
bprompt!fr | Geowany00:09
ubottuGeowany: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:09
=== francis is now known as Guest4290
=== Guest4290 is now known as francis_
francis_Hi! Can the SMART extended scan detect bad sectors on hard disk?02:38
keithzgfrancis_: In theory, yes. Although in practice I've found that since you're relying on the specifics of however the drive firmware is written, don't *necessarily* trust it; running something like badblocks may still be a good idea.02:51
keithzgfrancis_: That is to say, an extended SMART scan can find bad sectors, but I'm not 100% sure that it can confirm that there *aren't* any (although in theory it does, I just swear possibly irrationally that it doesn't always).02:52
keithzgfrancis_: This is a bit more technical of a question that you might get better advice on in #ubuntu-server, there are some smart people lurking there :)02:52
francis_Thanks Keith02:56
PhoenixzSo I got an extra monitor on Kubuntu, and 7 years after the last hilarious multi monitor attempt, it still sucks badly.. I connect the monitor, it works.. yay! Then I reboot.. Big mistake. Now the second monitor doesn't do anything, and system settings set all my fonts to 8px size (I'm not kidding) After multiple attempts to get the second monitor to start, reboots, etc later.. Now Kubuntu thinks that the second monitor is the03:37
Phoenixzprimary display, only it won't send a signal there, oh, and my laptop monitor should be shut off, so I'm left with two black screens..   Seriously, is multi monitor possible at all with Kubuntu? 7 years ago it wasn't, and from what I can see now, it still isn't.. Any ideas on how I can actually get kubuntu to show two monitors?03:37
Phoenixz\/rant and sorry for that. I'm just really really frustrated with kubuntu atm. Been using it for over 8 years now, and either 16.04 will be a miracle, or I'm out and on to distro's that actually do work03:38
PhoenixzNow I just started with the other monitor disconnected (if I get to the desktop with the other monitor connected, both will go black and I'll have nothing) but if I connect it while I'm on desktop, nothing happens, system settings won't see it03:40
PhoenixzShould dmesg show something when I connect a monitor, mayhaps?03:40
Phoenixznvidia-settings detect monitors crashes, obviously03:45
PhoenixzKubuntu driver manager software hangs03:45
PhoenixzSo I cannot check / change the nvidia driver either, which would be helpful..03:46
PhoenixzIs there anything I can do to get this to work?03:50
PhoenixzThis is ridiculous, kubuntu is basically just looking for things that work, so it can break them. Connect a monitor? Better make both screens black, and while I'm at it, I'll reset your font sizes again. I'll also stop opening the wallet like I always do and while at it I'll erase all wallet content as well, just to be sure you don't have any passwords or access anywhere anymore..  sddm which was working so-so okay for the04:05
Phoenixzmoment? I'll break that too again04:05
PhoenixzI connected a monitor... and I tried in system settings to get it to go on.. And now I can no longer work, I cannot get my system back in a workable state, and completely unrelated things are broken too now, its just ridiculous..04:05
=== robert__ is now known as YeSHua74
YeSHua74I am not sure if someone would be willing to help me but, I am completely new to linux distros and am having trouble crossing over...I have read the help pages...I still am lost. Help?04:42
lordievaderGood morning.07:55
=== shaun__ is now known as _shaun_
noaXessmorning.. does anybody use latest filezilla? i have troubles to manage sites, can't edit or navigat trough site fields.. and ibus-daemon goes up to over 100% if i try to neter or press tab key in site config, see this http://i.imgur.com/JNWo4o3.png08:47
noaXessi'm on utopic, tried default filezilla package or latest from filezilla-project.org.. both same problem08:48
noaXessstrange thing is, if i press tab key in site config and switch windows with ALT-TAB, in site config it also switches to next field09:05
danielI need help09:34
=== daniel is now known as Guest49927
Guest49927My clock is all wrong. It's in UTC time and many days ahead.09:35
arishi all i dont want to sound mean but i have problems using kubuntu weekly stable ppa s is the situation going to improve why should i continue using kubuntu instead of another rolling release09:58
arissorry rolling distri i meant09:59
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge10:01
hateballKubuntu is not rolling release, and PPAs are unsupported. Pretty easy.10:02
aris hateball thanx didnt know PPAs are unsupported10:04
aristhanx ubottu10:05
hateballaris: That's how it is10:13
hateballIf you really need rolling release, well then *ubuntu is not for you. Otherwise the 6 months refresh should be OK for most10:13
arpan_is there a bug in instant messenger application in kubuntu 15.10?10:18
arpan_anybody here?10:20
=== jussi is now known as Guest81320
=== Guest81320 is now known as jussi01
hateballarpan_: I think you will need to provide a bit more detail10:29
hateballI am sure there are several bugs10:29
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest25036
arpan_everytime I click on connect in the IM applet in the system tray, it never connects successfully. I'm talking about google accounts10:32
mparilloI think I had something similar. When I checked my GMail, I read something about having to lower my security.10:37
arpan_Is the IM applet in the system tray the same thing known as telepathy? Muon Discover says telepathy is installed but I can't find it in the applications menu.10:40
mparilloI would pick one of these three, and add your debugging info:10:46
ubottuKDE bug 354949 in auth-handler "Can't connect to gtalk account (Authentication failed: invalid-authzid)" [Normal,Confirmed]10:47
ubottuKDE bug 354473 in Jabber Plugin "Cannot login to Google account" [Major,Unconfirmed]10:47
ubottuKDE bug 355415 in accounts-kcm "Cannot connect to Google Hangouts" [Grave,Unconfirmed]10:47
BluesKajHiyas all11:59
colamannhi everyone. my secondary screen has started flickering. any ideas where to start looking for the problem? it's neither the cable nor the port11:59
colamannkubuntu 14.04, gefore gt 640, driver version 340.96, two iiyama pl2790 monitors12:00
hateballcolamann: If you feel like it, you could try switching to the 355 driver using https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:01
colamannhateball: checking what the internet says about compatibility. but it's just the one screen, and it has been working for almost two years (changed from one 22" and one 24" screen to two 27" a week ago, though)12:04
colamannthanks for the tip12:04
colamannwhat about the 352 driver? got that one in the repos altready12:06
hateballcolamann: yes sure, worth a try12:06
hateball340 is quite old12:07
hateball358 is unstable, so avoid that at least12:07
colamannok, thanks for the info12:07
colamanndon't know if it's connected, i started having some qt glitches after an update a few weeks ago12:08
BluesKajhateball, nvidia-340? if so it's still recommended for some inexpensive nvidia cards like my 8400gs12:18
colamann_hateball: i think 352 did the trick and removed the qt glitches as well, thanks!12:19
hateballBluesKaj: Yes, but for the 4xx series and up there's not really any reason to hang on to it12:20
hateballcolamann_: Good stuff12:20
=== dv__ is now known as dv_
=== descilla is now known as Guest40287
anckykde isn't auto mounting usb sticks14:18
anckyI checked system settings and auto mount is enabled14:18
anckywhat programs are responsible for automounting?14:20
lordievaderWouldn't be surprised if systemd/udev is responsible for it nowadays.14:23
lordievaderYou can do it through udev anyways.14:24
anckylordievader: okay I will look into that14:28
=== matteo_ is now known as matteo
anckyudev doesn't look out of the ordinary15:39
anckyfor good measure I copied the rules from a workstation where mounting works but nothing happened15:39
anckyany ideas where to go from here?15:40
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu__
=== leemore is now known as Wealthy
anckyalright dbus was the bad apple, I reinstalled it and restarted the workstation, everything automounts again16:57
mustang_Hey Ya'll18:13
mustang_I gotz a question here :)  Apparently the dev team changed how android phones connect to Kub, and now they pop up as MTP devices.  How can I isolate which device it is "actually" connected to, because I need to do a block per block dump of the device either using dd or gddrescue18:15
mustang_I tried the KISS principal and opened up the partition manager app, but it didn't show up anywhere lol18:18
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
=== waem_ is now known as waem
LeeJunFanmustang_: That's not how MTP works, I'm afraid. It's not a block device.19:14
=== Princez4U2 is now known as renata
=== renata is now known as Princez4U2
=== Steffstoff is now known as Guest59276
MichaelPFor viewing photo's i use eog ... In Kubuntu it is missing the borders.. making it impossible to grab edges to resize21:14
lordievaderWhat is wrong with Gwenview?21:47
Valinor81join #irc.epiknet.org/6667 #jeux21:51
PhoenixzAnybody knows how I can stop X from auto creating an xorg.conf file at boot?22:58
keithzgPhoenixz: Wait, is your system literally generating an xorg.conf file?22:59
keithzgGenerally these days the default behaviour is just to autoconfigure; I wasn't aware of any circumstances when an actual file would be spit out in such a process.23:00
geniiIt sure shouldn't be23:00
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
mustang_Wasn't it setup in previous verisons of Kub as a dev23:27
Vutrascan anyone enter kubuntu website?23:32
keithzg"Error establishing a database connection"23:33
Vutrasyeap, linuxmint.com too23:33
Vutrasand ubuntugnome.com down too23:34
keithzgHmm, some sort of generalized outage I guess?23:34
Unit193Not really, those are different errors and Mint is entirely unrelated.23:36
keithzgUnit193: Fair enough.23:36
keithzgAha yeah it looks like ubuntugnome.com is just showing the default apache2-on-ubuntu page, eh? Well at least we know their site is run on Ubuntu ;)23:37
yofellooks back up again23:39

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