
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== ni291187 is now known as ophelie
daftykinsgood morning everyone07:41
daftykinsi'm currently enjoying an island wide broadband service issue :)07:41
daftykinswhich is amusingly timed since i've been asked to go and look at someones router and wifi problems tday...07:45
MooDoomorning all08:21
daftykinsyay all back to normal08:36
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davmor2Morning all you funky people09:25
daftykinsi doff my cap to you, sir o/09:26
davmor2One dost appreciate the doffing of ones cap, good sir, allow me to reciprocate with a genteel nod of approval09:28
* daftykins blushes09:29
davmor2got this stuck in my head this morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gx1Pv02w3Q09:35
daftykinswhat a delightfully 90s nose ring :D09:38
MyrttiI've got this in my head. It features popey. https://youtu.be/7oKPYe53h7809:41
Myrttisorry, not sorry09:45
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:50
davmor2okay irssi users if I want to save all the channels I currently have open so they autoconnect is there a way to be able to do that without having to add them all manually10:00
davmor2the only info I find is how to do it one channel at a time from the docs10:01
foobarry/save ?10:03
foobarrynever have much success tbh10:03
davmor2foobarry: Yeah I've done that before10:03
Myrttihold on...10:04
davmor2ah might of found it10:05
Myrttictrl-f foreach10:07
davmor2Myrtti: yeap that's where I'm at thanks, the main docs were the ones auto adding a single channel10:08
davmor2\o/ Myrtti thanks for the confirm :)10:09
Myrttinp, sorry it took so long10:09
MyrttiSproutboy ♥11:01
davmor2Myrtti: sometime I worry about you ;)11:04
Myrttihaven't you seen sproutboy yet?11:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davmor2Myrtti: sorry no flash player so saved from that, er I mean, so unfortunately I can't see that ;)12:39
brobostigonget-iplayer to the rescue, :)12:42
directhexMyrtti: wat :|12:58
Myrttidirecthex: hm?13:01
directhex11:08 <Myrtti> http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0394f0k/sprout-boy-christmas-on-bbc-one13:01
Myrttiissa sproutboy!13:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
popeyfwiw youtube-dl can also do iplayer dumps :)13:17
foobarryyeah i prefer it13:17
popeyawwwww that's super!13:18
popeynot seen it before13:18
Myrttisproutboy has replaced helicopter, umbrellas and hippos as the Channel One intro filler13:26
foobarrymakes me gassy just thinking about sprouts13:28
popeymight have to buy some sprouts now13:28
popeythe Sprout Marketing Board clearly at work!13:28
foobarryi can't imagine them tasting any different from their awful smell13:29
DJonesSeeing the mention of sprouts, I saw this being reported the other day http://www.nottinghampost.com/Super-size-sprouts-supermarket-shelves-bumper/story-28263718-detail/story.html13:31
SuperMattI'm watching the sproutboy video without sound, and I get the jist that nobody likes sprouts13:32
DJonesI must be the exception, I love sprouts, probably my favorite green  vegatable13:32
davmor2SuperMatt: see you can stop watching now, it's just Rudolph in sprout form13:33
SuperMatt... what is wrong with you DJones ?13:33
SuperMattso, we can surmise from the video that christmas on the BBC is placing all its bets on: Doctor Who, The Voice, Eastenders, Strictly, Sherlock, and Mary Berry13:34
daftykinsi love sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli :)13:37
SuperMattI cannot stand sprouts. I'm looking forward to just spending christmas day with my missus. She wants duck, and I'm damn well going to give her duck13:37
SuperMattI'm glad I used the correct vowel in those ducks13:37
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsindeed, one slip of the finger and diddledan would've woken up13:38
davmor2SuperMatt: is she ducking to avoid the sprouts you throw at her?13:38
SuperMattI'm not going to have any sprouts in my flat at all13:39
SuperMattI point blank refuse13:39
zmoylan-piand zero ducks were given...13:39
davmor2SuperMatt: you're just quackers13:40
zmoylan-pipretty fowl at least...13:40
daftykinsSuperMatt: so uh, remind me of your address again so i can send a... christmas card...13:41
* daftykins bulk orders sprouts13:41
zmoylan-piand hide them in cabbages for maximum stealth...13:42
zmoylan-pior inside rubber ducks so SuperMatt knows it's you... :-)13:46
SuperMattplease, noooooo!13:47
MooDoohttps://youtu.be/TxVQAj3SdF0 - You're welcome davmor2 :)13:51
davmor2MooDoo: funny but this is my favourite xmas based animal carol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysIzPF3BfpQ13:58
Myrttinetgear NAS on Amazon lightning deals13:58
daftykinsooh a 4 bay!14:02
daftykinsnot saving too much off standard, to be fair14:04
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
daftykinswhat-o mapps15:32
davmor2daftykins: that so sounds like a new UK based mapping site ;)15:32
daftykinsi'm taking that, no copying!15:33
zmoylan-pishouldn't it be where-o?15:34
daftykinstrue, that15:36
daftykinsor i could just use the Guernsey patois term "Warro" which is local-ese for 'Hello' informally to friends15:37
zmoylan-piwhat-o would be more a pub/grub/entertainment locater site :-)15:37
davmor2zmoylan-pi: and tally-ho would be hunt riding maps15:39
zmoylan-pihi-ho for dwarf location services...15:39
zmoylan-pihi-de-ho for nearest holiday camp...15:40
* daftykins does the "yet another failed disk identified" dance16:18
davmor2I can identify the disk easily it's that broken one right there /me points16:19
* zmoylan-pi listens for the drive making scrapy sounds...16:25
zmoylan-pior making too much vibration...16:25
zmoylan-pior who's motor struggles to spin up and down16:25
zmoylan-pior who's chitter noises have changed...16:26
zmoylan-pior makes no noise whatsoever...16:27
davmor2zmoylan-pi: it's so much harder with ssd's :)16:29
zmoylan-piyeah, it might be a big reason i stick with spinning metal/glass16:29
zmoylan-pii can tell what's wrong with it by sound/vibration alone and have ideas for one last read of it's data...16:30
zmoylan-pii once put a hard disk in bubble wrap at small of my back for 2-3 hours to heat it up slowly to get it working one last time :-)16:31
diddledanwebdevs have to unlearn everything they learnt about speed for websites with http/217:28
diddledanquote from cloudflare: "Much of the website optimization for HTTP/1.1 revolves around minimizing the number of TCP connections with the server. This results in practices like concatenating multiple CSS or JavaScript files into a single file, combining multiple image files into a single spritesheet, and spreading your website’s assets across multiple domains (sharding). Many of these techniques are no longer necessary in HTTP/2, and some of them can, 17:28
daftykinssome of them can, ?17:30
diddledanyeah, combining css into a single minified blob, e.g., where the browser has to download everything on the first hit and if a single character changes in any of the constituent files the entire blob needs to be reloaded17:34
zmoylan-pithat sounds... efficient...17:35
diddledanthat's why we NEED HTTP/217:36
diddledanbut it means re-learning17:36
zmoylan-pias long as that doesn't break lynx... :-)17:36
diddledancombining all css into a single file was the best we could do in 1.1 days because it reduced the number of connections which meant that on aggregate it loaded faster17:37
diddledanwith http2 we need to realise that connection-limits are gone17:37
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== KrimZon_2 is now known as KrimZon
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledanapple has finally made swift opensource: https://swift.org21:09
diddledanI've been working-hard on some .net stuff >.< https://github.com/DEVSENSE/Phalanger/pull/5921:11
diddledanphp for .net - I've been making it installable at the project-level rather than requiring system-level installation21:12
diddledanooh, the buntu podcast is waiting to be listened-to21:14
* diddledan loves the theme tune21:16
diddledanphp 7 is out!!!! :-o https://secure.php.net/archive/2015.php#id2015-12-03-122:04
diddledanflaming ballockets on nasatv: http://www.ustream.tv/nasahdtv22:25
zmoylan-piswirly thing alert?22:33
zmoylan-piah.... firey thing alert...22:34
diddledan"there's a red thingy moving towards the green thingy.. I think we're the green thigny"22:34
diddledanalternatively "oh no, you did not shoot that green **it at me!"22:35
zmoylan-piit's so much fun to have conversations from ancient comics, books, tv shows and movies and know exactly what the other is talking about...22:35
diddledanof course the swirly thing, we might have to move to amber alert22:36
diddledantho that means changing the bulb22:36
zmoylan-piwe once had to stop gaming for 15 minutes when i tried to speed up an explanation of a characters limited understanding of a written message with their low reading skill as 'something something oranges something'... :-)22:36
zmoylan-piand of course in every group there is someone who doesn't understand why everyone else is laughing...22:37
diddledanit sucks to be that person22:38
zmoylan-pia few sessions back a gamer and the dm couldn't agree on an interpretation of the rules and the player wondered how they could resolve it.  they weren't a fan of south park so i suggested to the dm they roshambo for it which almost led to it happening... :-D22:39
diddledanlaunch scrubbed23:13
zmoylan-piwhen i saw rain on camera lens it didn't bode well...23:19
daftykinspssh, rockets don't care! 'tis but a splash! ;)23:20
diddledanlol http://www.iflscience.com/editors-blog/destroying-death-star-would-crash-galactic-economy23:21
daftykinsdiddledan: another dead disk earlier this evening btw ;)23:29
diddledanoh dear23:32
daftykinsidentified in #ubuntu that is23:34
daftykinsoooooh i so hope the posties come tomorrow23:34
daftykinsi'm convinced my stuff has been pinched :P23:34
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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