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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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alan_gballoons: ping! <-- alf15:00
balloonsalan_g :-). So I'm looking at your document for tasks. My only concern is having the dependencies on previous tasks15:01
balloonsideally these will be standalone. So I'm trying to think about how we could incoporate the same thing without having a hard dependency15:02
balloonsas it stands, we'd be limiting who could work on tasks 2 and 315:02
alan_gWell, there needs to be some base code to work with. And even if we took the mir examples as the base there's only one version of that.15:04
balloonsright. So we could also hold the tasks until each one is completed. So we could not publish task 2 until at least one person has done task 115:07
balloonsthat might be the simplest thing to do15:08
balloonsare there other needs within the team? Like simple features or bugs? Documentation needs?15:10
alan_g"simple features" isn't so easy for a system library. There needs to be work elsewhere to expose the features.15:13
alan_gThere are bugs, but the simple ones just get fixed15:13
balloonsalan_g, yes I know. Something this low level isn't a trivial thing15:16
balloonsBut I figured I would ask. Do you have good documentation in all places?15:17
balloonsHow about having them review the getting started guide; perhaps write a contributing guide?15:17
balloonsAnd I do think your idea of using MIR to create some examples is probably the best for coding work15:17
alfogra_: Hi! If we want to ship a config file just on the phone (e.g. a special config file for lightdm) what would be the right package to put it in?16:28
ogra_there is a specifc settings package ... /me forgot the name ... to much snappy in my head recently :P16:29
ogra_ubuntu-touch-settings ...16:30
alfogra_: great, thanks!16:30
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