
pittiGood morning05:09
didrocksgood morning06:24
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ? pas plus malade ?06:42
didrockshey pitti, plus malade ! et toi ? tu as pu rentrer ? ça semblait difficile…06:46
pittididrocks: oui, j'étais en retard un jour; deux vols ont été annulé, mais mon vrai vol était bien06:47
pittididrocks: j'ai pris un jour de vacance hier pour me reposer06:48
didrockspitti: tu as bien eu raison ! :)06:49
didrockspitti: comment est Austin ?06:49
pittididrocks: en fait c'était bon ! cette fois on a été au milieu de ville; beaucoup de bars, restaurants etc. près d'hôtel06:55
pittididrocks: jeudi on a vu "V for Vendetta" -- c'était le vrai jour, 5 novembre06:56
pittiet courir à rive de Colorado est bien aussi, j'ai y couru deux fois06:58
pittiles autres matins il y avait du brouillard, on ne peux rien voir06:58
pitti("on ne peux voir rien" ?)06:59
didrockscool que vous ayez eu un sprint à un endroit sympa :)06:59
pittierr, "on ne peux pas voir rien"?06:59
didrocks"on ne peut rien voir"06:59
pittiah, prèsque :)06:59
didrocksoui, presque :-)06:59
pittiuh, "près de.." vs "presque", sans l'accent?07:00
didrockses -> "èss" en terme de son07:00
didrocksdonc oui, pas d'accent07:00
didrocksfor "près", you don't pronounce the final "s", I guess that's why you need the accent for the "è" sound07:01
larsugood morning!08:12
didrocksmorning larsu :)08:13
larsuhi didrocks :) How are you?08:13
TrevinhoHi larsu, didrocks!08:14
didrockshey hey Trevinho!08:14
didrockslarsu: good, thanks! how are you?08:14
larsumorning Trevinho!08:14
larsudidrocks: good thanks!08:14
* larsu goes to get some breakfast08:15
seb128good morning desktopers08:30
pittibonjour seb128, comment vas-tu ?08:36
pittihey larsu!08:36
pittimorning Trevinho08:36
pittiit's good to be back :)08:37
seb128salut pitti, ça va bien, et toi ?08:41
seb128pitti, tu as réussi à rentrer en Allemagne ?08:41
seb128I read your g+ post about your rebooked flight cancelled as well08:42
pittiseb128: oui, j'ai rentré bien dimanche08:42
pittiseb128: j'ai pris un jour de vacance hier pour me reposer08:42
seb128tu as bien fait08:43
seb128comment va ton jetlag ?08:43
pittilarsu: as-tu été à systemd.conf ?08:43
pittiseb128: en fait bien ! j'ai me levé à 3h hier, mais ce matin à 6h; donc je suis retour à la normale08:44
pittipas d'ubuflu, qui aide :)08:45
* pitti pats sil210008:45
larsumorning pitti!08:46
larsuback home?08:46
larsuthe conference was great! Lots of nice people and good talks08:47
larsuI liked yours especialy ;)08:47
larsumorning seb128!08:47
seb128hey larsu!08:47
larsuhow are you?08:49
seb128doing good :-)08:53
seb128what about you?08:53
larsugreat thanks! Just got myself some breakfast :)08:54
* larsu should make tea to go wit hit08:54
larsu*with it08:54
* seb128 is drinking coffee08:58
larsumorning willcooke09:02
willcookehey larsu - I've asked for the +1 from design for those theme changes09:02
larsuI saw09:02
larsuno reply yet?09:02
willcookeI'm meeting with John in an hour or so09:03
willcookeI tweak the gtk2 theme as well for the scrollbar trough09:03
Laneyhey hey09:03
willcookeafter at the top, before at the bottom09:03
willcookemorning Laney09:03
willcookestrangely it looks quite different on a machine than a screenshot09:03
seb128hey willcooke09:04
seb128hey willcooke09:04
larsuwillcooke: darker trough?09:04
seb128how is u.k today?09:04
larsumorning Laney09:04
willcookelarsu, yeah09:04
willcookeseb128, warm and windy :)09:04
didrockshey willcooke09:04
larsuwillcooke: hehe - does look better I think09:04
didrocksmorning Laney09:05
willcookelarsu, full screen the old is really hard to spot the scrollbar in the trough IMO09:05
willcookeanyways - I think John will be fine with it09:05
* larsu nods09:06
willcookeI have the slow shutdown on W again09:08
willcookeA stop job is running for monitor and control system power state (17s / 1m 30s)09:08
willcookeit's now stopped ticking up09:09
willcookepitti, anything to worry about?  ^09:09
willcookeThis hasn't shown up for ages and now I have a USB drive plugged in, it's back09:09
willcookeSeems I can reproduce it now09:10
seb128willcooke, you probably want to follow /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian.gz it has a section for debugging shutdown issues09:30
willcookethx seb128 I'll take a look09:30
seb128Laney, seems like libgtk-3-dev should depends on libmircookie-dev now09:36
seb128gdk-3.0.pc lists it09:37
Laneycheck bzr09:37
Laney...check xenial-changes :)09:37
seb128didn't get an email on xenial-changes09:37
* seb128 refreshes09:38
* Laney shrugs09:38
seb128but I guess it means you are on it ;-)09:38
didrocksspeaking of the devil… ;)09:38
* didrocks gives http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/ubuntu-make/xenial/ppc64el/ to pitti :-)09:39
seb128I wonder if it's normal that building on x11 pulls in mir requirements?09:39
seb128why? (just curious)09:40
seb128well the depends is right, I just wonder why it has to be this way09:40
pittididrocks: wohoo!09:40
didrockswas annoyed by a "always failed" on one arch :p09:41
* pitti donne une accolade à didrocks09:41
* didrocks donne une accolade en retour09:41
didrocks(and no, I didn't disable the test ;))09:41
pittiwillcooke: hm, what's that? powerd?09:41
seb128Laney, I retried the pygobject builds btw, they seem alright now09:41
seb128maybe that unblocks libpeas and gedit :-)09:41
pittiwillcooke: is that still starting on desktop? last time I looked at it it was doomed to fail without android09:42
pittiwillcooke: so that's saying it tried to stop (SIGTERM) powerd and it doesn't go down on that; it gets SIGKILLed after the timeout09:42
pittiwillcooke: so: if powerd has been fixed to work without android, then it needs to be fixed to terminate on SIGTERM, or get an ExecStop= to say what otherwise one must do to stop it09:43
pittiwillcooke: if it has not been fixed to work without android, it shouldn't start in the first place, and its unit should grow some conditional09:43
Laneyask attente?09:45
willcookepitti, only upowerd is running on my W machine09:45
pittiwillcooke: ok, so I guess someone fixed it for non-android09:45
willcookeah, upowerd == powerd09:46
pittiwillcooke: right, upower is harmless and expected to run; talking about powerd09:46
pittithat's the ubuntu phone specific thing09:46
willcookehaving said I could recreate it, guess what....09:46
willcookenow it's working fine again09:46
Laneyhey pitti09:46
willcookeI thought I had a way to make it fail,  guess not09:46
pittihey Laney, how are you?09:47
willcookeit's back09:48
Laneypitti: good, went out for cuban tapas last night which was yummy :)09:48
pittiwillcooke: can you try this without rebooting: just "sudo systemctl stop powerd" and see if it hangs09:48
Laneyyou? good journey back?09:48
pittiwillcooke: if not, start it again, stop, wash, rinse & repeat?09:48
pittiLaney: a day late, but the flight that actually did fly was fine09:49
Laneywait, I saw a post about... that09:49
pittiand I adjusted to the jetlag rather well09:49
pittithe swap day yesterday was really helpful09:49
pittiand I worked for < 10 mins :)09:49
seb128hum, bug #1514427 ... does anyone can try that on xenial/amd64? works fine on i38609:51
ubot5bug 1514427 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "Cannot open inskape undefined symbol: _ZN6Magick5Image4readERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151442709:51
* pitti apt installs09:51
pittiWTH, this installs libgnomevfs2 -- is that *still* a thing09:52
pittiseb128: it was reported on amd6409:52
pittihm, but it starts fine here09:53
seb128pitti, yeah, which is why I'm asking if anyone using amd64 can reproduce09:53
seb128since my install is i38609:53
pittioh, it works for you09:53
seb128k, so local issue I guess09:53
seb128maybe an old lib in /usr/local or something09:53
seb128pitti, tahnks for testing09:53
pittilibmagick++-6.q16-5v5 8:
pittilibmagickcore-6.q16-2 8:
pittithat at least seems current09:54
pittiyeah, local imagemagic install could do that09:54
Trevinhoseb128: it seems there are some troubles with gtk dependency in xenial...10:23
Trevinhoconfigure: error: Package requirements (libwnck-3.0 >= 3.4.7) were not met:10:23
TrevinhoPackage 'mircookie', required by 'gdk-3.0', not found10:23
TrevinhoThis is for bamf, for example... But also Unity fails10:23
seb128Trevinho, hey, yeah, Laney just uploaded a fixed gtk, see backlog10:23
seb128Trevinho, just do a retry once the new gtk is published, should be soon enough10:24
Trevinhoseb128: ah, ok... rebuilding now is fine (in ppa)?10:24
seb128$ rmadison -s xenial-proposed libgtk-3-010:25
seb128 libgtk-3-0 | 3.18.2-1ubuntu1 | xenial-proposed | amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el10:25
seb128so not yet10:25
willcookepitti, sorry for the delay.  So I did a systemctl stop powerd and it took ~ 15 seconds to stop.  Retrying....10:25
seb128need another publisher10:25
Trevinhoseb128: ok, thanks10:25
* Trevinho waits...10:25
Laneyit's not finished on armhf yet10:25
pittiwillcooke: ah, so you can reproduce that without having to reboot, good10:26
Trevinhoyou damn armhf... You're always late.10:26
Trevinho(it looks something more related to an Italian technology than a British one :P)10:26
pittioh, no Sweetshark?10:28
willcookepitti, systemctl start powerd -> Failed to start powerd.service: Unit lxc-android-config.service failed to load: No such file or directory10:29
pittiLibO started to fail with "configure: error: gtk3 libraries of the correct versions, not found"10:29
seb128pitti, cf what we just said10:29
seb128pitti, gtk+ fix is building, another 1 or 2 publisher cycles and it should be good to retry10:29
pittiseb128: ah, thanks10:29
willcookelarsu, +1 from desig10:37
seb128Trevinho, you can retry your gtk builds now12:01
seb128pitti, ^12:01
pittiseb128: thanks; the new gtk+3.0 already re-triggered the tests12:01
Trevinhoseb128: thanks12:07
seb128Trevinho, I think you said that https://code.launchpad.net/~sethj/ubuntu/wily/unity/fix-for-1445595/+merge/276074 was wrong, can you comment on it?12:53
Trevinhoseb128: yep12:54
seb128Trevinho, thanks12:54
LaneyLP/archive is being super slow for me12:56
Laneysame for anyone else?12:56
willcookeLaney, testing12:58
willcookeLaney, seems the security repo is slow, others OK12:58
seb128Laney, lp works fine for me13:00
didrockssame here, fine13:07
* Laney needs to get round to running ethernet13:07
* Laney orders a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel13:09
=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield
qenghogood morning.14:08
seb128hey qengho14:10
Trevinhohey andyrock14:11
Trevinhoandyrock: you know there's a big review queue for you? :-D14:11
andyrockthat does not make me happy14:12
TrevinhoIt's a nice mail, come one!14:12
willcookehey andyrock - how are you fixed for a meeting tomorrow around 10am UTC?14:12
TrevinhoAh, and the Kylin guys proposed their lockscreen shield... Works well, there are some code changes needed, but from a first look it seems nice.14:12
willcookeandyrock, this will be our inaugural agile sprint kick off14:12
andyrockwillcooke: if it's on IRC it's fine for me14:13
willcookeandyrock, it will need to be a HO I think, sorry.  Do you have any mornings which work?14:14
willcookeI guess we can try IRC, but I think HO will be better/faster14:14
andyrockwillcooke: can I do that on the phone? just for the days I'm not home at that time14:14
willcookeandyrock, there will be one of these about every 3 weeks, plus a review at a similar schedule14:15
TrevinhoBut, doing it on afternoon is not feasible?14:15
andyrockok I'll make it for tomorrow14:16
willcookeSure, we can do that.  My afternoons tend to be busier, but we can find a slot I'm sure14:16
willcookeandyrock, when is a good time for you?  I think 1 hr will be plenty14:16
willcookehappy to fit around your schedule14:16
TrevinhoOk, then we can decide everytime when's better..14:16
andyrockmy schedule is a mess, it's no fixed14:17
andyrockI'll try to adapt my schedule to the meetings14:18
andyrockthe opposite is impossible14:18
andyrocki'll do it for tomorrow :D14:18
TrevinhoSince we're just 4 people, I think we can be easily flexible14:18
willcookeplus seb128 at least for the first one14:18
Trevinhoah, ok sure14:18
Trevinhoseb128 is always there :)14:18
willcookeok, how about we sync tomorrow on IRC and try and find a slot14:19
willcookehikiko will be back tomorrow as well14:19
seb128tomorrow is a french holiday but I should be online at least in the morning between 10 and 1214:19
willcookeoh yeah, forgot14:20
willcookemaybe Thursday then14:20
seb128let's see tomorrow morning?14:21
willcookesure, oki plan is then try and sync tomorrow morning and if we can't do it then try again on Thursday14:21
Trevinhoseb128: don't do that... We can move this on Thursday14:21
tseliotwillcooke: hi, do you know what version of gstreamer we are planning to use in 16.04?14:21
seb128tseliot, whatever is stable by feature freeze, looks like 1.6 from where we stand at the moment14:22
tseliotseb128: ok, thanks14:22
seb128tseliot, why?14:23
tseliotseb128: somebody asked ;)14:23
seb128in fact 1.8 likely I guess14:23
seb128tseliot, do you know why they ask? they want/need a new version?14:24
tseliotah, ok14:24
tseliotseb128: I'm not really sure. I will ask them14:24
* Laney was here you know14:25
seb128Laney, here?14:26
tseliotLaney: sorry, I didn't see you14:26
* seb128 waves to Laney14:26
tseliotLaney: thanks14:26
seb128Laney, sorry when I replied I was unsure if you were around or at lunch or if you knew/tracked upstream gstreamer work14:26
* seb128 knows for next time that Laney masters gstreamer's schedule ;-)14:26
Laneyno worries :P14:31
=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
LaneyI usually assume these days that we'll track it like glib14:31
seb128k, I though you mostly did merge from Debian14:31
seb128I didn't know you were tracking upstream as well14:31
Laneyslomo is fast there14:31
Laneyhappy to let him do that14:31
seb128I for one had no idea when 1.8 was coming14:31
seb128now I know14:31
Laneyya, trying to get on the 6 month train14:31
seb128they failed in the past14:31
seb128so I don't trust much their schedule14:31
seb128but let's see ;-)14:32
willcookedidrocks, heard back from Fritzing too.  They are +115:02
willcookelarsu, thanks for the approval!  Do I need to do anything now or is it automatic?  Will it be part of 16.04?15:03
larsuwillcooke: used to be automatic; these days we need to ping seb128 or Laney15:05
larsuthere's a spreadhseet involoved. And a silo. And something about a train15:05
seb128larsu, no spreadsheet anymore15:06
seb128things improve!15:06
seb128willcooke, need a landing through https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/15:07
larsuoh indeed?15:07
larsuah, right15:07
* larsu shuts up15:07
larsuthe part about pinging someone was corrct15:07
seb128I'm unsure you wouldn't be able to do a landing yourself15:07
seb128if you are not we could for sure arrange to have it fixed15:07
seb128same for willcooke :p15:07
didrockswillcooke: great! do you mind opening bugs with links and references?15:10
* seb128 hands a "rebuild master" badge to Laney ;-)15:17
Laneydidn't test build that lot15:17
Laneyand there were some sed build depends replacements15:17
Laneysooooo, no badge just yet :)15:17
seb128more transition coming15:18
seb128I noticed the new "glew" upload earlier15:18
seb128there are some 60 rdepends15:18
Laneybetter not get entangled15:18
seb128we might want a transition tracker for that one15:18
Laneyjust got a proper dialog from e-d-s15:20
Laneyfor team meeting reminder15:20
willcookeseb128, I'm not authorized to add a new request.  What should I do?15:24
seb128Laney, why ":("?15:24
willcookedidrocks, Sure.  Still need to finalise the legal side, but I will create a couple of bugs anyway15:24
seb128willcooke, unsure what group has the rights to do landing. If you are interested to figure that out/get it work ask on #ubuntu-ci-eng, otherwhise jut delegate the landing to somebody in the team I would say15:26
willcookeprobably not something I need to do very often.  seb128 would you mind doing the honours?15:28
willcookeit's not urgent of course15:29
seb128willcooke, adding to my list15:29
seb128but probably not for before thursday15:29
* willcooke feels a disturbance in the force15:29
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-1015:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Nov 10 15:30:05 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call: andyrock, attente, desrt (hols),  dgadomski, didrocks, fjkong (maybe out), happyaron (maybe out), hikiko (hols), laney, larsu, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)15:30
willcookeLet's go.....15:32
willcooke#topic andyrock15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrockNothing that much last week15:32
andyrockTreviño is too fast to write code15:32
andyrockfaster than me reading his code15:32
Trevinhonot true...15:32
andyrockbtw this week I'll try to review all the MPs15:33
* Laney is getting ALL the build failures now15:33
willcookeoki, thanks andyrock15:34
willcooke#topic attente15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: attente
attentehi, not a whole lot to say15:34
attentefinished https://github.com/maliit/framework/pull/19 and https://github.com/maliit/inputcontext-gtk/pull/1, merged upstream15:34
attenteneed to figure out why clicking on the maliit keyboard double taps keys in gtk apps15:34
attentebacklog: single-surface mode for gtk-mir15:34
willcookethx attente15:34
willcookedesrt, are you really here?15:34
desrti didn't email my report, so i can give it now :)15:35
willcooke#topic desrt15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: desrt
desrtdid a release last week and used the chance to do a lot of long-overdue cleanup tasks in glib15:35
desrtsimplified the docs build15:35
desrtalso simplified our handling of "inline" (which exploded as a result of the recent overflow-checked math ops work)15:35
desrtalso general bugs/patches/etc.15:35
willcookethanks desrt15:36
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* I've been off for 2 days last week15:36
dgadomski* fixed bug #1337873, reported upstream bug with attached patch (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92886), will work on debdiffs for SRU15:36
ubot5Freedesktop bug 92886 in daemon "PolkitAgentSession incorrectly handles multiline PAM_TEXT_INFO output" [Normal,New]15:36
ubot5bug 1337873 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Vivid) "Precise, Trusty, Utopic - ifupdown initialization problems caused by race condition" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133787315:36
dgadomski* got more feedback for fix to bug #1337873, pitti will upload the fix to xenial for testing before SRU15:36
dgadomski* working on a wiki page with information about debugging policykit15:36
willcookethanks dgadomski15:37
dgadomskithank you15:37
seb128dgadomski, what's the url of the page?15:37
dgadomskiseb128: I'm working on a draft, going to paste it to wiki, not sure what would be the best place to put it15:38
dgadomskiseb128: I still have it as a google doc15:39
seb128dgadomski, probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPolicyKit or something15:39
seb128that would be consistent with others15:39
seb128e.g https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor15:39
dgadomskiseb128: thanks, will do that15:39
willcookegreat, thanks chaps15:40
willcooke#topic didrocks15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocksUbuntu Make:15:40
didrocks* Release work from previous week as 15.11. Good feedbacks so far.15:40
didrocks* Review and merge Netbeans IDE support (and added/cleaning tests for it) by Fabio Colella!15:40
didrocks* Review and merge Jared Ravetch rust support (and added/cleaning as well tests for it) by Jared Ravetch.15:40
didrocks* Review and merge Unity3D updates support by Eldar Khayrullin (welcome to our new contributor).15:40
didrocks* Review and merge Sebastian Schuberth fix for Android NDK.15:40
didrocks* Fix webstorm icon renamed upstream.15:40
didrocks* Ship version file as part of the install (Now --version really works on packaged flavor as well) + stamp generated binary with correct version.15:40
didrocks* Fix BaseInstaller to not crash when all downloads assets are 404 + add medium tests for this.15:40
didrocks* Ensure -r global option behave like --remove.15:40
didrocks* Some style, refactoring and formatting tidy up for recent merges and changes.15:40
didrocks* Add medium assets, certificates and additional failure test cases for netbeans and rust.15:40
didrocks* Update docker container for medium tests with new certificates.15:40
didrocks* Readd Travis CI integration running pep8 and small tests (with badge status and updated wording in README). New pushes and pull requests are now automatically tested on those 2 kinds of tests.15:40
didrocks* Fix and updates dependencies for package and pip virtualenv deps.15:40
didrocks* Standardize the test environment so that people running tests using for instance zsh are not impacted.15:40
didrocks* Finish up shipping static files support for future frameworks.15:40
didrocks* Using scala framework for loading tests and making autopkgtests pass on armel64 (android not available on this arch).15:40
didrocks* Improve releasing script and migrate gbp config to new headers.15:40
didrocks* Watched and followed some UOS sessions (still some to catch up though)15:41
didrocks* Some Archive Admin duties15:41
willcookenothing else?15:41
larsudid you sleep?15:41
willcookethanks didrocks, amazing stuff15:41
willcooke#topic FJKong15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: FJKong
seb128you guys read fast15:41
didrockslarsu: not enough ;)15:41
FJKongdmesg| less15:41
Trevinhodidrocks: has a bot to generate random changleogs :P15:41
FJKongthings about sogou IM :15:42
didrocksTrevinho: damn, need to change my strategy now! :)15:42
FJKongprocessing sogou skin picture with libpng,15:42
FJKongmodify Imageprovider to load image15:42
FJKongmade a demo to display animate picture15:42
FJKongpinyin search15:42
FJKongwirite README and guide to help testing15:42
FJKongtest gui configre tool15:42
willcookeanimated gifs ftw15:42
willcookethanks FJKong15:42
willcooke#topic happyaron15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: happyaron
happyaronnot long this week15:43
happyaron1. Continued testing/improving of (my) zfs package15:43
happyaron2. Mass updates to Chinese translations (still working on those stuff atm)15:43
happyaronjust be time consuming15:43
willcookethanks happyaron15:43
willcooke#topic Laney15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: Laney
Sweet5harkTrevinho, didrocks: http://whatthecommit.com/ and https://github.com/lwe/whatthecommit15:44
Laney• glib2.0 -> unstable, exp, wily, xenial (+ poking tests to get things in)15:44
Laney• (finish?) set(ting?) up appstream server running on (temporary home)15:44
Laney• re-poked at libphonenumber after being asked to by pocock, made another Debian upload, should be syncable now after a fix in telephony-service (submitted)15:44
Laney• gtk+3.0 -> xenial (currently poking tests, should go in today [just did!])15:45
Laney∘ still need to file a couple of bugs15:45
Laney• poke for gnome-desktop3/cheese(?)/e-d-s/other things transition, went in after doko fixed binutils and webkit2gtk built15:45
Laney• poke lots and lots of things for poppler/ffmpeg/ocaml/gsl/soundtouch/x264/x265 transition, still ongoing15:45
Laney• gstreamer 1.6.1 updates15:45
Laney• some UOS things and discussions about desktop iso testing15:45
willcookethanks Laney15:45
willcooke#topic larsu15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: larsu
larsurandom bug and review work this past week, still not on top of everything (sorry)15:46
larsuwent to systemd conf and had some good discussions15:46
larsugot the dbus spec amended while there15:46
larsuand a bug fix for dbus-monitor15:47
larsu(which is broken right now)15:47
larsualso finished up the gsettings-qt stuff15:47
larsuand worked on geonames localization in between15:47
larsuI think that's it. </larsu>15:47
willcookereviewed my awesome mp15:47
willcookethanks larsu15:47
willcooke#topic qengho15:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: qengho
larsuwillcooke: awesome work ;)15:48
larsueasy to review15:48
qengho* Releasing Cr 46.0.2490.71 today. Translations and default-browser bugs worked out.15:48
qengho* Preparing distro bug fix for xdg-utils.15:48
qengho* Not much on cr-ozone-mir this week.15:48
qengho* Exploring apparmor hats for Chromium to punch smallest possible holes for sandbox.15:48
willcookethanks qengho15:48
willcooke#topic seb12815:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: seb128
seb128qengho, speaking about xdg-utils, it needs merging on Debian, if you want maybe to do that ;-)15:48
seb128• keep looking at incoming bugs and errors, triaging and picking some15:48
seb128• updated gedit to 3.18 including CSD, quite some changes, thanks Lars for doing most of the work previous cycle!15:48
seb128• backported rhythmbox fix for sync dialog have a null height15:48
seb128• joined some UOS sessions15:48
seb128• debugged/fixed nautilus trash segfault (was due to glib)15:48
seb128• started nautilus update (3.18) + debian merge, quite some work, still ongoing15:48
qenghoseb128: Will look.15:48
seb128• did a patch pilot shift15:48
seb128• load of desktop updates&merges15:48
seb128• some work on current xenial britney issues/transitions15:48
seb128(also another reminder that help on debian merges would be welcome ;-)15:49
willcookedesktoppers: ^^ please help15:49
seb128thanks :-)15:49
willcookethx seb12815:50
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
Sweet5hark- finished 5.0.3 update for docviewer and related issues15:50
Sweet5hark- CVE-2015-4551 CVE-2015-5212 CVE-2015-5213 CVE-2015-5214 for precise/trusty/vivid (good riddance finally)15:50
Sweet5hark- some UOS stuff15:50
Sweet5hark- upstream code review15:50
Sweet5hark- added some assertions on threading issues upstream, fixed some 10 API entry points without mutex locking issues that might cause spurious crashes15:50
Sweet5hark- peeked a look at 5.1 alpha1/xenial for prereleases ppa (not more yet)15:50
Sweet5hark- some tender review/TDF leadership/event coordination15:50
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:50
willcookegood news on the CVEs15:50
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcooke* Updated Orca to latest stable, 3.18.2 in xenial.15:50
willcooke* Updated at-spi2-core in Debian pkg-a11y git, waiting for upload to Debian so I can merge into Xenail.15:50
willcooke* Started making preparations to upgrade to xenial.15:50
willcooke* Almost got my Orca gsettings backend code working, but Orca is not speaking, and not executing commands. Investigation continues.15:50
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- Phone: Did more testing with level-1 and level-2 printing stacks. For level 1 I got everything working. Level 2 seems to have some problems with filters to be run on ARM.15:51
tkamppeter- cups: Fixed the problem of sub-processes not starting, after investigation of the CUPS source code I have found that the problem is the binary package splitting, as some small helper program was missing in the level-1 printing stack.15:51
tkamppeter- Communication with a printer manufacturer because of IPP-over-USB problems.15:51
tkamppeter- Discussion with Ghostscript upstream about XPS support.15:51
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:51
willcookethanks tkamppeter15:51
willcookegood work on the phone15:51
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: Trevinho
seb128tkamppeter, good work on figuring out the missing helper issue!15:52
Trevinho· Meeting with kylin guys: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu Kylin/Meeting/2015/2015110515:52
Trevinho· Fixed a panel menus flickering issue, caused by a nux change (and a nux workaround inside unity)15:52
Trevinho· Fixed drawing of prelighted state of the indicators15:52
Trevinho· Added upstart support to BAMF15:52
Trevinho· Show warning also when numlock is enabled in lockscreen15:52
Trevinho· Proposed the new overlay scrollbars for the dash so that they're like the gtk ones15:52
Trevinho· Re-enabled the unit tests on arm6415:52
Trevinho· Removed python2.7 dependency on unity packages that are in main (kept for unity-autopilot that is in universe)15:52
Trevinho· Initial review of the Ubuntu Kylin lockscreen shield15:52
Trevinho· Prepared a new landing of the stack15:52
Trevinho· Attended desktop UOS session, joined others, watched someone else15:52
willcookethanks Trevinho15:52
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: robert_ancell
seb128Trevinho, good work :-)15:53
willcooke- Xenial updates15:53
willcooke- XMir packaging15:53
willcooke- GNOME Software work15:53
willcooke- Found a lightdm-webkit-greeter maintainer!15:53
seb128oh, nice for lightdm-webkit-greeter15:53
seb128thanks for helping with updates Rob ;-)15:53
Trevinhoseb128: :-)15:53
willcooke#topic Any other business15:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-11-10 | Current topic: Any other business
willcookeAnyone got any topics?15:53
willcookeNothing from my side at this point15:54
seb128did I mention Debian merges? ;-)15:54
willcookegoing in 10...15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Nov 10 15:55:22 2015 UTC.15:55
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-11-10-15.30.moin.txt15:55
willcookethanks everyone, nice and efficient today15:55
willcookegood turn out too15:55
Sweet5harkthanks guys15:57
willcookeoh, could someone take a look at Byran's email to the desktop list Gnome Calendar?15:59
willcookeas and when15:59
TrevinhoSweet5hark: another good one from your site: «Removed test case since code didn't pass QA » :-D16:03
Sweet5harkTrevinho: lets be honest: we have all seen that one (if only with more decorum)16:03
* Trevinho has a recent branch with that :-D16:04
seb128willcooke, i've that on my todolist, I need to try/play with the tb one16:05
willcookethx seb12816:05
pittinice, gtk+3.0 propagated without a hitch16:31
LaneyI retried a few tests for it16:33
seb128pitti, wait to see the runtime result :p16:35
pittiLaney: oh, did you? bah16:35
* seb128 pinned gtk+3.16 meanwhile16:35
pittiLaney: cloud trouble again, or flaky tests?16:35
Laneypitti: at least https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/i386/s/software-properties/20151110_151705@/log.gz16:35
pittiseb128: trust your work!16:35
pittiLaney: ah sorry, that was my doing16:35
pittithe test was hung, and I killed it as I wanted to roll out a new worker16:36
pittibut I thought I already retried it16:36
seb128pitti, i tried it, the bg flickering is giving me headaches16:36
seb128I hope I'm not the only one to see that and that we manage to get upstream/somebody to look at it16:36
willcookeParents evening at the school, back in 30 mins16:37
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/gtk.ogv16:37
pittithat'll be a really short evening16:37
seb128pitti, the first part of the video is with the new gtk then it's the old one16:37
qenghoWhen I have those, I have to bring the teacher a bottle of scotch and dry her tears for two hours.16:38
pittiseb128: I think the video loses the effect somewhat, but I think I know what you mean16:38
pittiuh, so empathy/telepathy are dead for good? what a pity16:40
pitti(reading willcooke's 16.04 change proposals)16:40
seb128they are unmaintained at least16:40
pittiTBH I've been using pidgin for a while as empathy still doesn't do OTR (encryption)16:41
seb128telepathy is used as a framework on the phone so I think it's still a thing16:41
qenghoexit empathy. enter tor messenger16:41
pittibut yeah, the world moving back from XMPP is really sad16:41
seb128yeah :-/16:42
seb128pitti, Xavier submitted patched for OTR on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16891#c4616:42
ubot5Freedesktop bug 16891 in tp-spec "Telepathy should support OTR encryption" [Critical,New]16:42
seb128but those didn't get merged (yet)16:42
pittiI know, it's already quite old16:43
seb128tjaalton, what do you mean in bug #1514908? what sort of support do you expect from a file-manager?16:45
ubot5bug 1514908 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "add support for non-root X sessions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151490816:45
Laneylarsu: is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=748498 a bug you could add to your list?16:45
ubot5Gnome bug 748498 in .General "Black background appears briefly before window gets drawn" [Minor,New]16:45
Laneysome people are complaining about it ;-)16:46
tjaaltonseb128: oh man :)16:48
seb128tjaalton, you meant lightdm right? ;-)16:48
tjaaltonyes, changed it16:48
tjaaltonhad a nautilus bug page open, clicked report a bug and then changed the package name, but apparently it's too late at that point16:51
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
* willcooke back17:24
seb128wb willcooke17:36
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
larsuLaney: I can have a look, but I sense this is a Company question..17:49
seb128larsu, I think Laney just tried to get the ball rolling on it because I complained about it and the bugzilla seems to sit there ignored17:53
larsuseb128: ok :)17:55
larsumakes sense17:55
seb128larsu, it might be my fault for having a laptop old and slow enough that it's quite visible17:56
seb128larsu, unsure if you saw the video, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/gtk.ogv17:56
larsuseb128: just testing it - I can see it as well (but very briefly)17:58
seb128I wonder if it's another CSD frame extent issue17:58
seb128it's not a theme one at least17:58
larsumaybe a frame clock thing?18:00
larsuthe bug report mentions this not happening on composited wms18:00
larsucould be that unity misses somethign18:00
didrocksgood evening everyone, see you on thursday! (tomorrow is off in France)18:01
larsudidrocks: enjoy!18:01
didrocksthanks larsu!18:01
* larsu wanted to try on gnome shell, but guest session seems to be broken18:03
seb128yeah, indeed, I noticed that as wel18:03
seb128you can switch to another user though18:03
larsucan also relogin myself18:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
willcookedinner.  bbl18:38
jonohey folks19:02
jonomy Unity8 session is still not starting19:02
jonousing the container version on 15.1019:02
jonoany idea how I get it working?19:02
qenghojono: pastebin "dmesg |tail" ?19:03
jonoqengho, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13218010/19:04
jonoI tried this too:19:05
jonojono@forge:~$ sudo unity8-lxc-setup --rebuild-all --redownload19:05
jonousage: unity8-lxc-setup [-h] [--rebuild] [--test SECONDS] [--destroy]19:05
jono                        [--update-lxc]19:05
jonounity8-lxc-setup: error: unrecognized arguments: --rebuild-all --redownload19:05
jonowhich seems odd19:05
jonoit seems odd as dpm got it working in this pastebin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11724558/19:05
davmor2jono: try --rebuild all19:07
jonojono@forge:~$ sudo unity8-lxc-setup --rebuild-all19:07
jonousage: unity8-lxc-setup [-h] [--rebuild] [--test SECONDS] [--destroy]19:07
jono                        [--update-lxc]19:07
jonounity8-lxc-setup: error: unrecognized arguments: --rebuild-all19:07
jonounity8-lxc-setup: error: unrecognized arguments: all19:07
davmor2jono: remove the all all together19:08
jonoso just --rebuild ?19:08
jonoit seems to be working now19:08
davmor2jono: seems to be the thing listed19:08
qenghoThat "usage" line says so.19:08
jonoit is updating it now it seems19:08
jonodownloading a bunch of packages19:09
jonodavmor2, how often is this container updated?19:09
davmor2jono: it might be that you are on a different version than dpm so his might of had rebuild-all whereas your version didn't19:09
jonowith the most recent unity8 trunk?19:09
qengho....or one of you is on some PPA.19:09
davmor2jono: one for someone else I'm afraid I don't use it19:10
jonodavmor2, np19:10
jonohow you doing davmor2?19:15
davmor2jono: Good thanks, busy as hell, How about you, you git......hub person you ;)19:16
jonodavmor2, good pal19:17
jonojust off for a week before I start :-)19:17
davmor2jono: man holidays before you start, weirdo ;)19:18
davmor2jono: looking forward to the excitement of the tech world again?19:18
jonodavmor2, indeed, I am glad to be back in the thick of things :-)19:19
czajkowskijono: you're just happy to not use a mac again :)19:22
jonoczajkowski, yeah - well, I think I will dual boot19:25
jonoI like Ubuntu, but I also need some Mac things - e.g. GitHub Desktop19:26
* czajkowski hugs her X119:26
czajkowskijono: ah fair point I've mostly been able to get away with other tools except goto meeting, doesnt view camera but other than that :D19:26
jonook folks, I get some errors: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13218192/19:30
jonowhen I ran: sudo unity8-lxc-setup --rebuild19:30
jonoczajkowski, you use Ubuntu?19:30
czajkowskijono: yes, asking me to do stuff on a mac took me a lot longer19:32
czajkowskijono: to be fair I'm the only one on my team that refused the mac :) the rest use a mac or windows.19:36
czajkowskifor our .net sdk workings19:36
jonoczajkowski, I think that is pretty normal19:37
willcookeright, g'gnith19:50
zmajhello, anyone here?20:11
zmajI am looking into building a Ubuntu based distro with i3wm, do any of you use i3wm?20:15
zmajI guess I will ask it in #ubuntu instead20:28
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