popey | mcphail, jdstrand_ is the person to ask | 11:05 |
popey | mcphail, need a tester? :D | 11:05 |
popey | mcphail, also, do you look in a specific directory on the card? | 11:06 |
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv | ||
mcphail | popey: It would be great if you can test. Do you have a copy of BG? | 12:06 |
jkb_ | appdevs, i have a question to uitk-1.3 and backward compatibility. Can anybody help on this? | 13:26 |
jkb_ | appdevs, since when have 1.3 been supported (OTA-7 or 8)? For a specific app I want to change to 1.3 but what will happen to users not on the latest OTAs? | 13:26 |
popey | mcphail, the original saga, I think so | 14:26 |
popey | mcphail, you set read_path over all of /media/ - can't see that getting approved ever | 14:36 |
popey | but not my job :) | 14:36 |
mcphail | happy to try anything to reduce the scope... | 15:16 |
ahayzen | Hi, anyone ever got this error from dekko causing it not to start? "MANAGER NULL? false ACCOUNT LIST: (24, 23, 21, 20)" | 15:17 |
JanC | mcphail: maybe #apparmor on the OFTC network can help you? (I think your problem is with AppArmor rules, right?) | 15:20 |
mcphail | JanC: thanks. Might try that (although I'm not sure I understand apparmor enough to explain my problem). Would be nice to have some guidance as to what is needed to pass manual review | 15:23 |
popey | I don't think it's really an apparmor problem, but a policy one | 15:57 |
mcphail | jdstrand_: when you get back to the office, can you let me know how I go about getting an app manually reviewed? Does it happen automatically (or not at all)? | 18:21 |
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