
mupBug #1521017 opened: adding a ssh key to juju does not take a file path <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521017>00:41
mupBug #1521020 opened: juju authorized-keys import fails without any output <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521020>00:41
mupBug #1521017 changed: adding a ssh key to juju does not take a file path <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521017>00:44
mupBug #1521020 changed: juju authorized-keys import fails without any output <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521020>00:44
davecheneyno love00:54
davecheneyguess we'll be fixing that one00:54
mupBug #1521017 opened: adding a ssh key to juju does not take a file path <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521017>00:56
mupBug #1521020 opened: juju authorized-keys import fails without any output <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521020>00:56
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menn0wallyworld or axw: I suspect this might make you happy: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3269/01:54
wallyworldmenn0: i did go to review your PR from last week but it already had a shipit by the time i got there01:55
menn0wallyworld: yep, no worries. already landed. this new one depended on that one.01:56
wallyworldmenn0: lgtm02:01
menn0wallyworld: cheers02:04
axwwallyworld: BTW, I've renamed params.RelationUnitsChange to params.RemoteRelationUnitsChange, because we'll use tokens and so on02:21
axwwallyworld: so I think there shouldn't be a concern about overlap with the existing RelationUnitsChange any more02:21
wallyworldthat sounds right02:22
=== Ursinha__ is now known as Ursinha_
menn0axw: could you have a quick look at this one please: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3270/04:33
axwmenn0: sure04:33
menn0axw: there's another upgradesteps cleanup PR ready straight after this one04:33
axwmenn0: LGTM04:37
menn0axw: cheers04:37
menn0axw: last cleanup PR here: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3271/04:56
axwmenn0: done05:05
menn0axw: thanks05:48
frobwarejam: rebooting... be there in a bit...09:00
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voidspacedimitern: looks like I finally connected...09:11
dimiternvoidspace, welcome ;)09:16
voidspacedimitern: shall I just recreate that branch based on a clean patch?09:22
voidspacedimitern: no need for you to do it09:22
dimiternvoidspace, yes please - that will be easiest I think09:24
voidspacedoing it09:24
voidspacedimitern: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3273/09:34
dimiternvoidspace, cheers, looking09:34
voidspacedimitern: it's already had a "Ship It" as a previous PR, so need to look again particularly09:34
voidspacedimitern: I'm doing a full test run here09:34
voidspacedimitern: and we need to talk about implementation strategy for listing spaces on bootstrap09:34
voidspacedimitern: we can topic that at/after standup though09:34
dimiternvoidspace, LGTM09:35
dimiternvoidspace, sure09:35
voidspacedimitern: ta09:38
voidspacedimitern: waiting for the test run here to finish before I hit $$merge$$09:38
dimiternvoidspace, ack09:40
=== Makyo is now known as Guest57414
voidspaceanyone seen this failure with the lxd client test?09:45
voidspaceERROR juju.utils cannot find network interface "lxcbr0": no such network interface09:45
voidspacethis is on maas-spaces feature branch, so there may already be a fix on master that we haven't picked up09:45
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voidspacejam: fwereade: dimitern: standup?10:01
dimiternfrobware, voidspace, fwereade, omw - 1m10:01
voidspacefrobware: I need coffee10:33
frobwarevoidspace, me too. 5 mins?10:34
voidspacefrobware: sounds good10:35
voidspacefrobware: ready when you are10:41
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voidspacefrobware: I get the same failures on master, so no *requirement* for an urgent rebase11:29
frobwarevoidspace, ack11:29
perrito666hello all btw13:26
mupBug #1519527 opened: juju 1.25.1:  lxc units all have the same IP address <openstack> <sts> <uosci> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS trunk:Triaged by mpontillo> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1519527>14:46
mupBug #1521217 opened: TestWorkerAcceptsBrokenRelease fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core cross-model-relations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521217>14:46
mupBug #1521220 opened: TestShortPollIntervalExponent fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521220>14:55
mupBug #1521220 changed: TestShortPollIntervalExponent fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521220>15:01
cheryljdimitern: is the issue with bug 1519527 just that in 1.25.1 juju uses some new MAAS functionality which is not working as expected?15:03
mupBug #1519527: juju 1.25.1:  lxc units all have the same IP address - changed to claim_sticky_ip_address <openstack> <sts> <uosci> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:Triaged15:03
mupby mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS trunk:Triaged by mpontillo> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1519527>15:03
dimiterncherylj, that's my understanding (proved by mpontillo as well)15:03
dimiternor at least observed to not work as expected15:04
cheryljdimitern: what about other levels of MAAS?  does the functionality exist on older levels, but works there?15:04
dimiterncherylj, yes, it exists in 1.8 and is confirmed to work there as expected, so it's a maas 1.9beta2+ regression15:06
cheryljdimitern: thanks!15:06
mupBug #1521220 opened: TestShortPollIntervalExponent fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521220>15:16
cheryljdimitern: sorry to bug you again :)  a note from mgz indicated that you might be working on bug 1516989?15:17
mupBug #1516989: juju status <service_name> broken <sts> <juju-core:Triaged by cherylj> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1516989>15:18
beisnerhi cherylj, dimitern - i just re-deployed with MAAS 1.9b2 + Juju 1.25.0, and all lxc units get unique and working IP addresses.  With 1.9b2 + 1.25.1, all lxc units get the same IP.  While it may  be an underlying MAAS bug, there is definitely a regression in 1.25.1 Juju.  Will be adding a generic non-openstack reproducer as soon as this next deploy wraps up.15:18
dimiterncherylj, I haven't started yet, but I plan to start tomorrow on that one15:18
dimiternbeisner, it's still a maas issue15:18
dimiternbeisner, hey btw :)15:18
beisnerdimitern, i don't disagree.15:18
cheryljdimitern: okay, I can pass it off to onyx since they're on bug squad15:19
dimiternbeisner, you can verify by trying to create a device + parent and then claim-sticky-ip-address for it15:19
beisnerdimitern, but i do know that if 1.25.1 lands, my lab will be borked.  i presume others who are less-automated will eventually see it too.15:19
cheryljbeisner: yeah, we don't plan on moving 1.25.1 out of proposed until the MAAS fix has been released15:19
beisnercherylj, much appreciated15:20
rick_h_cherylj: beisner <3 ty both for working through that.15:22
=== Makyo is now known as Guest54187
frobwaredimitern, voidspace: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3275/  - I'm still doing some manual testing against MAAS 1.8/1.9 and precise, trustu, vivid & wily but if you could take an initial look would be appreciated.15:37
dimiternfrobware, sure, looking15:37
voidspacefrobware: cool15:38
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beisnero/ rick_h_  yw, happy to help exercise these things15:54
dimiternfrobware, ping16:16
frobwaredimitern, pong16:17
dimiternfrobware, I'm a bit confused - do we use bash or python or both?16:18
frobwaredimitern, boht16:18
frobwaredimitern, I could do 90% python. in fact I did for a while. but we will always need the bash shim to run the python script.16:19
frobwaredimitern, want to HO?16:19
dimiternfrobware, right16:19
dimiternfrobware, got it16:19
dimiternfrobware, can do a HO, but the script looks fine16:20
frobwaredimitern, let's do 10 mins anyway. would be good to talk about it.16:20
dimiternfrobware, ok16:20
frobwaredimitern, standup HO?16:21
dimiternfrobware, sure, omw16:21
mpontillocherylj: dimitern: I'm currently fixing a separate issue in MAAS IP allocation which is blocking me from fully triaging, but from what I saw last week, it's a MAAS issue16:40
cheryljthanks, mpontillo16:40
mpontillo cherylj, I think dimitern and Andreas were going to re-setup their MAAS setup from scratch just to be sure though; did that happen?16:42
cheryljmpontillo: I'm not sure.  dimitern?16:42
voidspacedimitern: ping if you're still around16:54
dimiternmpontillo, I have rc2 installed from scratch in lxc, will test with it tomorrow as I'm fixing the related juju bug17:03
dimiterncherylj, ^^17:03
dimiternvoidspace, pong17:03
frobwarecherylj, I have a LGTM on 1516891 - is 1.25.2 going to be cut today?17:04
dimiternfrobware, cherylj, I'd wait for that until tomorrow TBO17:04
cheryljfrobware: I'm not sure.  There are a couple bugs we're looking at for that cutoff17:04
dimiternTBH even17:04
frobwarecherylj, if the answer is "possibly not" I might implement some changes dimitern and I just talked about and do some additional testing tomrrow.17:06
cheryljfrobware: that should be fine17:06
voidspacedimitern: I may not need you...17:11
jamvoidspace: how could you say such a thing17:12
jamwe all need dimitern17:12
mupBug #1521267 opened: After upgrade juju status no longer works <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521267>17:26
mupBug #1521267 changed: After upgrade juju status no longer works <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521267>17:35
mupBug #1521267 opened: After upgrade juju status no longer works <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521267>17:53
mupBug #1521267 changed: After upgrade juju status no longer works <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521267>17:56
mupBug #1519403 opened: 1.24 upgrade does not set environ-uuid <juju-core:New for thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1519403>17:59
mupBug #1519403 changed: 1.24 upgrade does not set environ-uuid <juju-core:New for thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1519403>18:05
mupBug #1519403 opened: 1.24 upgrade does not set environ-uuid <juju-core:New for thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1519403>18:08
natefinchwell that only took 4 hours of retries.18:58
perrito666natefinch: ?19:16
natefinchconnecting to freenode19:17
perrito666ah, yes DoS19:18
perrito666could anyone run go test -gocheck.list=true github.com/juju/juju/cmd/jujud/agent/... and paste me their output?19:54
davecheneyping, anyone on call reviewer today ? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3266/20:05
perrito666Ill review it20:08
perrito666davecheney:  ship it20:10
davecheneyperrito666: ta20:14
natefinchmorning thumper20:21
alexisbmorning thumper20:21
thumperdavecheney: hey, look master is cursed due to the race build20:23
thumperdavecheney: I'm hoping we actually caught something new and not a mistake20:24
thumpernot a race20:24
thumperjust a different failure20:24
mupBug #1517992 changed: juju-upgrade to 1.24.7 leaves juju state server unreachable <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1517992>21:14
mupBug #1521327 opened: API client talking to 1.22 server failed: method Service(1).ServicesDeploy is not implemented <api> <ci> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521327>21:14
katcowwitzel3: ericsnow: sorry i'm taking so long; nothing for you today. we'll have lots to discuss in tomorrow's standup21:33
mupBug #1521354 opened: juju should check common failure conditions before upgrading <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521354>21:44
menn0cherylj, davecheney: did you notice that the race detector CI job is failing due to a shell script issue: http://data.vapour.ws/juju-ci/products/version-3370/run-unit-tests-race/build-627/consoleText21:46
wwitzel3katco: ok, np21:46
mupBug #1521354 changed: juju should check common failure conditions before upgrading <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521354>21:47
mupBug #1521354 opened: juju should check common failure conditions before upgrading <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521354>21:50
davecheneythumper: yup, sadly not a real failure, just fat fingers22:05
mupBug #1513492 opened: add-machine with vsphere triggers machine-0: panic: juju home hasn't been initialized <add-machine> <panic> <vsphere> <juju-core:Triaged by s-matyukevich> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1513492>22:14
davecheneythumper: xenial, go 1.5 build is not passing22:16
mupBug #1513492 changed: add-machine with vsphere triggers machine-0: panic: juju home hasn't been initialized <add-machine> <panic> <vsphere> <juju-core:Triaged by s-matyukevich> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1513492>22:18
mupBug #1513492 opened: add-machine with vsphere triggers machine-0: panic: juju home hasn't been initialized <add-machine> <panic> <vsphere> <juju-core:Triaged by s-matyukevich> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1513492>22:21
davecheneythumper: juju/container contains it's own on disk lock ....22:23
davecheneythumper: in addition to juju/utils.fslock ...22:25
thumperhang on22:33
thumperI added that22:33
thumpera different lock type?22:33
davecheneyslightly different22:33
davecheneybut not different enough22:33
davecheneythumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/385922:43
mupBug #1521327 changed: API client talking to 1.22 server failed: method Service(1).ServicesDeploy is not implemented <api> <ci> <regression> <juju-ci-tools:New> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521327>22:45
thumperdavecheney: there are issues with this, but I'm otp right now22:45
* davecheney waits22:46
mupBug #1521327 opened: API client talking to 1.22 server failed: method Service(1).ServicesDeploy is not implemented <api> <ci> <regression> <juju-ci-tools:New> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521327>22:57
mupBug #1521327 changed: API client talking to 1.22 server failed: method Service(1).ServicesDeploy is not implemented <api> <ci> <regression> <juju-ci-tools:New> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521327>23:00
perrito666sinzui: ping23:11
davecheneythumper: ping, still otp ?23:12
wallyworldanastasiamac: axw: perrito666: 1 minute late, finishing another meeting23:15
* perrito666 clocks wallyworld to make sure its 1 minute23:15
sinzuiperrito666: otp23:16
thumperdavecheney: off the phone now, gimmie 5 minutes?23:19
sinzuihi perrito66623:20
perrito666sinzui: hi, I just came back from a short week off and am curious about the mongo3 package :)23:21
sinzuiperrito666: still working on it. I am right now looking at "testbed auxverb failed with exit code 255"23:21
sinzuiperrito666: I think it will be a few more days to see packages being used in tests. We are still waiting on arm hardware, so we wont be sure we are done until it is available to us (which shoudl be this week)23:23
perrito666k, tx a lot, just needed a status upgrade23:23
thumperdavecheney: 1:1 hangout?23:24
davecheneythumper: why23:25
thumperfine, I"ll just put it here23:25
thumperI believe that the lock in container prefers flock, and falls back to fslock on windows23:26
thumperand was done because there were too many failures with fslock during container template creation23:26
thumperI'm going to email juju-dev about replacing fslock23:26
thumperI think we are spending too much time trying to fix a broken system23:27
thumperinstead of investing a little effort into making a good, OS agnostic, dies with the process, lock23:27
thumperemail coming soon from me about that23:27
davecheneythumper: no argument there23:28
davecheneyi've said I want to use the linux facility to do this23:28
davecheneysure, it's linux only23:28
davecheneybut really, so is juju to a first approximation23:29
davecheneywrt most of that PR23:29
thumperWhat I want is an OS abstraction23:29
davecheneyi argue it's still fine to move that coed out of container23:29
davecheneythumper: sure23:29
thumperdavecheney: your branch doesn't change the package name of the windows build file23:29
davecheneybut if you want it to be os agnostic that will come with a reduced readter set23:29
thumperit'll fail for windows23:29
davecheneyright, tahnks23:29
davecheneyi'll fix that23:29
davecheneyreduced 'feature' set23:29
thumperI'm fine with that23:30
davecheneythinks like fslock.IsLocked is racy23:30
davecheneyit cannot be used safely23:30
sinzuidavecheney: the xenial unit tests vote. you rock23:30
davecheneyfor hte same reason there is no os.IsExists23:30
davecheneysinzui: thanks23:30
sinzuidavecheney: is it difficult to do the same for 1.25 which will get a few more releases?23:30
thumperdavecheney: some of the fslock "features" were added because they could, not because they should23:30
davecheneythumper: precisely23:31
thumperthey were added to work around the problem of the lock not being released when the process dies23:31
davecheneyi want to kill the with fire23:31
* sinzui wants wily unit tests on master passing more that 1.25 on xenial23:31
davecheneysinzui: no idea23:31
davecheneybut I can look at the failures23:31
* thumper heading out for dogwalk23:48

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