
clivejooh great now Im being blamed for kamoso being broken00:09
* genii points an accusing finger at clivejo and then runs away00:12
geniiclivejo: Just kidding :)00:12
* clivejo looks for something to throw at genii00:12
clivejoits a good job Im using a wired mouse today!00:13
* genii slides clivejo a fresh coffee00:14
clivejodont drink coffee and especially not at this time!00:15
geniiIt's only 19:15 here, still pretty early00:15
clivejo00:16 here00:16
RobertVIIHello, I am having problems with this operating system. I have read many documents on it but, still need help. 02:58
sgclarkRobertVII: please use #kubuntu for support. thank you.03:33
RobertVIII did. Multiple times03:34
RobertVIIFor days...03:34
RobertVIIThis OS is not stable and doesn't support what I want. Oh well.03:35
sgclarktry https://www.kubuntuforums.net/content.php. This is not a support channel sorry.03:36
RobertVIIYeah I know I went there too. I must have got a bad download. Sorry, Good bye03:37
lordievaderGood morning.09:19
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yofelclivejo: I'm fine, just lots to do at $dayjob, and the little stuff I did for here over the last few days didn't involve this channel.12:01
clivejook, just checking :)12:01
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BluesKajHowdy folks14:22
clivejohi BluesKaj14:32
batteronizerHi guys14:33
batteronizerNeed a bit of help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kate/+bug/152151714:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1521517 in kate (Ubuntu) "Kate does not contain python plugins/pate" [Undecided,New]14:34
batteronizercan anyone suggest a temporary workaround?14:35
BluesKajhi clivejo14:35
yofelbatteronizer: pate isn't ported to Qt5 kate yet, and it doesn't look like it will for 15.12 either. I don't think there's a temporary workaround other than using qt4 kate (which means using the version from trusty)14:47
yofelwell, you could also build qt4 kate yourself I guess14:50
batteronizeryofel: sure, i'll give it a shot14:59
batteronizerfinal aim is to write a few plugins to support meteor projects, lets see how it goes15:01
clivejobatteronizer: are you a meteor devel?15:09
batteronizerclivejo: yeah15:10
clivejoany experience with angular?15:10
* clivejo was trying to create an app to collect and store Kubuntu users around the world and display on an OSM based map15:12
clivejoit seems Java has moved on a lot since I last looked at it in Uni!15:12
yofelclivejo: java or javascript? (the statement is true for both though)15:30
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ehbelloi asked a question about xenial in #kubuntu channel but as it is a development version, is better ask here16:13
ehbello i'm trying kubuntu xenial and in last upgrade i get a blank screen at sddm login, also running startx, no plasma was loaded16:13
ehbelloi can't see any error at logs, any idea what happens?16:13
clivejosounds like graphics driver to me16:14
clivejois it a new install or upgrade?16:14
clivejoyofel: both Java and JS16:15
clivejoI think Andriod has had a huge influence16:16
ehbelloclivejo: i dont think so. there is an xorg proccess running16:16
ehbelloclivejo: if i run startx in user session, some applications as yakuake starts, but there is no plasmashell16:16
clivejowhat graphics card are you on?16:17
ehbelloclivejo: it is a vm in virtualbox16:18
clivejohave you gotten to the desktop yet on this install?16:19
ehbelloclivejo: yes, before dist-upgrade16:19
ehbelloclivejo: it worked with kde 5.4.2-0ubuntuN but with 5.4.3-0ubuntu1 no16:21
ehbellohere is the history.log of upgrade: https://paste.kde.org/phvis3qyv16:25
clivejosorry, I cant help you.  You could try in #plasma16:26
ehbellook, thanks! ;)16:27
clivejod_ed: you any idea what might be wrong?16:29
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sgclarkyofel: are we still having a meeting today?18:02
yofelmaybe, I didn't have time to check that. Rick will know once he returns18:03
mck182hey guys, I just noticed plasma-workspace in wily unstable is failing because of missing KF5::CalendarEvents, so just wanted to let you know that kdeclarative requires a packaging adjustment as that's where that lib is18:32
sgclarkmck182: okies, thanks18:33
sgclarkyofel: looks life meeting moved to tomorrow. Not sure if that collides with my other obligations tomorrow.18:34
soee_can someone confirm that mult accounts in Owncloud client are gone ?20:13
yofelif you mean the client, there is an "Add an Account" button in General20:15
clivejoyofel: how are the merges going?20:19
yofeldunno, is the counter still at 0?20:19
yofelI probably won't get to them before christmas vacation20:19
ahoneybunovidiu-florin, ping20:38
ahoneybunyofel, someone from the Ubuntu Docs team has summitted a commit to the Manual on github20:42
ahoneybunTed Cox is his name20:42
yofelsounds somewhat familiar20:56
shadeslayerI'm the master of merges21:09
shadeslayerbow before me21:09
sgclarkoh  you are working on them?21:10
sgclarkI was about to start, glad I didnt21:10
* yofel drowns shadeslayer in flowers21:10
shadeslayersgclark: yeah21:10
shadeslayerI'm up to kd21:11
shadeslayersgclark: perphaps you can start from the bottom?21:11
shadeslayerand we meet half way xD21:11
sgclarksure, where is bottom of what?21:11
shadeslayerthe bottom of frameworks21:11
shadeslayeralphabetically bottom I mean :)21:12
shadeslayerso you can start working on threadweaver, sonnet, so on and so forth21:12
sgclarkaha ok21:12
shadeslayerand second21:12
sgclarkgot a pad going or using trello?21:12
shadeslayersgclark: https://paste.kde.org/pdvwkqhuk21:12
shadeslayerrun that script in a checkout of all frameworks21:13
shadeslayerand you need this in your .gitconfig https://paste.kde.org/phrlbdu1321:13
shadeslayermakes merging changelogs easier21:13
shadeslayersgclark: I didn't put it up anywhere21:14
sgclarkshadeslayer: great thsnk you21:14
shadeslayerI just started working on it :P21:14
shadeslayerand if it's just the two of us, we still don't need no pad, can just work from 2 ends21:14
shadeslayerkd all done \o/ , onto ke21:15
sgclarkmeh still setting up my xenial chroot, will be a few yet. but go you :)21:16
shadeslayerhuh, ke done too :P21:16
shadeslayerseeing how ke only has kemoticons21:16
shadeslayersgclark: eh, I'm just doing it to the best of my abilities, CI will take care of the rest of it21:16
shadeslayerI just make sure I don't leave any merge markers 21:18
shadeslayerand done21:18
shadeslayermerge markers inside a diff file qq21:28
shadeslayerok, ki all done too, I'll take a break21:31
shadeslayersgclark: have you done kxmlgui?22:08
shadeslayeraha, so we're done with the k's :)22:08
sgclarkshadeslayer: ^22:08
shadeslayerI think the only stuff left is a-k then :)22:09
shadeslayerI'll let you get to those22:09
sgclarkmm I am confused.22:09
sgclarkdone with ks but need a-k?22:10
sgclarkanyway, np, your nifty script made this much easier than I expected.22:10
shadeslayerand stuff like that22:10
shadeslayersgclark: bluez-qt needs doing22:11
shadeslayerand breeze-icons22:11
shadeslayerand ecm and frameworkintegration22:11
sgclarkthen why am I working on kwindows system and it is not merged?22:11
shadeslayerkwindowsystem should be merged22:11
shadeslayerare you sure you did a git pull22:12
shadeslayerperhaps your checkout is outdated22:12
sgclarkI used your script..22:12
shadeslayermy script doesn't do a git pull on kubuntu_unstable22:12
shadeslayerso try this : git merge --abort 22:12
shadeslayergit pull22:13
shadeslayeron kubuntu_unstable22:13
shadeslayeryou should get my changes22:13
shadeslayergit also did some magic on kxmlgui for me22:13
sgclarkoh gosh22:13
shadeslayerI merged kxmlgui, commited it, then pulled + rebased, it merged my merge and your merge into one22:13
shadeslayerI was so confused22:13
sgclarkok so in short my stuff is wrong hahahahff22:14
sgclarkmeh I seriously need to reduce my hats. I am doing nothing well at this point22:14
shadeslayersgclark: https://paste.kde.org/ppifc7trj22:15
shadeslayersgclark: how so ?22:15
shadeslayeri don't follow how your stuff is wrong22:15
shadeslayerseems perfectly fine22:16
shadeslayeratleast kxmlgui is22:16
sgclarkoh, I though I messed up your stuff. perhaps I am confused. Mildy stressed.22:16
shadeslayerif I push stuff, and then you try to mess it up, git will reject your commits22:17
shadeslayergit is clever that way22:17
shadeslayerdoesn't allow you to mess up commited/pushed work22:17
shadeslayerunless you really really force it22:17
shadeslayerthat's what it did for me :)22:17
shadeslayerwhen I tried to mess up your work ;)22:17
sgclarkcool, so running your new script will update my repos? correct?22:18
shadeslayersgclark: yes, it should fix the repos and set them to the right state22:18
shadeslayerit aborts the merge from the previous script22:18
shadeslayerand updates kubuntu_unstable22:18
sgclarkgreat, thanks22:18
shadeslayerand like I said, some of the repos are still unmerged, might want to do those by hand22:19
sgclarkanything with a k?22:19
shadeslayernah, k should be all done22:19
sgclarkmeant without22:19
shadeslayerI haven't touched anything without a k22:19
shadeslayerexcept attica and baloo22:19
shadeslayerthough it'd be nice if someone could double check my work to make sure I didn't miss something22:20
sgclarkhmm still a ton of conflicts22:20
shadeslayersgclark: where?22:20
sgclarkeverything lol22:20
sgclarkwonder if my repos are borked22:20
shadeslayersgclark: can you show me the output of the last script I gave you?22:20
shadeslayerperhaps one repo that still has the conflicts22:21
shadeslayerand yay, my CI is now down to 159 failing builds \o/22:22
shadeslayerfrom over 20022:23
sgclarkshadeslayer: https://paste.kde.org/pcl74nrvx22:25
shadeslayerthere's something wrong22:25
shadeslayerwhat's debianmerge.sh22:25
shadeslayerStopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).22:25
shadeslayersomething is very very wrong :P22:26
shadeslayerwould also recommend using bash22:26
shadeslayera good idea would also be to nuke the repos and start fresh I guess22:26
shadeslayerCONFLICT (rename/delete): debian/libkf5bluezqt6.symbols deleted in HEAD and renamed in master. Version master of debian/libkf5bluezqt6.symbols left in tree. < yeah, I haven't merged bluez22:27
shadeslayerwhat's odd is the git file discovery stuff22:27
shadeslayerclearly it's gone into some odd dire22:27
sgclarkI just made the commands you pasted into a file. nothing more.22:29
sgclarkno crazy voodoo.22:29
sgclarkjust did bluez22:30
shadeslayerdunno then, not sure why it'd go into some random dir22:30
shadeslayerperhaps sh is weird22:30
shadeslayeranyway, I'm heading to bed22:30
shadeslayernight ^_^22:30
sgclarkgood night. 22:32

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