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hallynif a package hasn't made it through -proposed on version $v, should the package be build with debuild -v$(v-1), or not?03:07
hallynstgraber: ^03:08
xnoxhallyn, yes, you should build with version from -release, when e.g. uploading into -proposed for devel.03:15
xnoxhallyn, or e.g. -v$updates when uploading into -v$proposed SRU.03:15
hallynxnox: thanks03:15
xnoxand so on.03:16
hallynfinally got it to pass in adt-run so i'll assume i'm good.  finally03:17
cjwatsonI don't think -v actually matters very much in practice for that situation.03:27
cjwatsonIt's a bit more important for SRUs because of how the tracking page works.03:27
xnox... once we have dgit, it will do -v things automatically03:28
cjwatsonI got dgit clone working against LP today03:28
cjwatsonpush will take quite a bit longer :)03:29
xnoxi am happy to be a test monkey03:29
* xnox will be happy with clone alone too, cause i have been abusing and finding all sorts of buts i've reported to ian over the years about it.03:29
cjwatsondgit clone is relatively boring, it's just making the right LP API calls and having all the config variables hooked up properly03:29
Unit193I presume you'll need access so it won't work like the MPs of the bzr branches?03:30
cjwatsonpush involves a bunch of thought about policy enforcement in turnip03:30
xnoxcjwatson, well. still nice. given that bzr branch lp:ubuntu/foo doesn't work, I do pull-lp-source, git init, git add -A ., git commit -a -m 'init', then start working.....03:30
cjwatsonUnit193: rough plan is that official dgit-maintained repositories will live in git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blah, personal branches will live in git.launchpad.net/~user/ubuntu/+source/blah03:30
cjwatsonso anyone with an LP account can make branches and propose merges03:31
Unit193Awesome.  AFAIK currently it's only for DDs, so I've been ignoring it and just going with gbp.03:32
xnoxwell, dgit assumes that things will get stuck, or may get stuck in new-queue, get rejected, et.al. but all that history that dind't make it, is shared with all dgit users. So we can open all repos to all ~ubuntu-dev, even if they don't have upload rights. Cause then sponsoring will become: dgit pull, dgit push =) (from those that are at least ~ubuntu-dev)03:32
cjwatsonnot ~ubuntu-dev, but linked with upload permissions03:33
cjwatsonwhich is not the same03:33
cjwatson(plus perhaps some thought about new packages)03:33
Unit193xnox: Yeah I only have a simple packageset, I need motu at some point (though I do like people reviewing my stuff, personally.)03:33
xnoxUnit193, i think this has been progressing to be changed. cause e.g. there is a new dgit machine now, which does DD-privileges-less queries to dak as to how things should operate.03:33
xnoxe.g. dgit clone, in debian, should be operation for non-DDs today.03:33
cjwatsonit's a bit better, but alioth's structure does make it fundamentally hard.03:34
xnoxnot using alioth anymore as far as i understand, it's a separate machine now - or is it just vhost?!03:34
cjwatsononce we get it going, LP is in some ways a better fit.03:34
xnoxwe are not gonna share debian's dgit repos though, right ?! aka things in dgit.debian.org.03:35
xnoxwell, i guess one is free to merge anything, cause it's dgit.03:35
cjwatsonhaven't thought through all the details there.03:35
cjwatsonI was expecting to probably at least run an importer over everything accessible from every SPPH in LP.03:36
cjwatsonwell, in the primary archive anyway.03:36
xnoxstand-alone will be good enough for now. cause we want our upload history and sequencing, and graft/force-merge debian if wanted or needed, or working on merge. But hey, this is git, it doesn't even need a merged history to merge things =)03:36
xnoxcause it's good at smashing things.03:37
* xnox aliases $ git smash, to git pull03:37
cjwatsonsure, but better to have good history from the start IMO03:38
cjwatsonit's on the list03:39
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pittiGood morning07:22
Bluefoxicyman I am watching an update as it apt-get autoremove --purge on a machine with like 48 installed kernels.07:48
Bluefoxicyfound [47 kernels], added to grub07:48
Bluefoxicyremoving [kernel]07:48
Bluefoxicyrebuilding [kernel].initrd07:48
Bluefoxicyfound [46 kernels], added to grub07:48
Bluefoxicyremoving [kernel]07:48
Bluefoxicyrebuilding [kernel].initrd07:48
nikowauto-remove is removing kernels for u?07:48
nikowI always doing it manualy…07:49
nikowI was*07:49
Bluefoxicymore to the point, if you have multiple kernels installed, any updates will likely rebuild those kernels's initrds multiple times07:49
BluefoxicyI'm really getting tired of watching initrds rebuild 4 times for the same kernel in one update07:49
nikowI can not have more than 3 kernels at the time.07:50
Bluefoxicy"You have to upgrade 400 packages.  The download will take about 31 seconds on your connection."07:59
dholbachgood morning08:19
ginggsmorning pitti, what can be done about autopkgtest for julia ? it normally fails, but somehow managed to pass the tests once http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/j/julia/xenial/amd64/ - it passes the tests in debian  https://ci.debian.net/packages/j/julia/unstable/amd64/08:21
pittiginggs: hm, "MemoryError" -- do you happen to know about this package?08:22
pittii. e. would it help to give it a larger VM with more than 1.5 GB RAM?08:22
ginggspitti, yeah i think so08:22
pittiginggs: I can also just lobotomize the one passed result and then it'll be "always failed"08:22
pittidepending on how much you care08:22
ginggsif you could give it more ram, that would be great08:23
pittiginggs: ok, updated the config and requested a re-run08:26
Bluefoxicyand apparently 14.10 -> 15.04 gets you a broken, non-booting system08:26
* Bluefoxicy runs do-release-upgrade from the recovery console to get out of that mess.08:27
ginggspitti, thanks!08:27
pittiginggs: will take a bit though, the queues are moderately full (http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml)08:27
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ginggspitti: need moar rams :(09:08
pitti--flavor autopkgtest09:09
pittihm, no, that didn't work yet09:09
pittishould have been m1.large09:10
pittiginggs: meh, my bad -- forgot to git pull before restarting the workers09:15
pittidone, and re-queued09:15
seb128mardy, hey09:16
mardyseb128: hi!09:16
seb128mardy, do you have hints to debug uoa/e-d-s no working in xenial?09:16
seb128if you add a google account the corresponding calendar/gmail are not available in evo09:16
seb128also if I add a google account it's immediatly flagged as desactivated in u-c-c09:17
seb128like I get a notify-osd about it and it has a red sign09:17
seb128need to click to reactivate it09:17
mardyseb128: not really, I'm not familiar with that code09:17
mardyseb128: but to debug the notification: please do "echo 'LoggingLevel=2' > ~/.config/signond.conf", then kill signond, try again, and you should get some info in the syslog09:18
mardyseb128: and to get even more info: kill signon-ui, and run this on a terminal: SSOUI_LOGGING_LEVEL=2 SSOUI_DAEMON_TIMEOUT=9999 signon-ui09:19
mardyseb128: if then you could share these logs with me, it could help (make sure to replace any tokens with XXXXX)09:19
didrocksslangasek: in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/185122127/plymouth_0.9.0-0ubuntu3_0.9.0-0ubuntu4.diff.gz, you say that you replaced fonts-dejavu-core by ttf-ubuntu-font-family to avoid depending on both fonts in the changelog. However, the diff (and current packages) shows that we still depend on both, was it a typo and a missing | ?09:20
pittimore like forgot to actually drop the "fonts-dejavu-core" line?09:21
didrockspitti: seems so, just want a confirmation (doing that on the merge for now)09:23
ginggspitti: \o/ julia passed! - is this config change permanent now?09:26
pittiginggs: yes, it is09:27
pitti--flavor m1.large09:28
pittiginggs: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/commit/?id=d1aeff45 FYI09:28
ginggspitti: nice, thanks09:30
Laneyseb128: you doing that signon stuff?09:54
* Laney can reproduce on an iso09:54
seb128Laney, yes, talking to mardy in a query09:54
* Laney keeps the logs in case09:55
seb128but it looks like an e-d-s issue, going to report to them09:55
seb128my log has " ubuntu_online_accounts_got_userinfo_cb: Failed to create ESource collection for AgAccount "09:55
seb128do you have that as well?09:55
Laneyhang on09:56
Laneyneed to get it out of the vm09:56
seb128it's in syslog after doing the echo that mardy recommended before09:56
Laneyyes I have that there09:56
larsukirkland: why do you need that? gnome-terminal -e should do what you want, no?09:56
zaytsevlaney: since you happened to help me out with my last trusty bugfix, maybe you could advise me on the new situation? so i have software that needs scons to build. i have discovered, however, that scons in trusty is broken with python 2.7 in a way that all sconf checks simply fail09:56
zaytsevlaney: so i found the patch upstream that fixes this problem. it was included in scons 2.3.209:57
zaytsevlaney: trusty only ships scons 2.3.0 however09:57
Laneyseb128: is that also why we have to re-confirm after adding it? or a separate issue?09:57
seb128separate issue09:57
Laneyzaytsev: If the patch applies cleanly and fixes the problem then we could include it in a stable update09:57
Laneyzaytsev: check that and then file a bug with the patch attached, subscribe "ubuntu-sponsors"09:58
seb128Laney, the re-confirm is not new and a sucking UI, apps need to allow access the first time they want to use the online account, and since e-d-s has no UI they decided to make you go through the settings to activate it09:58
zaytsevlaney: right, so that's the question: 2.3.2 was never shipped in ubuntu. willy ships 2.3.6 that has this bugfix and more, and xenial 2.4.1 which is the newer available with even more fixes. now the question is whether i should backport the patch as you suggest, or one can simply take the packae from the next version into backports?09:59
zaytsevlaney: if the policy is such that backporting an isolated patch is preferred, then i'll go down this way. just need some direction.10:00
Laneybackports isn't meant to sidestep fixing bugs in the release10:00
Laneyfixing it a SRU would be preferred10:00
zaytsevlaney: okay then i will invest some time in preparing a clean backport and makign the bug as last time, i'll try to follow the guidelines. many thanks for your help! it's very much appreciated10:02
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Laneythanks zaytsev!10:04
Laneylemme know if you need any more help10:04
Saviqdidrocks, hey, think you could have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/in-train-pot-update/+merge/279100 please?11:05
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didrocksSaviq: I guess that ./po/update-unity-pot is the scrope updating the pot file :)11:07
didrocksSaviq: so yeah, +1, even if I think that this feature should be in the train itself11:07
Saviqdidrocks, bug #1359667 :)11:07
ubottubug 1359667 in CI Train [cu2d] "There should be a hook mechanism available" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135966711:07
didrocksSaviq: hum, I would maybe rather override_dh_auto_clean11:08
Saviqdidrocks, ah, right11:08
* Saviq fixes11:08
didrocksSaviq: commented with this11:09
Laneydidrocks: Saviq: is that going to work?11:14
Laneydoes train run debian/rules clean itself?11:14
SaviqLaney, it does11:14
didrocksSaviq: as in my comment, I would still readd a dh_auto_clean call then11:15
* didrocks goes for a run, bbl11:15
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, fixing11:16
Saviqbut ssh broke in xenial, so delay11:16
didrocksSaviq: argh :p once done, just consider it a +1 for me11:16
Laneyin that case why can't it run some random script for you instead of doing weird gymastics in debian/rules?11:18
didrocksLaney: see the referenced bug report above ^11:18
didrocksLaney: and my suggestion on that very channel as well :)11:19
Laneywhich part of it?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1359667 in CI Train [cu2d] "There should be a hook mechanism available" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:19
didrocks(so yeah, we all agree here, but seems like CI Train maintainer doesn't agree)11:25
Laneygoing to comment11:25
didrocksplease do, I've already done it once on IRC IIRC11:25
SaviqMirv, hey, how's Qt 5.5 migration going?11:27
MirvSaviq: hey, it's looking pretty good - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtbase-opensource-src - I don't see currently anything that'd be broken "for real", and I was thinking if I could be at a point of poking pitti of glancing over it. the regressing non-overridden things to seem to have either passed occasionally after the landing or failing already be11:31
Mirvfore the landing.11:31
SaviqMirv, ack, nice :)11:31
pittiMirv: look at the bottom, a few failures are already overridden; but there are indeed a few new ones, like marble11:32
Mirvpitti: yeah, I checked those. marble has had a success yesterday on at least amd64 and i386 so seems flaky.11:33
pittiyeah, but it used to be very stable until yesterday11:33
Mirvothers remaining are kdelibs4support amd64/ppc64el and kwayland ppc64el but those seem have been failing before11:34
Mirvpitti: right, it might the marble is the most deserving of attention, I'll try if I can figure anything out.11:34
cjwatsonpitti: what normally creates things like /srv/ddebs.ubuntu.com/www/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-s390x/Packages*?  I see that its siblings for other arches exist, empty, which I think is all that's required to shut up the cronspam11:39
cjwatsonpitti: But it seems odd to create them by hand11:39
mardyLaney: hi! I've got someone complaining that the cdimage link from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8DesktopIso is no longer working12:04
Laneymardy: delete that wiki page, it's gone12:04
mardyLaney: do I understand correctly, that since wily+unit8 offers the same as that?12:05
LaneyI think you're meant to use the -desktop-session packages12:05
pitticjwatson: ah, that's a bit of a hack; as we don't have -updates during the devel series I usually hack the code temporarily to make it think that xenial-updates changed, and generate that12:09
cjwatsonpitti: ok, if you're familiar with that could you do it for xenial-updates/s390x?12:09
pittiyep, doing12:09
pitticjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13643501/ shoudl do, I'll check after the next run12:10
cjwatsonpitti: cool, thanks12:10
pitticjwatson: hm, but actually, it complains about the *input* archive, not the output archive12:14
pitti(it's correct to create empty xenial-updates ddeb indexes, though12:14
pittihttp://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-s390x/Packages.gz exists, though12:14
cjwatsonpitti: no, it must be complaining about the output archive because there's no suffix on the Packages files it lists12:15
cjwatsonpitti: confusing warning message though!12:15
cjwatsonpitti: it's from the second archive_map() call12:15
pittioh right, it's building an archive map for the ddebs archive, with mirror pointing to itself12:16
pittiso, this run indeed should solve that12:16
pitticjwatson: ok: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-s390x/12:46
tjaaltonanyone else having issues with a sid schroot unable to run 'apt update' since a few days? it just gets stuck here, other schroots work fine..13:06
Laneythere was a bug in apt 1.1, you need to manually upgrade it13:07
LaneyI suppose a re-create will work too13:08
tsimonq2I had that same issue with the apt PPA in Xenial13:08
tsimonq2it's easy to fix13:08
tjaaltonyeah, upgrading apt fixed it13:09
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cpaelzer_It might just be outdated - but I found something about packaging .debs and ldconfig here https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html#s-ldconfig13:56
cpaelzer_I wonder why I canÄt find any lib actually doing that ldconfig in maitainerscripts - is that these days automatically covered?13:56
cpaelzer_or do I just check bad examples when picking libs to see what they are doing?13:56
cjwatson$ grep ldconfig /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpipeline1\:amd64.postinst13:56
cjwatson        ldconfig13:56
cjwatsonbut as of relatively recently this is normally handled by triggers instead13:57
cjwatsonwhich has (almost) the same effect as what policy says but not quite the same implementation13:57
cjwatsonanyway, you should just let dh_makeshlibs handle this for you13:57
cjwatsonpolicy should probably be updated for the ldconfig triggers work13:59
cpaelzer_cjwatson: thanks - I see that some even have it twice automatically added by dh_makeshlibs13:59
cjwatsonthere is no doubt the odd bug13:59
pittiMirv: I'll hint kdelibs4support, that's been broken before14:14
pittiMirv: kwin and marble do seem to relate to the new Qt, though14:14
Mirvpitti: I've been staring at marble. it's been failing (but not always) with 5.4 too in parsing the same Tour.kml Google maps file that fails with 5.5. the other 25 .kml files don't have issues  with either 5.4 or 5.5.14:17
Mirvpitti: kwin amd64 last 4 failing ones are 3 times 5.4.2 and 1 times 5.5.114:19
Mirv(Qt version, kwin 5.4.3 always)14:20
Mirvpitti: ah I'm probably reading it wrong, just checking the first libqt5core5a installation mentioned14:25
MirvI've adt-run done on marble but I'm none wise since I don't find how to output the whole parsed xml to find where there's a difference. but I guess the kwin might be the real deal.14:29
Mirv(sorry, yes marble is a real problem too)14:31
pittiMirv: perhaps you can run it under gdb and break at the assertion?14:32
pitti(not sure how these look like)14:32
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kirklanddidrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kirkland/byobu/trunk/revision/245014:40
kirklanddidrocks: in case that's useful to you with weechat14:40
kirklanddidrocks: note the postinst, which links the right .desktop file14:41
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didrockskirkland: oh nice, so, you confirm that you forced to use a fqdn? (that was the issue yesterday?)15:06
kirklanddidrocks: I had to work through a few things15:09
kirklanddidrocks: it did seem like I needed to have a much more complex service name to work15:10
kirklanddidrocks: I also had to remove the Terminal=true line15:10
didrocksyeah, I'm surprised about that one15:11
didrocks(the Terminal= to remove)15:11
Mirvpitti: ok, managed to add some qDebug finally (gdb break:ing didn't really work out). there's a rounding error of the read xml value with Qt 5.5.1, "4.2" becomes "4.2000000000000002"15:18
pittiMirv: eek, does that test compare floats for equality? or is that a string comparison and it's formatted wrongly?15:22
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Mirvpitti: no it compares XML data in eg https://github.com/KDE/marble/blob/master/tests/data/Tour.kml after having gone through some parsing in marble https://github.com/KDE/marble/blob/master/tests/TestGeoDataWriter.cpp15:25
Mirvpitti: the kwin issue is probably this without xrandr issue https://github.com/KDE/kwin/commit/eda4f6103707bc425dec884c3fe4dac1077b21a7 - probably could cherry-pick (kwin, as the Qt upstream commit not approved yet)15:25
pittiMirv: ah, thanks for the research there!15:30
Mirvpitti: mgraesslin confirms that the kwin issue is probably exactly that15:32
Mirvpitti: ah, https://github.com/KDE/marble/commit/05df36b674db4b150835ceecc53021d61b51f27e - marble upstream has fixed it, although I'm not sure if it's a fix or workaround. but I could include that + the kwin fix.15:40
Mirvstates it's a bad comparison of double values15:43
pittiMirv: that looks more like a workaround15:43
pittiMirv: well, "4" can be represented exactly in a float, 4.2 can't; but that just hides the fact of the bad equality comparison15:44
pittiMirv: but anyway, this is way beyond what you should be doing there -- going with the upstream fix sounds fine15:44
Mirvpitti: ok, no-one told me this'd be beyond in any way but at least it has been informative :) I can upload both fixes.15:46
pittiMirv: well, I meant "should" in the "can reasonably be expected from you position" side, not "wouldn't be welcome" of course15:47
pittiMirv: great, so these two should turn green, the overrides should take care of others, then the large swath should promote15:47
smbdoko, Not sure you saw already but that qemu merge does not seem to be really happy on many (if not all) the other arches15:54
gQuigsis there anything else I should be doing for SRU https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/1505328 ?15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1505328 in cups (Ubuntu Trusty) "Cups SSL is vulernable to POODLE" [High,Triaged]15:55
rbasaktdaitx, slangasek: how's that squid3 merge going?16:02
tdaitxrbasak, sorry, no updates so far, I was back from vacation yesterday. Anyway I do plan to get started at most on Monday16:32
mvobdmurray: hi, sorry that it took forever. I followed up with patch  for bug #126705916:33
ubottubug 1267059 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Trusty) ""Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies" does not work " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126705916:33
mvobdmurray: I also asked for a unattended-upgrades backport16:33
bdmurraymvo: Thanks! I'll have a look at the SRU today then.16:34
mvobdmurray: cool, extra testing would be great, I poked at it in various way and I thnk its good but the diff was not trivial to extract unfortunately16:36
bdmurraymvo: I think there are plenty of people interested in testing it.16:37
chilukmterry can I get an upload for coreutils trusty again https://launchpad.net/bugs/143287116:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1432871 in coreutils (Ubuntu Trusty) "`df` shows bind mounts instead of real mounts." [Low,Fix committed]16:42
mterrychiluk, yes... but not today from me anyway.  could do tomorrow16:42
chilukok I'll check elsewhere.16:42
chilukcyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coreutils/+bug/143287116:43
slangasekdidrocks: plymouth> your analysis seems plausible, it's likely to have been a typo - though I think I meant to drop the fonts-dejavu-core dependency entirely instead of |16:51
cyphermoxchiluk: yeah, it's just a broken test16:54
chilukcyphermox: kind of..16:54
cyphermoxnot just kind of16:55
cyphermoxit expects the local fs that you run df on to not be nfs, which can't always be true16:55
chilukour fix really should be to update the testcase.16:55
cyphermoxthe assumption is bad16:55
chilukhowever... "df --local -t nfs --total '.'  "16:55
chilukshould never succeed.16:55
cyphermoxwhy not?16:55
chiluklocal and -t nfs should be mutually exclusive16:56
chilukand it does when run anywhere but on our buildds.16:56
chilukhowever, upstream df still behaves this way.16:57
cyphermoxwell then we've found a bug in df or in the kernel16:57
chilukright there is still an upstream bug in df.16:57
chilukbut it's not worth the effort to resolve..16:57
cyphermoxdid you report it?16:58
chilukI'm just trying to give full disclosure here.16:58
cyphermoxoh, I'm all fine with your fix, as long as we report the fact that --local fails to exclude nfs.16:58
chilukbasically part of the issue is that upstream  has determined that nfs can be a local filesystem on some OS's..16:58
chilukand that was the reason they changed the behavior of the testcase.16:59
chilukbecause they also had to change the behavior of df.16:59
cyphermoxfair enough16:59
chilukit's definitely better than just skipping the testcases altogether... like was being done before *(because df was failing inside the buildds).17:00
chilukit's definitely an improvement.17:00
cyphermoxchiluk: uploaded.17:02
chilukthanks cyphermox.. I'll start bribing arges... I think I have some hardware he wants.17:02
chilukarges https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coreutils/+bug/143287117:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1432871 in coreutils (Ubuntu Trusty) "`df` shows bind mounts instead of real mounts." [Low,Fix committed]17:04
Odd_Blokedoko: barry_: I've just discovered that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-virtualenv/+bug/1500768 is present in the vendored version of urllib3 in python-virtualenv, and hasn't been fixed.17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500768 in python-virtualenv (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [Undecided,New]17:17
Odd_BlokeI've added it as an 'Also affects', but after I'd filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-virtualenv/+bug/1522500.17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1522500 in python-virtualenv (Ubuntu) "pip in Python 3.4 virtualenvs cannot install using a proxy " [Undecided,New]17:17
Odd_BlokeShall I mark the latter as a duplicate of the former?17:17
barry_Odd_Bloke: yes, i think they're the same bug.  doko uploaded 1.7.1-1ubutu4 to trusty-updates. does that not fix the problem?17:21
xnoxdoko, smoser: can we simply move onto 2.5 rc? it's meant to go final on the 12th, and i would like new qemu due to things it will support.17:34
xnoxand i guess we will target 2.5 or better in xenial.17:34
dokoxnox, meh, I don't care, I only did the merge because I messed up the package17:35
xnoxdoko, ack. and what about the FTBFS?17:35
cjwatsondoko: that FTBFS is just what I warned about before - control-in needs to be in sync with configure in terms of which arches support seccomp17:37
cjwatsonwhy not revert all the seccomp-related changes back to just amd64/i386, on the grounds that the other path is clearly entirely untested?17:37
dokocjwatson, yes, have it fixed locally, will upload17:38
* xnox was also going to mock with that package and make an -s390 package17:38
Odd_Blokebarry: So the problem is (I think) that virtualenv installs pip from /usr/share/python-virtualenv/pip-1.5debian1-py2.py3-none-any.whl which doesn't have the patch.17:51
Odd_Blokebarry: Yeah, and that has a _vendor/requests/packages/urllib3 in it.17:53
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hallynstgraber: infinity: gah!  bad push.  can you intercept a qemu for xenial push with ppa1 in the name?18:25
hallyn(otoh it might fix the xenial build :)  but shouldn't be there as is)18:25
* hallyn goes to brew a pot of coffee. this is turning out to be a week of ondays18:26
stgraberxenial uploads don't get held in the queue so there's not much we can do about it18:26
stgraberyou can prevent it from moving out of proposed though, not that this would necessarily help, you'll still need to upload one with a non-ppa version that's higher than the one you just uploaded18:27
hallynprevent it from moving out of proposed - how?18:29
hallynyeah i'l upload a new version as soon as i get it to pass in ppa. it's nto a bad package, just bad changelog18:29
stgraberthere's a bug tag you can use IIRC, trying to remember what it is18:30
hallynoh nm i'll see if it passes :)  thx18:31
stgraberhallyn: you can file a bug against the source package and tag it with block-proposed18:31
hallynok thx18:32
hallynand just drop that tag after i push the newer version?18:32
stgraberyeah or close that bug18:33
hallynthx done18:33
ben___is there an easy way to mount /sys within a pbuilder chroot?19:03
robert_ancellbdmurray, can you get lightdm 1.14.4 out of vivid unapproved queue? It fixes bug 1516831 which was in the previous SRU21:20
ubottubug 1516831 in lightdm (Ubuntu Wily) "XDMCP Request packet with no addresses crashes LightDM" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151683121:20
bdmurrayrobert_ancell: yeah, I was gonna ask about that21:24
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knomeslangasek, hello, another ping about the xubuntu core -related merges; what's up? :)21:39
tdaitxdoko, I would like to get your opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-7/+bug/151874121:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1518741 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "A pkg-config file is need for OpenJDK distributions" [Undecided,New]21:54
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tmartinshey guys, I'm experimenting Xenial already, just received libvirt-1.2.21 and it doesn't depends on libxen-4.5 anymore... Is this expected?22:39
tmartinsI'm planning to use Xenial for my Xen project22:39
xnoxarges, ^22:43
xnoxbarry, is this the right way to submit fixes? https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/click/lp1522608/+merge/27952122:43
barryxnox: i guess that's a cjwatson question?  i don't touch click22:46
xnoxwell, i can in the end of the day, just do "ubuntu" community upload.22:47
cjwatsonxnox: lp:click/devel as the merge target please22:48
cjwatson(and therefore rebranch from that too)22:48
cjwatsonxnox: but you probably want mvo to actually shepherd it through; there are a few other worthwhile improvements in lp:click/devel that I'd like to be part of the next landing22:49
xnoxcjwatson, should Vcs-Bzr nad Vcs-Browser point to the lp:click/devel then? cause that's where i looked.... or are those fields used for other magic elsewhere?!22:52
cjwatsonxnox: very probably yes22:52
xnoxcurrently points to stale https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-managed-branches/click/click22:53
cjwatsonit's not exactly stale, it just only updates on each landing22:57
cjwatsonoh maybe it is22:57
cjwatsonright, +branch/click is different22:57
cjwatsonwill fix when bored, or you can include it in your MP22:58
argestmartins: yes23:13
argeslibvirt 1.2.21 and libxen-4.6 are still in xenial-proposed23:14
tmartinsOh, cool! Thanks arges!23:20
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tmartinsarges, I have enabled proposed but, I received new libvirt-1.2.12 but no libxen-4.623:22
tmartinswill try again tomorrow23:22
tmartinssorry, new libvirt 1.2.2123:26
tmartinsnever mind, I have libxen-4.6  lol23:26
tmartinssorry about the buzz23:26
tmartinsBTW, Xen adopted 6 months release cycle but, not close to Ubuntu cycle...   :-/23:27
tmartinsXen 4.7 will be ready two months after Xenial...23:27

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