jonne | hey, i've got weird graphical glitches in QT apps (menu is pretty much unuseable in virtualbox and spotify), anyone else have the same issue? | 06:04 |
jonne | | 06:04 |
jonne | i got i195 integrated graphics, btw | 06:06 |
darkxst | jonne, try a qt/kde channel? we just inherit qt from ubuntu | 06:45 |
jonne | well, i'm assuming this is a gnome-shell bug, but you do have a good point that i should check if it does the same thing in unity | 06:46 |
jonne | i don't think i have it installed, though | 06:46 |
darkxst | jonne, virtualbox is fine here btw | 06:47 |
jonne | what gfx card do you have? | 06:48 |
darkxst | nvidia | 06:48 |
jonne | multi monitor? | 06:48 |
darkxst | yes | 06:48 |
jonne | just trying to find out the differences, thanks | 06:48 |
jonne | i don't have any alternative desktops installed :/ | 06:51 |
jonne | don't want to install one either, as that usually introduces weirdness | 06:51 |
ivan`_ | hi, I'm on GNOME Ubuntu 15.10 having a lot of trouble starting gnome-session on my Haswell/UEFI/nvidia 970 GTX system; I see "gnome-shell[pid]: segfault at 64 ip ... sp ... error 4 in[...]" in dmesg every time. I'm using nvidia-358 from the graphics-drivers PPA | 13:17 |
ivan`_ | some archlinux forum thread suggested updating CPU microcode, but dmesg shows it getting updated and I see the same segfault | 13:17 |
ivan`_ | also tried updating the Asus Z97-A BIOS to the latest 2601 version, but still the same | 13:17 |
ivan`_ | is there another configuration or nvidia driver I should try? | 13:17 |
ivan`_ | I guess this might be fixed in libcogl 1.22? | 13:53 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 747489 in gdk "No access to the Visual used to build the CoglOnscreen" [Major,Resolved: fixed] | 13:53 |
ivan`_ | nope, still crashes with the in libcogl20 1.22.0-1 in 16.04 | 13:55 |
LinDol | hi all | 13:56 |
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alandipert | darkxst, i saw that, but i think it's a different bug... that did happen, but i think during boot after i restarted when the scary bug happened | 16:16 |
alandipert | fortunately i discovered i can get control back by alt-tabbing to another window. after that, mouse control seems to come back | 16:17 |
howudodat_ | hey guys, I am having some problems with suspend to disk on my system. Just curious if I should post in: systemd, gnome, gnome-ubuntu or ubuntu? | 16:43 |
shawn | howudodat_: sounds like #ubuntu is the best fit for that | 16:45 |
howudodat_ | shawn: thanks | 16:45 |
shawn | howudodat_: what's the problem? | 16:46 |
howudodat_ | shawn: system wont go into suspend mode. I can call pm-suspend, or send the dbus message to login1.Manager and it will suspend. but it never "auto suspends" | 16:49 |
howudodat_ | I have auto-suspend set to 10 minutes in power settings | 16:49 |
bcx | i loose mouse cursor when lightdm starts gnome-session, tried org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor, no effect | 20:34 |
=== ivan`_ is now known as ivan` |
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