
Kiloshelloooo africa07:31
Kilosanother scorcher here today07:31
melodie_hello Kilos elacheche and everyone!17:14
Kiloshi there melodie_17:21
melodie_hi Kilos !17:22
melodie_how are you and how have you been?17:23
melodie_finished with the operations hopefully?17:23
Kiloswell ty and you17:23
Kilosyes op done and busy healing ty17:25
melodie_Kilos fine, and working on a new collaborative website!17:41
melodie_hi Na3iL !17:41
Na3iLHey melodie_ :)17:41
Na3iLhows you17:43
melodie_quite well, thank you!17:47
Na3iLas usual bored x)17:48
melodie_why that?17:59
Na3iLNothing to do18:00
melodie_too bad18:08
melodie_can I give you my todo? Maybe there is something you could offer to help with?18:08
Na3iLsure :) send it here, & I will back, GTG18:14
melodie_come back! :D18:21
melodie_hi elacheche nizarus d4rk-5c0rp Benno-00720:44
d4rk-5c0rpmelodie_, nizarus Benno-007 0/20:45
nizarussalam melodie_20:45
melodie_salam nizarus20:49
elacheche_anishey melodie_ ! wassup!21:00
melodie_hello elacheche_anis !21:09
melodie_a new website!21:09
melodie_here, Bentovillage and subsites! http://bentovillage.me21:09
melodie_and http://bentovillage.me/todo and http://bentovillage.me/documentation and coming soon we can try buddypress as a fourth subsite! :D21:10
elacheche_aniscool congrats melodie_ :D21:10
melodie_thanks :)21:11
elacheche_anisnizarus: Tu aimeras peut être le projet de melodie_ ;) :)21:11
melodie_j'espère attirer beaucoup de nouveaux contributeurs en effet :)21:12
elacheche_anishope so :)21:13
melodie_thank you again21:13
elacheche_anismelodie_: you did't tweet about it?21:14
nizarusune version light de ubuntu :)21:16
melodie_nizarus :)21:16
melodie_la prochaine version sera une 64bits mise à jour directement depuis un serveur de chez gandi.net, et donc disponible plus rapidement que d'habitude21:17
melodie_elacheche_anis je n'ai pas encore fait le tour des réseaux, je viens juste de finir la traduction des posts du sous-site "todo et notes"21:17
melodie_en utilisant l'excellent plugin WPGlobus21:17
melodie_nizarus la version la plus à jour et la meilleure pour l'instant c'est la 32bits (trusty 14.04.3)21:18
elacheche_anisnice melodie_ ! When you tweet something ping me I'll share it ;)21:18
melodie_elacheche_anis alright!21:18
melodie_let me find your twitter account so I link to it!21:19
nizarusencore plus light que lubuntu ?21:19
melodie_nizarus selon un pote qui est en RdC oui21:19
melodie_en tout cas avec Bento pas difficile d'avoir une session totalement Openbox : c'est déjà le cas. :D21:19
melodie_par contre je ne sais toujours pas produire une version avec l'installeur legacy21:20
melodie_contrairement à Lubuntu qui continue de le fournir21:20
melodie_elacheche_anis can you give me the link to your twitter page?21:21
elacheche_anismelodie_: for that you should build your ISO based on an Alternate ISO not a live one21:22
melodie_I think I found it21:22
melodie_elacheche I don't know any alternate basis built on the same method as Ubuntu Mini Remix21:22
elacheche_anishttps://twitter.com/elacheche I use this nickname everywhere d4rk-5c0rp starts hating me for that :D21:23
elacheche_anisAh! I see21:23
melodie_my "meylodie" nick is now following you on twitter21:24
elacheche_anisGreat :D21:25
melodie_I'll also start seriously tweeting from within my real name account21:25
melodie_a bunch of people have started following me there! the professional world loves twitter!21:25
melodie_nizarus si tu veux des infos sur Bento Openbox dans les temps à venir n'hésite pas à passer sur le forum linuxvillage.org21:26
melodie_j'y fais un tour chaque jour, au moins pour voir si des gens ont besoin de quelque chose21:26
elacheche_anismelodie_: yes professionals loves twitter, FOSS lovers loves twitter & diaspora :D21:26
melodie_I had a look at diaspora, but I have enough to do with the several accounts and the rest...21:27
melodie_really! have a look at the todo I wrote! XD21:27
melodie_not to mention real life and happenings to attend to :D21:28
elacheche_anisI know that feeling21:28
melodie_I have to leave and wish you all a good evening, the day has been long.21:28
melodie_it feels exciting and a bit overwhelming sometimes. :)21:29
melodie_see you!21:29
elacheche_anissee you melodie_ :)21:33
melodie_elacheche_anis see you!21:34

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