=== dobey_ is now known as dobey | ||
popey | snizzo, the xdg app folders don't get created by anything other than qt I believe | 00:19 |
popey | snizzo, my sdl games don't make them, I make them | 00:19 |
popey | snizzo, if you need someone to test on a device, just ping, I'm often around and happy to help | 00:25 |
popey | snizzo, your app fails here, white screen.... | 00:27 |
popey | snizzo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/13520746/ | 00:27 |
ahayzen | popey, that's cause your on rc-proposed ;-) | 00:27 |
popey | ah | 00:27 |
ahayzen | its now onItemRemoved as per Qt upstream | 00:27 |
popey | oh dear | 00:27 |
popey | we're breaking developer apps? | 00:28 |
ahayzen | popey, snizzo is using the bgplaylists, before they are fully implemented ;-) | 00:28 |
popey | oh :D | 00:28 |
ahayzen | :-) | 00:28 |
ahayzen | anything Jim and co are doing has been approved by Qt upstream so its all cool :-) | 00:28 |
dholbach | good morning | 08:40 |
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mcphail | snizzo: still no directory created under ~/.local/share on the e4.5 | 09:59 |
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popey | dholbach, clock app uploaded to store if you wouldn't mind reviewing pls :) | 13:09 |
dholbach | popey, looking | 13:38 |
popey | thanks | 13:38 |
=== BOHverkill is now known as BOHverkill___ | ||
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snizzo | popey: big question: can I create those folders via qt? | 16:34 |
snizzo | I (my app) should have write permission on this folder right? | 16:34 |
popey | snizzo, I don't know about doing it via qt, sorry | 16:37 |
popey | snizzo, in my app, I launch "run.sh" which does all the setup, then launches the app | 16:38 |
snizzo | ah | 16:38 |
popey | and I ship busybox which does the mkdir | 16:38 |
snizzo | popey: wait... hm can you explain better? You ship a busybox executable that does mkdir? Is that permitted? | 16:43 |
popey | sure is | 16:43 |
popey | make a directory called lib/<arch-triplet>/bin and put busybox in it | 16:44 |
popey | then ln -s busybox mkdir | 16:44 |
popey | then from your run.sh you can call mkdir and it will be found in that directory | 16:44 |
popey | or just stick it in the root directory of your project and call it as "./mkdir ~/.cache/appname.devname/" | 16:45 |
mcphail | Doesn't that trigger a click error? | 16:47 |
* mcphail vaguely remembers some click error about absolute paths | 16:48 | |
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft | ||
davmor2 | ahayzen, popey: for the browser tests I buy a single track from an album from 7 digital, my particular album currently is Tubular bells. Does it play in rhythmbox on xenial does it boat plays the first track and then starts playing fatboy slim, does it work on the phone hell yes :) | 17:54 |
davmor2 | one up for the music app me thinks | 17:55 |
popey | \o/ | 17:55 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 17:55 |
davmor2 | popey, ahayzen: I think it is broken it only shows rain.....oh wait no I'm in England | 18:40 |
ahayzen | :-P | 18:40 |
ahayzen | you had the totally random massive rainstorm for like 5mins as well then? | 18:41 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: nope still going has been for about 30 minutes | 18:42 |
davmor2 | or more | 18:42 |
ahayzen | ah | 18:42 |
* ahayzen spots the band that just flooded Oxford http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/observation/rainfall-radar even has pink bits in it! | 18:43 | |
davmor2 | ahayzen: yeah the thick Yellow and red bit that would Wolverhampton | 18:44 |
ahayzen | lol | 18:45 |
davmor2 | still san francisco to the rescue they have sun | 18:46 |
* davmor2 is still gobsmacked by the carpark out side from people going into town for black friday from work | 18:51 | |
davmor2 | I say carpark it is one of the main roads into town | 18:51 |
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NEXUS-6 | Have anybody problems with the last java upate on ubuntu 15.10? I have problems with netbeans | 20:41 |
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