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ubikite | hi, i'm trying to prevent monitor from sleeping. i've tried inserting a bash script with set of xset commands inside ~/.config/autostart/filename.desktop file; no changes when execute xset q command. i'm declaring my DISPLAY variable properly. i've tried removing xfce4-power-manager package and still the monitor goes to sleep. any suggestions? ideas? | 11:11 |
ubikite | ok, seems i've solved it. you have execute parameters in just one command like /usr/bin/xset -display ":0.0" -dpms s noblank | 11:20 |
xubuntu150 | h | 13:19 |
xubuntu150 | hi | 13:19 |
rauldipeas | Hey guys, anyone can help me with Compton on Xubuntu 15.04? | 16:02 |
GeekDude | 15.10 has been interesting. I put it on a spare desktop that had graphical issues with previous versions requiring me to use nomodeset to get to the desktop. In 15.10 it just works :) | 16:03 |
GeekDude | However, WINE 1.7 does not appear to be "just work"ing. I installed a missing package using a deb from wily and it installed, but it refuses to draw the program to the screen. Other programs such as winecfg seem to work, however | 16:04 |
GeekDude | I'm tempted to blame the graphics card | 16:05 |
GeekDude | card/chipset | 16:07 |
GeekDude | Huh, who would've guessed. Works in the officially supported wine1.6 build from the repos | 16:29 |
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GeekDude | Not perfectly, but it does work | 16:33 |
taza79 | Hello, how can i install xubuntu without touching the mbr and windows boatloader? | 16:48 |
ikonia | same way I told you in #ubuntu | 16:49 |
Luyin | :D | 16:49 |
taza79 | i'm asking everywhere maybe some guy will give me the perfect solution :D | 16:50 |
ikonia | there isnt one | 16:50 |
ikonia | as I've just told you in #ubuntu | 16:50 |
ikonia | but the overhead makes it easier to just manage the MBR cleanly | 16:50 |
ikonia | it's possible, sure | 16:50 |
taza79 | i asked because i once saw a youtube video and the guy was showing how to do it | 16:50 |
ikonia | then why are you asking how to do it ? | 16:51 |
ikonia | just use his guide | 16:51 |
ikonia | but it will hit the same problems I explained in #ubuntu | 16:51 |
taza79 | because i can't find the video it was a long time ago | 16:51 |
ikonia | something has to live on the MBR | 16:52 |
ikonia | it can be whatever you want, but whatever you use must be able to point at the play you put grub to be able to boot ubuntu | 16:52 |
taza79 | the noboot option in grub install is it a solution for me? | 16:52 |
taza79 | noinstallboot or something like that | 16:53 |
ikonia | no | 16:53 |
ikonia | because then there will be nothing to boot ubuntu | 16:53 |
taza79 | two mbr is impossible? | 16:54 |
ikonia | yes | 16:54 |
ikonia | a disk can only have 1 mbr | 16:54 |
ikonia | hence "master" boot record | 16:54 |
taza79 | easybcd works with windows 10 and new ubuntu? | 16:55 |
ikonia | why would you use that ? | 16:56 |
ikonia | that is just going to put easyboot on the MBR | 16:56 |
taza79 | http://askubuntu.com/questions/561254/install-ubuntu-14-04-1-lts-without-losing-windows-7-bootloader | 16:56 |
ikonia | which if you're going to do that, just put grub on the MBR and make it simpler | 16:56 |
ikonia | you still lose it | 16:56 |
ikonia | as whatever you use to control the boot - will live on the MBR | 16:56 |
taza79 | i understand i'm just trying to do an impossible thing | 16:59 |
ikonia | then stop | 16:59 |
ikonia | and confirm to the real world | 16:59 |
ikonia | conform | 16:59 |
taza79 | yes | 16:59 |
taza79 | the thing is i'm tring to avoid dvd repair things | 17:00 |
taza79 | easybcd is it better for me since i want to avoid dvd repair? | 17:00 |
ikonia | no | 17:00 |
taza79 | like restoring the mbr with easycd and then remove ubuntu | 17:00 |
ikonia | you could simpley take a backup of the windows boot sector before you install ubuntu and restore it if you ever want to delete ubuntu | 17:00 |
taza79 | do you have a good tutorial on how to backup windows boot sector? | 17:02 |
ikonia | dd if=/dev/sda of=/where/you/want/to/put/it.bin bs=512k count=1 | 17:03 |
taza79 | thanks for your replies | 17:05 |
genii | I might use .mbr extension instead | 17:09 |
ikonia | call it whatever you're happy with | 17:14 |
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xubuntu46i | Hey | 20:06 |
xubuntu46i | I am new to Xubuntu | 20:06 |
knome | hello | 20:06 |
GeekDude | ... | 20:12 |
GeekDude | his enthusiasm is overwhelming | 20:12 |
xubuntu59w | hello is there any body ?? | 21:19 |
flocculant | I've got one | 21:20 |
xubuntu59w | if i upgrade from 12.04 to 14.. i m not going to lose my sys? bc im a non pae | 21:22 |
SlidingHorn | !upgrade | xubuntu59w | 21:23 |
ubottu | xubuntu59w: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 21:23 |
xubuntu59w | my machine is a ibm t42 .. | 21:23 |
xubuntu59w | so you say no fear to upgrade to 14.. | 21:24 |
flocculant | xubuntu59w: hang on | 21:24 |
flocculant | those pages don't make any reference to pae that I can see | 21:24 |
xubuntu59w | i love my xubuntu and dont want to use another one .. | 21:25 |
flocculant | xubuntu59w: do you know what processor it has? | 21:26 |
xubuntu59w | intel 1.8 | 21:27 |
xubuntu59w | ram 1 gb | 21:27 |
function9x | if it's working well, I'd leave it as it is | 21:28 |
function9x | until you upgrade your pc | 21:28 |
xubuntu59w | function9x you mean buy a new one... this ibm is very expensive i bought it 6 years ago. | 21:30 |
xubuntu59w | i will follow on what you say but what can i do with message upgrade from my sys | 21:31 |
flocculant | and you're sure it's not got pae? | 21:31 |
knome | function9x, except that 12.04 is EOL and there is no support for it. | 21:31 |
xubuntu59w | thnaks flocculant. | 21:33 |
function9x | knome: what's the minimum specs requirement for 14? | 21:33 |
flocculant | xubuntu59w: just a quick check of the processor for a t42 appears to show it's pae | 21:34 |
xubuntu59w | flocculant where did you get that info or how can i know is that ok? | 21:35 |
flocculant | xubuntu59w: try running this in a terminal grep pae /proc/cpuinfo | 21:36 |
flocculant | does it show up? | 21:36 |
xubuntu59w | i got Permission denied | 21:37 |
flocculant | grep pae /proc/cpuinfo | 21:38 |
flocculant | for that? | 21:38 |
xubuntu59w | do not show anything | 21:40 |
function9x | bbl | 21:40 |
flocculant | xubuntu59w: ok - just making sure | 21:40 |
xubuntu59w | dont worry and thanks | 21:41 |
flocculant | given that I would not try and upgrade, it might be possible, but I don't know for usre | 21:41 |
flocculant | but you are now unsupported so you need to deal with that somehow | 21:41 |
xubuntu59w | ################### PC INFORMATION - cpu ##################### ################### Press CTRL + C to exit ##################### CPU: Single core Intel Pentium M (-UP-) cache: 2048 KB speed/max: 1000/1800 MHz grep pae /proc/cpuinfo | 21:43 |
flocculant | what's that? | 21:44 |
xubuntu59w | thats what i got from my sys ans | 21:44 |
flocculant | grep pae /proc/cpuinfo |pastebinit | 21:44 |
xubuntu59w | and no info from grep | 21:44 |
flocculant | ok | 21:45 |
SlidingHorn | xubuntu59w, run this and give us the link: grep pae /proc/info | pastebinit | 21:45 |
flocculant | might not have pastebinit installed though | 21:45 |
xubuntu59w | uhmm. | 21:45 |
flocculant | uhmm what? | 21:47 |
xubuntu59w | i going to chk it. thanks for your help, | 21:49 |
xubuntu59w | good luck.. | 21:51 |
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