=== ahoneybun changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Congrats to Scarlett! | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | milestoned bugs: http://goo.gl/AOx7bx | ||
valorie | ovidiu-florin: sorry for the mis-understanding; the way you have done it should be fine | 05:21 |
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clivejo | !testers | Can you please test Calligra 2.9.8 for wily and xenial, in my PPA? Especially interested to see if the fonts-lyx bug is fixed | 10:14 |
clivejo | well thats useful | 10:17 |
clivejo | !testers | 10:18 |
clivejo | ubottu: wake up! | 10:18 |
clivejo | anyone: ping | 10:20 |
ubottu | Can you please test Calligra 2.9.8 for wily and xenial, in my PPA? Especially interested to see if the fonts-lyx bug is fixed: testers is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information | 10:20 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wake up! | 10:20 |
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BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 13:21 |
mparillo | clivejo: I have both wily and xenial. If you can walk me through the test case, I am happy to help. Which first? | 14:10 |
sgclark | good morning, I can't believe I won... | 15:04 |
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mparillo | You deserved to win. I am sure the entire Kubuntu community is pleased. I know I am. | 15:07 |
sgclark | yofel: so one thing I wanted to discuss and couldn't because my headset did not survive the flight is GCI. I saw valorie sent notice to devel? How is that going, we have till 7th and I am sure we need help. | 15:19 |
sgclark | yofel: also I am lost on sync thought? was I vetoed again? Should I just start merges then? | 15:20 |
yofel | sgclark: ovidiu is trying to create a task for the website at least. I don't think we have more than that yet | 15:20 |
sgclark | Did you get ahold of clemens? | 15:20 |
sgclark | he does not seem to be in here | 15:21 |
sgclark | brb coffee | 15:21 |
yofel | for the syncs, I forgot to mention in munich that I'm worried about what packages might require to carry a diff, but that's something we actually have to see when we review them before filing sync requests | 15:22 |
yofel | and no, I didn't get ahold of clemens. Was too busy at work the last 2 days and forgot -.- | 15:23 |
sgclark | doh. | 15:24 |
yofel | regarding the merges, we could start with those and do the sync evaluation during that | 15:24 |
sgclark | ok. sounds like a plan then. | 15:24 |
yofel | do you intend to finish the applications backports in staging-kdeapplications? I set up the status page, and at least kstars had some issue I think. | 15:26 |
yofel | Otherwise I'll try to do that over the weekend | 15:26 |
sgclark | kstars? | 15:27 |
sgclark | ktp is busted upstream, other thn that all was good | 15:27 |
yofel | let me check again | 15:27 |
sgclark | well ktp works with everything but google | 15:27 |
yofel | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.08.3_wily.html | 15:28 |
yofel | -- checking for module 'libindi>=1.0.0' | 15:28 |
yofel | -- found libindi, version 1.1.0 | 15:28 |
yofel | -- Could NOT find INDI (missing: INDI_MAIN_LIBRARIES) (found suitable version "1.1.0", minimum required is "1.0.0") | 15:28 |
yofel | wtf thing, but should be looked at | 15:28 |
yofel | I think most of the other stuff were known things | 15:29 |
sgclark | that makes no sense. but anyway, indi is a monster | 15:29 |
sgclark | I use a ppa, if that is not an option than removing kstars. | 15:30 |
sgclark | I am not packaging indi | 15:30 |
yofel | well, even wily release should have an indi that works. Or maybe it's actually the newer indi that breaks it | 15:35 |
yofel | I'll try to build with that when I'm home | 15:35 |
sgclark | ok thanks | 15:40 |
clivejo | You put your IRC Channel in, Your IRC Channel out: In, out, in, out. You shake it all about. You do the hokey cokey, And you turn around. That's what it's all about! yipppeee | 16:46 |
Riddell | clivejo: :) | 17:17 |
Riddell | clivejo: how's calligra? | 17:29 |
clivejo | still the same as before, being a pain in the butt! | 17:35 |
clivejo | Im going to log off for a while, this constant disconnection is driving me crazy | 17:36 |
* mck182 has been trying to install 15.10 for the past 2 hours on an efi macbook...man that installer is crashy ( ._.) | 19:36 | |
tsimonq2 | mck182: you try to ust use the 14.04 installer for now? | 19:39 |
tsimonq2 | *just | 19:39 |
tsimonq2 | mck182: and then just do sudo do-release-upgrade until you get to 15.10? | 19:39 |
mck182 | yeah...no. | 19:40 |
mck182 | doing 3 times upgrade...that's just a bit too much xD | 19:40 |
tsimonq2 | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 19:40 |
tsimonq2 | suit yourself | 19:40 |
mck182 | yeah...I'll just download opensuse xD | 19:43 |
tsimonq2 | mck182: aww, don't give up! | 19:44 |
mck182 | I can't format existing ext4 partition, installer hangs...I can't not-format an ext4 partition and install to it cause the installer hangs...I can't install bootloader to efi cause the installer crashes | 19:44 |
mck182 | I can't even report the crash cause there are no wifi drivers | 19:44 |
tsimonq2 | mck182: maybe you should ask around in #ubuntu | 19:45 |
tsimonq2 | mck182: they are helpful | 19:45 |
mck182 | doesn't ubuntu have different installer? | 19:45 |
tsimonq2 | nope | 19:46 |
tsimonq2 | you can also get support in #kubutnu | 19:46 |
tsimonq2 | *#kubuntu | 19:46 |
mck182 | is there a one single package that I can download and install the broadcom wl driver? | 20:58 |
mck182 | it's kinda frustrating that to actually install the broadcom package I have to download about 20 packages...just to install it -.- | 21:04 |
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clivejo | IRC servers still under attack? | 23:54 |
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