
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else13:19
KyleYankan /act all13:21
lazypowerssweeny: about to be last call for canonical lunch before the snow :P13:50
lazypowerssweeny: want to link up and do an engineers lunch in December?13:50
ssweenylazypower, good point13:50
ssweenylazypower, yeah let's do it13:50
ssweenymaybe we can make it more than once a year ;-)13:50
lazypowerThat would be awesome, but i have a lack of faith in our scheduling capacity :P13:51
lazypowerits not due to the people involved, its due to our schedules13:51
lazypowerApparently team Juju is headed into the fringes of the hot zone in Feb for FOSDEM/Juju Charmer Summit13:51
lazypowerI'm a little apprehensive but hopeful that things calm down by Feb 113:52

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