[02:10] kien de puerto l cru === nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert === nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert === kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|lunch === kickinz1|lunch is now known as kickinz1 === nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert [15:59] o/ [15:59] \o [16:00] o/ [16:00] * slangasek waves [16:00] \o [16:00] should we list tasks since the last meeting or just this week? [16:00] o/ [16:01] I was just listing tasks from this week [16:01] * bdmurray just has all of them [16:02] Mine's like two lines long. :P [16:02] #startmeeting [16:02] Meeting started Thu Nov 12 16:02:06 2015 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:02] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:02] Yay, so mine won't be the shortest one then [16:02] Yay for infinity [16:02] [TOPIC] Lightning round === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round [16:02] $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx) [16:02] infinity doko slangasek bdmurray sil2100 cyphermox barry tdaitx robru pitti caribou [16:03] - been feeling like crap with a headache for a couple of days now [16:03] - shim/grub work for enforcing kernel signatures [16:03] - discussed details for shim's validation with slangasek, pjones [16:03] - teaching ubuntu-drivers, software-properties and ubiquity about mokutil. [16:03] - sponsored network-manager, modemmanager [16:03] - partman-ext3 blocking ubiquity waiting for input bug LP: #1361951 [16:03] Launchpad bug 1361951 in partman-ext3 (Ubuntu) "mke2fs asks for input when formatting over a partition table" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1361951 [16:03] (done) [16:03] Very, very short week (plus sprint): [16:03] - s390x porting and bootstrapping [16:03] - emergency security kernels [16:03] - expedited cloud-init SRUs [16:03] (done) [16:04] - sprint, and going back [16:04] - chasing binutils regressions [16:04] - looking at GCC 5 linaro regressions [16:04] - merges [16:04] (done) [16:05] slangasek: ? [16:05] * short week, national holiday [16:05] * merges, archive work, and +1 maintenance to try to unblock the mass library transition [16:05] * secureboot policy discussions [16:05] * POWER8 hardware shuffling [16:05] bdmurray: [16:05] * zSeries bring-up discussions [16:05] (done) [16:05] :) [16:05] discovered and fixed a bug with apport finding -dbg packages [16:05] researched into how retraces would fail w/ said apport bug [16:05] T, V SRU verification of apport LP: #1512902 [16:05] reported, fixed apport sending corrupt crash files to errors (LP: #1512902) [16:05] Launchpad bug 1512902 in apport (Ubuntu Wily) "apport will create .upload files for incomplete or corrupt crash reports" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512902 [16:05] modified duplicate signature for apport-package bugs to be more informative [16:06] SRU verified distro-info-data for Precise, Trusty and Vivid [16:06] uploaded SRU for and added a test case to whoopsie LP: #1382233 [16:06] confirmed UnreportableReason is being added for Xenial crashes [16:06] reported and researched ubuntu-release-upgrader bug LP: #1511783 [16:06] Launchpad bug 1382233 in whoopsie (Ubuntu Precise) "whoopsie does not upload UnreportableReason field in crash reports" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1382233 [16:06] Launchpad bug 1511783 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "release upgrader can create a too minimal sources.list" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511783 [16:06] uploaded fix for LP: #1511831 to wily [16:06] worked with pitti / ccoulson re not reporting /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-container crashes [16:06] Launchpad bug 1511831 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Wily) "dist upgrade quirk for linux metapackage crashes if package is not in cache" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511831 [16:06] research into quantity of bug reporters using persistence [16:06] ✔ done [16:06] - Really short week: swap day on Monday, sick on Tuesday, national holiday on Wednesday [16:06] infinity: gasp, that was three lines [16:06] - OTA-8 coordination, landing freezes and preparations [16:06] - system-image: [16:06] * Fixed some issues in the image tag branch as per barry's review [16:06] * Prepared quick arch addition for raspi2 and plano [16:06] slangasek: Counting isn't my stong suit. [16:06] * Additional work on the new script framework [16:06] - +1-maintenance: [16:06] * Finished up the bug for ocaml transition finish [16:06] * Look into the remaining failures on the transition list [16:06] (done) [16:06] recoverying from sprintitis [16:07] debian bug #804319; python3-openid 3.0.9-1; pyflakes 1.0.0-4; zope.i18n 4.1.0-1 [16:07] Debian bug 804319 in src:pyflakes "Package split missing proper Breaks/Replaces" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/804319 [16:07] reviewed various sil2100 si server branches [16:07] LP: #1512323; LP: #1386302 [16:07] Launchpad bug 1512323 in Canonical System Image "Cannot flash devices with devel-proposed/ubuntu - hangs on manufacturer's logo during flashing process" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512323 [16:07] Launchpad bug 1386302 in Ubuntu system image "Provide ability to specify a target system image revision" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386302 [16:07] --done-- [16:07] Short week: resting on Monday [16:07] Current/Past [16:07] - Sprint! Yay! [16:07] - Creating packages for TCK data and service setup; will complement with charms for runtime setup [16:07] - Testing LP: #1512760 fix [16:07] - Discussion and research into apache-commons/xalan/openjdk de-serialization vulnerabilities [16:07] Launchpad bug 1512760 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "Java applications leaks shmem chunks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512760 [16:07] - Trying to reproduce LP: #1497816 (might need unity, no problem in i3) [16:07] Next steps [16:07] Launchpad bug 1497816 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "No support for HDPI/retina displays in Java 7/8" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1497816 [16:07] - continue working on TCK packaging and charms [16:07] - figure out the right firewall settings for the porterbox charm [16:07] - work on joda-time and freeipmi merges, then move to squid3 [16:07] - verify OpenJDK 6 TLS patch (LP: #1482924) [16:07] Waiting/On hold [16:07] Launchpad bug 1482924 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "Regressions due to USN-2696-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482924 [16:07] - waiting OCA to submit webrevs for 7093640 backport (set TLS 1.1 as default for JDK 6 and TLS 1.2 as default for JDK 7); not blocking anything for now, just waiting [16:07] Extra [16:07] - moving to new SSD, EFI snafu required some hustling but it is working somehow; setting up stuff to look good... err... not tiny on wqhd display [16:07] (done) [16:08] oh, you said the three letter word [16:08] * pitti prods robru [16:09] * pitti declares timeout and jumps the queue [16:09] autopkgtest: [16:09] - rework to only install selected packages from -proposed, and fix some fallout (#1503150) [16:09] - detect apt-get DNS/download errors and retry/tmpfail on those instead of failing the test [16:09] - robustify handling of tmpfails in the workers [16:09] - update documentation on the wiki [16:09] - in progress: create script to run britney locally, for robru's bileto integration [16:09] misc: [16:09] - lots of -proposed cleanup and maintenance, catching up after sprint [16:09] - write https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/TestClassesSpec for introducing testing on real hw and improving kernel testing [16:09] - learn about lxd, some experiments how we could set up armhf testing in scalingstack [16:09] - some systemd debugging and fixing [16:09] [imagine fancy "done" UTF-8 char here] [16:10] robru: want to recover your spot ? [16:10] cyphermox, wait, was that me? what 3 letter word? [16:10] caribou: go ahead [16:10] tdaitx: EFI. [16:10] caribou: "EFI" :) [16:11] lol [16:11] er tdaitx, yes [16:11] Short week due to time off & civil holiday [16:11] Bugfix : [16:11] - Precise SAN/LVM boot hang Testing Trusty's backport to Precise [16:11] Xenial upgrade : [16:11] - Issue caused by missing kernel-image-extra- package Missing package is being uploaded [16:11] (done) [16:11] o/ I'll even give an update today. [16:11] Waiting for upload approval, and then SRU approval for trusty coreutils for (LP: 1432871) [16:11] Launchpad bug 1432871 in coreutils (Ubuntu Trusty) "`df` shows bind mounts instead of real mounts." [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1432871 [16:11] nfsutils is in proposed and has been verified. (LP: 1509120) [16:11] Launchpad bug 1509120 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu Trusty) "Process accounting deadlock with idmapd callout when writing to NFSv4 mount" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509120 [16:11] Working a separate major backport for findutils (LP: 1347788) [16:11] Launchpad bug 1347788 in findutils (Ubuntu) "find crashed when current working directory is not readable and -exec or -execdir used" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1347788 [16:11] Doing some snappy education. [16:12] Looking forward to being voted on for Contributing Dev. [16:12] --done-- [16:12] robru: around? [16:13] chiluk: my rubber stamp is ready. [16:13] [TOPIC] AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB [16:14] cyphermox: Man, you should at least hear him out before you break out the "no" stamp. [16:14] ok then, anything else today? [16:14] thank you cyphermox but I prefer gold stars [16:14] chiluk: robot pieces? [16:14] slangasek: Next sprint! [16:14] slangasek: no AOB from me [16:14] Plan early, plan often. [16:14] infinity: a bit of planning has begun [16:15] slangasek: With Leann & Co, or solo? [16:15] isn't the next sprint in YUL? [16:15] infinity: & Co [16:15] slangasek: Shiny. [16:15] slangasek, in case we are having it around here, let me know if I can help somehow [16:15] dates asap of course :) [16:15] tdaitx: If "around here" is London, I suspect you might get your wish. [16:16] tdaitx: as much as I'd like to, I think I might have a mutiny on my hands if we actually did it there :) [16:16] but if you have a venue in mind... [16:16] mutiny? from this crew? [16:16] slangasek: i hear hawaii has wifi [16:17] slangasek: we did have UBZ there (ubuntu below zero), not much mutiny then [16:17] barry: I don't understand [16:17] pitti: different there. [16:17] barry: who needs wifi when he's got Hawaii? [16:17] pitti: that was when everyone was young and the airlines hadn't found ways to claw back 3cm of legroom from all passengers [16:17] pitti: tdaitx is in Brazil, not Montreal. :P [16:17] ah yes, was talking about Brazil also :) [16:17] (so, more like UDU) [16:17] oh, sorry, I saw YUL, but that was cyphermox [16:18] alrighty [16:18] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [16:18] Meeting ended Thu Nov 12 16:18:10 2015 UTC. [16:18] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-11-12-16.02.moin.txt [16:18] thanks! [16:18] thanks! [16:18] thanks! [16:18] thanks [16:18] Thanks! [16:18] UDU was good, but I only flew 45m to get there, so my opinion might be skewed. [16:18] thank you all! [16:18] cheers [16:18] UDU! :) [16:18] thanks ;* === sarnold_ is now known as sarnold === med_ is now known as openstackgerrit_ === openstackgerrit_ is now known as med_