
tsimonq2https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/779915 has caused me a lot of pain, so I was wondering if either someone in here could fix it, or how easy it would be to fix00:02
mupBug #779915: Messages can take days to appear in the MhonArc archive <feature> <mailing-lists> <ml-archive-sucks> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/779915>00:02
maozhouThere is a unauthorized error after running script of ''remove-package", how to fix it? (http://img.hoop8.com/attachments/1512/6381911610461.png)02:47
xnoxmaozhou, can you open a question, or bug? with more details. text is prefered, not screenshots. Can you go and do things via the web-ui?02:52
xnoxe.g. cruitial info is missing - e.g. what is being removed, and from which archive.02:52
cjwatsonNot a bug, please.02:52
cjwatsonBut a question would be fine.  And yes, please paste text rather than making us load images.02:52
xnoxand listen to an actual lp developer ^ rather than me =)02:52
cjwatsonYou probably just need to get the owner of the relevant archive to grant you queue admin permissions.02:54
cjwatsonOr be in the team that owns the relevant archive.02:54
maozhouok, but how to do it via the web-ui?02:59
xnoxthere is webui for ppas, but not distributions proper... so depending on what you are doing, there might not be web-ui. i think your question is way beyond my knoweledge, and you are better off chatting with cjwatson.03:01
cjwatsonNot everything is doable via the web UI, especially rarely used operations.03:01
cjwatsonOr administrative operations.03:01
maozhoucjwatson: I have run "edit-acl" in directory of ubuntu-archive-tools to grant the admin permissions,isn't it right ?  how to grant the admin permissions?03:08
cjwatsonthat would be usual, yes, but I can't debug your problem from here with so little information.03:08
cjwatsonyou need to explain exactly what you've done, what users are involved, etc., preferably in text not in screenshots.03:08
cjwatsonand really, with your own LP instance it needs to be your responsibility to debug this kind of thing.03:09
cjwatsonwe can't access the instance so it is difficult for us to debug it.03:09
maozhouOk, I know ,thank you03:11
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xnoxcjwatson, well done on the ssh-2 support! =)15:34
cjwatsonthanks :)15:36
cjwatsona relief to have that off my guilt lis15:36

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