
nhainesmhall119: pong!00:10
mhall119nhaines: hey, do you guys have a full Users track for UbuCon, or are you still looking for 2 more speakers?03:38
nhainesmhall119: I didn't manage to get in touch with Richard today to confirm, unfortunately.04:33
dholbachgood morning07:47
mhall119nhaines: if you need another Users track talk, I can give one, just let me know so I can put it in the SCaLE system13:43
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dpmnhaines, pleia2, mhall119, I'll be 2 mins late for the ubucon call, but I'll be there18:00
* mhall119 is joining now18:03
dpmmhall119, Abi was asking me about printed materials - I think you were planning to re-print the app dev conference flyers, but I can't recall what we discussed exactly19:09
dpmnhaines, pleia2, http://ubucon.org/media/cms_page_media/4/UbuCon%20Summit%20Sponsorship%20Brochure.pdf19:48
dpmand with this, I'll call it a day19:48
dpmsee you all tomorrow19:48
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