
xnoxplease remove qtsvg-opensource-src 5.5.1-2 from xenial-proposed, as all of 5.5 landing is being prepared by Mirv in a silo, and this 5.5 qtsvg component that got auto-synced is in the way for bootstrap =)02:03
xnox"got auto-synced _and_ is in the"02:03
Mirvxnox: no need really05:22
Mirvxnox: I've all of them built as 'build1' already05:23
Mirvand there are 10+ autosynced modules05:23
darkxstcan someone unleash bug 1237904 from wily-proposed?05:58
darkxstit was verification-done about 3 weeks ago05:58
darkxstinfinity, RAOF ^06:00
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RAOFdarkxst: You are in luck! I now have a laptop with actual access to ubuntu-archive-tools!06:04
darkxstRAOF, great! :)06:08
RAOFC'mon, deja-dup. You can do it! Find the backup!06:10
Laneyyofel: I fixed it, in future please debug starting from lp:~developer-membership-board/+junk/packageset09:14
xnoxMirv, ok, when will it land? or could you please share the silo ppa URL? /me is having test suite failures in qtbase09:33
Mirvxnox: today at current pace. https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-012/+packages09:33
MirvI'm just fixing some KDE arm64 rebuilds09:33
Mirvxnox: note that qtbase unit tests are some of the most difficult ones to run on our builders (compared to Qt upstream's own test machinery), and we currently run the much modified set of unit tests only on amd64+armhf+i386. I can add s390x to the skipped architectures or you can try to get them working, but please don't upload a new qtbase today.09:36
Mirvand obviously upstream doesn't run them at all on many of our archs09:36
cjwatsonMirv: have you considered making it a positive list of architectures where they're run rather than a list of skipped architectures?09:46
cjwatsonthe latter approach is usually only suitable when it's particular known properties of the skipped architectures at issue09:47
Mirvcjwatson: yes, I thought I had already done that but I just noticed I didn't09:48
Mirvit was probably some other package09:48
MirvI'll do that to the next upload09:50
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yofelLaney: thanks a lot! (for both the fix an the repo :) )12:06
Mirvsorry I've invaded the arm64 builders by kicking builds of a lot of KDE packages to get them through to release pocket12:39
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MirvQt 5.5.1 has been published to xenial-proposed. After a few hours there might be something migration related popping up, feel free to fix or I'll look at them tomorrow.14:48
rtgCan I get the Xenial 4.3 kernel released from the NEW queue ?16:37
rbasakCan an AA please review monitoring-plugins languishing in Xenial NEW? It's a merge of a Debian source package rename.16:48
xnoxMirv, interesting, for me it was mostly passing and i was trying to narrow it down to #if !defined(Q_T_S390X) here and there.19:47
xnoxMirv, or like chaning things to XFAIL etc.19:47
xnoxMirv, most things do pass. I wonder which things are skipped, i assumed we had a 100% pass rate on amd64, I shall compare with other arches now.19:48
Mirvxnox: the enable-tests.patch is what maintains the exception. it'd be doable for all archs, but quite a lot of test cases change between Qt versions. that's why it's easier to handle those for the archs I have direct access to.20:28
xnoxMirv, cool. i'll check if that's the same things on s390x or not =)20:28
* Mirv -> sleep20:29
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