
NOOBso i can assign it15:40
NOOBplease ping me if you can help15:42
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=== Guest87554 is now known as Pici
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cimbakahnIs there any reason for the screensaver to activate at startup?18:40
wxlcimbakahn: the dæmon runs so it can turn on at the specified interval.18:41
bioterrorwxl, I like your, maybe danish accent ;)18:47
Loke-ionhello, wondering if anyone can help me. I decided to try some linux distro on my old notebook. I have tried ubuntu (lags a bit), lubuntu, lxle. Notebook has a n280 1.6GHz 1c/2t cpu, 2GB ram, nvidia ION LE gpu19:49
wxlLoke-ion: not sure what your question is.19:50
Loke-ionon pretty much all of them LTS or latest seems there is not full driver support for the gpu. Also I am unable to change the brightness. Changing from nouveau to nvidia doesn't help19:50
wxlLoke-ion: what makes you think driver support is lacking?19:50
bioterrorpropietary driver should support Ion quite well?19:50
bioterrorI have Ion2 board19:51
Loke-ionoutside brightness, when I login I get broken bits of stuff that look from my windows 7 partition19:51
Loke-iona friend said it's unassigned memory something19:51
wxlscreenshot might be helpful19:51
Loke-ionhttps://i.lokie.eu/eCU2mXvf1UYX.mp4 this is from when I tried lubuntu19:52
wxlis a screenshot possible? i don't feel like downloading an mp4.19:53
Loke-ionyou can stream it normally19:53
Loke-ionhere you go https://i.lokie.eu/t/llyrrBPLc4IM.png19:53
wxldesktop seems fine19:54
wxlwhat's it look like when opening a window?19:54
Loke-ionafter it finishes login in it's fine19:54
Loke-iona friend who is a software engineer said the above is: uninitialized video card memory19:55
Loke-ionwhich means lack of full driver support19:55
wxlLoke-ion: sounds like you should have your friend submit some patches XD19:55
bioterrorare you using porpietary driver or the opensource one?19:55
Loke-ionbioterror nouveau, tried the propietary driver too19:56
Loke-ionlatest and legacy19:56
Loke-ionon lubuntu and lxle19:56
bioterrorand same?19:56
Loke-ionwxl yea well doubt he will be very interested19:56
Loke-ionI think so yea, have done so many reinstalls I am losing count19:57
wxlLoke-ion: if that is the problem, someone either needs to fix the problem in nouveau or you can hope and pray nvidia fixes it19:57
wxlLoke-ion: chances with the latter are small, of course19:57
wxlLoke-ion: nouveau is not an ubuntu product19:58
Loke-ionI get systemd failed to load /path/video card something while it loads19:58
wxlyou can report a bug here" https://wiki.freedesktop.org/nouveau/Bugs/19:58
Loke-ionto load ACL*19:58
Loke-ionok driver aside19:58
wxl"something" is not very descriptive. we'd need the full details19:58
Loke-ionany idea about the brightness problem?19:59
Loke-ionlet me reboot it again wxl didn't have enough time to read it19:59
wxlthey may be related actually19:59
wxlLoke-ion: don't19:59
wxlLoke-ion: you should be able to find it in /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/syslog19:59
Loke-ionwell too late19:59
wxli don't see an ION LE here https://wiki.freedesktop.org/nouveau/CodeNames/20:00
wxlLoke-ion: from what i see nouveau doesn't fully support the ion20:01
Loke-ionsystemd-udevd[413]: Failed to apply ACL on /dev/dri/card1: No such file or directory20:01
Loke-iondoubt if even nvidia fully does :P looks more like a one time thing they did for net/note books20:02
wxlLoke-ion: doubtful that's related.20:02
wxlyeah this is the problem with nvidia unfortunately20:02
Loke-ionso I am stuck changing brightness from the terminal20:03
wxlwell it's possible the media key isn't recognized20:03
Loke-ionif I use the brightness app on lxle it changes it but to me looks more like it applies a gray filter on it20:03
Loke-ioncause the mouse pointer stays the same "bright"20:03
wxlyou can use the openbox settings to change what keys do what20:04
wxlyou just need to find out what key you have20:04
Loke-ionmm on other distro fn was being registered as in I got the pop up with the bar20:05
Loke-ionbut no real change was happening20:06
Loke-ionalso fn for audio works in lxle20:06
wxlso steal the openbox settings from lxle and apply them to lubuntu20:06
wxlbut change the program used to the one you use on the command line20:06
wxlugh finally found it. xev will report what key is being input, Loke-ion20:09
wxlLoke-ion: or evtest20:10
wxlLoke-ion: or xinput test20:10
wxlLoke-ion: xinput is a little weird to use, though, as you need the id of the device from xinput list20:11
Loke-ionum thanks though that will take some time20:12
Loke-ionnot familiar with all that20:12
Loke-ionanyway wxl thank you, will try to play around a bit and see what I manage20:14
Loke-ionbtw if I remember correctly on ubuntu 15.10 brightness worked fine anyway to find out what it has the others don't?20:15
wxlLoke-ion: after you get some output back on what key is being used, i can help you hack your confgig20:15
wxlLoke-ion: sure. just find where all the hotkeys are defined and see what keycodes and what-have-you it uses20:16
Loke-ionyea that's well out of my skill level but I 'll see what I can do20:16
wxlLoke-ion: unfortunately, i don't know where that is as i don't use ubuntu, but you could ask on #ubuntu20:17
Loke-ionalright will see if I can do it on weekend, got the logs from here so I should probably manage to explain myself20:18
Gnjuracleafpad is 700kb and when i try to install gedit it asks for 47mb wtf, is gedit that big or is id downloading whole gnome tree or somthign20:36
bioterrorgedit likes gnome packages20:37
bioterrorhow about apt-get install --no-install-recommends gedit20:38
bioterrordoes it make the size smaller?20:38
Gnjuraci check20:45
Gnjuracsorry waz other tab20:45
Gnjuracyes now its 9733kB20:46
Gnjuracin the end i installed mausepad20:52
Gnjuraci only wnated sytacs highling20:52
Gnjurachow to make21:00
Gnjuracbinbash script21:00
Gnjuracnot ask on duble click to execute or not21:01
carakaGreetings. I maintain a PPA for a prject, and I have a lubuntu user who insists that the .desktop launcher doesn't exist, but I know it does. Where does one find them in lubuntu? in /usr/share/applications like the other flavours?21:42
Techno568Hello. Is lbuntu better than ubuntu for old computers21:56
carakathat was quick'22:01
geniicaraka: Short and sweet ;)22:20
carakayes. and I got my lubuntu user sorted out too. Of course it's all in the default directory :P22:21
carakathank goodness for lightweight distros. More linux converts by the day22:22
geniiGives more life to old equipment, simpler to understand22:22

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