=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away === Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off [04:44] Hi. I'm having trouble setting up a directory so that the directory can be edited by the 2 users. One controls the application (AMP/McMyAdmin) and I need a second user to be jailed within a directory inside it, but also have read/write. === frediz_ is now known as frediz === EmilienM_ is now known as EmilienM === peterrus- is now known as peterrus === guampa_ is now known as guampa === bekks_ is now known as bekks === nitemare is now known as trobotham [07:39] hi [07:39] hello [07:39] how to join this group [07:40] why name appears as node_000 === semiosis_ is now known as semiosis === chmurifr- is now known as chmurifree === KaeltenAway is now known as Kaelten === mukhbiir is now known as neoark === ReScO_ is now known as ReScO === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti [07:42] join === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer === nitemare is now known as trobotham === EmilienM_ is now known as EmilienM === guampa_ is now known as guampa === chmurifr- is now known as chmurifree === marlinc_ is now known as marlinc === seg_ is now known as seg === jamietech is now known as jamietech- === Tm_Tr is now known as Guest21169 === neurotus is now known as Guest3895 === smb` is now known as smb [09:25] hi! [09:26] is it normal if on power loss md0 raidis not remounting? [09:27] in fstab:/dev/md0 /home ext2 defaults 0 0 === Tm_Tr is now known as Guest40991 === masACC is now known as maswan === Guest40991 is now known as Tm_Tr === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte === shauno_ is now known as shauno === pesari_ is now known as pesari === neurotus is now known as Guest77656 [10:53] hi i installed ubuntu minimal with lxde but i have 1 problem system trey bare isent working isent showing any app in it [10:53] probbably need some dependecis or somthing [10:54] any suggestion [11:01] got it === Malediction_ is now known as Malediction === goosblabla is now known as goosfraba [11:26] Gnjurac: why don't you just install lubuntu [11:26] that is ubuntu with a fully working and configured lxde enviornment [11:35] got it to work anywey [11:35] lubuntu comes with bloatwere for sure [11:45] * ogra_` wonders why Gnjurac expects to get a proper answer for a desktop prob in #ubuntu-server ... i'd ask in #lxde or some such === bigjools_ is now known as bigjools [11:47] i allraedy figure it out === _ruben_ is now known as _ruben === ogra_` is now known as ogra_ [13:06] o7 [13:07] So im trying to configure my little ubuntu server for external access but failing horribly... any pointers where i should start looking at? [13:08] my router is se up correctly (openwrt server works like a charm) [13:08] ssh over lan works perfect as well [13:08] but no matter what i do i cannot access my ubuntu box externally (firewall off) [13:31] Good afternoon. [15:05] does anyone know of a way to get either nfs or cifs mounts in an lxc container? (using lxd in ubuntu 15.10) i can't seem to get apparmor to not block it [15:08] padan: doubt it, since both are kernel-based - perhaps something with FUSE [15:09] it looks like you can get apparmor to allow it, but i can't seem to find the right syntax to implement per-container apparmor profiles - i should just be able to add "allow mount fstype=nfs," to the apparmor profile [15:09] lxc config set containername raw.apparmor "allow mount fstype=nfs" ... causes teh container to not start with no useful error messsages [15:10] any ideas why apt-get install or cache wouldn't look in a repo that shows in apt-cache policy and seems to update in apt-get update? [15:10] just can't seem to find any software in it [15:11] ahh - just needed to add teh stupid comma at the end :) still not mounting, but at least apparmor isn't blocking it [15:26] well crap now i'm just getting mount error(1): operation not permitted [15:26] for both cifs and nfs [15:26] inside the container [15:37] fuse won't even install - can't mknod the device... === JanC_ is now known as JanC === _Kai__ is now known as _Kai_ === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 === robher_ is now known as robher === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away === wendar_ is now known as wendar === maxb_ is now known as maxb === Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect === dcmorton_ is now known as dcmorton === tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 === dcmorton_ is now known as dcmorton === seg_ is now known as seg === neunon_ is now known as neunon === erisrenee_ is now known as erisrenee === beisner- is now known as beisner === funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat === duxklr is now known as jemurray === xMopxShe- is now known as xMopxShell === bilde2910_ is now known as bilde2910 === RoyK^ is now known as RoyK === wmp is now known as Guest67385 === codex__ is now known as codex === tarpman_ is now known as tarpman === WiuEmPe is now known as Guest24511 === Guest24511 is now known as wmp === wmp is now known as Guest50613 === lukasa_ is now known as lukasa === inaddy is now known as tinoco === Guest50613 is now known as wiuempe === bilde2910_ is now known as bilde2910 === CheckYourSix_ is now known as CheckYourSix === neunon_ is now known as neunon === arlen is now known as 77CAAA5E8 === Bilge- is now known as Bilge === mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson === tomaw- is now known as tomaw === morgan is now known as Guest22895 === klaas_ is now known as klaas === kermit1 is now known as kermit === seg_ is now known as seg === beisner- is now known as beisner === chmurifr- is now known as chmurifree === ksx4system_ is now known as ksx4system === Chrisfu- is now known as Chrisfu === bilde2910_ is now known as bilde2910 === neunon_ is now known as neunon === spicypixel_ is now known as spicypixel === InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest === inaddy is now known as tinoco === duxklr is now known as jemurray === hxm is now known as Guest67604 === RoyK^ is now known as RoyK === keithzg_ is now known as keithzg === mikal_ is now known as mikal [22:42] running apcupsd but reboot stops on grub screen, is that the result of apcupsd shutdown? [22:53] tarvid: So what happens on the grub screen? The machine boots, finishes the POST, enters grub - and then? === neurotus is now known as Guest27178 === beisner- is now known as beisner