
Logancyphermox: hah, now I want one01:27
Loganso are we building every package on s390x now?01:28
Loganwell, every "any" package01:28
xnoxLogan, at the moment nothing is built, as none exist =) but in the future yes. Think of this like ppc64el, arm64 ports, which were brought up in recent times. but really not the good time or place to talk about it, as the shoe strings are being put together to get things going.01:30
cjwatsonLogan: unless specifically excluded in their Architecture, indeed01:41
cjwatsonLogan: though as usual, packages that never built won't count against proposed migration01:41
Logannice, sounds awesome01:42
cjwatsoninfinity: might want to teach p-m about s390x01:42
Loganlooking forward to another cycle of blind porting :P01:42
slangasekgonna be pretty boring; this is a mature architecture in Debian01:43
infinityLogan: This one won't need much love like the last two, it's an old port.01:43
Loganhmm, okay01:43
cjwatsonno endless autoreconfery for us this time01:45
cjwatsonalso it'll have 28 builders once we get things going, at least for the short term, so shouldn't get in people's way nearly as much :)01:46
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apwcjwatson, britney is (now) reporting xenial linux-meta and linux as lacking builds on s390x and not starting testing, do i presume that they are stuck there until those builds appear ?  s390x is not a lagging arch?10:48
apwcjwatson, and actually, launchpad is not reporting builds as existing for s390x in the web interface, is that correct10:49
cjwatsonapw: Yeah, I was trying to get somebody to do the britney work last night since I can't11:14
cjwatsonapw: Launchpad> example URL please?11:14
cjwatson'cos it sure is in some places11:14
cjwatsonapw: Oh, the kernel, that'll be because your Architecture lines don't include s390x, so that's expected.  Don't worry about the "missing build on s390x" in your case - that's actually just because arch all binaries are out of date, so it'll clear as soon as we process amd64 through NEW11:25
apwcjwatson, well our architecture lines do contain s390x for the one in -proposed, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.3.0-1.10 does not have a missing build for it11:25
cjwatsonapw: Oh, infinity didn't run add-missing-builds for -proposed, we were going to wait until release was a bit more fleshed out11:25
cjwatsoninfinity: Maybe I was wrong and that isn't worth the confusion11:26
infinitycjwatson: Nah, I think you were right. :P11:27
infinitycjwatson: I was going to do proposed once main's more or less done.11:27
apwcjwatson, ahh then that makes sense then11:27
cjwatsonCopies into release will still generate builds, so we won't end up in a half state11:27
infinityEven if something did get stuck in a half state, I was going to re-run add-missing for all pockets at the end anyway, out of paranoia.11:28
rbasakCan an AA please review monitoring-plugins languishing in Xenial NEW? It's a merge of a Debian source package rename.12:52
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* apw notes that britney is reporting wily as in freeze, is that just leftovers from the release ?15:02
* apw also notes that the title says wily release coordination still15:02
cjwatsonapw: what URL is that?15:10
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.3, Wily 15.10 | Archive: open | Xenial Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
apwcjwatson, ^ that one15:10
cjwatsonapw: note the URL ...15:11
cjwatsonor s/wily/xenial/15:11
cjwatsonoh, wait, you actually are intentionally looking at the stable run15:12
apwcjwatson, right, looking at the stable runs for adt info etc, presumably not making a differnce, just odd15:12
cjwatsonapw: sorry, I understand now, I have hit it with a suitable hammer so it should clear in a bit15:13
apwcjwatson, ack thanks15:14
cjwatson(removed the old hints branch - it'll rebranch on the next run)15:14
apwcould someone review the linux-signed in new, so we can see if testing kicks off ok with s390x in the mix15:18
apw(in xenial-proposed)15:18
cjwatsonlooks like it was just accepted15:18
cjwatsonoh that15:18
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bdmurrayslangasek: Could you review my python-apt SRUs for T and W?18:46
slangasekbdmurray: sure, looking18:47
bdmurrayslangasek: There's a wily one too.19:14
slangasekbdmurray: yep, got interrupted - doing it now :)19:14
bdmurrayslangasek: okay19:17
cjwatsonright, we have a slightly more respectable number of s390x builders now, though still only about a third of the end total20:45
tkamppeterHi, why is cups-filters 1.2.0-1 stuck in xenial-proposed for 2 days now? It has successfully built on all plat forms.21:13
xnoxit built \o/ slangasek ^ can you please de-new it =)21:31
slangasekxnox: someone may have beat me to it?21:33
xnoxnewing libc6-s390 looks good, not sure about the .ddebs... i thought they don't go into launchpad.21:33
xnoxslangasek, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=glibc21:34
xnoxit's in release pocket.21:34
slangasekah yes21:34
xnoxbecause funny arches =)21:34
* xnox goes back to evening tea and waiting for firefox to build21:34
xnoxslangasek, is it normal for -*dbgsym*.ddebs to be listed as NEW packages ? (me has no idea, cause well, i'm not an AA)21:35
slangasekxnox: yes, it apparently is normal :)21:36
slangasekaccepted now21:36
tkamppeterslangasek, xnox, why is cups-filters 1.2.0-1 stuck in xenial-proposed for 2 days now? It has successfully built on all plat forms.22:00
xnoxtkamppeter, it's in poppler transition, which is not complete. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration22:03
tkamppeterxnox, thanks.22:33
cjwatsonxnox: ddebs go into Launchpad as of April22:59
xnoxcjwatson, i read that.... well just the "git" portion =))))) and then was over-exited and went to play with all of that.23:01
xnoxlibdbusmenu is hung, as usual, killing the build.23:40
xnoxknown bug #142929123:40
ubot5bug 1429291 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu) "FTBFS on Ubuntu Vivid due to hang in test-json-instruction" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142929123:40

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