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zekohello is it possible to install ubuntu touch on any prestigio? I own prestigio multiphone 5503 DUO. I gues that now, because I can't see it at list of compatible devices... but still wanted to ask02:22
nhaineszeko: if it's not listed there, then we don't know about it.02:23
nhainesThat doesn't mean that it can't be ported, but that's a bit of work.  :)02:23
zekohmm I'm not going to test it out now because it's 3am in my country. But surly would in future. What would you recommend instead of android if it would be to hard to rich ubuntu touch at my phone? archidroid? I still remember nokia N900 with maemo5 it was great to have linux at phone. (yeah I know that even android is linux, but you know it's not the same)02:29
nhainesI don't recommend anything but Android or Ubuntu on phones, to be honest.  :)02:29
nhainesYour best bet is to buy a retail Ubuntu phone, if you're not a developer.02:30
zekoI'm 1st year Computer Science student at an university so maybe an day I'd became.02:35
nhainesIt's always worth a try!  Once you have some hardware experience, it's easier to understand how everything comes together.02:41
balkincan i instal ubuntu touch on oneplus one device?03:25
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TimmeyGood morning :) Is it possible to increase the mouse pointer speed?06:15
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dholbachgood morning08:02
nhainesdholbach: good morning!  :)08:41
dholbachhi nhaines08:43
nhainesdholbach: are you going to make it to Ubucon at SCALE?  :)08:43
dholbachyes, very likely :)08:44
svijdholbach: yay ;)08:53
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mcphailIs there a way to make a video screencapture on an Ubuntu device?09:40
svijmcphail: yes, mirscreencast09:41
mcphailsvij: thanks!09:42
OerHeksmcphail, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ScreenRecording "in theory it’s possible to record a video of your phone’s screen. In practice, though, it doesn’t work for video; the phone is that busy (a) grabbing frames and (b) writing them to the phone’s storage that you can’t actually use it"  but streaming it to your pc works09:43
* svij only used mirscreencast to stream to his pc during conference talks09:44
mcphailOerHeks: yep - trying the latter09:48
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Giving Tuesday, and happy Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day! 😃10:17
Sleep_Walkerreally, Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day, I wouldn't believe it :)11:03
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alexforsaleis android surfaceflinger needed in ubuntu touch?12:02
alexforsalein my logcat i got several "I/ServiceManager( 2606): Waiting for service SurfaceFlinger..."12:03
sturmflutalexforsale: Ubuntu uses Mir, shouldn't need SurfaceFlinger anymore I think12:05
sturmflut2I'm reading through the Ubuntu Touch porting guide. Is it up to date, do we still rely on Android 4.4.2?12:14
robin-heroHey all! Is there any info about OTA-8.5 (hotfix release)?12:22
sturmflut2robin-hero: https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/ still only lists ww46-2015 and ww02-2016, so only OTA-8 and OTA-912:25
lotuspsychjethere might be plans for ota 8.512:25
lotuspsychjeive read it on softpedia12:25
davmor2robin-hero: no12:26
robin-herosturmflut2, davmor2 : I've also read about it in sil2100's landing emails12:27
sil2100No definite info yet, we'll know after today's meeting in the afternoon/evening12:28
sil2100So far I think not all fixes we planned on releasing are ready12:28
mcphailWhat's in the hotfix?12:28
mcphail(if it happens)12:28
davmor2mcphail: nothing if all the landings don't happen12:30
mcphailI'm on rc-proposed as OTA8 was killing my battery, but keen to get back on stable asap...12:30
alexforsalehttps://github.com/alexforsale/ubtouch-dmesg/ all my dmesgs and logcats are here12:30
alexforsalecan't get graphic :(12:31
alexforsalei can only get adb on saucy, no luck on vivid or xenial12:31
alexforsaleporting ubuntu is hard12:31
robin-heromcphail, I'm also using rc-proposed because of this, so really hope there would be OTA-8.512:33
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gatobaubauogra_, hello :D can you please help me? i can't connect to the phone via ssh13:24
jgdxgatobaubau, have you enabled developer mode (System Settings -> About -> Developer mode)?13:41
gatobaubaujgdx, yes13:41
gatobaubaujdstrand,  ssh phablet@
gatobaubauPermission denied (publickey).13:41
gatobaubaujgdx, sshd Dec  1 15:15:14 ubuntu-phablet sshd[10193]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys13:42
jgdxgatobaubau, ls -l .ssh/authorized_keys ?13:43
gatobaubaujdstrand, total 413:43
gatobaubau-rw-rw-rw- 1 32011 32011 393 Dec  1 14:36 authorized_keys13:43
gatobaubauphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -l .ssh/authorized_keys13:43
gatobaubau-rw-rw-rw- 1 phablet phablet 393 Dec  1 14:36 .ssh/authorized_keys13:43
tevechmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys13:44
jgdxit's readable by all rightn ow13:44
jgdxi wouldn't use it either if I was sshd13:44
gatobaubauteve, jgdx thanks :>13:45
gatobaubauteve, jdstrand same error sh phablet@
gatobaubauPermission denied (publickey).13:47
gatobaubau-rw------- 1 phablet phablet 393 Dec  1 14:36 .ssh/authorized_keys13:47
gatobaubauDec  1 15:26:47 ubuntu-phablet unity8: PAM adding faulty module: pam_gnome_keyring.so13:52
gatobaubauDec  1 15:26:47 ubuntu-phablet unity8: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:52
gatobaubauDec  1 15:26:47 ubuntu-phablet unity8: PAM adding faulty module: pam_kwallet.so13:52
gatobaubaui can't terminal X-(13:52
jgdxgatobaubau, (use a pastebin for lines > 2)13:53
jgdxgatobaubau, (and I am jgdx, not jdstr…, please mind your  tab completion ;)13:53
gatobaubaujgdx, ok, sorry13:53
jgdxgatobaubau, you have to see if your key is indeed authorized by the file you just changed ownership on.13:54
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gatobaubaujgdx, oh.. i have no idea how to do that14:00
Rikbcat .ssh/authorized_keys and see if your pubkey is in that list14:01
jgdxgatobaubau, I'm pretty sure phablet-shell will do that for you, if you are uncertain.14:07
gatobaubauRikb, jgdx i first tried phablet-shell and it didn't work, then i ssh-keygen and adb push ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys14:10
gatobaubauand yeah.. i can't login14:10
gatobaubaunever mind. thanks for help14:10
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jgdxgato_aw, you can't replace authorized_keys with that pubkey, you need to append it (>>)14:11
jgdxwoops, I need to mind my own tab completion14:11
gato_awno :D14:11
jgdxgato_aw, :P sorry14:11
gato_awi changemd my nickname14:11
jgdxafter you do ssh-keygen, you may need to instruct ssh on the client to use that key. Not sure it automagically do so.14:13
gato_awjgdx, oh, i have no idea how to do that :D14:15
jgdxgato_aw, the Internet knows that very well14:15
gato_awjgdx, do i have to modify ~/.ssh/config ?14:15
gato_awoh ok14:15
jgdxgato_aw, you could. That would be persistent, but you could also pass -i to ssh I believe.14:16
jgdxor -A if you have an agent running, etc etc14:16
gato_awjgdx, i've tried that before  ssh -vvv -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa phablet@
gato_awdoesn't work, thanks for help14:17
gato_awi got to go14:17
gato_awbye all14:17
awekyleN, who would be the appropriate person to ping rE: the Videos scope problem I mentioned during out standup?15:28
kyleNawe, It was not written by the "hanloon" team. Who is the maintainer?15:29
aweI dunno... it's not listed in the UI15:29
kyleNawe it does not appear to be installed as a click. hang on15:30
kyleNawe source pkg is unity-scope-mediascanner15:42
kyleNawe: debian binary pkg is: nity-scope-mediascanner215:42
kyleNwell, unity-scope-mediascanner215:43
kyleNawe: bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-mediascanner15:43
kyleNactually, that is not the right binary pkg. hang on15:45
kyleNcorrecting the correction: it is the right binary deb. dpkg -L unity-scope-mediascanner2 lists the expected bits for video and music aggs15:47
awethanks kyleN; it looks like that package hasn't changed since Sep, and is included in the stable15:55
awejhodapp, what else could be involved in this?  What does the scope dispatch to again to display the page for the video?15:55
jhodappawe, I believe so15:56
aweI guess I *could* just file a bug against the scope15:56
jhodappawe, I've never looked at the code for this scope before15:56
awewell.. as mentioned, I don't see the bug in stable, and there hasn't been an update to the scope since15:56
aweso it's probably another component15:57
aweor a day 0 bug that's intermittent15:57
jhodappawe, yeah, I'm not seeing it on latest rc-proposed on krillin15:57
aweI did yesterday, but it started working OK this morning15:58
jhodappawe, seems like a service thing...you should still file a bug against the scope so that the maintainer double checks this15:58
awewill do15:58
jhodappawe, at the very least, we may need some more automated testing around this15:59
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awejhodapp, be my guest.  ;D16:00
jhodappawe, :)16:00
luca__hi guys, i'm porting ubuntu touch on an android device, though i'm stuck with the installation of the system.img and the ramdisk16:10
luca__anyone could help me?16:10
k1lis there a daily build.iso for unity8+MIR anywhere available for the desktop? (and is there a channel for that?)16:27
danielthebaguegood evening people having an issue add music to my sd card! getting a libmtp error: Unknown error16:37
danielthebagueany ideas why?16:37
OerHeksk1l, there is a channel #ubuntu-mir > http://launchpad.net/mir https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MirSpec16:40
ogra_danielthebague, is you phone screen unlocked when doing that ? it needs to be unlocked to transfer files from/to it16:41
ogra_sounds like a bu you should file then16:41
danielthebagueah ok16:42
luca__guys anyone has knowledge about porting? or just installing images on a device?16:42
sturmflut2I am having some problems with MTP too lately, krillin OTA-8 and a 15.10 desktop. It sometimes only works after unplugging the USB cable and trying again. Haven't had the time to look into it.16:43
danielthebaguei had this problem before and i managed to sort it by removing odd characters from music file names16:43
danielthebaguenow it not working at all16:43
k1lsturmflut2: any suspicious in the dmesg logs?16:43
ogra_sftp://phablet@ ... in Nautilus->"connect to server" (indeed with the right IP) ... works wonders ;)16:45
danielthebagueah will try that but i was trying to reorganise music in folders already exsisting on the sd card16:47
ogra_well, i have never tried to access the SD this way, but theoretically using the SD path instaed of /home/phablet should work16:48
onlaIs this the unity 8 irc channel?16:52
danielthebagueorga:  no permission to access16:52
danielthebagueogra_, no permissions to access phone this way16:53
ogra_danielthebague, hmm, that indeed onyl works if you have ssh enabled and your key set up16:55
danielthebagueogra_,  didn't know ssh was available for ubuntu phone16:55
onlaIs the work on unity 8 and convergence a waste of time, if Samsung is coming up with foldable phone next month, LG following soon, and then ppl rapidly update their smartphones to these new foldable 8-10" inch screens which already is enough for running normal desktop unity?16:56
ogra_it is preinstalled and disabled by default (and only allows key auth, so you need to copy a valid kay over)16:56
danielthebagueogra_,  how do you enable it? or should i just google?16:56
onlaso most people in 2017 run phones with 10" screens in their pockets16:56
ogra_danielthebague, http://askubuntu.com/questions/348714/how-can-i-access-my-ubuntu-phone-over-ssh/599041#59904116:57
danielthebaguewas just looking at that16:58
k1lonla: there is still a difference between using a system with touch or mouse+keyboard. and i dont see "everyone having foldable 10" smartphones" in the near future :)16:58
danielthebaguei think i will file a bug report on the mtp problem anyway, some time later tonight.16:58
onlak1l: hmm oke. but it might be a thing everyone just wants. I hope ubuntu could be installed to such phone asap16:59
danielthebaguejust thought i'd find the solution with a google so not sure if i am the only one with problem or if i have a faulty sd card16:59
onlaCanonical should aim big and try buy them have ship Ubuntu with their foldables and then ubuntu could even challenge android, as these foldables will be another turning point in the history17:02
danielthebagueogra_, do you have the link to file the bug report to for the bq aquarius E4.517:03
danielthebaguenever filed a bug report before so just having a read up on it17:03
ogra_danielthebague, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtp/+filebug ...17:34
danielthebagueogra_, thanks17:35
lotuspsychjeTttttttt: please no spamming here17:44
lotuspsychjeTttttttt: do you have a reql question?17:44
k1lTttttttt: see the devices list for support for your device. if no one made a port for you see the porting guide17:45
jgdxkenvandine, could you test the mock server now? I added a main17:47
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kenvandinei happen to be using it now, i'll grab the latest :)17:48
jgdxdobey, could you do a quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-push/lp1515344/+merge/279149 ?17:49
jgdxhave debs if ya want to test17:50
dobeyjgdx: +1, but don't top approve yet17:52
kenvandinejgdx, works great!17:52
jgdxdobey, thanks!17:52
jgdxkenvandine, woo \o/17:52
kenvandinei'll give your latest revision a review and mark the MR17:52
jgdxdanke schön17:52
dobeyjgdx: there's an automatic->trunk going through landing right now17:52
jgdxdobey, ah, okay. I'll wait until that's done.17:53
dobeyso having this merge to automatic now would screw things up i think :)17:53
dobeyi wonder what's needed to get rid of the automatic branch17:53
dobeyshould bug pedronis about that sometime i guess17:53
jgdxdobey, he said he had a good idea of what needed to be done, so yeah, lets. Maybe something for ota9+117:55
sebsebsebamazing how some new icons can make such a difference,  just updated to latest version17:55
sebsebsebnot sure what I think of th new icons quite yet too17:55
sebsebsebputting a plymouth like screen on it,  wasa probably a good idea though17:55
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danielthebagueogra_, seems it only when transferring folders on or re-organising folders SD card that there is a bug seems to work ok now won't have to filethe bug report as i can transfer selected files into newly created folders with the SD card18:12
danielthebagueogra_, **within the SD card sorry for my inconvienance18:13
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Guest96086hello i have a samsung note 3 and have gone through all the major 3 commands on terminal18:34
Guest96086my phone is currently on reboot mode but i have no idea what to do next18:34
Guest96086i also do not have an sd card18:35
Guest96086please help18:35
lotuspsychjeGuest96086: how is this related to ubuntu touch?18:36
sebsebsebGuest96086: if your trying to get Ubuntu Touch on that, well it's not reallty going to work18:57
sebsebsebhas anyone done that unoffial otg hub thing?19:07
sturmflut2sebsebseb: Which unofficial OTG hub thing?19:30
vendorrhHello! I am trying to port ubuntu touch to Samsung Galaxy S 10.5(sm-t805), and after adding everything: vendor, device and cm kernel, when the boot.img is created, I receive the error: boot.img too large19:34
dobeysturmflut2: i presume he means the convergence demo stuff on mako19:35
vendorrhI need extra 3kb in the BoarderConfig.mk19:36
dobeyvendorrh: you might need to disable some stuff to get a smaller kernel or such. or the device might require repartitioning to be able to use ubuntu on it19:36
vendorrhI don't know how to do this19:36
vendorrhhow can I remove something from the boot.img19:37
dobeyi don't know how to do it for that device; but changing the linux kernel config to disable currently enabled things which aren't actually needed/useful on the device, and then rebuilding the kernel, should give you a smaller kernel19:37
vendorrhI searched all arround19:37
vendorrhand I extracted my boot.img and the one from manta example19:38
dobeyfor upstream generic linux, it can be done with "make menuconfig" for example. but sometimes device vendors make changes such that menuconfig and the like no longer are usable19:38
vendorrhand are the same19:38
dobeythe device is not the same19:38
dobeyyou can ask samsung or maybe on xda devs about how to repartition your device, so that you can use the slightly larger boot.img19:39
vendorrhk..bat how can I disable stuff?19:40
dobeylike i said, change the kernel config, and recompile it19:41
dobeyjust make sure you only disable things that are not at all relevant to your device19:41
vendorrhI added the kernel in phablet\kernel\samsung\chagalllte\ is this the correct understanding? because in the documentation this part is not so good documented19:42
dobeyi don't know19:42
dobeyprobably it is correct if that is the device name19:43
vendorrhyes the device name is correct bat the location for the kernel is oky like this?19:43
dobeythat is just the source tree location, iiuc, so should be fine yes19:44
vendorrhoky..there are some steps in the documentation which are hard to follow19:44
vendorrhI had to do assumptions19:45
vendorrhand I am new to this stuff..I am not familiar with ubuntu..I am just a embedded programmer...19:47
vendorrhShould I try an different kernel?19:49
vendorrhmaybe this will fix the problem?19:49
dobeyno, there is only one kernel that will work for your device19:53
dobeyhave you never compiled a linux kernel before?19:53
vendorrhnop..this time was the first time19:53
vendorrhI found differents git repositories19:54
vendorrhfor the kernel, device and vendor19:55
vendorrhall are from the same user19:55
vendorrhI how now different kernels19:56
vendorrhwhich I can try :D19:57
vendorrhAm I wrong?19:58
sebsebsebsturmflut2: a way to get mouse and keyboard working20:00
dobeyvendorrh: there should only be one kernel tree for the device. like i said, you need to change the kernel config, not the whole kernel, to disable some unnecessary components (if possible). search for how to change the kernel config for your device, or ask on xda developers forum i guess20:05
vendorrhOky thenks :D20:06
sturmflut2sebsebseb: Ah, that has been working for a long time I think. You can also attach USB storage devices using an OTG adapter etc.20:06
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sebsebsebsturmflut2: yep now I got one to20:42
sebsebsebsturmflut2: so want to get that thing working :)20:42
sturmflut2sebsebseb: I just plugged the OTG adapter into my Aquaris E4.5 with OTA-8, attached an USB hub, attached a mouse to the hub and the phone switched into windowed mode. Seems to work then.20:49
sebsebsebsturmflut2: oh, but youtube video says to get the open store20:50
sebsebseband then an app for it20:50
sebsebsebmaybe I should try without open store and app20:50
sturmflut2But there is currently no Ubuntu phone which can do USB and MHL at the same time, so convergence can only be used with Bluetooth devices20:50
sebsebsebI got the latest updates20:50
sebsebsebwhat's MHL?20:50
sebsebsebsturmflut2: I bought a OTG Hub (and then some other thngs with it to), the other day, since I wanted to try the OTG thing out :) and yep my parcel came today20:51
sebsebsebnext working day develiery, paid on Sunday, so that was quick d20:51
sturmflut2sebsebseb: One of the standards used to attach external displays to a mobile device. It re-uses and blocks the USB port, so you can't have an external display and USB devices at the same time20:52
sebsebsebsturmflut2: yeah popey said that the screen woudn't work,  but the Meizu MX4 has a nice sized screen anyway :)20:52
sebsebseb,but mouse and keyboard should work20:52
sturmflut2Haven't tried the MX4 in a while, mine has a very wonky USB chip20:53
sebsebseba wonky usb chip how so?20:54
sebsebsebit's a nice phone, except for how it looks like an iphone hmm20:54
sebsebseb,but I was meant to get gold colour to, but they sent silver20:54
sebsebsebsilver one really looks  like an iphone20:54
sturmflut2It does LTE, which is nice, but doesn't have an SD card and I think quite a number of people are having problems with the USB port20:55
sebsebsebLTE that's the network thing I think?  one of htem20:55
sebsebseb4g lte?20:55
sebsebsebwe are starting to have more 4g in UK, but not sure about LTE20:55
sturmflut2Yeah, LTE is 4G20:55
sebsebseboh LTE is just another name for 4G?20:55
sebsebsebsturmflut2: so it may work without the open store intersting20:56
sebsebsebI'll have to try20:56
sturmflut2Technically "4G" is just another name for "LTE" ;)20:57
sebsebsebsturmflut2: reak convergence will be good, but in the mean time this OTG thing will be good :)20:58
sebsebsebshame there isn't a decent IRC client by the looks of it in the app store20:58
sebsebsebwell maybe kiwi IRC, but that's a web app to20:58
sebsebsebsturmflut2: unforutnatly I lost my E4.521:00
sebsebsebsturmflut2: so when I got spare cash going to buy a new one and the updated one actsaully21:00
sebsebsebbeen holindg that off for months now21:00
sebsebsebdon't quite have money for that at the moment21:00
sturmflut2I was thinking of building one, but there are a number of challenges. In theory it's easy, just a bit of Qt and QML and you have a basic client, but in reality your mobile data connection will regularly disconnect, so it's not going to be very useful. I've tried to use IRC on Android for a while when I was commuting, and it really wasn't much fun.21:01
sebsebsebsturmflut2: well I was thinking IRC over wifi mainly21:01
sturmflut2That would work much better, but you can't run in the background on the phone, so the connection would also drop very often and have to be re-established when the app gets focus again21:03
sebsebsebsturmflut2: it works the mouse :)21:10
sebsebsebsturmflut2: haven't done the open store stuff21:10
sebsebsebjust plugged the stuff in like you said, and yes the mouse works :)21:11
sebsebsebaltough it took me to the like log out screen on the phone21:11
sebsebseblog in screen hmm21:11
sebsebsebwhat's the log in password hmm21:14
dobeyyou don't know the PIN/passphrase you set to unlock your phone?21:16
sebsebseboh my code ok21:17
sebsebsebi'll try that21:17
tvosssturmflut2, even if it was running in the background: the phone suspends for very good reasons :)21:20
tvosssturmflut2, also: what happened to the bouncer idea?21:20
sebsebsebmy code not working21:20
sturmflut2tvoss: I've looked into how to integrate ZNC with the Push Notification Service, after that it was a mixture of a lack of time, travel and other priorities21:28
tvosssturmflut2, ah okay, let me know what you find out21:29
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taiebotWaouh never saw that there was some work on miracast support \o/ . Has it been announced somewhere https://launchpad.net/miracast-service21:59
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