TJ- | can someone deal with tux38 in #ubuntu again please | 02:48 |
TJ- | !ops | tux38 in #ubuntu trolling | 02:51 |
ubottu | tux38 in #ubuntu trolling: Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently | 02:51 |
ubottu | TJ- called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (tux38 in #ubuntu trolling) | 02:51 |
Unit193 | TJ-: Pici got it. | 02:54 |
TJ- | yeah, saw that | 02:54 |
TJ- | That 'person' seems to have made a habit of that; with tux38 or wicktux over several months. Can't figure out what they get out of it | 02:55 |
k1l | tellyouwhat now insulting me in pm after i muted him and told him in pm that #u is for technical support only. | 11:13 |
k1l | and he clearly doesnt want support using elementary and just ranting about ubuntu | 11:13 |
popey | that was clear | 11:17 |
popey | people jumped on him way too much | 11:17 |
popey | IMHO | 11:17 |
popey | seems people were willing to pounce just because he dared utter "the e word" even if it was just to make a comparison | 11:17 |
popey | (I'm still not convinced he actually wants support as such) | 11:17 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
Pricey | I've been hoping to extend an olive branch as I've seen some of us are not too happy with the current situation. | 15:13 |
Pricey | I've sat on both sides and some of what I've read about has always been the case, always sucked & could always use more effort. | 15:15 |
Unit193 | Either I'm noticing it a lot more, or it's been a lot worse, TBH. :/ | 15:16 |
Pricey | Other things, really not happy to hear about. | 15:16 |
Unit193 | Quite understandably. | 15:18 |
bazhang | I put it down to seasonal/holiday stress | 15:34 |
bazhang | it happens | 15:35 |
bazhang | that, plus the somewhat uneven timezone distribution of who is available | 15:36 |
bazhang | so eight-ten hours of bupkis, then the rest multiple available | 15:37 |
Pricey | Yeah, we've always been weighted towards US/EU but we do have a bunch in that big gap too. Coverage always depends. | 15:39 |
bazhang | as far as sharp tongues go, the olden days of staff had some very shall we say 'direct' staffers | 15:40 |
Pricey | I was quite surprised to see the recent ones! | 15:42 |
bazhang | thats like a summer picnic with mint julep tea compared to times past | 15:45 |
bazhang | one final factor that comes into play, in my own estimation, is the number of staff/ubuntu members is near zero of late | 15:46 |
bazhang | in prior years, corey nalioth, and many other staffers were both, and there was much better communication/coordination on both sides | 15:47 |
Pricey | I love that. | 15:51 |
Pricey | Before I became staff, we complained about our friends becoming staffers and not helping us out as much as they could ;-) | 15:52 |
bazhang | so what I said was off in some way? | 15:52 |
Pricey | No no, just that I'm glad that has completely changed. | 15:53 |
Pricey | There was controversy even when some of us joined staff while on the IRCC iirc. (heh) | 15:54 |
bazhang | thats just my take | 16:43 |
bazhang | take into account or discount as you will | 16:43 |
Pricey | I'm just popping out climbing for a bit, but I'll be around, lets talk. | 16:58 |
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