
Beret4.3 hasn't landed in xenial yet right? (at least according to packages.u.c)14:24
apwBeret, it is in -proposed14:30
Beretapw, thanks14:30
apwBeret, waiting on testing, and a bug fix or 3 which will require it to be re-uploaded, before it will get out to -release14:31
BeretI'm gating my upgrade to xenial on that :)14:31
rtgapw, what bugs are blocking ?14:31
apwrtg, the move you did for ppc64el, the scsi drivers from =y -> =m needs some support fixes else the images won't boot -- udebs and the like14:33
apwrtg, they are sittng on master-next waiting on confirmatory testing by infinity14:33
rtgapw, ah, ok14:33
rtgapw, I can prolly reroll that without an ABI bump.14:34
apwrtg, there a re a bunch of cves on there too, and we don't do non-abi bumpers any more14:34
rtgwell, how much fun is that14:36
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mjeansonapw: a while ago we spoke about the build failures of lttng-modules-dkms on trusty's lts backport kernels, I had made a custom branch that builds against all current kernels and someone on the kernel team was suppose to have a look and see if it could be uploaded21:04
mjeansonall that to say, any news?21:04
mjeansonthe branch was https://github.com/mjeanson/lttng-modules/tree/stable-2.4-trusty21:04
mjeansonit builds daily against all latest trusty kernels : https://ci.lttng.org/view/Packaging/job/package-trusty-x86-64/21:05
mjeansonand here's a test package https://launchpad.net/~mjeanson/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/5320274/+listing-archive-extra21:09
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