
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (ultravi0lence)03:42
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (ultravi0lence please kick this fool)03:42
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:44
ubottuTJ- called the ops in #ubuntu (spam dooriit)07:21
ubottuIn #ubuntu, dooriit said: !ops TJ- is a child molester online!!!07:22
ubottudooriit called the ops in #ubuntu (TJ- is a child molester online!!!)07:22
ubottudooriit called the ops in #ubuntu (TJ- is sexually molesting me in PM)07:22
TJ-can we have attention in #ubuntu please!07:23
TJ-!ops #ubuntu major spam dooriit07:24
ubottuTJ-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:24
* Ben64 puts on his poking gloves and pokes bazhang chu DalekSec DJones hggdh IdleOne- ikonia jrib Mamarok mneptok phunyguy popey sekrit tomaw and yofel 07:27
TJ-I tried that, they're comotose!07:28
phunyguybazhang chu DalekSec DJones hggdh IdleOne- ikonia jrib Mamarok mneptok phunyguy popey sekrit tomaw and yofel, your paychecks will all be docked for sleeping on the job.08:30
IdleOne-phunyguy: You still owe me back pay for the past 4 years08:43
phunyguyomg he speaks!08:47
IdleOne-I does08:47
IdleOne-But we should go play in -offtopic08:47
IdleOne-wouldn't want to disturb the sleeping ops08:48
* Mamarok is not comatose, just not up that early on a Sunday10:50
bazhang<pukapy> is there a way to see live what's going on on a space ship?12:35
bazhanglooks similar to pukaaa12:35
TJ-bazhang: same ISP; same /1612:41
bazhangcheers TJ-12:41
TJ-sorry, /20 (same allocation range)12:43
bazhangblessed is gatis13:16
DalekSecphunyguy: But I don't have the access!13:57
hggdhphunyguy: docked? So I do have a paycheck?16:36
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
bazhang<boofsterb> you havent rebooted?21:47
bazhangI wonder if that level of 'support' is intentional or not21:48

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