lamont | arges: around? can I poke you to process bcache-tools/precise-proopsed out of NEW? | 14:44 |
lamont | that way, I can test it and confirm it. | 14:44 |
arges | lamont: yes | 14:48 |
arges | lamont: looking | 14:48 |
lamont | ta | 14:49 |
lamont | arges: and then there's bug 1515661 | 14:49 |
arges | lamont: so this works with precise/3.2 or do you need to use the lts-trusty kernel | 14:51 |
arges | bcache that is | 14:51 |
lamont | bcache needs the kernel module that hasn't been backported to the precise kernel | 14:53 |
lamont | which is acceptable, in that we can document taht you have to use hwe-t kernel | 14:54 |
lamont | tbf, I haven't actually checked the stock precise kernel. let me do that for giggles, but I'm 99% certain that it'll tell me to jump in a lake | 14:55 |
arges | lamont: so just to be clear, hwe-t works? or you have to use an out of tree module build? | 14:55 |
lamont | hwe-t is demonstrated to work | 14:56 |
arges | lamont: ok ok | 14:56 |
lamont | though it did require me to use 1515661's kernel/initrd | 14:56 |
lamont | which actually means that really testing stock precise with any hope of success needs 1515661 to land along with bcache-tools, and a new daily image... | 14:57 |
arges | lamont: so ideally for cloud-initramfs-tools we need bug 1236380 to be verified as well and it should cook in -proposed for 7 days | 14:58 |
* lamont pokes smoser about that | 15:00 | |
arges | infinity: ^^^ since you did the acceptance, is this one of those high prio things we should push out sooner than later? cloud-initramfs-tools in precise | 15:00 |
lamont | arges: it's a blocker for maas1.9, which will rc2 this week, if I'm understanding things correctly | 15:00 |
arges | lamont: ok good to know | 15:01 |
arges | i think at a minimum getting bug 1236380 verified should be done | 15:02 |
lamont | arges: so... 1236380 is actually "not fixed, but not regressing anything" -- I'll be updating it shortly with what I think is an actual diff | 15:06 |
arges | lamont: ok appreciate it | 15:06 |
lamont | but I don't know that we need to reject the promotion on that account | 15:06 |
lamont | arges: and I've been schooled. | 15:07 |
* lamont doesn't actuallyhave anything to test that with, so it's semi problematic | 15:08 | |
lamont | and I misread the code. | 15:08 |
lamont | arges: trying to make a machine that loves it enoug to exercise that code. as a side note, regression is highly unlikey, in that every trusty cloud boot since early 2014 has been exercising this very code. | 15:13 |
arges | lamont: ack. also not sure if some maas people could also verify too. i'd think some arm hardware might run into this issue more frequently? | 15:14 |
arges | but then again probably not running precise | 15:14 |
lamont | arges: tbf, I am one of the maas people. | 15:14 |
lamont | but yeah, seeing what I can see | 15:15 |
arges | lamont: ah. : ) | 15:15 |
infinity | arges: I don't mind it being fasttracked, if they prove they've tested the three bits that changed. | 15:43 |
arges | infinity: ack | 15:44 |
* lamont finds a laptop that netboots | 15:48 | |
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lamont | arges: and yeah, stupid sd cards shows up as sdb on the both of hte machines I can test with, so no go for my testing. | 17:07 |
arges | lamont: ok | 17:08 |
lamont | otoh, I'm willing to believe that it's at least no worse than the prior code wrt 1236380 | 17:08 |
arges | lamont: ok made a note in the bug to please re-open if verification fails. thanks for attempting to verify this one | 17:13 |
lamont | ta | 17:17 |
arges | lamont: bcache-tools accepted, so once that hits the archive you can verify. | 17:19 |
lamont | arges: woot | 17:22 |
* lamont looks forward to dropping his ppa and associated hackery from his last test | 17:22 | |
lamont | arges: will test in several minutes, since I see it released | 17:24 |
* stgraber pokes queuebot, there should be two more of those :) | 18:44 | |
lamont | can I sweet talk someone into letting django-piston3 out of NEW? (xenial) | 18:49 |
stgraber | Laney, micahg: updated lxc backport in trusty-backports queue (two cherry-picks from upstream) | 18:58 |
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micahg | stgraber: looking | 19:37 |
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