
didrocksgood morning06:38
pittiGood morning06:55
didrocksbonjour pitti !06:55
didrockston cours hier était bien ?06:55
seb128good morning desktopers06:56
seb128salut pitti06:56
pittibonjour ! oui, on a parlé beaucoup :)06:56
pittisalut seb12806:56
* pitti bataille les nuages à nouveau -- mon sport de matin06:57
didrockspitti: souffle un bon coup !06:57
didrocksles nuages partiront :)06:58
pittididrocks: non, non ! ils cassent tous le temps, je les veux marcher ! :-)06:58
didrockspitti: pourtant, c'est la bonne saison pour les nuages !06:59
pitti("I want them to work" -- est-ce que c'était compréhensible ?)06:59
pittididrocks: en effet :)07:00
didrockspitti: oui oui, je dirais juste "je veux qu'ils marchent"07:00
pittihttp://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml -- 430 tests on the wall, 430 tests; ressussitate one cloud again, 429 tests on the wall07:01
pittididrocks: ah, merci07:01
pittiau moins les autres deux marchent -- nous avons eu ~ 1.100 tests hier07:02
didrockstout de même… :)07:07
larsugood morning!07:27
didrockshey larsu!07:27
larsubonjour didrocks!07:27
seb128hey larsu! wie gehts?07:28
larsuseb128: guten morgen! Gut danke! Und dir?07:30
seb128auch gut, danke!07:31
seb128pitti, does "test in progress" actual means test is active or does it mean "in the queue"?07:33
seb128on update_excuses I mean07:33
pittiseb128: either; see http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml for details07:33
larsuguten morgen pitti :)07:33
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?07:33
larsugut gut, danke! Und dir>07:33
pittiseb128: unlike the last big KDE/Qt landing, people can now actually look at the damn thing :)07:33
pittilarsu: auch gut, danke!07:33
seb128pitti, k, that's explained why those tests are "in progress" since yesterday 16h07:33
pittiseb128: yeah, Qt landing + lcy01 being down :(07:34
pittiseb128: I've spent an hour with IS again, it's back with some capacity, but it'll still take some time to catch up07:34
seb128it's over me why they can't provide a stable infra :-/07:34
pittiIf you look at running.html right now: the backlog is gone, I flushed the queues as I'm rolling out a new britney; that will re-request the missing ones07:36
pittimeh @ http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml#pkg-appstream -- doesn't look that stable yet :?07:36
pittiseb128: btw, it's on my list to make the excuses.html links more useful; pass/regression should directly link to the corresponding log, and "in progress" will link to running.shtml; clicking on teh arch will show the results list as it does now07:41
pittiI did the ground work for this yesterday, now it's just a matter of wiring this up in html07:41
seb128pitti, great08:03
darkxsthey pitti, seb128 larsu08:29
didrocksevening darkxst08:30
larsugood evening darkxst08:30
* darkxst wonders why my gdm -> gdm3 work fine when dist-upgrading, but not always when doing a release update08:30
darkxst^debconf scripts08:31
seb128hey darkxst08:31
darkxstis there some difference in the ordering of the way maintscripts/configs run?08:31
didrocks$ diff -Nrup ubuntu/plymouth-0.9.0/debian/ plymouth-0.9.2/debian/ | lsdiff | wc -l08:32
didrocksfun fun fun !08:32
darkxsti.e xenial gdm -> xenial gdm3 works08:34
darkxstwily gdm -> xenial gdm3 not so much08:34
seb128Trevinho, hey!08:35
didrockshey Trevinho08:36
didrocksdarkxst: you have more packages in one case, so the config (package configuration order) might change08:36
seb128darkxst, ordering is not fixed and depends of the upgrade set, so things might be in different order between packages08:36
darkxstcan the old gdm.config run in that case?08:39
darkxstI suppose debconf caches that possibly?08:42
darkxstmy gdm3.config forces the gdm -> gdm3 change without a question08:47
darkxstand I purge the old gdm debconf profile, in gdm.postinst, but that didnt even seem to run either08:47
seb128hey Laney09:02
darkxsthey Laney09:02
seb128Laney, how are you?09:02
pittihey Laney, good morning09:03
seb128Laney, are you working on another room recently? I'm curious what change that you say hey one or two minutes earlier now ;-)09:03
larsumorning Laney!09:03
Laneyno change that I know of09:04
Laneymaybe my laptop got faster to resume09:04
Laneyand hi darkxst larsu and pitti09:04
Laneywhat a great group of people09:04
larsuseb128 is very observant ....09:04
seb128or maybe the clock you use to know when it's work time is slightly shifted?!09:04
didrocksgood morning Laney!09:04
Laneyit's the BBC pips09:04
Laneyhey didrocks!!!!09:04
hikikooh :) hi Laney seb128 larsu darkxst didrocks pitti willcooke :)09:05
LaneyI hear that and I'm like oh shit got to get to seb12809:05
larsuthe queen personally pushes the button for the pips09:05
hikikoand Trevinho :)09:05
didrockshey hikiko!09:05
larsuare you aying the queen is wrong?09:05
larsuare you?09:05
larsumorning hikiko :)09:05
willcookemorning all09:06
larsuhi willcooke09:06
Laneyif I listen online they will lag behind reality09:06
Laneymaybe THAT explains it09:06
larsuLaney: you can turn in your British citizenship at the door09:06
Laneyhello hikiko and willcooke09:06
LaneyI bet even DAB lags too09:07
willcookethe lag on dab is very annoying09:07
didrockshey willcooke09:07
Laneynever measured it09:07
willcookebecause all the decoding and error correction is done on the radio, it means that even two radios in the same room have lag09:07
Laneywhat is it?09:07
Laneyif I put my two DAB radios on then they sound synchronised09:07
Laneyso it's <30ms09:08
Laneybetween the two anyway09:08
willcookeso when you have the radio on in the kitchen and another in, say, the lounge, and you can hear both.... arrrgh09:08
larsusame model?09:08
willcooke*dont have the same lag09:08
seb128hey hikiko willcooke09:08
Laneywell the other one could be a rebadged Pure one I guess09:08
Laneypitti: do you know about these "Unable to find a source package" failures?09:10
didrockswaow, plymouth ubuntu and debian initramf integration is completely different09:10
didrockseven more lesigh :p09:10
* darkxst don't have to worry about lag in DAB, don't get it here!09:10
pittiLaney: not yet, but I suspect the last cloud-init SRU on precise; I guess it doesn't have precise-updates/restricted apt sources any more09:10
pittiLaney: it's on my list09:10
pittiLaney: btw, I pushed and rolled out the new britney this morning; the code should now be a lot less convoluted and easier to understand09:11
pittiI did some more cleanup last night09:11
Laneyare there any functional changes?09:11
pittiLaney: not that much, just that it now doesn't forget about some architectures some times (i. e. bug fixes)09:11
pittiLaney: and the results.cache data format changed09:12
pittiLaney: we now have the run IDs of the individual tests there, so we can expose them in excuses.html to directly point to the log09:12
pittiLaney: and for the running ones I plan to point to /running.shtml instead09:12
Laneyah, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/unity-scope-click/xenial/armhf/09:13
pittiLaney: so I thought "armhf: pass" -> the "armhf" points to teh autopkgtest per-page results page as it does not, and the "Pass" directly to the log09:13
pittiLaney: oh nice, you added the bluez workaround?09:13
pittiln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.service09:13
LaneyI just cowboyed it to worker.conf on the cyclops-*09:13
Laneycouldn't find if that came from anywhere else09:14
pittiLaney: it's not; I keep the master copy on my laptop and just parallel-scp it09:14
pittiLaney: if we keep this much longer, I should probably add it to git and do some credentials templating like on the cloud stuff09:15
pittibut I'm currently wrestling with lxd (and firewall/proxy again), so that at some point we can cloudify this09:15
darkxstseb128, didrocks, pitti, Laney, so back to previous question, is it possible for the the old gdm.config to get run when doing a release upgrade before the gdm3.config runs?09:15
LaneyI didn't read your discussion09:15
pittinews to me too09:15
Laneywhat's a gdm.config?09:15
pittibut no, I don't think you can enforce it09:15
darkxstthe debconf stuff09:15
pittithe maintscript09:15
darkxstwe renamed source gdm -> gdm309:16
pittibut why would you need to run debconf for the old packae? it's going to be removed anyway?09:16
pittiyou can do upgrade stuff in gdm3.preinst09:16
darkxstgdm binary is now a transitional package09:16
darkxstpitti, and it does not have .config, but still getting the question on release upgrades09:17
darkxsteven when gdm3 config script forces the settings, without a question09:20
pittidarkxst: ah, so gdm's postrm calls debconf again?09:24
pitti(which would make sense in general for a DM)09:24
seb128ok good desktop people, be happy new nautilus is coming your way ;-)09:25
darkxstpitti, well not explicitly so far as I can see, but something fishy like that is going on here,09:28
darkxstand it does seem feasible that a postrm would trigger debconf, but then its gdm real binary to gdm transitional binary, I wouldnt have expected that to trigger postrm even09:30
pittiif gdm3 replaces gdm, then gdm.postrm will run, as it gets removed09:30
pittiand then gdm3.postinst09:30
pittiand the preinst/prerm in between of course09:30
darkxstpitti, I did it as a transitional package, so gdm depend on gdm309:31
seb128larsu, I would like to get geonames in Ubuntu, do you want to roll a 0.1 tarball or something we can package? or make it land through CI train (unsure if that works with git projects yet)? or...?09:35
Laneyis anything ported to use it yet?09:36
seb128larsu had some work in progress for unity-control-center iirc09:37
seb128there is also a test demo program in the source09:38
Laneyjust wondering if you wanting to upload it is motivated by something else wanting to use it09:38
seb128we said we would switch u-c-c and ubiquity to it this cycle09:39
seb128so trying to get things going09:39
seb128it's on my todo of things to land and I would like to empty the new packages/default changes part before holidays09:39
seb128also I tried gnome-logs again today09:40
seb128I can't really say why but it doesn't feel nice to use to me09:42
seb128I think it's a combinaison of the window being small by default, the UI elements bigs and only displaying the titles and not the full log09:43
seb128it feels like I don't have a good view of the log content09:43
seb128did other try it? how do they feel about it?09:43
LaneyI didn't try it, sorry09:46
Laneydid just try thunderbird calendar though09:47
Laneythe EDS extension makes it fail to start :)09:47
seb128that's also on my list of things to try/look at ;-)à09:47
Laneycannot register existing type 'ESource'09:48
Laneygnome-calendar ftw09:48
seb128yeah, that's my feeling as well09:48
LaneyI actually used it a few times in reality09:48
Laneywhich is probably a good sign09:48
seb128I'm unsure how well maintained it is09:48
Laneyno need to start evo to do calendar stuff09:48
seb128but it's mostly working09:48
Laneyor go to the website09:49
seb128I opened an upstream bug a week ago about dropping the OnlyShowIn=GNOME but no reply yet :-/09:49
seb128it's currently not listed in unity which is a bit of a fail09:49
seb128easy to fix though ;-)09:49
Laneythat is weird09:51
LaneyI wonder why they did that09:51
seb128yeah, not sure, they probably consider it a GNOME desktop component09:53
TrevinhoI've sent a mail to pkg-config maintainer... Let's see what's the output09:54
seb128Trevinho, thanks09:54
seb128you might want to open a bug report as well?09:54
Trevinhoseb128: I was considering that as well,  I wanted to see if I can get an informal reply before...09:54
Trevinhobut I could09:55
seb128Trevinho, that wouldn't hurt I guess09:58
seb128but you can as well wait a few days to see if you get a reply09:58
willcookeTrevinho, seb128 - running a couple of mins late - internet problems09:59
Trevinhowillcooke: ok09:59
willcookeTrevinho, seb128 - omw10:07
willcookeseb128, hikiko andyrock - https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/place-holder?authuser=010:08
willcookesorry for the delay guys10:08
hikikosure willcooke sec10:08
hikikowillcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/152194710:25
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1521947 in Unity "Shaped and multi-rectangular windows don't have shadows" [High,New]10:26
andyrockwillcooke: sorry i tought it was one hour later :O10:37
willcookeandyrock, no worries, we know that you;re still working on it10:37
didrocksTrevinho: andyrock: so, now that I updated to xenial, my weechat window is matched to byobu10:47
didrocksanything to help debugging this?10:47
didrocksactually, any terminal is matching byobu, not just my IRC one10:48
Trevinhodidrocks: it's byobu issue10:48
didrocksdo you have a bug reference for this?10:48
didrocks(and understood what changed there?)10:48
didrocksis it its StartupWMClass=gnome-terminal-server?10:50
Trevinhodidrocks: yes, sorry otp10:51
didrocks(I guess bug #1503418)10:52
ubot5`bug 1503418 in bamf (Ubuntu) "[SRU] [REGRESSION] launching byobu from unity uses the terminal icon rather than the application icon" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150341810:52
didrockslet me revert this change anyway for now10:52
Trevinhodidrocks: yes, that's the bug10:54
didrocksTrevinho: let me revert the change, add rationale and give the example we have with weechat10:54
didrocksthanks to Laney's excellent compatibility wrapper10:54
Trevinhodidrocks: the problem is that it's harder now to match gtk apps by class10:54
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, I guess using the same strategy than the one we discussed in Brussels is fine for now, and he can ships this terminal file10:54
* didrocks gives it a try10:57
didrocksah, better :)10:58
larsuseb128: (sorry was at the gym) what's better for you? I think I'd prefer anything that doesn't involve uploading tarballs ;)10:59
seb128larsu, do you intend for those to be used out of Ubuntu?12:37
larsuseb128: probably not for now12:38
seb128k, let's land through CI than12:39
seb128we can always change to roll tarballs later if we want12:39
* larsu nods12:39
seb128larsu, is the current git something good for upload? or did you want to do changes before that?12:39
larsuit's good12:39
larsuonly missing the locale part12:40
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
* larsu is out for lunch12:49
seb128larsu, enjoy!12:50
didrocksenjoy larsu :)12:51
MirvQt 5.5.1 now dropped the use of GStreamer 0.10 in xenial(-proposed). it seems there are still ~10 other users though.12:52
seb128not on the iso at least12:54
Mirvnot on the iso but archive in general12:54
Mirvgcompris has GStreamer 1.0 port done in Debian12:54
seb128right, well it's not worth spending efforts on that12:54
seb128it's not like you are ever going to clean the archive from old cruft ;-)12:55
seb128demoting to universe (if it's not the case yet) could be nice though12:55
Mirvmaybe some low hanging fruits though12:55
seb128there are always low hanging fruits12:56
seb128I would rather spending efforts getting gconf out of the iso12:56
ricotzor this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libzeitgeist/+bug/152198912:57
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1521989 in libzeitgeist (Ubuntu) "Please remove libzeitgeist from the archive" [Undecided,New]12:57
ricotzhey desktopers12:57
seb128hey ricotz12:57
seb128I've little interest in removing things from the archive12:57
seb128as said it's not like the archive/debian didn't have ton of things that are old and buggy and unmaintained12:57
seb128it's not a few more or less that's going to make a difference12:57
ricotzseb128, did you read the bug?12:58
seb128just the title12:58
ricotzplease do then12:58
seb128it's a duplicate12:58
seb128bug #119756912:59
ubot5`bug 1197569 in Unity Videos Lens "Move from zeitgeist-1.0 to zeitgeist-2.0" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119756912:59
seb128and patches are welcome12:59
seb128but yeah, switching to the new one would be nice12:59
ricotzah, I see12:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
ricotzseb128, looking at nautilus13:07
xnoxseb128, any reason why we are using old mono, and didn't like move to 4.2.1?13:13
Laneyask directhex13:15
seb128xnox, no idea, what Laney said13:22
ricotzseb128, https://paste.debian.net/plain/34059113:28
seb128ricotz, thanks, can you add it to the bug, I'm going to commit it in a bit13:29
ricotzseb128, ah, wait13:29
ricotzit crashed while testing13:30
ricotz(make check isn't running on package-build)13:33
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
ricotzseb128, next try ;) https://paste.debian.net/plain/340611/14:46
seb128ricotz, was the previous code leaking? I see you added unref calls in that one?14:53
seb128larsu, did you see my comments about gnome-logs this morning?14:57
willcookeTrevinho, any reason we can't disable the upstream bug tracker on Unity right now and make sure new bugs are only opened against unity (Ubuntu)?14:58
larsuseb128: did you ping me?14:58
* larsu scrolls back14:59
ricotzseb128, forget about some api changes, and yeah, it was likely leaking before14:59
seb128willcooke, I don't think you can disable the tracker unless the open bugs list is empty15:00
willcookeoh, didrocks ^ >?15:00
didrocksseb128: you can disable it, it will just mask them (but you can still get the other tasks)15:01
didrocksI'm unsure how the launchpad API is working though, we can give it a try15:01
didrocksit's just a masking anyway, if you reenable, you see them again15:01
seb128larsu, no, I probably didn't directly ping you, I raised as a topic on the channel and I though you were around15:01
seb128didrocks, ok, I saw it forced you to empty the list first15:02
didrocksseb128: not last time I tried (I guess 3 months ago?)15:02
seb128because that's what people usually do15:02
seb128but I guess it's to not loose bugs rather then15:02
didrocksyeah, but you won't anyway15:03
didrocksyou reenable it, and surprise, they are back!15:03
didrocks(I guess only auto-expiring isn't enabled)15:03
larsuseb128: indeed, logs uses the standard text size and log viewer a smaller one15:03
didrocksI'm just unsure how the API is working, if lp.projects["unity"] will list them15:03
larsuseb128: but it's the same content, no?15:04
larsuseb128: just a bit smaller on screen15:04
seb128larsu, I don't know, I've the feeling I've no useful content on http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/newlog.png15:04
larsuseb128: yeah looking at it and trying to find the differences15:04
seb128it feels overloaded15:04
larsuI agree it doesn't look at nice15:05
seb128I can't really point out why though15:05
larsuit's the white background!!!1!15:05
* larsu can fix that :P15:05
didrocksseb128: it's not hidden from the API side FYI15:10
seb128larsu, is it?15:11
seb128larsu, a bit smaller text or bigger window wouldn't hurt probably15:11
* larsu was joking15:11
seb128sorry, mind busy on other things, I didn't catch that :p15:12
didrocksseb128: even better, if you know the bug number, you can directly type the url :p15:12
larsuseb128: no worries ;)15:13
seb128didrocks, let me open all the bugs in firefox so  the awesome bar remembers!15:13
didrocksseb128: oh YEAH! :)15:13
didrockslet me try the new bug url15:13
didrocksseb128: no, they protected the url15:15
didrocksseb128: but I'm sure you can opens some through the API :p15:15
* Laney meows15:17
seb128hey Laney, wie gehts?15:17
Laneyhi, felt quiet today so wanted to make some noise15:19
seb128what are you working on?15:22
seb128still appstream things?15:22
larsudesrt: why do you export the internal GSimpleActionGroup of a GtkApplicationWindow instead of the window itself?15:25
Laneyseb128: yeah, following some checklist to get it deployed15:25
Laneyshould be able to file that RT today15:25
Laneyalso librsvg update15:26
seb128Debian also got a new dbus ;-)15:26
seb128(hint hint)15:26
larsudesrt: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkapplication-dbus.c#n27415:26
* seb128 should stop looking at red lines on version15:26
larsudesrt: mind if I change that? My whole nautilus hack doesn't work because of this15:26
Laneyyes I know15:26
* larsu should file a bug15:26
* Laney unlearns "+gp and learns "+p instead15:31
* didrocks tries a new command15:34
didrocksLaney merge plymouth15:34
Laneypermission denied15:34
seb128didrocks, try with sudo just in case15:34
didrockssudo !!15:34
Laney$ grab-merge plymouth15:34
seb128Laney, larsu, just for info I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-logs/+bug/152207816:00
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1522078 in gnome-logs (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gnome-logs" [Wishlist,New]16:00
LaneyI will do one for the calendar soon16:03
seb128Laney, oh, great, I had that on my list ... dropping it then ;-) do you plan to reply on the mailing list about your testing as well?16:07
seb128I'm going to back up your gnome-calendar +116:07
Laneyyeah but maybe tomorrow16:07
Laneyonline-accounts :/16:08
Laneywe might need to see about stealing mardy for a bit to work on that if possible16:08
LaneyI tried to add my google account on my xps to get calendars and it didn't really work very smooth16:08
seb128Laney, what issues did you get?16:17
seb128I don't think those bits changed in the recents cycle and were never pointed out as an issue16:18
seb128or did you hit bugs?16:18
seb128iirc you get an embedded webview asking for your login/passwd?16:19
Laneywell I expect my calendars to magically appear in the indicator and gnome-calendar16:19
Laneybut they aren't there16:19
LaneyI think it's broken with 2fa accounts maybe?16:20
seb128did you restart the evolution-calendar-factory?16:20
seb128or whatever that process is called?16:20
Laneyno why would I do that :P16:20
seb128just to see if it's it not picking updates16:20
seb128to determine what component has an issue16:20
seb128trying to pin down what is buggy16:20
seb128if it works after a restart it means it doesn't refresh16:21
Laneyok did now, not there16:21
seb128is gnome-calendar listing the calendar?16:22
LaneyI think on my desktop I added the ics files directly in evolution a while ago16:22
Laneyso eds has them and it works16:22
seb128on my machine I added the account in u-c-c and it works16:23
Laneygot 2fa?16:23
Laneytry with @canonical.com16:23
didrocksok, just added my @gmail.com (which is 2fa), didn't restart anything (g-c or e-c-f) -> nothing appears16:26
Laneyare you in a position to restart your session? :P16:27
didrocks(btw, typing "calendar" in the dash doesn't find the .desktop)16:27
didrocksLaney: not that much, I'm tempted :)16:27
didrockslet me try to first close g-c and restart16:28
didrocksand then kill e-c-f16:28
Laneydesktop issue is known, it has OnlyShowIn16:28
didrocksroh, nice16:28
didrocksok, restarting g-c -> nothing16:28
seb128didrocks, OnlyShowIn is what I wrote this morning16:29
seb128Laney, yes, it's the canonical 2fa account16:29
didrocksseb128: sorry, missed that line probably16:29
seb128it was buggy on wily and started working with 3.18 again in xenial16:29
seb128automagically on login after the next login16:29
* didrocks waits on e-c-f which restarted if anything will sync…16:30
Laneyhoping didrocks can confirm that...16:30
seb128Laney, didrocks, is calendar component activated in the google account in settings?16:30
Laneytoggled it even16:30
didrocksseb128: yep16:30
seb128can you start the e-d-s services by hand and see the output?16:30
didrocksLaney: nothing until now appearing here as well16:30
didrocksonly e-c-f, right?16:30
Laneywill let didier do this, seems we are in the same state16:31
Laneyadding the ics url in gnome-calendar makes it go into eds properly though16:31
Laneywhich is quite nice16:31
Laneyno need to use evolution for this any more16:31
seb128but adding the google account should be enough to get the calendar filed16:32
Laneyit should, that's why I am complaining16:32
didrocksseb128: hum, no output, but I see the subprocesses being created when launching gnome-calendar though16:33
Laneynow I'm getting notification for every desktop weekly meeting ever16:33
didrocksLaney: see you in 10 days!16:34
didrockshum, and no --verbose16:34
LaneyG_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all ?16:34
didrocksLaney: already tried, nothing16:35
didrocksonly have some debug message when it's autoclosing16:35
didrockson client disconnect16:35
didrocks(the weird part is that it's the registering)16:36
didrocksso I wonder if the subprocess output are not redirected16:36
didrocksand so, it's only when they close that their stdout/stderr are flushed by the main process16:36
seb128didrocks, Laney, if you start evolution does it list the calendar?16:39
didrocksI would have to install evolution first :p16:40
didrocksLaney: do you have it handy?16:40
Laneyno calendar or gmail account16:40
seb128Laney, didrocks, can you check your .cache/upstart/dbus.log ?16:51
seb128do you have (evolution-source-registry:15044): module-ubuntu-online-accounts-WARNING **: ubuntu_online_accounts_got_userinfo_cb: Failed to create ESource collection for AgAccount16:52
seb128I've that in a guest session16:52
Laneyno, just a load of activations16:52
Laneyfor eds stuff16:52
didrockssame than Laney16:52
didrocksActivating service name='org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Calendar7'16:52
didrocksSuccessfully activated service 'org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Calendar7'16:52
didrocksfor instance16:52
didrocksblackbox, I tried to get more logs, couldn't :/16:53
seb128yeah, I tried to look at bugzilla/grep source, not a lot of useful info16:56
seb128there is https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution/Debugging#Calendar_Backends but that's lying16:56
seb128GOOGLE_BACKEND_DEBUG=1 doesn't exist in the source16:56
* Laney knows nothing about the o-a stack really16:59
Trevinhowillcooke: about your question before; I don't know about disabling that bug-tracker... Mh, Actually in some way I wouldn't do that, as we used that for targetting bugs, but... As you prefer17:00
willcookeTrevinho, what's the impact of targeting the bugs? The triaging we did was done on the ubuntu packages right?  So those are targeted correctly17:02
Trevinhoseb128: you said you were working on removing the gconf backend, right?17:02
seb128Trevinho, no, but I guess I can have a look if you want, I've no idea about compiz though17:03
seb128I hope it's as trivial as dropping an optionnal build flag :p17:03
Laneyyou packager17:03
seb128Laney, didrocks, any signond error in syslog?17:04
didrocksseb128: nope, I looked at that first :/17:05
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seb128didrocks, what if you17:06
seb128$ account-console list17:06
seb128$ account-console show <google id>17:06
seb128well, I'm unsure that's useful17:07
seb128would need mardy but he might off for today already17:07
didrocksseb128: installing -tools17:07
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didrocksseb128: I have all secrets and such listed for the calendar google cred17:08
didrocksI guess at that point, let's see with mardy tomorrow?17:09
seb128     export CALDAV_DEBUG=all17:10
seb128 /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory17:10
seb128just try that17:10
seb128and then yes, otherwise need help from others17:10
didrocksseb128: same, no log :/17:11
seb128k, dunno then17:11
seb128you didn't have the account created before either?17:11
seb128I wonder if that's a bug in the account creation in xenial17:11
seb128I bet on new glib :p17:11
didrocksseb128: no, I had some that I removed a while ago17:12
didrocksbut yeah, can be a bug in account creation17:12
Laneyhaha nice try17:13
LaneyI would not have had to add my canonical calendars by URL if it worked in previous releases17:13
LaneyI remember trying with one time passwords and stuff before17:15
seb128always worked for me17:17
seb128next time open a bug please17:17
seb128but let's debug this one17:17
seb128I wonder if evo changed17:17
seb128evolution let you add online calendar and seems to pick configured google account17:17
seb128I wonder if they force you to go through that rather than auto add all calendars linked to the account now17:17
LaneyI did open a bug thanks17:19
Laneycan't find it though :(17:19
seb128there was one but I though it was closed/marked as fixed17:22
seb128thanks for reopening17:22
seb128on that note, sport time, bbl17:22
Laneydon't act like that please17:27
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, it should be easy...17:39
Trevinho(the gconf stuff)17:39
Trevinhoif you prefer or have troubles let me know, that I can look at it17:39
Trevinhowillcooke: yeah, but we always had different revisions upstream than in distro, so keeping the bugs there is like a list of "things hopefully to fix somewhen"...17:40
willcookeTrevinho, I see.  I think though, that's not manageable but just us few guys now..  Like, we should be more ruthless with bug triage.  If we think it's worth working on one day, it goes in the backlog (or gets targeted to a release) if not, WONT FIX17:42
Trevinhook. It's just that we can't nominate bugs by default, so having targets is harder17:42
TrevinhoI should probably get into the proper lp group17:43
Trevinhoinfinity: can I get access to ~ubuntu-release-nominators ?17:43
willcookedidrocks, Trevinho - let's pick this up tomorrow then.  Thanks guys17:46
didrocksyeah, let's see tomorrow, have a good evening guys!17:46
willcookecheers didrocks17:46
didrockssee you willcooke!17:47
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willcookenight Laney18:03
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willcookeg'night al;l18:45
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