[08:18] Morning loco! [08:24] morning elacheche [08:24] :p [08:27] :) [11:12] Morning elacheche d4rk-5c0rp SalahMessaoud [11:22] GM channel o/ [11:22] CM! [11:22] GM! === Chikore_ is now known as chikore === chikore is now known as Shuck === Shuck is now known as chikore [19:26] chargui: o/ [19:30] hi elacheche_anis o/ [19:32] no updates on the pad [19:32] why your cloak is different than mine :3 I want ubuntu cloak :v I'm jealous now [19:33] too little updates in the days/hours section [19:39] no updates at all everywhere :p [19:40] chargui: This is why I have an Ubuntu cloak https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership [19:46] ahh yes tfakert li enti uubuntu member :3 [19:56] :) [20:15] chargui: [20:15] I'll prepare my planning proposition by the next Saturday.. Is that OK for you? I think you'll have time to share the pad with others.. [20:18] elacheche_anis, ok i'll share it with the others [20:18] :) [20:19] I'll try to make a good planning based on all what is written in that pad, and based on all our discussion in here :) [20:21] ok thank you anis ^_^ [20:22] :)