
Tm_TMyrtti: is it related to compulsory kickbanning?06:34
MyrttiI was tempted but didn't think it worth the complaints06:36
ubottuEriC^^ called the ops in #ubuntu ( trolling and flooding)11:03
bazhang<MrFastDie> Hey guys! Someone here who'd like to teach me some funktions in Armitage?11:52
bazhangthis sounds like schoolhouse rock11:53
Yehaibazhang: faggot11:58
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗11:59
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:01
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:02
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗 www.battlenet.com.cn/wow/zh/character/回音山/瑟博鲁斯/simple12:02
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:02
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他吗12:03
Yehaibazhang: 你妈逼你谁啊,狗操的我他妈认识你吗12:03
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently12:03
ubottuYehai called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()12:03
k1l!guidelines > mircx115:04
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:07
krabadorubot9] (ukikie@ubuntu/bot/ubot9317:03
krabadorwhat is this?17:03
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently17:07
ubottukrabador called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()17:07
ikoniakrabador: what's up ?17:09
krabadorikonia: hi17:09
ikoniahi there17:09
ikoniawhat's up ?17:10
krabadori would know what's    ubot9] (ukikie@ubuntu/bot/ubot9317:10
ikoniait's a bot17:10
krabadorOK, and it need for something particular?17:11
ikoniayou don't need it at all17:11
ikoniacould you give some context to your question ?17:11
krabadorim italian ubuntu IRC op and i find it today in #ubuntu-it17:12
ikoniaare you aware of the ubuntu bot called "ubottu" ?17:12
ikoniawhat channel is ubot93 in ?17:12
krabadornow i don't know17:13
krabadorit's just parted17:13
krabadorfrom #ubuntu-it17:13
ikoniaubot is a clone of ubottu the offical ubuntu bot, we use them for loco/non-core channels17:13
ikoniathey are normally requested by someone17:13
ikoniabut if it's parted it was probably a mistake17:14
krabadorOK no problem17:14
krabadori was only curious17:14
ikonianot a problem17:14
ikoniaif it comes back let us know17:14
ikonia(especially if you don't want it)17:15
krabadorno problem for it in the channel, if needed , and official17:15
ikoniait's just an info bot really17:15
ikoniayou don't need/have to have it17:15
krabadorthat's the reason i asked17:16
krabadorthank you ikonia17:16
ikoniano problem17:16
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
hggdhsince we were discussing bots...canI have ubot5, or a cousin,active on #ubuntu-br?17:45
Picihggdh: going to a meeting now, I'll poke one of the locobots when I get back.17:57
hggdhPici: perfect, thank you17:59
bazhangI read that as 'discontinuing bots'18:09
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (abrakam)19:28
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
bazhangI dont think he meant 'ssd'23:04
k1lit was more like this one from before: 2015-11-23T19:27:48 <abrakam> fuck your ass23:04
bazhangstouf looks like warezbot seeking23:05

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