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unascribedkdialog appears to be gone in Wily, are there any good replacements for it (that also use Qt)?00:37
keithzgunascribed: I don't think it's gone, just tried from a Wily install in the building and it's indeed there.00:39
unascribedwell, after doing the upgrade kdialog is missing and the package doesn't exist00:39
unascribedI'll check again00:39
keithzgunascribed: It isn't a separate package, appears to be provided by kde-baseapps-bin00:40
keithzgunascribed: Looks like krdc and konsole depend on that package, and those are both in turn dependencies of the kubuntu-desktop metapackage, so perhaps that metapackage got removed during your upgrade?00:42
unascribedno idea, but installing kde-baseapps-bin did fix it00:42
unascribedI just installed the package from Konsole, so no idea00:42
unascribeddouble no idea :P00:43
keithzgunascribed: You can check if it's installed (and what version and such) via the terminal with "apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop"00:43
unascribedoh, so there is a better way than just listing all installed packages via dpkg and grepping it00:44
unascribedit isn't installed. huh.00:44
keithzghahaha yup (although I uhhh did that myself for many years before realizing)00:44
keithzgYeah I bet that the root of the problem, then. Probably worth reinstalling it in case there are other surprise absences lurking!00:45
unascribedohh, I think I know why it's missing00:45
keithzgRemoved baloo?00:45
unascribedI installed MariaDB a while ago since I was testing applications, and Akonadi *requires* MySQL00:45
unascribedso I had to nuke Akonadi00:45
unascribedthough removing baloo sounds like a good idea too00:45
unascribed...that would require removing dolphin and plasma00:46
unascribedhow about no :P00:46
keithzgWell it was still possible with 14.04, which is what I'm writing from right now. It's easy enough to disable if you dislike it, though, and on *most* of my systems it isn't a problem, just this one (which happens to have millions of files in a few folders...)00:47
unascribedyeah, pretty sure I have it disabled00:47
keithzgHmm interesting that Akonadi depends on mysql.00:47
unascribedI'm running on a (degraded D:) RAID5 array, so my disk bandwidth is in short supply00:48
unascribedyeah, I found it weird too00:48
unascribedespecially since it has an alternate SQLite backend00:48
keithzgAnd postgresql too00:48
keithzgYeah you'd think it would just depend on something that could in turn be *provided* by MariaDB.00:49
unascribedI assumed it depended on a virtual akonadi-backend package00:49
unascribedwhich in turn was supplied by mysql and sqlite00:49
unascribedapparently not00:49
unascribedmaybe they fixed that in the Wily packaging, I haven't checked00:50
ubottuDebian bug 746651 in akonadi-backend-mysql "akonadi-backend-mysql: please make it possible to use with MariaDB packages" [Important,Fixed]00:50
unascribedoh, cool00:50
keithzgAnd yeah indeed, looking at the package on Wily it seems like one option for the dependency is virtual-mysql-server-core, so MariaDB should be fine now00:51
unascribedI don't use Akonadi, but nice to know they fixed it00:51
keithzgYeah, definitely.00:51
keithzgAlways nice when things get better over time rather than worse :)00:51
* keithzg avoids making a quip about Gnome, kindof fails ;)00:52
bpromptunascribed:     akonadi is used by PIM apps, like kontact or kmail or knode or korganizer00:53
unascribedyeah, I found that out when trying to decide if it was safe to remove :P00:53
keithzgbprompt: Yeah, that's what I use it for (wait, is knode still around?). KMail remains my favourite desktop email client.00:53
bpromptkeithzg:    IIRC knode hit the can in 15.04, or kde 5.x00:55
keithzgbprompt: Yeah, I remembered it got dropped fairly recently.00:57
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gabe_i want to ask01:43
gabe_i am using Kubuntu 15.1001:44
gabe_when i tried to connect on wifi Kubuntu said "IP configuration was unavailable"01:44
gabe_but when i use other OS, i could connect to same SSID01:45
gabe_how can i solve this ?01:45
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BinaryC011010110Hello all I was wondering what the best software for photo editing and design are? Also, is there a way to check for Malware? I am new to Linux.02:37
BinaryC011010110Um so yeah02:45
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Jason____Hi I'm new to linux. can I run kubuntu as live persitence to try it before I put it on my hard drive?05:30
mozgyes,you can05:35
ChronoTossHey, noob here; I got a question... I'm experancing a bit of a problem, with my NIC. Can someone help me? Or atleast point me in the direction of some reading source that can assist?05:48
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parveeni can't install apps from muon software center. every time i click on the install button it shows installing but nothing is installing at all. can anyone help me on this07:16
parveeni am using kubuntu 15.1007:16
valorieparveen: did you enter your user password?07:17
valorienothing can install until you do that07:17
valoriei'm on 15.10 as well07:17
hateballparveen: can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in a terminal? Reboot if prompted, then try Muon again07:25
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denza242lordievader: so I think Kubuntu-CI is breaking my upgrade to wily10:05
lordievaderdenza242: So ppa-purge?10:05
denza242but that would purge my entire desktop + some qt stuff10:05
lordievaderNo, it downgrades. It only removes if it ain't available in the 'normal' repos.10:06
denza242hmm, so I should do that then, then upgrade, and then re-enable -ci?10:07
lordievaderOr that and not re-enable ci.10:08
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denza242lordievader: it won't blow up Konversation while it downgrades, right?10:10
lordievaderNo idea.10:12
excalibrfresh install is always fun10:12
lordievaderI have no experience with ppa purging Kubuntu-CI.10:12
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BluesKajHiyas all12:12
Chris______hi. can anyone here help me with a fresh kubuntu install that never wakes from sleep? everything else seems fine. thanks13:01
Chris______I can maybe make it more interesting by telling you I need to unplug it and remove the battery to get it to boot again?13:16
hateballChris______: It is usually quite idle here, so dont feel ignored13:17
hateballAnd I do not know much about using suspend/hibernate13:18
Chris______Thanks. Is there usually a chance of someone chiming in, or I should go look elsewhere?13:18
KwaadpepperI think, for your problem to be solved, you would need to get specific info for logs likely13:20
prof7bitWhat is the correct place to report bugs against the german localisation of the upcoming Kubuntu 16.04?13:20
Chris______I've been trying todo that, problem is I can't identify the log... /var/logs/pm-suspend.log is missing for me. Any other useful logs?13:21
Kwaadpepperi guess13:21
hateballprof7bit: check with #ubuntu+113:21
Chris______if it's supposed to be in /var/log, then no, don't have it13:23
BluesKajChris______,  did you get ris of the UEFI boot and gpt partiton table ?13:23
KwaadpepperChris______: journalctl is a program13:23
Chris______BlueKaj, I don't know what gpt is. I installed manually, had to create the EFI partition then copied an .efi file from the live cd to a boot file. then i could boot.13:24
BluesKajChris______, are you sure the OS i in sleep mode?13:25
Chris______I can click sleep, it seems to go there (flashing led on power button), but never wakes up. fan spins up, screen is black13:26
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Chris______Ctrl+Alt+F1/F6 does nothing13:27
BluesKajfor a desktop13:27
Chris______it's a lenovo ideapad s205 laptop13:27
BluesKajF1 to F6 are VT/TTYs13:28
fiermozg: you should create a csetting model13:28
Kwaadpeppercould use google translate13:29
Chris______either way, they don't do anything. doesn't look like the hdd does anything. strange thing is, if i forceit to power off, I need to take out the battery to get it to start up again13:29
Chris______tried changing the video drivers (selecting between the three options I have in "Driver Manger")13:31
BluesKajI have the same problem with my lenovo G500, but I don't put the laptop to sleep , it just won't show grub. I have to either remove the baterry for few mins or use usb stick to boot grub. My HDD is no longer using the Windows GPT partitioning , it's DOS since I wiped the disk of all UEFI boot etc and use legacy mode...which i do not recommend.13:32
Chris______never seen grub myself. ever. shift doesn't work13:34
Chris______dont' need any other os, i don't plan to dual boot13:35
BluesKajyou probly have no timeout in grub13:35
Chris______how would i force that?13:36
lordievaderChris______: Just hold shift after the bios screen. Grub checks if shift is pressed.13:36
BluesKajdo you have autologin ?13:37
Chris______shift does nothing. no autologin13:37
BluesKajleft shift13:38
lordievaderWhat version of Kubuntu do you run?13:38
Chris______really? let me try13:38
Chris______latest kubuntu, just got it13:38
Chris______no, no shift works13:39
lordievaderChris______: Right, so systemd is responsible for standby (unless Kubuntu does that differently). What happens when you invoke sleep through 'sudo systemctl' can it awake from that?13:39
Chris______hold on13:40
lordievaderChris______: 'sudo systemctl standby' to be precise.13:40
Chris______a ton of output happens. let me try again with standby13:41
Chris______unknown operation standby. am i missing a dash or somehting?13:41
lordievaderHmm, no I guess Kubuntu doesn't use that (yet). Run 'sudo pm-suspend' and see if it can awake from that.13:43
Chris______ha! yes, it can13:44
Chris______i also have a pm-suspend.log for the first time13:45
Chris______and all the stuff in there seems to include "success", i see no errors13:45
Chris______I usually try to sleep it by App-Launcher -> Leave -> Sleep (suspend to RAM)13:46
lordievaderChris______: What happens when you run 'qdbus org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement /org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement/Actions/SuspendSession org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.Actions.SuspendSession.suspendToRam'?13:47
Chris______Wow, it started working13:47
Chris______could that have been some sort of permissions error about the log file?13:47
Chris______should I still try the command above?13:48
lordievaderChris______: Yes.13:48
Chris______ok, let me figure that out, i'm on a different computer, copy/paste won't work :)13:50
Chris______ok, it sleeps and wake up normally from the qdbus thing13:51
lordievaderThat is strange...13:52
Chris______what's strange? it seems to work now? i wanna try a reboot to see if this still works after13:52
lordievaderHitting the sleep button in the menu does pretty much the same thing..13:52
Chris______i understand. the menu button works too now. gimme a minute to reboot13:53
lordievaderWierd stuff!13:53
Chris______ok, still weird. it only when the laptop is not plugged in to power13:56
Chris______if it's plugged in it doesn't work. i just never thought to check that way13:57
Chris______i've rebooted and am testing it again on battery power just to make sure13:58
Chris______yeah, it works fine, can sleep and wake up when on battery power, but not if plugged in13:59
lordievaderDoes the 'sudo pm-suspend' still work on battery?14:00
Chris______yes, when on battery everyting is fine14:00
Chris______so, pm-suspend, qdbus and menu button all work on battery.14:01
Chris______just tested pm-suspend while on power. it's stuck...14:02
Chris______in power management i have identical settings for battery and AC power14:03
lordievaderOh, I interpreted that wrong. I thought it didn't work on battery. Hmm. How odd that standby doesn't work when powered.14:11
Chris______i have no usb stuff atached to it, by the way14:16
DoyleReplaced the AMD gpu with an NVIDIA and the world is immediately a better place. I can lock the system without it freezing for 5 minutes now.  ^_^15:05
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ntkubuntuhi there, I've just installed kubuntu. Now I'm facing the problem that if I remove an usb stick then the complete system seems to freeze17:22
ntkubuntucan anybody help me with that?17:23
ntkubuntuIf I apply the usb stick everything works fine. I can read any data stored on that stick. But if I release/remove the usb stick ... everything seems to crash17:26
denza242well I seem to be in a pickle18:36
denza242my upgrade to wily was interrupted and the only thing that changed was that my sources were bumped to wily18:37
BluesKajdenza242, you set the sources.list to any OS repos with sed,  "example" sudo sed -i 's/saucy/trusty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list18:40
BluesKajthen apt update it  and try again18:40
denza242so I downgrade it first, then update it?18:41
BluesKajthat would probly be best, yes18:41
BluesKajyou can't skip OS releases, thatwill surely break your install18:42
BluesKajlike vivid to xenial for example18:43
denza242nah, just vivid -> wily18:43
BluesKajok good18:43
denza242BluesKaj: if some packages have already been updated, would it be best to manually "upgrade" it to Wily18:44
BluesKajdenza242, yes, sudo do-release-upgrade18:45
BluesKajif you get a message saying , already upgraded , then run, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade18:47
BluesKajthat should finish upgrading any missing packages18:48
ted586947using 15.10 sound output has died recently and fixes are not working - how can i reset the sound settings to their default values again?19:45
BluesKajted586947, which audio chip?19:47
ted586947BluesKaj: not sure -its a  dell latitude e6410 laptop19:48
BluesKajted586947, type alsamixer in the terminal , the audio chip will show in th ewupper left. Also if scroll across to audiomute, make sure it's disabled by using down arrow key19:50
denza242um is this normal19:50
denza242Replacing config file /etc/default/grub with new version19:50
denza242Installing for i386-pc platform.19:51
BluesKajdenza242, yes19:51
denza242bah, forgot to remove newlines19:51
denza242BluesKaj: even if I have a 64 bit CPU?19:51
BluesKajdenza242, you can opt out if you want and keep your perwsent config19:52
ted586947BluesKaj: HDA Intel MID - IDT 92HD81B1C5 - audiomute is not enabled19:52
BluesKajted586947, ok in the terminal do: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel19:54
BluesKajted586947, after certain upgrades to alsa or pulseaudio the intel audio driver fails to load19:55
denza242BluesKaj: er, I already accepted...19:56
denza242...it'll work though still, right?19:56
BluesKajyou'll need to reboot19:56
ted586947BluesKaj: I did that  sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel - hit return - no output in the shell19:57
BluesKajthere is no output from the modprobe command if the driver loads properly19:57
BluesKajgood no errors, ted58694719:58
ted586947BluesKaj: OK if I start VLC and play a video there is no sound but - now if I got to Audio Device and select one for my chip as above it starts working but19:59
BluesKajted586947, vlc has it's own settings oprions in audio and tools20:00
ted586947there is another device default HDA NVIDIA HDMI 020:01
ted586947BluesKaj: yes I've tried resetting all VLC prefs to default but there was no impact20:01
BluesKajted586947, well, what kind of sound system are you connecting to the pc?20:03
ted586947nothing - btw if i open System settingsdouble click on multimedia it crashes - tried it several times - not good20:05
ted586947but its been a fairly stable system usually and audio worked out of the box so i expect some sort of reset would work20:06
BluesKajted586947, make sure your packages are up to date, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade20:07
ted586947BluesKaj: done that just now - all up to date20:07
ovidiu-florinKubuntu Podcast link: http://youtu.be/eZH6b6hJi2o It's live right now20:08
ted586947i have something called Cadence installed that I think manages JACK could that be connected - clutching at straws here20:09
BluesKajuse the analog audio choces in pulseaudio/pavucontrol if you pavu installed20:10
ted586947BluesKaj: installing now - sudo apt-get install pavucontrol20:12
ted586947BluesKaj: $ pavucontrol produces "Fatal Error unable to connect to PulseAudio OK"20:13
BluesKajperhaps you don't have pulseaudio installed20:13
BluesKajyou don't really need it with intel audio unless you want simultaneous audio sources playing20:14
keithzgHmm, any particular reason why in Wily kstart is installed by kde-runtime while kstart5 is installed by kde-cli-tools? What's the difference?20:16
BluesKajbut if you have jack installed it could be redirecting the signal to the wrong output20:17
keithzgOh, huh, kde-runtime is still Qt/KDE 4 based even on Wily? I guess a lot of stuff isn't ported yet, so fair enough.20:18
ted586947BluesKaj: ahh - i think that could be it - would you suggest uninstalling JACK ? Willing to try anything really20:18
BluesKajted586947, jack is mostly used for pro audio or recording20:19
BluesKajfrom mixers etc20:20
ted586947yeah i installed a package of audio progs - i think it came with hydrogen and cadence - but i havent use them much20:22
BluesKajted586947, i use both analog and digital/spdif outputs on my intel chip soundcard ..no pulseaudio or jack20:22
ted586947BluesKaj: ok im going to try uninstalling JACK and whatever goes with it via synaptic - i can always reinstall later20:24
BluesKajboth spdif digital and analog go to my audio receiver, but the analog could run a powered speaker system if needed20:25
BluesKajted586947, yes good idea20:25
BluesKaj!info hydrogen20:28
ubottuhydrogen (source: hydrogen): advanced drum machine/step sequencer. In component universe, is optional. Version (wily), package size 4799 kB, installed size 18368 kB20:28
BluesKaj!info cadence20:28
ubottuPackage cadence does not exist in wily20:28
ted586947BluesKaj:  kxstudio meta packages going with removal of JACK - i must have got them in a PPA20:29
ted586947right thats all done - quite a lot gone - should it need a reboot20:30
BluesKajdo you have pulseaudio installed ?20:31
ted586947BluesKaj: how would I know?20:32
BluesKajjust type it in the terminal or search in the package manager20:33
ted586947yes pulseaudio is installed according to synaptic20:33
BluesKajit's your choice , it can help in some cases, don't let my prejudices affect your choices :-)20:35
BluesKajbut if you decide to uninstall it use purge20:36
ted586947bit bizzare - reset vlc prefs to default - launched it on a video - audio played - the VLC preferences popped up i clicked on and they disappearted - the audio stopped20:36
ted586947im happy to purge pulseaudio20:36
BluesKajted586947, check audio devices20:37
BluesKajon vlc20:37
BluesKajok purge pulse then reboot20:37
ted586947in vlc theres a list of about 30 audio devices - most of them duplicates20:38
BluesKajyeah, just choose the first analog20:39
BluesKajand in the tools/audio choose alsa output in the drop down20:40
ted586947BluesKaj: that works - it always resets to the notworking one20:40
ted586947purging pulseaudio now then rebooting - hope to see you on the other side, tx for the guidance so far20:42
BluesKajonce the tools/audio settings are saved then go back to audio devices and choose one analog , it could be your choice in system settings multimedia needs to be changed to alsa20:43
BluesKajonce the tools/audio settings are saved then go back to audio devices and choose one analog , it could be your choice in system settings multimedia needs to be changed to alsa20:47
BluesKajted586947, just ignore the pulse option...it still shows up due to the bluetooth libs I think20:53
ted586947rebooted with progress -  now - youtube audio working fine - dragon player audio working fine - System Settings Audio the tests play fine - vlc still no audio until I select the correct audio device20:53
BluesKajyeah that's a problem with vlc, my setup requires the same reset20:54
BluesKajif i want to listen thru my wireless headphones I use the analog setting in vlc audio devices20:55
ted586947BluesKaj: its so odd - its still defaults to the not working NVIDIA device despite resetting20:56
ted586947just vlc - the rest seems to be working fine - odd cos VLC has been such a reliable prog for me for years20:57
BluesKajted586947, are you saving the setting in vlc/tools/audio?20:57
BluesKajmake sure alsa is the default at the top of the list in systemsettings>multimedia>devicepreference>music20:59
ted586947i jusdt did that - restarted vlc - launched a file in vlc got 1 second of audio then silence - like my just set vlc prefs got overridden somehow just after launch21:00
ted586947i only have one now in systemsettings>multimedia>devicepreference>music just "Default" - but the test on it plays audio fine21:01
ted586947purging vlc then reinstalling just to check if that makes a difference21:03
finetundrated586947: have you already tried deleting your config data for, it's vlc right?21:04
ted586947yep tried that a few times unfortunately21:05
ted586947somewhere VLCs prefs are getting overridden - so even if i save the correct ones  a second after launch they are reset back to the broken option - well getting all my audio bar vlc working is good progress :)21:07
BluesKajted586947, http://imgur.com/MqyYXYm and  http://imgur.com/4jtjEdh21:09
ted586947BluesKaj: first pic (VLC) is the same as mine - second pic SystemSettings all I got is "Default" - no "alsa" or "pulseaudio" options21:13
BluesKajted586947, just ignore the pulse audio when it appears, alsa should show up after a reboot21:15
ted586947i could purge reinstall alsa ?21:16
BluesKajno need21:16
BluesKajmake sure you have alsa and alsa-utils installed21:17
ted586947yes all three are there21:18
BluesKajoops no more alsa base, I forgot21:18
BluesKajok I21:18
BluesKajI'm on a dev OS so things have changed here21:19
ted586947thanks for your help mate21:19
ted586947BluesKaj: ^^^21:19
BluesKajit's been a long day, think i'm done21:20
BluesKajnp ted586947 , hope it works out21:20
ted586947been quite a journey :) but all of it is now working so21:20
ted586947its just a minor glitch in vlc left but21:21
ted586947i needed to clear out a lot of the cruft that was in there anyway to narrow it down21:21
ted586947and you helped a lot so cheers and have a good night ;)21:22
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somebodyunimportok cool21:24
Chris______hi again. back trying to get some help with my kubuntu problem: once my laptop goes to sleep, it never wakes up. and that only happens when it's plugged into ac power. reinstalled everything once more a couple of hours ago. same behavior on the live cd. once it freezes, i have to take out the battery, otherwise it's stuck and won't boot anything, can't even get into bios. i'm on the latest kubuntu on a lenovo ideapad s20521:26
Chris______i got some help earlier today from someone who helped me figure out it only happend on ac power. but i'm still stuck21:28
Chris______anyone have any ideas? already tried different video drivers21:31
Chris______ctrl+alt+f1/f7 does nothing when it's frozen, no hdd activity or anything21:31
Chris______i'm not feeling ignored, i know it's pretty idle here21:47
=== user is now known as Maratus
regeditwhat causes Kubuntu's Dolphin view to refresh when file actions are taken (like create/move file etc) ?22:55
Benny_Hallo i've got a big problem. I startet sudo apt-get remove java* Now many system files are gone and i dont knoe how to repair.22:55
regediti'm not seeing that happen in KDE on other distros, it seems to be an open bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24416322:55
ubottuKDE bug 244163 in general "Dolphin doesn't refresh the folder list until I press F5" [Normal,Reopened]22:55
regedithow come it seems to work on Kubuntu?22:55
Benny_Nobody with an idea?22:57
regeditsudo apt-get -f install ?22:57
regeditnot sure how much that helps22:57
Benny_I can not start kubuntu any more22:58
Benny_i'm hier with live cd22:58
regeditdid you really literally type "sudo apt-get remove java*" ? or did you type it a little different22:58
regeditah well then recovery measures need to be taken, bit out of my area of knowledge22:59
Benny_exactly sudo apt-get remove java*22:59
Benny_i think it was a very bad idea :(23:00
Benny_if i do a reinstallation, all my installed programes are away?23:01
regeditunless your various installation directories ( /usr /opt etc) were on a separate partition, yup23:04
regeditand even if they are - i barely know what i'm talking about23:05
regeditif there are specific startup messages/errors feel free to ask/research about them23:06
regeditit could be an easily remediable issue, could be not23:06
regeditthe more info you dig up & share the better chances someone actually bothering to help :)23:06
Benny_Dolphin, ocular had been deletet. but widows of both applications were still running. after a reboot. im am able to get access trough network. but there ist just a x for my mouse and nothing else23:08
Benny_i need to get access to network during recovery mode. nut teher it failed23:09
Benny__i will rebbot my other pc now for detailed info23:11
Benny__Would it be helpfull if i save all data from / into /home which is on a seperate partition23:13
Benny__error: unable to launch "/usr/bin/startkde" X session --- "/usr/bin/startkde" not found; falling back to default session23:19
Benny__does anybody know how to get a terminal?23:21
Benny__yes...thank you very much23:22
regeditdoes apt-get have a history/log of installs/uninstalls? maybe you can see the list of packages that may have gotten uninstalled and simply apt-get install them23:23
regeditin openSUSE YaST2 has a nice history log of every update/install/uninstall action that happens, whether automatically or from command line23:23
Benny__Thats a very good idea.23:24
regedit(or is it zypper)23:24
regeditnot sure if such concepts exist in the *buntus with apt-get tho23:24
Benny__im trying to do apt-get update but ist doesnt work23:25
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regeditBenny__: "it doesnt work" is never helpful, always gather and report much more information than that23:28
regeditif your system sounds horribly broken it might indeed be time to copy away your important data and reformat23:29
valoriein a console, please try `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop`23:30
regeditagain - unless you can roll up your sleeves & get down 'n dirty doing a lot of googling, trying things, and researching error message output23:31
valorieBenny__: ^^^23:31
valoriethat should restore you to a working system23:31
valorieand then you can fix further from there23:31
Benny__My problem: there are nor error messages23:31
regeditplease describe what *does* happen then23:32
Benny__now i've got accsess to terminal and network23:33
Benny__only gui ist broken23:33
regeditthe less you keep us guessing the less patience we lose :)23:33
Benny__it says 10 packages can bee updated23:33
valoriethen paste or type exactly what I put between the tick marks, Benny__23:33
valorieof course don't put in the ticks `23:34
valorieregedit: I've been where Benny__ is, and it's sort of scary23:34
regediti remember that too, that's when i started keeping data safely separate from OS installations, and don't get very attached to OS installations anymore23:35
regediti reformat regularly now23:35
Benny__My Data ist safe. but i have to install everything again and that takes lots of time23:36
Benny__So, what should i type in valorie?23:36
Benny__i think i'll try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:40
valorie`sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop`23:40
valoriethat entire thing, you can copy/paste or just copy if you are on a different computer23:40
bpromptBenny__:    when you removed java, how many files it listed it was going to remove?   like 20 or 75?23:41
bpromptalso.. why did you remove java? :/23:41
Benny__very much23:41
Benny__i wantet to install version 823:42
Benny__and remove 723:42
bpromptBenny__:     you mean, it was like 100 files to remove?23:42
bprompthmmm I see.... hmmm23:42
bpromptlikely apt-get, removed a bunch of dependencies that weren't java specific, but system, usually23:43
Benny__yes i thik so too23:43
bpromptyes, I've seen it doing that, I think is some flaw in apt-get when removing packages, it hoses unspecific ones23:44
bpromptBenny__:    well, that means.. you hosed kubuntu pretty much :/23:44
Benny__yes i did23:45
bpromptBenny__:    hmmm you could just do a reinstall.... as far as installing everything... what does that mean? how many packages? do you even keep a list of what packages you ever installed?23:45
Benny__but im looking hopefully on valories tips23:45
Benny__no i dont have such a list. but there is a log file somewhere23:46
bpromptwell, I'd think a dist-upgrade, will simply do, over a network, what you can do with the usb installation, only difference is, that the usb will do it 25times faster23:46
Benny__it's back again. Thank you very much23:47
bpromptBenny__:     what you can salvage is your $HOME directory, that one keeps all your configurations, which are a hassle to redo, font settings, session settings, workspace, themes, caches, aliases and such, so... you'd want to back that up before a reinstall23:48
Benny__No reinstall nessecary. ist works fone again23:48
bpromptalrite, all's well that ends well :)23:49
bpromptBenny__:    now as far as java, just install on top of older version, it'll get updated in place23:50
bpromptBenny__:     btw, you'd want to make an image of the system, and keep it around, so you can put it back when something happens23:51
bpromptwith something like Clonezilla23:51
Benny__i'll do this soon. now i have to work. :(23:52

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