
shadeslayersgclark: kauth is broken01:25
sgclarkI am currently beating my head on networkmanager-qt. I will get back to you as soon as I find my way out of this madness. Thank you.01:27
shadeslayersgclark: yeah, the cmake file is now installed in both -dev and -bin-dev01:29
sgclarkshadeslayer: well. Which one does it need to be in? cause I cant seem to get it right01:30
shadeslayersgclark: debian says : debian/libkf5auth-dev.install:usr/lib/*/cmake/KF5Auth/KF5AuthMacros.cmake01:33
sgclarkshadeslayer: that is bizarre. ok thanks.01:34
sgclarkbizarre in how kubuntu had it other way around, and it looked like a maxy commit. /shrug01:35
shadeslayerusr/lib/*/cmake/KF5Auth/* < is too wide anyway01:35
shadeslayersgclark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13634466/ < the patch I have in my email01:37
shadeslayeranyway, will leave you to it01:38
sgclarkshadeslayer: thank you01:39
sgclarkhelping, not abandoning me lol01:39
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sick_rimmitSorry about having to postpone Podcast yesterday09:04
valorieare you rescheduling, sick_rimmit?09:05
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sick_rimmitHi valorie10:22
sick_rimmitYes, I have rescheduled for this evening, both events10:22
sick_rimmitKubuntu Core Team10:22
sick_rimmitand Kubuntu Podcast10:23
shadeslayersgclark: heh xD11:14
shadeslayersgclark: you're most welcome11:14
clivejommmmm marshmallow11:14
BluesKajHiyas all12:13
sgclarkshadeslayer: you about?13:28
Mirvwe've potential kwin kwin_testScreenEdges problem with Qt 5.5.1 and marble failure parsing Tour.kml. could anyone look if you believe those two problems can be ignored or not regarding release pocket migration? the tour.kml parsing has failed also with Qt 5.4.2, but not passing at all with Qt 5.5.1 (other 25 .kml file parsings in TestGeoDataWriter are fine)14:28
Mirvlogs https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/i386/k/kwin/20151202_135958@/log.gz + https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/amd64/m/marble/20151203_113842@/log.gz14:28
Mirvsorry, correction, marble is a real failure too14:31
Mirvkwin is probably this https://github.com/KDE/kwin/commit/eda4f6103707bc425dec884c3fe4dac1077b21a7 that could be cherry-picked - but it's no-xrandr only so not a big deal15:27
mgraesslinMirv: no-xrandr means in this case a Xvfb setup15:28
mgraesslinMirv: so if the test fails for you in CI tests, that's the change you want15:30
Mirvmgraesslin: it does, so I'm now more worried about the marble issue where "4.2" in https://github.com/KDE/marble/blob/master/tests/data/Tour.kml becomes 4.200000000000000215:31
Mirvkwin issue is probably exactly that15:31
mgraesslinconcerning marble I have no idea - I only do kwin ;-)15:31
Mirvyes I know, thanks for the kwin fix :)15:32
mgraesslinwas painful15:32
shadeslayersgclark: ssup15:34
shadeslayerI'm sorry, I missed the ping15:34
sgclarkshadeslayer: ahh no worries. was seeking help with failed tests in karchive because it cannot find the test data. But if your busy I can continue fighting with google for the answer.15:37
shadeslayerI saw that too on DCI15:38
shadeslayeror was it ark15:38
shadeslayerark I think15:38
sgclarkfiles exist in source.. I can only think maybe it is being searched for in a different directory off path? hard to say without a workspace to look in.15:39
shadeslayergot a error?15:39
sgclarkshadeslayer: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/228266063/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.karchive_5.16.0%2Bgit20151203.0514%2B16.04-0_BUILDING.txt.gz15:40
shadeslayersgclark: why not just dpkg-buildpackage locally?15:41
sgclarkI looked at karchive code.. seems right, but I am not a c++ programmer.. :(15:41
shadeslayeror in a container15:41
sgclarkthat was my next step atually. have some RL to attend to for a bit though. thanks.15:41
shadeslayermake[2]: Entering directory '/«BUILDDIR»/karchive-5.16.0+git20151203.0514+16.04/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'15:41
shadeslayergives you a hint15:41
sgclarkahh so it is a path issue15:42
sgclarkso source patched or is this something I fix in packaging?15:42
yofelwell, going by that the path would be correct..15:42
sgclarkpft what?15:43
shadeslayersgclark: http://dci.pangea.pub/job/unstable_unstable_frameworks_karchive_bin_amd64/6/console15:43
shadeslayerseems to build just fine on DCI15:43
shadeslayertests pass15:43
sgclarkit does not for kci15:44
sgclarkthe test cannot find the test data15:44
shadeslayerright, so try out a build locally15:44
shadeslayersee if it works15:44
shadeslayerif it does, then poke someone in #launchpad I guess, and/or add debugging info to the debian/rules15:44
BluesKajIs plasma 5.5 in a ppa yet ?15:45
Mirvregarding marble, upstream has this https://github.com/KDE/marble/commit/05df36b674db4b150835ceecc53021d61b51f27e.patch - but I'm not sure if it's a workaround or something acceptable15:45
shadeslayerwould recommend adding debugging info like overriding auto_test and echo'ing the path to stdout15:45
sgclarkBluesKaj: no. and I have no ETA15:45
sgclarkshadeslayer: thank you for the hints. Will try them.15:46
BluesKajok thanks sgclark ...was curious about the hype I just read :-)15:46
Mirvok I will include the upstream fixes for both shortly15:51
BluesKajHype: http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/8255416:07
BluesKajstill takes 2mins to get to the login page from grub on Xenial here16:10
sgclarkheh takes me 1016:11
BluesKajyou must be joking 16:12
sgclarklol nope. Could be my 10 chroots on bootup though haha. And my laptop is getting quite old and I put it through hell with packaging.16:15
* BluesKaj nods16:18
lordievadersgclark: Perhaps 'systemd-analyze blame' can tell you who is responsible for the delay.16:22
lordievadersystemd-analyze is a rather nice utility :)16:22
clivejosgclark:  cant find a file ../../autotests/kcompressiondevicetest.cpp 16:26
sgclarklordievader: neat thanks16:26
sgclarkclivejo: yes that is karchive failure. Do you have ideas? Of just telling me?16:27
yofelsystemd-analyze is nice. Now we just need to enable user-session journals and it might even help with our login delay debugging16:28
lordievaderDoes (K)Ubuntu use the systemd pm-suspend/hibernate already?16:31
yofelIIRC yes. Although there was some confusing fallback code and a story with required pm-suspend hooks so it might not. Can't quite remember (I looked at that like 2 years ago when the new upower came out)16:35
lordievaderHmm, since it was rather easy to implement a user hook into the systemd suspend thing.16:36
lordievaderMore automation is lovely :D16:36
clivejostupid internet16:52
clivejosgclark: karchive seems to be building fine in wily with the same packaging, could it be an issue with QT in xenial?16:55
yofelthe failing builtlog said Qt5.4, so unlikely16:57
sgclarkyeah I dont think so. unfortunately I am in a meeting and will not get back to it for an hour or so.16:57
yofelmeh, now I'm curious. Let me throw that thing in pbuilder16:57
clivejoyofel: just done it16:58
clivejobuilds ok :/16:58
sgclarkyofel: ty16:58
yofelclivejo: with or without CI repo?16:59
clivejowhere does qtbase get built?17:00
yofelcome again?17:00
yofelif you mean what source it's from, apt-cache showsrc tells you that17:01
clivejoyofel: Is qtbase-opensource-src (5.5.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1~wily1~test1) available for xenial?17:50
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yofelclivejo: in proposed yes. (rmadison tells you that)18:41
clivejobut its also in the CI, could this be why karchive is building on wily but failing on xenial?18:42
ovidiu-florinMeeting is about to start, humans and bots ready? :D18:43
* yofel will join around 818:44
clivejoyofel: Im currently building it on my xenial install, will install it and try18:44
clivejohow do I listen in?18:54
yofelyou join the hangout18:56
clivejoI dont see a hangout18:57
clivejojust an animated gif18:57
clivejoof people having a party18:57
ovidiu-florinHas someone started the hangout?18:57
ovidiu-florincan someone link me please?18:57
clivejo18:47 Lets get ready to RUMBLE18:58
clivejoyofel: is that you in the red shirt?18:58
yofelno, I'm not in18:58
ovidiu-florinshall I start it?19:01
ovidiu-florinOk, I'll start it, since there is no answer19:02
ovidiu-florinjoin here: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2mf6364wp26pqticvqqgfrfzzma?authuser=0&hl=en19:02
ovidiu-florinAm I in the wrong place, or is actually no one there?19:05
yofelI got interrupted and am on the phone right now. I'll join in a bit19:05
clivejoI cant get on - ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR19:05
BluesKajclivejo, probly needs the googletalk plugin 19:09
BluesKajclivejo, http://www.google.com/tools/dlpage/hangout/download.html?hl=en19:10
clivejothat was in chrome19:10
clivejoin firefox it says Im the only one here19:10
yofelstill needs a plugin19:10
BluesKajworks in firefox here'19:10
ovidiu-florinignore my previous link19:11
sick_rimmitThis is the events.19:11
BluesKajI have no camera on this pc, so i just made a quick visit 19:11
BluesKajno one needs to see my old mug, so I use a pic of me and my beautiful daughter to distract19:14
yofelOk, let me try again, but even quassel says ~3s lag, so my network seems to have issues today :(19:20
yofelok, progress. I can somewhat understand what people say, but the quality is horrible :/19:22
yofeland I got kicked out again, dangit19:25
mhall119yofel: so the options are:19:25
mhall119A) Spin up a VPS or cloud instance, install Jenkins on it and run the CI stuff on there and request reimbursement from the community donations fund19:26
mhall119B) Canonical's internal CI team has a "Jenkins as a service" setup that we might be able to give you access to, which lets you spin up vanilla Jenkins instances on demand, but you don't get shell access on them, only the Jenkins interface19:27
mhall119if (A) I'd also recommend talking to the Juju guys about using charms to deploy it, so you can scale up as needed or move to other providers19:28
yofelmhall119: I would really love B), but as sitter did say something about shell access, we would first have to see if we could get rid of that requirement.19:31
yofelsitter: on that point, how do I actually reach clemens? I haven't seen him around on IRC whenever I'm online... can I have his mail address?19:31
mhall119yofel: brent clements?19:37
yofelmhall119: No, Clemens Tönnies from blue systems19:39
mhall119ah, ok19:40
sgclarkyofel: fairly certain we would need B. Am I right that we would not be able to use our tooling on A mhall119?19:57
sgclarkyofel: mhall119totally backwards19:58
sgclarkflip my question we have tooling, we would need A I think19:58
sgclarkaka we need more than a point and click jenkins install19:58
sgclarkI am looking at the juju bits for my kde jenkins19:59
ovidiu-florinKubuntu Podcast Link ^20:08
valoriephooey, missed it altogether20:43
valoriethere was no link on telegram20:43
clivejojoin in valorie20:44
clivejoits interesting!20:44
clivejobugs have always confused me20:44
valorieoh, still going on?20:46
valorieno, it says I'm the first one here20:47
valorieactually, apport has been crashing for awhile20:54
valorieand I've reported a bug about it20:54
clivejoRick crashed the bug reporter tool!20:54
valoriesometimes `ubuntu-bug whatever` works though, in the cli20:54
clivejovalorie: some of these bugs are years old, are they still relevent?20:56
valoriewell, we need a working apport20:57
valorieit's hard enough to report bugs, we don't want it even harder20:57
mhall119sgclark: it would depend on what your tooling is21:03
sgclarkmhall119: a pile of ruby scripts and they are run in docker containers.21:03
mhall119ah, then B may not be an option for you21:04
sgclarkI am fairly certain B will not work for us. I could be wrong..21:04
sgclarkand I would hate to lose all of the great work put into our existing CI.21:04
* sgclark out for a bit21:15
valorietwo questions: what about the core-devel meeting?21:34
valorietwo: when you guys were discussing the spinning up the VMs, do you recall that wikitolearn has such a functionality?21:35
valorieavailable online, even when you don't have a linux computer to use21:35
valoriealso, feedback about referring to gender: just use names21:35
valorieplease don't assume "people" are "guys"21:36
* valorie is upgrading the xenial box21:36
valorieovidiu-florin: ^^^ Rick_Timmis21:37
valoriegreat podcast; sorry I wasn't able to join21:38
valoriebut I did listen live for about half21:38
Rick_TimmisGuys in US probably means Men, but in UK Guys means the group aka Folks21:39
ovidiu-florinthe core-devel meeting happened21:40
ovidiu-florinkind of21:40
Rick_TimmisWe did hold Kubuntu Core Team meeting, and I scheduled a new one for Jan 6, pre show21:40
Rick_TimmisOn G+21:40
Rick_TimmisI check invite for valorie21:40
ovidiu-florinvalorie: VMs, do you reffer to the Kubuntu devel VM I talked about?21:40
clivejopoor yofel was having network issues21:41
Rick_Timmisvalorie: Yes, I checked I have sent you invite for Core Team on G+21:41
Rick_Timmisvalorie: It all got a bit disorganised, as we had to postpone, and then aaron didn't arrive tonight.. 21:42
valorieRick_Timmis: the reason I ask not to use "guys" is because it isn't inclusive22:08
valoriejust like "mankind" sort of leaves half of us out22:08
valorieit isn't offensive to me, or bugging me, but best practice: be inclusive22:09
valorieovidiu-florin: yes, the devel VM22:09
valoriethe wikitolearn folks have those all set up on their server22:09
valorieRick_Timmis: I was too late, and I didn't look at G+ on my phone, unfortunately22:10
valorieI was looking at Telegram, and got no link there22:10
valorieanyway, haven't gotten to the part in the podcast where you talk about GCi tasks22:10
valoriewas that covered?22:10
valoriecontest opens on the 7ty22:11
valorieKDE has under 50 tasks, when we should have 100 more22:12
sgclarkthe "guys" arguement is the most annoying thing ever. I always called everyone "guys" even my girlfriends. Until I got repremanded at at job of course. So freaking stupid. Surely there are more improtant things to worry about.22:16
valorieI'm not worried about it22:17
valorieI want us to be inclusive22:18
valorieI've always used it too, and I'm trying to change that a bit22:18
mhall119sgclark: I think the gender-neutrality of "guys" is a regional thing22:19
mhall119personally I favor the always-gender-neutral southern y'all :)22:19
valorieme too22:19
valoriealthough when I use it, people expect me to have a drawl22:20
sgclarkyou humans over there22:20
mhall119valorie: if you use it, the drawl will come22:20
valorieI got a bit of one when I spent some time in Colorado as a teen22:21
valorieI didn't even notice that there was an accent, but people remarked on it when I returned home22:21
keithzg"guys" is definitely gender-neutral here in Western Canada. Although our accent is pretty much just Broadcast North American English for anyone under about 45 and/or not living in a small town, heh.22:25
valorieI'm not advocating political correctness: I just want us to be as inclusive as possible22:28
clivejoso bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+bug/1157723 is it not out of date?22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1157723 in Debian "[needs-packaging] kfilebox" [Unknown,New]22:32
keithzgThere's always "their" and "they" and such for the sake of gender-agnostic plural.22:32
clivejohardly a new bug after 2.5 years?22:32
sgclarknot sure I have heard of that lol22:32
clivejo!info kfilebox22:33
ubottuPackage kfilebox does not exist in wily22:33
clivejoneither has wily!22:33
clivejoseems to be KDE422:33
sgclarkanyway, I have never felt "unincluded" in our community. If anything I am "too" included hahah22:33
clivejoKfilebox is a KDE dropbox frontend. Previously known as kdropbox.22:34
clivejodont dropbox have their own client?22:34
keithzghttp://kdropbox.deuteros.es/ shows last post in January 2011, and http://sourceforge.net/p/kdropbox/svn/HEAD/tree/ similarly shows no activity since then.22:35
clivejoI think that bug should be closed :/22:35
sgclarkyes, if there is no kf5 port than it is useless22:35
sgclarklooks unmaintained22:36
keithzgIt does look like there's some new-ish maintenance, but not actually KF5 porting? https://github.com/gtgt/kfilebox/22:36
valorieright, I feel and felt welcome too, but I'm a white Murrican woman22:36
keithzg(Got that from the link from AUR, apparently some folks are still packaging it for Arch at least: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kfilebox/22:36
valoriewho grew up with mostly boys22:36
sgclarkoh hmm, well maybe if someone is interested, perhaps upstream could be poked to port it.22:37
MamarokRick_Timmis: about your comment in that bug report for Amarok: you will have to fix and maintain that yourself, I have no devs for that. also comparing v 2.5 with 2.8 (which is already outdated btw, try 2.8-git) is really a very long stretch, thousands of lines of code i between...22:38
keithzgsgclark: that github page does claim there's a Debian maintainer, but unless I'm doing something wrong it sure doesn't seem to be in any official Debian repos: https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=kfilebox22:41
sgclarkvery weird. search seems right.22:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cutepaste22:43
clivejo!info cutepaste22:43
ubottucutepaste (source: cutepaste): Paste application for KDE. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-0ubuntu2 (wily), package size 16 kB, installed size 84 kB22:43
clivejothat could be handy22:46
clivejowonder does it work with the new KDE paste inferface22:46
valorieI miss the pastebin widget22:49
clivejohow do I close this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+bug/125589522:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1255895 in Debian "[needs-packaging] cutepaste" [Unknown,New]22:49
valoriesupposedly you can do it from clipboard now, but I don't see how22:49
clivejoits been packaged and latest version is in the archive22:50
valoriemaybe link to the package in the archive?22:50
valoriesomebody forgot to close it22:50
clivejoit tis linked22:50
valoriebugsquad, where are ya?22:53
clivejoits a debian bug?22:53
clivejohave debian a group on LP?22:53
valorieI'm trying to google to get my Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) to use 5g on our new router22:53
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 122:53
valorienot having much luck22:54
valorieclivejo: weird22:54
valoriejr set it to fixed-released though22:55
valoriewhich is basically closed22:55
clivejo!info kdev-qmljs22:56
ubottuPackage kdev-qmljs does not exist in wily22:56
clivejo!info kdevelop22:58
ubottukdevelop (source: kdevelop): integrated development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu3 (wily), package size 1591 kB, installed size 6462 kB22:58
clivejolastest is 4.7.222:59
sgclarkI have 4.7.2 in staging-misc22:59
sgclarkbut I was trying to package the py3 and failed miserably and then got distracted22:59
clivejoready for the archive?22:59
sgclarkif we delete the py3 yes.22:59
clivejothere is a beta release of KDevelop 5.0.023:00
yofelclivejo: yes, there is a debian component on LP for bug links and code imports. And as you can see, debian bug 725403 is still open, so that bugs is fine as it is23:01
ubottuDebian bug 725403 in wnpp "RFP: cutepaste -- Client application for paste.kde.org written in Qt" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/72540323:01
clivejoyofel: how come it still appears under Kubuntu Bugs?23:02
yofelwhat filter are you using?23:02
clivejodoes it not get removed from the group its fixed under?23:02
yofelno, that's what the "Fix Released" status is for, which hides a bug in the default filters23:03
yofelwe only care about bugs under ubuntu/ and kubuntu-ppa/23:04
clivejodont have a filter applied23:04
yofelplease don't touch the bug tasks for any other LP projects without the consent of the project maintainer23:04
yofelclivejo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu?field.subscriber=kubuntu-bugs is what you want23:06
yofelactually, let me put that link on qa23:10
yofelfor some reason that bug list feels too short though....23:17
yofelclivejo: meh, wrong filter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu?field.structural_subscriber=kubuntu-bugs23:21
yofel5k bugs sounds about right23:21
sgclarklol https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdewebdev-kde3/+bug/2702523:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 27025 in kdewebdev-kde3 (Ubuntu) "Quanta crashes when adding files to a project" [Medium,Confirmed]23:21
sgclarksurely we dont support that anymore23:21
sgclarkquanta is dead upstream to bot23:21
sgclarkerr boot23:22
DalekSecsgclark: Congrats on CC, btw.23:22
sgclarkthanks DalekSec :)23:22
yofeluh, that's something for EOL alright..23:22
valoriethe quanta guy briefly spoke of reviving the project, then disappeared again 5 minutes later23:23
valorieI guess the current recommendation is just to use kdevelop instead23:23
sgclarkwas a nice tool back in the day23:23
yofellp 16575 is the oldest still open bug that we're monitoring ^^23:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 16575 in KDE Base "Cannot create samba user with kcontrol samba module" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1657523:23
valorieyes, when I was thinking of learning webdev, I installed it23:23
valoriebut sort of never went further23:23
sgclarkI have used it for web dev!23:24
sgclarkbut not for some time now.23:24
sgclarkof course I do not use kde3 either lol23:24
sgclarkwoow 200523:25
sgclark10 years and still open? that cant be good23:25
yofelyou *could* ask the trinity folks if they care :P23:25
yofelwell, martin marked an 11 years or so kwin bug report as fixed recently :P23:25
sgclarklol true23:25
yofelbut yeah, for us that's useless23:25
clivejodo many people still use prior Kubuntu to 14.04?23:26
sgclarkMunich is on older version23:26
valorieI began with kub. very long ago23:26
sgclarkbut heavily patched23:26
valorieperhaps 2003?23:26
yofelgreat, even the debian and kde bug reports of that are still open...23:26
valoriewhenever Mandrake decided to change to mandriva or whatever23:27
yofelMunich certainly, right. There's also other people that just don't bother to upgrade23:27
sgclarkI started with RedHat 1999, quickly moved to Suse, used that for 10 years... and then distro hopped till ya'll found me. 23:27
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1999 in rhcn "RPM 2.5.6 BUG" [Low,Closed: wontfix] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=199923:28
sgclarkthere I avoided "guys" yaya me.23:28
yofelbut bugs for packages that don't exist any supported release anymore are as dead as they can be23:28
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!23:28
valoriewe can't support stuff forevar23:28
clivejocan those bugs not be closed?23:28
sgclarkwhat do we put? wont fix?23:29
yofelI would say won't fix / Invalid with a slightly modified stock EOL response23:29
clivejoNot supported, obsolete, dead as a dodo?23:30
yofelsaying that the package is not part of a supported release anymore (instead of saying that the release went EOL)23:30
yofelalthough, that would be true as well23:30
sgclarkI have copy pasted the release EOL message to the couple I did close.23:30
clivejoyofel: BTW you can blame Rick_Timmis for all this interest in bugs23:31
yofelI guess Expired would also be a valid status, but you need a script for that23:31
yofelclivejo: I kind of guessed that already :P23:31
sgclarkOh, do not see expired on my list of options23:31
sgclarkperhaps not elite enough23:31
yofelright, it's a LP-internal status that bugs get if they were "incomplete" for more than... 90? days23:31
sgclarkbug triage is an area we are weak in, so yay Rick_Timmis23:32
yofelyou can set it through the API though23:32
clivejoI cant work out how LP bugs work23:32
clivejoits a dark kind of magic23:32
yofelwait, I did write something for that...23:32
yofel(C) 2010-2011 Philip Muskovac, time files..23:33
sgclarkI suppose I outta get back to my current set of bugs called debain merges, ugh.23:33
sgclarkI cannot spell debian correctly today to save my life.23:34
clivejoInstallation of 9.10 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/48216623:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482166 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 9.10 installation grub error 15" [High,Confirmed]23:34
clivejoconfirmed and high importance23:34
clivejomustnt have been that important23:35
sgclarkmm not us anyway23:35
valoriewell, stuff gets fixed and the devel doesn't know about /forgets about the bug report23:35
valorielife happens23:35
sgclarktrue that.23:35
yofelthat's not quite what "Importance" says here.. more like "amount of affected people"23:36
clivejoIm joking yofel23:36
yofelheh. Well, it's an ubiquity bug report23:37
clivejoa lot of them are23:37
clivejousing that link you posted23:37
yofelhm, the filter is too wide now it seems :/23:40
yofelit *should* only list ubiquity reports tagged kubuntu, but doesn't seem to do that23:40
yofelanyway, off to bed23:42
valoriesweet dreams, yofel23:43
valorieit would be great if some folks could step up and mentor kids triaging bugs or packaging23:44
valorieor make videos23:44
sgclarkWish I could, If I step up for anymore I only have sleep to give up time wise. Though I guess sleep is over rated.23:46
valorieno, your health is more important than anything else23:47
valorieif we have to drop out of the contest because people can't do it, then that's what we have to do23:47
valoriesince it seems that my father is forgetting/has forgotten how to swallow23:47
valorieI'm unsure what my time will look like in the near future23:48
valorieand my health comes before FOSS23:48
valorieno matter how much I love y'all23:48
sgclarkmy aunt is not doing so well. just put her in hospice23:48
valorieI'll find out more tonight23:48
valorieand that may be the next step for him23:48
valoriefortunately, they do hospice at that facility, so he won't have to be moved23:49
sgclarkmy aunt is in Vegas with no family.. :( my mom had to go back to work23:49
sgclarkin Phoenix23:49
sgclarkI may be taking a road trip soon23:50
sgclarkthen there is holidays..23:51
valoriegetting old ain't for the faint of heart23:51
* sgclark runs of screaming23:51
valoriemy husband says he'll put up lights when I finish the shopping23:51
* valorie runs off screaming too23:51
sgclarkspeaking of husbands, I need to make mine coffee and lunch. bbl23:52

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