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robin-hero_Hey all, I bought a SlimPort-HDMI adapter last week, but I can't charge my phone and connect it to an external display at the same time: I've already filled a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/151923508:31
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1519235 in mir (Ubuntu) "Nexus 4 - HDMI-Slimport adapter can't charge the phone and display the screen at the same time." [Undecided,Confirmed]08:32
robin-hero_If I remember correctly, it works with Android, but not with Ubuntu08:32
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anpok_hm it works for me08:58
anpok_robin-hero_: the one I use looks more like this one http://www.amazon.com/Yakamoz-Slimport-Adapter-Cable-Lovely/dp/B00H8QIUZG/ref=sr_1_81?ie=UTF8&qid=1449046804&sr=8-81&keywords=slimport09:00
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white_duckwohoo mir 0.1909:33
robin-hero_anpok_, Hmm, I need to relfash Android to test again, If it wouldn't work well with that it it a hardware problem with the adapter.09:33
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alan_gAlbertA: thanks for picking up the ubsanitizer work, I've been meaning to get around to that but getting distracted..since April :(17:18
AlbertAalan_g: no problem, I didn't even know it existed until you mentioned it yesterday :)17:21
AlbertAalan_g: no other major reports other that those two bugs I have MPs for... the rest are issues with gmock or a gcc ubsan bug  complaining about non-capture lambdas17:22
alan_gIf you'd been at the ACCU conference last year you couldn't have missed it. ;)17:23
alan_gWell, the last conference (which was this year)17:23
alan_g@"issues with gmock" - surprising, I know google are big users of ubsan17:25
AlbertAalan_g: apparently fixed in their trunk: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/googlemock/cHSPZfcIwSc/sYAzFl2DCQAJ17:31
AlbertAI get various reports of "/usr/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h:1530:60: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'const struct ResultHolder'"17:31
alan_gAlbertA: I guess we're too late to get an update in vivid. :(17:32
alan_gAlbertA: just checking, your bug 1522105 isn't a different manifestation of bug 1514884 is it? (Fix landed recently.)17:37
ubot5`bug 1522105 in Mir "NestedServer.display_configuration_reset_when_application_exits segfaults" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152210517:37
ubot5`bug 1514884 in Mir "There's something racy in NestedServer.display_orientation_changes_are_forwarded_to_host" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151488417:37
AlbertAalan_g: probably a different cause now... I tried the tip of lp:mir17:38
alan_gOK, just sounded possible as it could have been an affected case.17:39
AlbertAalan_g: looks like surface stack is sending a null surface pointer to the observers17:40
AlbertAbased on the GDB backtrace17:40
alan_gI see. If you don't get to it I'll have a look in the morning.17:41
AlbertAoh yeah.. SurfaceStack::add_observer drops/reacquires the lock as it loops over the existing surfaces...so that needs fixing17:45
alan_gOh, that looks painful.17:51
AlbertAalan_g: yep... the good ol' callback problem...17:54
* alan_g decided to end the day before getting too interested in solving that one.17:55
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alan_g|EOD(it doesn't work)17:57
alan_g|EODAlbertA: could it be as simple as copying "surfaces" under lock and looping over the copy?18:00
* alan_g|EOD => really EOD18:01
AlbertAalan_g|EOD: it could but then the observer calls could be out of order: like receiving surface_removed before surface_exists18:01
AlbertAwhich would be odd18:02
kdubarm64 vs amd64 makes me go crosseyed19:19
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Saviqkgunn, tracked down to line 95 in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/trunk/view/head:/src/platforms/mirserver/surfaceobserver.cpp#L9522:23
Saviqmeaning we're getting a nullptr as cursor, and not expecting it22:23
Saviqfolks, should SurfaceObserver::cursor_image_set_to deal with null pointers? is it expected that we're getting it? see bug #152211722:25
ubot5bug 1522117 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 desktop session "stops" when exiting an X app" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152211722:25
kgunnanpok: ^22:27
shiznixis Wily Mesa supposed to build with Wily Mir, or is this a WIP?22:34
anpokSaviq: not expected.. i thought AlbertA working on something similar, but looking through the logs he was after something different22:38
Saviqoh so we actually uncovered a mir bug?22:38
AlbertASaviq: maybe it's this? https://code.launchpad.net/~albaguirre/mir/fix-1521795/+merge/27921822:39
SaviqAlbertA, definitely sounds related22:40
shiznixencountered pkgconfig problem where mesa-11.0.2-1ubuntu4 can't find 'mir-client-platform-mesa-dev' as this was renamed to 'mir-client-platform-mesa' in mir-0.17.0+15.10.20151008.2-0ubuntu122:43
shiznixbut once this small typo is smoothed over, mesa fails to build -> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jmRbpw2aKBQJ:pastebin.com/G7pLiWRT+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au&client=ubuntu22:44
shiznixnot my pastebin, but exactly the same build error22:45
shiznixand somewhat reassuring that i'm not the only one :D22:45
shiznixapologies for the noise if they're not intended to build together yet22:46
RAOFshiznix: They are expected to build together; which versions are you building, though?23:01
RAOFAh, mesa 11.0.2 vs mir 0.17?23:01
shiznixRAOF: yes :)23:54

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