
tuorhi, I have found a minor Bug. The "Keyboard Layout Chart" doesn't display "key <AB10> { [     slash,   question,  questiondown,        dead_hook ] };" correctly on the layout "English (US, international with dead keys)". "dead_hook" is replaced by "…". What should I do? (When I should do something)12:02
tuorI did a report: #152160212:42
tewardtuor: there's nothing else you need to do here, but keep an eye out for emails and such that are sent to you for reproduction steps, etc.15:18
tewardthey may also ask hardware questions15:18
tuorteward, ok, I'll read the mails. :)15:19
tewardtuor: though I think that this as is is OK.15:19
tewardso just keep an eye out if someone makes requests15:19
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan

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