
dholbachgood morning07:47
josemorning, dholbach07:51
dholbachhi jose07:52
davidcalledholbach, I think that the cn 404 bug is related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1440002 , people clicking links containing /en/ , but having their browsers redirecting them to cn.developer.ubuntu.com14:19
mhall119davidcalle: that shouldn't be a problem anymore, since the cn.d.u.c redirect doesn't add the /cn-zh/ path prefix anymore14:24
mhall119hmmm, nevermind, it is still a problem it seems...14:25
dholbachwhere does this need to be fixed?14:30
joseballoons, popey: available in ~25?14:35
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119: where does this need to be fixed?14:39
davidcalledholbach, trying to figure it out14:40
dholbachdavidcalle, ok14:40
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119: what should I reply to April?14:42
mhall119dholbach: tell her we're looking into it14:43
dholbachok, will do14:43
mhall119dholbach: it looks like the china cache redirect is still adding the /zh-cn/ path prefix, but they're not supposed to anymore14:44
mhall119I'll check with #is about who can fix that14:45
dholbachthanks a lot mhall11914:46
mhall119dholbach: webops confirmed that the change was not done, I've filed a new RT to get it done and copied you, davidcalle and april on it15:08
dholbachthanks a lot mhall11915:08
dholbachwill that also fix the bug davidcalle mentioned earlier?15:08
mhall119dholbach: it should, yes15:09
dholbachI'll let April know15:10
mhall119dholbach: I already emailed her (and CC'd you)15:11
dholbachyep, saw it15:13
dholbachdpm, just as a quick reminder: I will be missing the team call today as the snappy clinic is happening at the same time15:22
dpmah, yeah, thanks for the heads up15:22
dpmand have fun at the clinic :)15:22
dholbachwill do :)15:22
dholbachwe have two snapcraft releases to catch up about :)15:22
balloonshey jose15:29
josehave 30?15:30
balloonsin a minute, yes15:31
dpmmhall119, would you mind adding some content to http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-florida ?15:32
JoseeAntonioRwhoops, I guess that wasn't the button15:42
JoseeAntonioRballoons: lmk if you're available for a hangout (cc. popey)15:42
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, k15:42
JoseeAntonioRthaaaat was the button15:42
balloonsi'm free15:42
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, linky?15:43
popeyJoseeAntonioR, breaking up15:58
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balloonsIRC is just up and down today :-(16:05
josepopey: rt.ubuntu.com#2771716:40
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dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :-)17:06
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pleia2mhall119: thumbs up for kubuntu dev talk, added to trello23:32

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