[02:51] nhaines, around for a pm? [16:43] hey phil whatsup! [18:18] Generic reminder that if someone wants to PM me, they either should simply do so or if I don't respond to a ping they should probably just email me. [21:19] About to submit my first talk proposal for a conference. Any tips? [21:45] Think about what you look for when you're at a conference -- what sort of talk descriptions make you want to go to that talk. [21:46] Mention fun things you might talk about, or interesting things the attendee might learn. [22:17] Thanks a lot, akk. I'll definitely keep those tips in mind when writing my proposal. [22:19] Good luck, nhandler! [22:20] :D === cyphase_ is now known as Guest82891 [23:54] nhandler: akk had great advice. It's hard to add anything to it. See if you can get your personality to peek through the description. [23:55] nhaines: This proposal requires me to submit a short video with it, so that should make that part easier [23:57] There you go!