
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (YOGOTTI)06:15
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest25649
Unit193[02:02:40] < ~YermJobs3391> How to hack facebook acount from ubuntu07:07
=== Guest25649 is now known as IdleOne
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (r0r0n04 spamming timewaster needs ejecting)16:55
phunyguypopey, indeed =D16:56
lolcatI seem to be banned from #ubuntu-women21:52
k1l_that is correct21:53
lolcatMay you be so kind as to remedy the situation?21:53
Picilolcat: what do you plan on using the channel for?21:55
lolcatPici: Its intended purpose21:56
lolcatAwareness of women in tech21:56
Picilolcat: well, given your past history in our channels, I don't feel its appropriate to remove this ban.21:58
lolcatWhat? I am not banned in any other ubuntu channels and I have been a dedicated contributor to #ubuntu for half a decade.21:59
lolcatPici: also, it has been there for like two years22:00
Picilolcat: actually, you know what, it does look like this ban wasn't added recently as I had originally noticed22:01
lolcatIt has certainly been there for quite some time22:01
Picilolcat: if you have indeed changed, then I won't regret this.22:02
lolcatPici: sure22:03
Picilolcat: know that you won't be getting a second chance agian.22:04

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