[01:40] oh QNAM, silly QNAM [02:56] Anyone know if OTA8 will be released today? [03:01] November 18, 2015 is all i know [03:02] Yeah that's what I saw, dunno if it got the final yes/no. It will be later today when they wake up if so I guess [03:02] http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/ubuntu-touch-ota-8-is-planned-for-release-on-november-18-2015-494501.shtml [03:02] Got my Nexus 4, bluetooth mouse and external monitor ready...... [04:22] hello, does anyone know if wifi tether is planned for mako? I can't find anything in bug tracker here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools [04:35] I think tethering was added a while ago but I've never tried it [04:35] http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-for-Phones-Now-Supports-USB-Tethering-454650.shtml [04:48] RMJ: it was added in general, but apparently not on mako [04:48] oh ok, sry [04:49] someone told me it's blacklisted on mako because it wasn't working [05:32] wifi not detecting in ubuntu 14.04 [05:32] realtek rtl8723be adapter... [05:32] any help? === mwenning is now known as mwenning-afk [06:47] installing yet another Ubuntu update on Meizu (: [06:48] Ooo ota 8?? [07:32] good morning [07:54] morning Daniel, some are already waiting for OTA-8 :-D [07:58] OerHeks, I am ;) [08:04] when will it be released? (or is it already?) [08:09] Hey all! Something is weird with the latest rc (not rc-proposed) channel. The image doesn't contain the latest translations, for example Unity8 uses translations which were translated before OTA-7... [08:10] robin-hero, do you have an example? [08:10] and what's the difference rc/rc-proposed? [08:11] seb128: Yes, In the power menu (restart, power off) the Power label translated to "Főkapcsoló" before OTA-7, and it is "Menü" since OTA-7. But now it is again "Főkapcsoló" [08:12] seb128: rc-propsed is for development, rc is for OTA-testing [08:12] robin-hero, what locale? [08:12] Oh, sorry, It's Hungarian [08:17] indeed [08:17] pitti might know [08:17] pitti, how are current touch overlay langpack generated? [08:17] https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+sourcepub/5691260/+listing-archive-extra has [08:17] msgctxt "Title: Power off/Restart dialog" [08:17] msgid "Power" [08:17] -msgstr "Menü" [08:17] +msgstr "FÅ‘kapcsoló" [08:17] but [08:18] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/unity8/+pots/unity8/hu/32/+translate [08:18] -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-11-04 10:31+0000\n" [08:19] +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-06-15 13:46+0000\n" [08:19] it's like it's using an old export? [08:19] same for french [08:19] robin-hero, can you open a bug about that on https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+filebug ? [08:21] seb128: we use the exports on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+language-packs and overlay that on current vivid export; with a weekly cronjob; not much magic beyond that [08:22] pitti, any clue why the unity8 template has that export date 2015-11-04 -> 2015-06-15 in the most recent update? [08:22] that doesn't make any sense to me [08:22] (give me a minute) [08:22] sure [08:23] -de has the same [08:23] -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-11-04 10:31+0000\n" [08:23] -"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17838)\n" [08:23] +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-06-15 13:46+0000\n" [08:23] +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17557)\n" [08:36] pitti: Any info? Am I need to fill a bug? [08:36] sorry, haven't looked yet, will soon [08:36] it would be useful to check the latest exports on //translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+language-packs if they have the correct strings [08:36] Anyone any idea when/if OTA 8 is released? [08:41] seb128: oh, you already checked translations.l.n then? if it's wrong there, it'll be wrong in the export too [08:41] pitti: I've just checked the latest export, and it has the correct translations.... weird [08:41] RMJ: in the next 1-3 days [08:42] what is rosetta-15.04/de/LC_MESSAGES/unity89280.po ? [08:42] that looks like an utterly broken name for unity8? [08:43] robin-hero: I doubt it -- rosetta-15.04/hu/LC_MESSAGES/unity89280.po has [08:43] msgid "Power" [08:43] msgstr "Menü" [08:43] which looks broken [08:43] that's "menu" in German, almost certainly not Hungarian [08:44] so the names, dates, translations, and po files are garbled apparently [08:44] domains, I mean ("unity89280") [08:44] Thx, HDMI, bluetooth mouse at the ready :) [08:45] robin-hero: is "https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/unity8/+pots/unity8/hu/32/+translate" *really* correct, can you check pleae? [08:46] pitti: Yes, Menü is correct, because we don't have a word for "Power" in this situation [08:52] seb128: so I guesss the problem is that the current export doesn't have unity8.po any more, but unity89280.po? [08:56] pitti, yeah, that seems likely [08:56] but why the weird domain? [08:57] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/unity8/+pots/unity8/+admin [08:57] hum [08:57] somebody changed that? [08:57] I guess we don't have a record/log of those changes? [08:58] maybe wgrant can see it in the DB [08:59] let's ask on #launchpad? [09:00] asked [09:00] robin-hero, did you file a bug? [09:01] seb128: not yet [09:05] pitti, waiting for a reply, but I guess we just need to fix the domain and wait for another export [09:05] pitti, thanks for helping to debug [09:06] *nod*; so the remaining mystery is how the name got broken [09:08] seb128: I changed it back to "unity8" on /+admin, thanks for pointing out that page [09:09] pitti, k, I was waiting on #launchpad pong to do that, but I guess the state didn't matter much, they either have a record of changes or not [09:10] dpm, ^ do you know if somebody changed the unity8 domain and why? [09:10] seb128: right, I was doing it now as today we'll get another export, and I don't want that broken too [09:10] (I think it should start soonish) [09:10] right [09:10] how come that we got a unity8.po btw? [09:10] actually, I think it was already too late [09:11] I would have expected that a domain change would have resulted in unity8.po to be dropped [09:11] and a new unity8....pot to be added === zz_Foxmaster is now known as Foxmaster [09:33] seb128, are you guys in desktop seeing more chromium-browser crashes after 15.10? [09:33] jgdx, not that I know, willcooke mentioned some though [09:33] do you? [09:34] I'm also using firefox [09:34] so I can't really speak from experience there [09:34] I expect this related to the overlay-scrollbar issue from yesterday [09:34] I doubt it [09:35] that's 15.10 [09:35] and the o-s would prevent it to start at all [09:35] which is different from more crashes [09:35] oh, sorry missed that [09:36] I'm running the staging version of Cr. Had a few niggles, but not crashes [09:38] okay, thanks seb128, willcooke. [09:39] A friend is seeing crashes, but he's running mate, so could be related. I'll ask him to file a bug. [09:40] jgdx, yeah, it's best [09:40] difficult to say without detials [09:40] but not a known issue as far as I can tell [09:41] seb128, cool. Yeah, I don't see any crashes either. [09:42] mardy, if you wouldn't mind: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/robustify-event-propagation-in-case-of-multiple-providers-running/+merge/277789 [09:42] looking [09:44] tvoss: is the change in debian/source/format intentional? (I have separate MP for that) [09:45] mardy, nope, let me revert htat :) [09:57] anyone received OTA8 yet? [09:57] not yet, well I haven't checked for at least 5min.... ;) [09:58] RMJ: ok tnx mate [09:58] seb128, no, sorry, I didn't change it and I don't know of anyone that whould have changed it. Unfortunately, this is not a change we can track :/ [10:00] mardy, fixed [10:04] Good morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy Education Support Professionals Day! 😃 [10:10] hi [10:10] is there someone to help me? [10:12] garro: just say what's the problem, and if someone can help you he/she will. [10:13] tvoss: approved, but with a big reserve :-) [10:14] mardy, noted [10:14] mardy note that this applies to out of process-providers, too === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [10:15] tvoss: yes, but then why do we need threads? [10:15] mardy, not sure what you mean [10:16] tvoss: well, this MP uses threading, which I suppose would not be useful when dealing with OOP providers [10:17] Ok. I was flashing Ubuntu-touch on my nexus 4 when a message appeared saying that a problem occurred and the phone should be restored by a PC or a center. Now I reboted and I'm trying again... [10:18] mardy, hmmm, so I don't think those two domains are connected in my mind :) also: the mp actually removes a lot of the threading [10:18] mardy, the only threaded thing is an executor pool that gets consolidated [10:18] * mardy looks twice [10:19] garro: try rebooting to recovery and run ubuntu-device-flash again [10:20] tvoss: right, I didn't pay too much attention to the removed code [10:23] barry: What's going on with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/1463136 [10:23] Ubuntu bug 1463136 in Ubuntu system image "Update archive-master.tar.xz file location to match si client 3.0" [High,In progress] [10:24] now it says: "Root access possibly lost. Fix?" [10:25] garro: says no. It's left-over things from Android and I don't know how it'll effects Ubuntu touch. === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr [10:26] ok [10:26] now it's booting in ubuntu [10:29] is it normal that the current version is still 15.04 and not 15.10? [10:30] garro: That's correct. Ubuntu touch stable channel is currently based on 15.04 [10:30] ok [10:30] thanks for al [10:30] *all === tvoss is now known as tvoss|lunch === zyga_ is now known as zyga [11:52] hey everyone. Moved my Bq 4.5 to write mode (yes I know the risks, nuclear meltdown, etc ;)), and I gathered from the docs that OTA does not work after that. But I get OTA's (rc-proposed) still for Ubuntu system part. Applied one and so far it didn't overwrite any manually installed packages. Is it risky to apply OTA's in write mode? [11:52] and will I always get the same stuff with apt-getting? === _salem is now known as salem_ === dandrader is now known as dandrader|bbl === tvoss|lunch is now known as tvoss [12:26] seb128, ping === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [13:05] seb128, ping [13:06] seb128, if you find a minute: mind giving https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/657 a spin? fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/trust-store/+bug/1504022 [13:06] Ubuntu bug 1504022 in trust-store "Displays the hook name rather than the .desktop Name" [High,In progress] [13:09] tvoss, hey, sure I can have a look [13:10] seb128, thx [13:11] faenil, ping [13:22] hi, i have a nexus4 at rc-proposed r293. Is it normal, that i don't have hotspot functionality? It Diappeared a while ago :( [13:40] jgdx: pong, in a meeting, leave msg I'll get back to you asap === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [13:40] Crrs, yeah, it doesn't work like it should. See bug 1434591 [13:40] bug 1434591 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[mako] Cannot connect to a secure, shared "ap" hotspot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434591 [13:40] faenil, I need some time to help debug a ListItemLayout height issue when using a loader to load it. Thanks! [13:41] Crrs, hotspot support has been removed from flo and mako 2 months ago, cf bug 1487157 for reference [13:41] bug 1487157 in Canonical System Image "mako and flo should have hotspot disabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1487157 [13:42] Ah, ok. I was wondering because all of a sudden it is no longer offered in system settings. Thanks for your help :) [13:42] Crrs, you can get it back using a simple command on the phone, if you're interested. [13:44] that enables you to create an insecure hotspot, which is less likely to cause the wpa_supp bug. [13:44] Hello, I have added a new disk in ceph but the remmaping process stuck on the last 3.518% It says on this for the last 7 hours ...... Here is a pastebin with most of the debugging data I can think of .....http://pastebin.com/6GJj5gGd [13:45] ops wrong channel [13:48] jgdx, thanks. I dont need hotspot right now, i can wait. I thougt the missing hotspot is a bug, i didnt know that it was removed on purpose. === VargaD| is now known as VargaD [14:03] faenil, unping [14:04] jgdx: fixed it? :) [14:07] tvoss: I see that there's a geoclue provider; are we using it on the phone? [14:07] mardy, nope, and it's actually pointless by now :) we can safely remove it [14:10] tvoss: I was thinking that it would be nice to have a geoIP-based provider, do you think I could spend some time on it? [14:10] faenil, yeah, I think so. There was an assumption that the loaded listitem would have a size even though it was set to visible: false. [14:11] mardy, sure, I would rather like to have it local, though. We can discuss a little later, on a hangout right now [14:11] faenil, (listitem was using listitemlayout) [14:12] tvoss: OK [14:16] jgdx: do you have that code online? I'd like to doublecheck I'm doing the right [14:16] thing [14:17] faenil, let me try to repro with a mcve [14:17] jgdx: thanks [14:20] slangasek, your fix for bug 1512323 is in the latest devel-proposed images, but mine still doesn't boot. Is that expected because some of the other alignment issues from that bug are still in the source? [14:20] bug 1512323 in android (Ubuntu) "devices on devel-proposed/ubuntu do not boot with systemd 227-2ubuntu1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512323 [14:22] mterry, this bug is fixed, now you must blame lxc [14:22] mterry, the android container doesn't start [14:23] jibel, ah. Didn't know there was another culprit :-P [14:23] mterry, bug 1516971 [14:23] bug 1516971 in lxc (Ubuntu Xenial) "devel-proposed mako 350 - android lxc container fails to start" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1516971 [14:25] jibel, thanks [14:26] tvoss, tested 047, I get correct app names translated (e.g "appareil photo" for the camera), good work! [14:26] seb128, ack andthx [14:29] tvoss, btw while you are at doing tweaks to the dialog https://bugs.launchpad.net/trust-store/+bug/1382610 would be trivial to fix, I can do a mp if you like [14:29] Ubuntu bug 1382610 in trust-store "Buttons order is wrong" [Undecided,New] [14:33] Mirv, if I add logging statements to the networkmanager bearer plugin, where would I find the actual log output on the device ( ie. the logging output from unity8 )? [14:37] faenil, not very minimal http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13330521/ [14:38] awe: I don't know really, tsdgeos probably knows. if you mean Qt's own output, unity8's would be in .cache/upstart [14:38] yes [14:38] that's what I meant [14:38] faenil, thing is, I'm not sure why the visible: height > 0 is there. Once that's gone, it works as expected. [14:39] Mirv, perfect, just what I was looking for, and I can see my debug output now. Just need to figure out why the code's not doing the right thing [14:39] ;D [14:41] jgdx: let me try [14:42] faenil, the parent checks doesn't matter here, it's just silencing warnings you get from changing the model like that [14:43] jgdx: so, what is the problem in the code you pasted? [14:43] what is the expected and actual behaviour? [14:43] faenil, when you add items, they are overlapping [14:43] faenil, expected them to not overlap [14:44] jgdx: ok, right. I'm having a look [14:48] barry: How is this bug going on? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/1463136 [14:48] Ubuntu bug 1463136 in Ubuntu system image "Update archive-master.tar.xz file location to match si client 3.0" [High,In progress] [14:48] seb128, hey, what do you think of https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/lp1517488/+merge/277833 ? [14:49] peat-psuwit: stalled unfortunately. :( [14:49] jgdx, that a binary name is not a path ;-) [14:49] seb128, ah, right :p [14:50] :-) [14:50] unsure why we had the full path, but I'm fine changing it if it works [14:50] what are others doing? [14:52] barry: Is there anything I can do? I just want to host my own system-image server. [14:52] seb128, in clock app, there's self.binary = 'ubuntu-clock-app' [14:52] peat-psuwit: for now, just keep reminding me ;) [14:52] i'll try to get back to it soon-ish [14:52] seb128, seems reasonable? [14:52] barry: OK. [14:53] jgdx, yes, please just rename the variable [14:53] yup [14:54] seb128, filemanager too uses that pattern—self.binary = 'filemanager' === dandrader|bbl is now known as dandrader [14:55] k, that seems to make sense [14:55] Does anyone know how to manage manual-type channel in system-image server? [15:11] no ota8 on BQ yet here :p [15:40] jgdx: still trying to understand what happens...ListItem and ListItemLayout are resized correctly, but Loader doesn't follow them as it should... [15:40] faenil, … until you remove the visible: height > 0 [15:41] jgdx: yes because in that case there's no additional resizing [15:41] jgdx: what happens is that ListItemLayout skips the layout process when the item is not visible (as it wouldn't make sense, right?) [15:41] yup [15:42] jgdx: after it becomes visible (because the Item becomes visible) it updates its height, ListItem follows, but Loader doesn't [15:42] faenil, right, but it does send events, and a Connection { target: loader.item; onHeightChanged … fires [15:43] yes, loader.item resizes correctly, it's Loader itself which doesn't follow [15:44] faenil, per the doc, that's supposed to happen automagically [15:44] jgdx: but then if I trigger height+=1, then Loader picks it up, and it updates correctly [15:44] jgdx: ListItemLayout resizes correctly, ListItem follows correctly, it is Loader that doesn't resize [15:45] jgdx: as if the item resizes before Loader connects to item.heightChanged [15:45] I'm towards thinking it's a Loader bug at the moment, but I'm still investigating as I'm not convinced [15:46] dobey, hey, how far did you get with packaging the latest testtools? i seem to recall you were doing something with that before? [15:47] faenil, note that this bug was not present when using ListItem.Standard. Would that be because rendering is slower in ListItem.Standard, allowing the connection from loader to loader.item.heightChanged to be made first? [15:47] jgdx: no, probably just because the old listitems had fixed height [15:47] oh, that's right [15:48] jgdx: plus if I add height: "item ? item.height : 0" I get a binding loop [15:48] and that doesn't make sense [15:48] because ListItem's height doesn't depend on Loader's height [15:49] (unless there's something Repeater or Column do that I'm not aware of) [15:49] (that expression is for Loader's height ) [15:50] brendand: i got it packaged in a PPA, but i think there's newer stuff now [15:51] brendand: veebers e-mailed me about it as well, and i replied to him [15:52] dobey, ok - he said he was going to but wasn't sure if he did. thanks [15:52] faenil, yeah, I saw those binding loops as well. Sadly I know too little of any of those component's internals. === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ [15:53] brendand: wily/xenial has newer stuff, but still not new enough, fwiw [15:54] dobey, can you point me to the ppa? [15:54] jgdx: that's what happens http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13331179/ [15:54] the latest testtools uses some stuff that's only in 3.5, and so requires some backports for older versions, which some people didn't want to have packaged in ubuntu, and i just gave up because i didn't want to argue about it [15:54] brendand: ppa:dobey/testtools [16:05] Does anyone know how to manage manual-type channel in system-image server? [16:11] jgdx: just fyi, no problem is asyncronous in the Loader is false [16:12] no problem if * [16:15] jgdx: use "visible: status == Loader.Ready" [16:18] since you're loading items asyncronously.. [16:29] jgdx: I'll take silence as an "ok" :D === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [18:01] jgdx: I managed to reproduce the bug without ListItem/ListItemLayout [18:01] jgdx: just Rectangles ;) [18:02] at this point I'm quite sure this just has to do with the way Loader works, not a bug in uitk [18:05] jgdx: as the Loader documentation says, one should either set the size in the loaded item, and Loader will copy that, *or* set the size of the Loader, not both [18:06] one possible solution is to remove the anchors in the Loader and "onLoaded: item.width = Qt.binding(function() { return parent.width })" [18:06] so that the item has both the correct width and height, and Loader just takes mirrors that [18:06] * faenil -> eod [18:07] jgdx: if you need more help just ping me :) [18:09] that's why Loader was complaining for binding loop when doing "width: item ? item.width : 0", because Loader was already trying to resize to do "item.width = loader.width" (that's pseudocode) because the loader had left and right anchors set, so Loader assumed it was its task to resize the loaded item (as the documentation says) [18:09] s/width/heigth in the previous sentence [18:09] * faenil -> really eod === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [18:12] can i install ubuntu or ubuntu touch on my nexus 7 2012 [18:12] ? [18:14] dragis, no, " the Nexus 10 and the 2012 version of the Nexus 7 have been dropped from Ubuntu Touch support by Canonical." [18:15] nexus 7 2013 is supported > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [18:16] ok thanks :) [18:23] OerHeks: the nexus 10 is still on the devices list there as supported. i think you meant the galaxy nexus in wherever you got that quote from? :) [18:25] dobey, i got that quote from http://www.androidcentral.com/ubuntu-touch-support-dropped-galaxy-nexus-nexus-7-2012-nexus-10 [18:26] my bad, should stick to the latest info :-( [18:33] dobey: it might need updating then we don't test manta any more [18:34] davmor2: test in what sense? how often are flo, mako, or emulators tested? [18:34] dobey: every ota release [18:35] hmm, i need to set up an s-i server i think [19:55] Is OTA-8 out yet? [19:56] OerHeks: no probably Tomorrow [19:56] oke thanks. [20:15] any idea anyone whether updating rc-proposed OTA images can overwrite things in a write mode enabled device? like extra packages installed via apt-get === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [20:17] jaywink: it will likely break things [20:23] davmor2, ok thanks, I'll refrain from applying them then, thanks [20:25] jaywink: you should use a chroto instead [20:25] jaywink: https://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/623311#623311 [20:26] soooooo cold brrr [20:31] dobey, hmmm... why? the ubuntu developers page itself specifies for enabling write mode to do "phablet-config writable-image" (https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/). That works fine for me, apt-get and all works sweet. I don't want to do hacks to maintain OTA :) [20:33] jaywink: because a) that breaks updates and b) / is not the full available space on the phone's flash. also, a chroot is not a hack. it is the correct way to be installing additional command line tools or running an ftp server on your phone [20:36] dobey, how does it break updates? does apt-get dist-upgrade not bring (at least) the changes that OTA "Ubuntu" would? As an ubuntu desktop + server user, to me that is a hack if I don't have to do that on my desktop/server to manage my system [20:36] the writable-image stuff is for making developing and testing the image itself easier, not something people should use on actual phones [20:36] dobey, great, I love developing and testing :) [20:37] jaywink: you don't get updates at all. apt-get dist-upgrade will break because there isn't enough space on / to continue doing it, and the way the filesystem is set up, cross-device links break things [20:37] apt-get upgrade is not at all supported, even with writable-image, on the phone [20:37] apt should only be used to install single packages from eg, a silo, to test things [20:38] ah, that is a shame :( [20:38] and indeed, apt-get does not pull in all the updates that might be in an OTA image update [20:38] it's not a shame, it's a fact [20:38] will the same be applied to desktops in the future, I mean, otherwise it's not really convergence? [20:39] Ubuntu Personal will be system-image based, yes [20:39] but the traditional ubuntu won't be going away [20:40] well, i don't know how exactly system-image and snappy will fit together, but Ubuntu Personal is the future [20:41] convergence doesn't mean enabling apt on phones, despite what many old hat thinkers might want :) [20:42] dobey, well, for the old hats it does :P [20:43] but yeah, you can't please everybody, I realize that. For me, a completely hackable device is what I want. [20:43] well, then they can break their phones and have it open to huge gaping security holes and whatnot if they want [20:44] most people who have cell phones want phones, not VAX terminals ;) [20:44] yep :) freedom to do what one wants [20:44] but still [20:45] sure. but pleasing most people shouldn't mean stopping the minority ;) but as said, I realize the technical decision made [20:45] if you want to make the best use of your ubuntu phone by installing random things via apt, the best way to do that, is in a chroot [20:45] nothing is stopping you [20:45] like i said, it breaks updates [20:45] thanks for your time [20:46] you are welcome to make a choice to break updates, or to use a chroot and keep getting updates as well as having what you want via apt [20:47] fwiw, legacy application support will be provided via container as well. === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === ahoneybun is now known as ee === ee is now known as ahoneybun [21:00] faenil, but did we set both? Thanks for looking into it [21:35] hello, i need advice, could you please tell me how to start an app from the terminal ? [21:38] slash, $ ubuntu-app-launch is one way [21:46] thanks jgdx, unfortunatly i do not succeed with your way; two warning appear about unable to find a keyfile... [21:49] slash, what app? [21:50] kodimote [21:51] when I'm launching it just by the bin path; he gave me a "fail to connect to mir server3 [21:52] I found a bug at the connection; doens't accept the password; I would like to see the debug to send the report to the owner [21:53] I found a command to suppress the mir connection failure, how ever the app start nicely in terminal but without gui.... :/ so block when any action from me [21:55] slash, I'm a bit rusty on these things. Maybe #ubuntu-app-devel has more info right now. [21:56] slash, but how did you run ubuntu-app-launch? [21:58] pretty sure you'd need a click id, not a name or binary [22:00] ok thanks [22:01] copy pasting from the touch terminal isn't straigth forward :D [22:01] (process:13833): WARNING **: Unable to find keyfile for application '/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote' ** (process:13833): WARNING **: Unable to find keyfile for application '/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote' [22:02] and nothing more append... [22:03] slash, try adding "-- --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_..destkop" [22:04] Ha ha great, hello mzanetti [22:07] slash, hello :) I assume you're the one that wrote the email [22:11] yes :) , m'I correct : "ubuntu-app-launch /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote -- --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop" ? [22:11] oh, I see, you're using ubuntu-app launch [22:11] I still have the same keyfile missing... [22:12] slash: "ubuntu-app-launch com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote" [22:12] err, actually [22:12] yes, in that case, no need for the desktop_file_hint hack [22:12] slash: "ubuntu-app-launch com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2" [22:12] you do need the full app id [22:12] thanks dobey :) [22:12] np :) [22:17] ok thanks, i'm able to launch the app now [22:18] however I don't get any output, even with "ubuntu-app-launch com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2 -d connection", any idea ? [22:18] slash, output will be written to ~/.cache/upstart/application-click-.log [22:20] slash: you can't pass arguments to the app with ubuntu-app-launch like that [22:21] you need to run "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop -d connection" to do that [22:21] Ok thanks mzanetti and dobey, for the information I got the log [22:22] ok i've to wrote it, these to command :) [22:23] slash, I'm not sure if you can pass arguments to the app when using ubuntu-app-launch. I usually do what dobey said. no ubuntu-app-launch but instead with the --desktop_file_hint one. [22:23] iirc kodimote should print in its first lines if it picked up some parameter [22:23] well, if it worked, you'll see a lot more output prefixed with "Connection" [22:24] It's the first time i'm pulling out log from touch :) [22:24] ok i'll try and if it work you'll get a bug report:) thanks [22:27] Ok when writing "ubuntu-app-launch /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote -- --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop" [22:28] no ubuntu-app-launch in this case [22:28] and no -- to pass args to child app [22:28] i don't think anyway [22:29] i could be wrong about that one, but i'm pretty sure you just pass --desktop_file_hint directly [22:30] sorry my mistake I paste the wrong line [22:30] "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote —desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop -d connection" [22:30] I got [22:30] Loading module: 'libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.3.0.0' /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote: invalid option -- 'd' UbuntuClientIntegration: connection to Mir server failed. Check that a Mir server is running, and the correct socket is being used and is accessible. The shell may have rejected the incoming connection, so check its log file Aborted (core dumped) [22:31] on sec, looking up something [22:31] slash: oh, remove the "-d connection" then [22:31] dobey, the -d connection is the reason why he wants to do this [22:32] ok without I got an output, I though -d connection was able to extract even more dedication to the connection [22:32] mzanetti: is that an option your app handles? [22:32] /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote -d connection -- —desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop [22:32] dobey, kodimote [22:33] slash, try changing the order and separating them with "--" as in my line above [22:35] my command : /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote -d connection — —desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop [22:35] yes... this looks ok. just tried it, works here [22:35] Loading module: 'libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.3.0.0' /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote: invalid option -- 'd' UbuntuClientIntegration: connection to Mir server failed. Check that a Mir server is running, and the correct socket is being used and is accessible. The shell may have rejected the incoming connection, so check its log file Aborted (core dumped) [22:35] it does not :/ [22:36] indeed, yours doesn't (there must be a typo) [22:36] interesting [22:36] you seem to have a different character for "-" [22:36] i'm doing copy/paste... [22:37] -- vs — [22:37] hum correct [22:41] I got an output now in the terminal, can i write down the output in a log file by "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote/current/kodimote -d connection -- --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.kodimote_kodimote_2.1.2.2.desktop > logfile" ? [22:41] should work I guess [22:42] FYI the typo comes from copy past between firefox - telegram / telegram - terminal :) [22:42] slash, add this "> foo.log 2>&1" [22:42] slash, you might want to enable ssh ;) [22:42] on the phone [22:43] Yes but can I run the app from ssh connection and the gui stay in the phone ? [22:44] Ah yes it's working... [22:44] awsome !!! a new dimension [22:46] mzanetti: do you want in parallel the output of xbmcremote ? [22:46] slash, I think kodimote should be enough [22:47] ok thanks for your help, bye [22:49] yw. thanks for the bug report === salem_ is now known as _salem === xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix