhall119 | oh, didn't know about that one | 18:50 |
czajkowski | looks like March is a very heavy confernece month | 18:51 |
czajkowski | *conference | 18:51 |
mhall119 | oh, that's way up in Lake Mary, not even technically Orlando | 18:51 |
czajkowski | lol | 18:51 |
mhall119 | no wonder it has poor attendance | 18:52 |
czajkowski | mhall119: can play the random pick a city and I'll tell you if there is a confernece there | 18:52 |
czajkowski | I even get to go to austin next year | 18:52 |
czajkowski | just not sure how I'm gonna manage that one | 18:53 |
czajkowski | land from honeymoon and take off to OSCON | 18:53 |
popey | where you guys going on honeymoon to? | 18:53 |
czajkowski | Orlando :D | 18:54 |
czajkowski | DISNEYWOLRD! | 18:54 |
czajkowski | :D | 18:54 |
czajkowski | there's a confernece in Nebraska! | 18:54 |
popey | wow | 18:56 |
popey | awesome | 18:56 |
czajkowski | popey: yes we're not counting down to wedding, counting down to 2 weeks at disney :D | 18:58 |
czajkowski | popey: that was the easiest decision with himself, where would hyou like to go, disneyworld,, YES. Done. Booked. | 18:58 |
popey | hah | 18:59 |
mhall119 | lol | 19:04 |
mhall119 | well we at least get you see you then | 19:04 |
czajkowski | :D yes! | 19:06 |
czajkowski | mhall119: you're gonna have to recommend stuff to do | 19:06 |
czajkowski | fancy a daytona beach trip | 19:06 |
czajkowski | Kennedy space center | 19:06 |
czajkowski | etc | 19:06 |
czajkowski | 24 weeks eeeep | 19:06 |
* mhall119 hasn't been to KSC in decades | 19:07 | |
mhall119 | honestly, I lived in daytona beach for a year, was not impressed | 19:07 |
czajkowski | I know but as we're there... | 19:09 |
popey | I went to KSC 4 years ago when I first started at Canonical | 19:23 |
popey | in fact it's exactly 4 years this week! | 19:23 |
czajkowski | popey: congrats! | 19:24 |
popey | http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0j4Od3BgdGc/TxNL_7jj3OI/AAAAAAAAALM/7s8FScSjIyk/s1600/photo-703630.JPG | 19:25 |
popey | sladen looking at a rocket, at KSC | 19:25 |
willcooke | Is that from CPLAT? | 19:31 |
czajkowski | willcooke: :o good evening! | 19:33 |
willcooke | hello czajkowski | 19:33 |
willcooke | how goes? | 19:33 |
czajkowski | willcooke: good and busy which is you know, good :) | 19:33 |
willcooke | and busy | 19:33 |
czajkowski | yeah but it keeps me off irc which is good :) so evening is Ubuntu work and irc and a little work | 19:34 |
czajkowski | have some USA calls trying to get out of an 11pm one :/ | 19:34 |
czajkowski | pesky timezones | 19:34 |
willcooke | :( | 19:34 |
czajkowski | on a good note it gives me ideas for my talk in January, dealing with cultural divide, and internal advocacy in a distribtued team/company | 19:35 |
czajkowski | that is one thing Canonical does very well | 19:35 |
czajkowski | from the start all are on irc and can be easily found | 19:36 |
balloons | pleia2, for UWN, here's a text version of the track summaries: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Summaries/UOS1511 | 19:37 |
czajkowski | mhall119: another Florida one https://www.codeonthebeach.com/ | 23:03 |
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