
Kingsqueak<- getting old, I guess startx isn't even a thing anymore? I just use a DM login00:00
xyz__k1l: sudo apt-get install lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter00:00
oooodisplay managers are memes00:00
ooooDid you turn it off and back on?00:00
xyz__do i need to: cd /etc/apt00:01
xyz__sudo nano apt.conf00:01
xyz__APT::Install-Recommends "0"; APT::Install-Suggests "0";00:01
k1lxyz__: what? what are youdoing there?00:01
bekksand why?00:02
ooooxyz__: I would recommend installing gentoo, it's really user friendly and doesn't have these problems!00:02
k1loooo: stop that trolling in here00:02
ooooWell it doesn't have these problems that much is true00:03
bekkswhich isnt.00:03
itson_mcphail: Bashing-om: This boot was different from the other but not successful. And it's in black'n white. I'll have to upload a video of it since it's hard to discribe.00:03
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Kingsqueakxyz__: work?00:06
xyz___same error...still cant log in to xfce...:(00:06
bekksxyz__: Did you install xubuntu-desktop ?00:06
k1lxyz___: what ubuntu is that exactly?00:06
ServantSaberWhat exactly is the error00:06
KingsqueakI seem to recall I had an issue with xfce4 a while back, but xubuntu-desktop worked00:06
xyz___bekks: yeah installed xffce-desktop00:06
k1lxyz___: do you use a DM? how did you start the other desktops before?00:07
xyz___its the mini.iso 14.0400:07
Kingsqueakjust curious, have you done a full apt-get update and upgrade since base install yet?00:07
k1lxyz___: what exact error do you get? is the .Xauthority in your users home owned by that user? do other accounts like guest account work?00:07
xyz___this is fresh install...00:07
Kingsqueakdo a full   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:07
Kingsqueakwill probably have a million updates00:08
k1lKingsqueak: needs apt-get dist-upgrade to install all new packages00:08
xyz___only one user00:08
xyz___error msg :"Unable to load a failsafe session Unable to determine failsafe session name. Possible causes xconfd isn't running (D-Bus setup problem); environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set incorrectly (must include "/etc") or xfce4-session is installed incorrectly."00:08
xyz___dunno what else to do now...:(00:11
k1l<k1l> xyz___: do you use a DM? how did you start the other desktops before?00:11
k1l<k1l> xyz___: what exact error do you get? is the .Xauthority in your users home owned by that user? do other accounts like guest account work?00:11
k1lstill a lot of open questions00:12
Kingsqueakxyz___: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop && sudo shutdown -r now00:12
Desusudo -i, because typing sudo 50 times is a waste of time00:20
DesuC-d when done00:20
Ben64Desu: because typing "sudo" is so hard? no00:21
c|onemanit is hard. I agree with Desu00:22
geniiuse sudo -i   then all the admin things. then type exit when done00:22
k1lsafty is hard. but better to be safe then sorry.00:22
c|onemanI think you can create an alias though right?00:23
k1lthis is a beginners channel, keep that in mind.00:23
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c|onemanshould I use sudo su or sudo -i00:24
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Ben64should never use sudo su00:24
geniic|oneman: sudo -i00:24
axelm7hi guys, I have an ubuntu system with a 4 hard drive RAID 10 array. Two of the four drives are reporting issues with specific sectors. I'd like to be able to map the LBA address to a file on the md0 softraid device. Any ideas how I can do that?00:25
itson_mcphail: Bashing-om: Do you mind checking the video out that I recorded from the boot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR28V--tX9c&feature=youtu.be00:29
Bashing-omitson_: I can try ,,, my old graphic's card does not do vidoes .00:31
itson_Bashing-om: let me know if you can watch it.00:33
Bashing-omitson_: Yeah .. I did .. no idea what the errors are .. As you can boot to the boot menu . what results " check disk for defects " ?00:35
itson_Bashing-om: Thanks for trying. I'll have to give up for tonight tho. It's 01.37 here. GN and thanks.00:38
bpromptitson_:     I'd say.. check with smartmontools for the hdd S.M.A.R.T. status00:38
bprompt!smartmontools | itson_00:38
Bashing-omitson_: np .. I did nada .00:38
itson_bpromt: I'll ad that to my list of stuff to do tomorrow. Thanks.00:39
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Jakfrohi guys01:24
Jakfroanyone around here has knowledge on boot -flag?01:24
k1llinux doesnt need the boot flag01:24
Jakfrowhen i run boot-repair they tell me GPT is detected01:25
Jakfroin other words i cant boot up my grub. Whenever i boot they push me into grub rescue, using a live boot usb i have ran boot-repair01:25
Jakfroand yeah they tell me it is GPT is dtected. i have ogg-ed the secure boot and as well as UEFI boots. On Legacy now. Been stuck with this problem for like 7 hours now01:26
Jakfrocan anyone help on this?01:32
GallomimiaUmmmm. I have grub on a system with drives formatted GPT. I thik it works. i do have trouble getting it fixed tho01:42
cristian_Good nigth02:00
jesuslovesyouthiThe -r and -b feature aren't working correctly with macchanger on ubuntu 14.04 lts. Is there a temporary workaround/ way to make it work for now?02:11
nicomachuswhat do you mean "aren't working correctly"?02:12
jesuslovesyouthinicomachus: After 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 down' and I run either 'sudo macchanger -r wlan0' or 'sudo macchanger -br wlan0' the output indicates that the mac is identical to the original, factory, burned in mac.02:16
jesuslovesyouthiin other words, the mac was not changed at all02:17
nicomachuswell I don't see a -b option on the manpage02:17
jesuslovesyouthithere is02:17
jesuslovesyouthifor "burned in" option02:17
jesuslovesyouthi -b, --bia02:18
jesuslovesyouthi              When setting fully random MAC pretend to be a burned-in-address. If not used, the MAC will have the locally-administered bit set.02:18
jesuslovesyouthinicomachus: ^  (sorry, I forget to flag with username sometimes)02:19
nicomachussorry man, I have no idea. never used macchanger before.02:23
jesuslovesyouthinicomachus: oh, I see : https://github.com/alobbs/macchanger/issues/11   <-- which I'm surprised there anything at all out there about it. I'll see what that says bc it is my identical problem02:24
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truexfan81any idea why apt-get dist-upgrade grabbed 2 kernels on 14.04.3?02:50
truexfan813. and generic-lts-vivid02:51
chinaski\msg antonioflavio02:53
BinaryC011010110Hello can someone help with a query?02:54
BinaryC011010110I am new to Linux02:54
Bashing-omBinaryC011010110: One can but ask, and see .02:55
BinaryC011010110ok I am trying to set up a photo editing/art/graphical design layout02:56
BinaryC011010110What are the best applications for doing such things?02:57
BinaryC011010110Aka I know nothing.02:58
cfhowlettbinary01, layout for a website?02:58
SeriouslyLaughdefine layout02:58
BinaryC011010110I have read a lot but, yeah02:59
BinaryC011010110well I want to start a website.02:59
SchrodingersScat!info nginx | BinaryC01101011003:00
cfhowlettBinaryC011010110, wordpress.com has several templates for highlighting03:00
ubottuBinaryC011010110: nginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.9.3-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB03:00
BinaryC011010110Oh what about photo editing/graphic designing apps? What are the best?03:01
BinaryC011010110I have photoshop on my windows partition...but I hate Windows03:03
cfhowlettBinaryC011010110,  gimp for photo editing.  inkscape/krita for graphics.  blender for 3d graphics.  also:   www.ubuntustudio.org          #ubuntustudio03:03
cfhowlettdarktable for photos03:03
BinaryC011010110Thank you very much!03:03
cfhowletthappy2help! BinaryC01101011003:03
BinaryC011010110Um is there a way to contact/make "friends" on Linux?03:05
cfhowlettBinaryC011010110, ^^ this03:05
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Gallomimiahi can someone tell me the command to unlock a LUKS volume in CLI?03:06
cfhowlettBinaryC011010110, while we're at it: www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads       get #0, read, get #1, read ... by the time you finish, you will know more buntu than most.03:07
Gallomimia^^^ best advice i've gotten in 2y of coming here03:08
BinaryC011010110Thank you cfhowlett! can I add you as a contact?03:08
cfhowlettBinaryC011010110, sure.03:08
GallomimiaBinaryC011010110: i didn't ask you before sending a private message. it seems lost in my client now...03:09
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BinaryC011010110psm Gallomimia, how do you send private messages?03:13
BinaryC011010110Well not that way03:13
Gallomimiaum i used /m yourname amessage03:13
Gallomimiamaybe /msg is needed. ircfu is lacking03:14
Gallomimia./m BinaryC011010110 hi i like making friends on linux.03:14
ryclik./msg should send a private message. /query will send a private message in it's own window03:15
ryclikafaik, the only difference is the own window part03:16
unwizardIf I use an alternate window manager -- forsaking Unity, KDE, Cinnamon and the like -- what is the effective difference between Ubuntu and Mint?03:20
cfhowlett!mint | unwizard, mint is not supported here.03:20
ubottuunwizard, mint is not supported here.: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:20
TrivialGravitascfhowlett, ubottu 'what is the difference' is as much an Ubuntu question as a Mint ont03:21
ryclikunwizard: Different package repositories perhaps?03:21
k1lunwizard: start at the original ubuntu repo and the update policy over to the support community.03:21
ryclikTrivialGravitas: I believe those are bots.03:21
uiopeerWow Islamic terrorist strike san Bernardino ca. And terror supporter Obama calls it work place Who'd figure. They said Bengahzi terrorists strike was because of a YouTube video03:22
GejtGallomimia: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX "name"        - to decrypt03:22
cfhowlettuiopeer, don't spam here.03:22
TrivialGravitasunwizard, as far as I know Mint is just Ubuntu with some things that aren't strictly legal to distribute with linux but are convenient to have preinstalled, media codecs flash03:22
Gallomimiathanks gejt03:22
GejtGallomimia: sudo mount /dev/mapper/"name" /mnt               - to mount03:22
unwizardk1l: er sorry I don't really understand your sentence, starting at "update policy over"03:23
Gallomimiaoh. yeah two operations. it's simpler in GUI but... would like to learn both. thanks. it was hard to find03:23
HitechcgOoh, Linux Mint is illegal!03:23
k1lunwizard: starting at the handling from the repos and updates then ending at the support from the community.03:24
GejtGallomimia: for sure, definitely worth knowing03:24
cfhowlettmint is completely off-topic.  take this to #ubuntu-offtopic or to private messaging please.03:24
Gallomimiaespecially if running such things on what's supposed to be my primary PC03:24
k1lunwizard: for a "non biased" comparison better ask in ##linux butwe all know why that much users with mint issues come in to this channel for help.03:25
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waressearcher2is that legal command: "mv directory /dev/null" ?03:25
k1lwaressearcher2: that will delete that directory03:26
HitechcgNo. /dev/null is a block device, not a regular file03:26
unwizardI think asking about the differences is legit on-topic here. The use of bots is kind of off-putting.03:26
waressearcher2k1l: but it says: "mv: cannot overwrite non-directory `/dev/null' with directory `1111111111'"03:26
ryclikGallomimia: I learned in my time working with other more "barebones" distributions. You may find it interesting to read ArchLinux's and Gentoo's wikis on the subject of dmcrypt/LUKS03:26
waressearcher2k1l: if I do: "mv 1111111111 /dev/null"03:27
Gallomimiaryclik i've been reading the arch wiki on GRUB actually. i've been finding it confusing.03:27
cfhowlettunwizard, read the channel topic please: UBUNTU support.  mint is not ubuntu and is not supported so please - take this someplace else.03:27
k1lwaressearcher2: ah yes, it blocks moving stuff to it03:27
ryclikGallomimia: Because GRUB is quite confusing :)03:27
waressearcher2k1l: so why is that page: http://www.tecmint.com/10-most-dangerous-commands-you-should-never-execute-on-linux says it should work ? when will it work ?03:27
unwizardcfhowlett: asking about the differences is not a "support" question, please be less serious.03:28
Gallomimiaunwizard: if you want something off-putting, try helping 1700 people in one channel who all want to talk about not-ubuntu.03:28
k1lwaressearcher2: the 1) on that site for / doesnt work on ubuntu neither.03:29
ryclikwaressearcher2: Ubuntu has it's own protections against such commands03:30
waressearcher2k1l: what is the alternative for "rm -rf /" in ubuntu ?03:32
k1lman rm should list it03:32
Gallomimiayes. GRUB is very confusing. anyone want to try to teach me about it? i need to install some customized grub configs03:32
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ryclikTypically when using my own setup for a bootloader (on other distros) I would go with something more simple to configure by hand such as syslinux or gummiboot03:34
B4shanyone familiar with easy engine?03:34
ryclikBut I believe for grub, you would start by playing with /etc/default/grub, maybe some files in /etc/grub.d/03:35
aspirehello, currently running ubuntu 14.04 lts looking to switch from unity to gnome 303:35
ryclikAnd if you really wanted to get your hands dirty, /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:35
aspirefrom what i've gathered, if you do it from the ppa it will mess stuff up03:35
aspirewas just wondering how do i correctly use gnome 3 instead of unity without it breaking anything03:36
cfhowlettaspire, install gnome-ubuntu, do not format your /home03:37
B4sh2015-12-02 17:19:17,391 (DEBUG) ee : Command Output: ,03:37
B4shCommand Error: /usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory03:37
aspirecfhowlett, as in 'sudo apt-get install gnome-ubuntu' ?03:37
Bashing-omaspire: Consider : http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ .03:37
aspireBashing-om, it's too late for that, i fear03:37
ryclikaccording to that, its "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop"03:39
ryclikSwitching between gnome and unity will probably be done in a dropdown box or similar at the login screen03:39
aspirei need to install both of these?03:39
aspiregnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop right?03:40
ryclikYou probably want just ubuntu-gnome-desktop03:40
ryclikIf you want the full-fledged Gnome desktop03:40
aspirewhat will gnome-shell do?03:40
ryclikI imagine gnome-shell comes as a dependency to ubuntu-gnome-desktop automatically03:41
samy1028Does anyone have a pointer on best practices when increasing allocated HD in an Ubuntu Server VM using LVM?03:41
cfhowlettsamy1028, #ubuntu-server would know the best practices03:41
lunatic-good evening03:41
aspirei'll just install both then03:42
lunatic-i need help creating a boot usb stick on mac, to install on a MS-dos PC03:42
ryclikaspire: Again, gnome-shell comes with vubuntu-gnome-desktop03:43
ryclikso no need to install both, just do the ubuntu one03:43
aspireoh ok03:43
ryclikyou would just install gnome-shell if you wanted less "stuff".. ubuntu-gnome-desktop probably comes with all the standard apps and things that make it work well03:44
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lunatic-How do I create a bootable usb stick that has ubuntu studio on mac?03:45
aspireturns out i actually prefer unity over gnome03:48
ryclikHave you tried any others? KDE? XFCE? etc03:49
aspirei've tried pantheon before03:49
ryclikI've never heard of that one :P03:49
cfhowlettsounds ... greek?03:50
aspirei just discovered this site: http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/03:51
ryclikcfhowlett: looks like a OSX lookalike03:51
aspireare those kind of like desktop environments or do i have the wrong impression03:51
cfhowlettaspire, no those are only themes03:51
aspirehow do i apply these03:51
cfhowlett!changethemes | aspire03:52
ubottuaspire: To change GNOME themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu (KDE) themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu (Xfce): !xfce-themes03:52
aspireoh ok thanks03:54
ryclikaspire: Most of the time, the theme is in a zip file that can be extracted. Then move the stuff to their respective places. ie: /usr/share/themes or /usr/share/icons03:54
bluzeohey guys very irc client wont let me change font or size of fun any ideas??? i tried preference but i cant get it to work - really like this distro other wise03:56
cfhowlettbluzeo, what irc client???03:56
aspireryclik, and where can i set it03:56
aspirei see a 'themes' dropdown box under appearance03:56
aspirebut it only has 3. when i look in my /usr/share/themes folder, there's like 1503:57
bluzeocfhowlett - i was using hexchat now im using Smuxi same problem - i new i shouldnt have install gnome....03:57
aspiredo you guys use the default file manager for ubuntu?03:57
cfhowlettbluzeo, hexchat lets me change font size no problem ...03:58
bluzeocfhowlett - i dont haven an ok button or change button on the buttom03:59
ryclikThey are possibly themes for Gnome? Dunno. In Linux theming it's best to realize all the different parts. Understand the difference between GTK, qt, and desktop env. themes.03:59
cfhowlettbluzeo, 2 steps> hexchat > settings > preferences > change the number in the Font box, hit OK at the bottom03:59
ryclikIn XFCE, for example, XFCE themes are changed in "Window Manager" and GTK is changed in "Appearance.04:00
ryclikSo there may be a couple places04:00
cfhowlettart.gnome.org   ryclik04:01
bluzeono button on the bottom man cfhowlett04:01
ryclikcfhowlett: hm?04:01
cfhowlettbluzeo, should be there.  I'm on xubuntu so possibly it's different - but it shouldn't be.04:02
Gejtaspire: no, I use thunar04:03
ryclikaspire: I think its nautilus?04:04
nicomachusyes, aspire.04:04
cfhowlettaspire, thunar is the default for xubuntu04:04
ryclikI believe aspire is using unity04:05
bluzeolol it was too big - i dont no how to fix that in gnome - i may try ubuntu mate but i want something like linux lite04:05
Gejtlxappearance is an easy way to change gtk themes/icons etc04:06
cfhowlettbluzeo, hold right mouse button, roll your mouse wheel to change size04:06
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bluzeocfhowlett - on my laptop - really love this distro but two things wrong the irc and app center .... im getting an mate disc ready - i almost found my laptop distro04:13
cfhowlettbluzeo, it's ubuntu.  you can add / swap / change / customize until it's the way YOU want it!04:14
aspireso, i don't like nautilus because the pantheon file explorer had tabs04:14
bluzeocfhowlett - i am thinking of plian ubuntu and install moska or bundgie04:15
ryclikaspire: Figure out what explorer pantheon had and install it04:15
aspirei will try to find it04:16
aspireanother thing, i hate how win+t does not open terminal04:16
mxp trying to look for good ubuntu icon pack04:16
somsipaspire: http://www.noobslab.com/2014/03/elementary-os-file-manager-pantheon.html and see !ppa04:16
mxphow can I get dockbar like elementary OS on linux mint?04:18
cfhowlettyou jhave mint mxp?04:18
mxpubuntu i confused with cinamon04:19
mxpideas on dock bar04:20
somsipmxp: http://ubuntu.itsprite.com/ubuntuhow-to-install-the-pantheon-desktop-environment/04:20
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somsipmxp: that is recent, but other sources suggest pantheon-dock, not plank. So maybe research more04:21
mxpsomsip: would look more into it04:21
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samthewildoneI'm typing "ifcong" and get another interface instead of the typical eth0, any reasons why ?04:31
samthewildoneonly two interfaces I'm getting is enp2s0, lo04:31
OptimizedCoderI effed up with a s/w upgrade, I was on 14.04 - wanted an upgrade, 'do-release-upgrade' found nothing, went ahead and did a 'do-release-upgrade -d' and didn't realize that upgrades you to 16.04 - I was looking at going to 15.10. Now XFCE crashes at boot (yay mir?), all s/w that depended on upstart scripts get borked up (yay systemd!) - and I can't even find the KOdi binary anymore.04:39
OptimizedCoderWho decided 16.04 was ready for even alpha?04:39
Bashing-om samthewildone Check out : /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules .04:40
k1lOptimizedCoder: dont blindly use commands you dont know what they do. the useage of the -d switch for "Developer Version" should have been a warning.04:42
OptimizedCoderk1l, understood, but there was no other way to go to 15.10 form 14.0404:43
k1lOptimizedCoder: that -d command works as early as the repos are opened for the next development stage. even pre-alpha04:43
k1lOptimizedCoder: there is. but since 14.10 is EOL alread you would have needed to use the old-releases repos04:44
samthewildoneBashing-om, there is nothing in there.04:44
OptimizedCoderk1l, I agree I effed up, Is there anyway that I can revert one ver back now (say, to 15.10)?04:44
k1lnon LTS versions only got 9 months support now04:44
k1lOptimizedCoder: apt works in that way, that it will install the most recent versionnumber of a package. so downgrading a whole system doesnt really work.04:45
Bashing-omsamthewildone: Sure there is .. read .. it tells where the naming comes from .. and if you want you can change the 'name' .04:45
OptimizedCoderk1l, sigh okay.. I believe 16.04 has a long way to go then .. to atleast be usable..04:46
k1lOptimizedCoder: MIR is not standard in 16.04. neither is wayland. its just the latest xorg releases04:46
k1land systemd is the standard since 15.04 already04:47
samthewildoneokay another question before I dive in.04:47
samthewildoneIs it possible to automatically copy text from terminal ?04:48
SchrodingersScatsamthewildone: xclip close enough?04:48
samthewildonefor example, I just ran "$cat document | less" however, I want to copy the text in the04:48
SchrodingersScat!info xclip | samthewildone04:48
ubottusamthewildone: xclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12+svn84-4 (wily), package size 16 kB, installed size 66 kB04:48
samthewildoneinteresting, let me give it a try.04:49
* SchrodingersScat uses that to paste in 'authentication' codes generated via means we shouldn't talk about here04:49
k1lsamthewildone: no need to cat then | and then less. you can less directly04:49
SchrodingersScatk1l: thank you, I wan't be a catlesser now04:49
samthewildonek1l, bad habits04:51
aldanonanyone here able to give me a hand an apache server running wordpress?04:58
aldanonwhen putting in the IP in a browser, I get the confirmation the apache is running..but can't get the install wordpress page to come up04:59
aldanoni've got this install within virtualbox04:59
SchrodingersScataldanon: so isit something like ?05:03
aldanonlet me give that a shot schrodingscat05:07
aldanonyeah just a 404 again05:08
aldanonit's almost as if the mysql isnt working right05:08
aldanonSchrodingerScat: i'm not sure what to do05:10
aldanonI've gotta have this ready by Friday for work ;/05:11
bischaldanon, maybe  http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php05:11
aldanondude thank you05:12
aldanondon't go any where lol05:12
bischWhat are you using for installation instructions?05:12
aldanonall over the damn web lol05:12
aldanonbisch: i05:15
Hundaldanon: Why not use Digial Ocean or something?05:16
aldanonbisch: i've got access to it in virtualbox, question is now how do I access it outside05:16
aldanonhund: actually that was one of the ones I went through05:16
bischThat's where I got the wp-admin idea from...  Anyway, you want to access it from your vbox host or another pc on your network?05:17
aldanonso i got my user created, now i've gotta figure out how to access that same page from outside of virtualbox but still on my local network05:17
Hundaldanon: And? You didnt like them? :P05:17
aldanonit got me this far05:17
bischYou know the ip address of your virtual machine?05:17
bischhttp:// or something like that where the is the ip address of your virtual machine.05:18
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bischassuming you set the vm up to use "bridging" or something that will cause it to get an ip address on the local network.05:19
aldanonyeah i changed it to bridging some time ago in the process05:20
bischthen: ifconfig should show you the ip address.05:21
aldanonthis must be where i'm missing something05:22
HitechcgaldanonL I just did this yesterday. You just need to go to adapter settings> advanced>port forwarding and enter the port you want to access in both boxes. name it what you want, and leave the addresses blank.05:22
aldanoni'm getting a neither /etc/wordpress/config-ip address nor /etc/wordpress/config-168.1.15.php could be found05:22
Hitechcgnevermind, you already solved it. my way i just left it on NAT.05:23
aldanonvirtalbox is the guest, os x is the host05:24
aldanonand yeah...bridged05:24
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HitechcgVirtualBox itself is not the guest, the guest is probably Linux.05:24
bischPort forwarding would work too though.05:24
aldanonwell right..ubuntu server05:24
* Hitechcg facepalms05:25
HitechcgI knew it was Ubuntu05:25
aldanonyeah not by choice trust me lol05:25
bischSo, sounds like you can access it but you botched the "config"?05:25
aldanonno idea honestly05:25
aldanonlocally in virtualbox it appears to be working, i'm able to access wordpress05:25
aldanonboth the config page and the actual page05:26
HitechcgYou can access the Apache webserver from OS X, right?05:26
aldanonbut when i try from os x, i'm still only able to access apache05:26
aldanonwell it's the "it works!" page05:27
aldanonconfirming it is connecting, just no wordpress05:27
bischaldanon, even if you use ?05:28
aldanonwhen i put that in I get /etc/wordpress-ip address.php nor /etc/wordpress/config-168.1.15.php05:29
aldanoncould not be found05:29
bischActually, it might restrict access to wp-admin to the local machine05:29
bischThe 168.1.15 looks like a PARTIAL ip address...  Did you enter that somewhere?05:30
aldanonit says ensure one of them exists, is readable by the webserver and contains the right password/username05:30
bischmaybe you left out a ".0"05:30
bischWhats the ip address of the VM? maybe?05:31
HitechcgI thought VBox used 10.0.2.x.05:32
bischWhat's in /etc/wordpress?  any config* files?05:33
aldanonthere's a config-localhost.php and htaccess05:34
aldanonjust those two05:34
aldanonno other files05:34
bischah... that's probably why it works with "localhost"05:35
aldanonthere was a step where it was asking me to enter a url, but I don't have a real one to attach to this05:36
aldanonI'm thinking that may be related05:37
bischI'm not really a wordpress expert.  Did you create a wp-config.php file somewhere along the way?  Yes... that could be related.  What did you enter?05:37
aldanonthat and www-data doesn't seem to exist05:37
aldanoni didn't do the step, the instruction was "if you're in a virtual box and know what your domain name is going to be, do this here"05:38
bischMaybe try going through: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-wordpress-on-ubuntu-14-0405:38
bischand making sure you hit all the steps?05:38
bischBut, I don't see much about urls or ip addresses.05:39
bischYou could take a wild guess and try something like: cp /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php /etc/wordpress/config-168.1.15.php05:41
bischOr, there is a #wordpress channel05:42
SchrodingersScat!info wordpress | I didn't even think to check if this is a package.05:43
ubottuI didn't even think to check if this is a package.: wordpress (source: wordpress): weblog manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3+dfsg-1 (wily), package size 3294 kB, installed size 16146 kB05:43
Hitechcgis it outdated?05:43
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe
sudomarizeHow can I clean space on /boot to install kernal updates?05:48
somsipsudomarize: did you try the approaches in the link I gave you yesterday?05:49
sudomarizesomsip: ah no, didn't get around to it. Lemme give it a shot05:51
somsipsudomarize: best to follow the advice you've been given rather than asking for the same advice again05:51
sudomarizesomsip: just wanted to clarify and get some consensus before deleting kernel images05:52
aldanoni got it through wget05:53
sudomarizefucked around with stuff like this before without having a good understanding of what i was doing or without verification of advice, and it hasn't ended well05:53
aldanoni've completely screwed it now though anyhow..tried changing the web address from the wordpress config page05:53
somsipsudomarize: the first answer on that link has 353 upvotes. Consensus is pretty much there. and no need for bad language in here05:53
goddardhow can i figure out how many out of tree modules i have?05:56
somsipgoddard: does this help? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/196616/identify-out-of-tree-modules05:57
goddardsomsip: perfect that is actually exactly why i need to figure it out05:58
goddardtrying to install a newer kernel from the repos05:58
somsipgoddard: np05:58
sudomarizesomsip: that doesn't clarify on whether that advice was the correct advice for my particular situation, only that the advice given correct for some particular situation (which may or may not be the same as mine). As to the language, it's the same meaning as to play/muck/screw around with, there was no malicious intent behind it and thus no reason to censor it. We're all mature, and anyone mature enough to use05:59
sudomarizeIRC can handle it05:59
somsipsudomarize: on the language, personally I do not care. But you're in a communityhere and you should respect the rules of the community. Simple as that05:59
somsip!guidelines | sudomarize06:00
ubottusudomarize: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:00
sudomarizesomsip: anyway removing the previous kernel images worked, so thanks for that06:00
somsipsudomarize: np - I appreciate it can be unnerving because of the pitfalls, but the approach on that stackoverflow page is sound06:01
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LJSeinfeldHI-  trying to get vboxmanage to start a vm at boot.. currently via rc.local but I can't get it to work.. rc.local calls a script... the script works.  and If I manually start rc.local, it works..  no idea.06:01
UserUSsudomarize: how does one do that?06:02
somsipLJSeinfeld: can you paste the script?06:02
goddardsomsip: not seeing a list of modules there though06:02
LJSeinfeldsure -- one sec06:02
somsipgoddard: I have no idea myself. That just looked like an appropriate page to offer to you.06:02
sudomarizeUserUS: follow the instructions on the 2nd comment (with 147 votes) here -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu06:03
daftykinspretty sure nobody gets more than just 'ubuntu' in the top of GRUB these days06:04
UserUSdaftykins: I have refind so I have a visual display but I still have multiple kernels for I guess recovery if one fails06:05
daftykinsusually those are underneath 'advanced options'06:05
daftykinswhich ubuntu is this?06:05
aldanonanyone else care to take a stab at helping me out? i've got an ubuntu server with lamp, wordpress installed and need help now06:06
somsipaldanon: ask - I didn't see your original problem06:06
LJSeinfeldsorry it took so long.. it's a remote machine and it was rebooting06:06
aldanonsomsip: i was able to access it virtualbox which is where ubuntu & wordpress reside, but couldn't get to it from osx the host06:07
UserUSdaftykins: its a bootloader you install in the esp. ever go to a college and see the visual selection of mac or pc when it boots? same thing.06:08
aldanonsomsip: unfortunately I botched that by changing the url on the wordpress config page, so I guess first of all I need to change it back to what it was06:08
daftykinsi know what rEFInd is.06:08
somsipaldanon: make sure they're on the same subnet - that you have bridged networking, or NAT working selected as appropriate (I can never remember which one works and which doesnt)06:08
aldanonsomsip: on on bridged06:08
somsipaldanon: same subnet?06:08
aldanonsomsip: yeap06:08
daftykinsUserUS: i know, but that's not our problem as it's not an ubuntu thing :)06:08
LJSeinfeldI can get it to start at boot via the ~/.config/autostart folder by placing a virtualbox desktop file in there, but I need it to start with a delay (I think) because it seemingly can't find a ahared folder on another mounted drive if it starts too fast06:09
aldanonsomsip: but like i said first of all i need to get it back to the way it was before i changed the url on the settings page06:09
somsipLJSeinfeld: put a sleep in the script?06:09
somsipaldanon: this doesn't appear to be an ubuntu issue - it sounds like you've just got wordpress configured incorrectly06:09
aldanonsomsip: wordpress channel said the same thing lol06:10
UserUSdaftykins: The bootloader works perfectly find, it's the grub.cfg file that has the multiple kernels listed....Only show up if I load the grub loader instead of booting directly into the partition but its still annoying06:10
somsipLJSeinfeld: of even better, a test that the drive is mounted06:10
LJSeinfeldI was trying to call the script from rc.local  -- and the sleep part would be easy to add, but the VM never starts for some reason06:10
aldanonsomsip: thought they said it's an ubuntu problem06:10
somsipLJSeinfeld: log the output of the script to a log file so you can see what the error is?06:10
daftykinsUserUS: so you still haven't stated which ubuntu version despite asking 5 mins ago :)06:10
LJSeinfeldthe thing is, the script works..06:11
somsipaldanon: if it was working once, and you changed something, and now it isn't, it doesn't sound like an ubuntu issue. Or maybe I've misunderstood your issue06:11
aldanonI think the real issue lies in that people in the wordpress channel aren't versed in ubuntu, and ubuntu channel isn't versed in wordpress lol06:11
LJSeinfeldbut it doesn't work when I try to call it from rc.local06:11
LJSeinfeldBUT... if I fire rc.local manually... it works... fml..06:11
somsipaldanon: I'm versed in WP, god help me, but this is not the place for a dicussion on how to configure it06:11
UserUSdaftykins: Lol, 14.0406:12
aldanoni normally wouldn't be under these conditions, but it's for work ;/06:12
somsipLJSeinfeld: I was expecting somethign environmental, but you've got nothing that is obviously dodgy in that script. As long as the VM file is readable06:12
LJSeinfeldI don't understand why rc.local won't run it06:13
LJSeinfeldI put a couple of "canary in the mineshaft" commands in the script --like having it make a directory on the desktop after the vboxmanage command... and those worked06:13
somsipLJSeinfeld: you could try su -l dave ... so that the env is properly setup06:13
LJSeinfeldis that a pipe in there ("-|")06:14
LJSeinfeldlooks to be06:15
somsipLJSeinfeld: l for --login06:15
somsip!ops | YOGOTTI06:15
ubottuYOGOTTI: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:15
LJSeinfeldah --ok06:15
somsipLJSeinfeld: no...--login ;-)06:15
LJSeinfeldso something like su -l dave "/usr/bin/vboxmanage startvm Zoidberg"06:16
somsipLJSeinfeld: you still need the -c for the command06:16
somsipLJSeinfeld: and the & for backgrounding (unless vboxmanage detaches)06:17
LJSeinfeldok -- so su -l -c dave "/usr/bin/vboxmanage startvm Zoidberg &"06:17
somsipLJSeinfeld: worth a stab, in case it is something environmental06:18
LJSeinfeldlets see if it works... brb06:18
daftykinsUserUS: when a normal GRUB is brought up, it only has maybe 3 options tops - so it must be the non-standard setup imo.06:19
somsipLJSeinfeld: and...possibly you need to start it headless, because when you test it you're in X, but when the script runs it has no display http://askubuntu.com/questions/57220/start-vboxheadless-vm-at-startup or http://askubuntu.com/questions/404665/how-to-start-virtual-box-machines-automatically-when-booting06:19
UserUSdaftykins: that it is...I edited the bootloader manually and customized it06:19
daftykinsUserUS: yeah, so then your issues are your own :)06:20
LJSeinfeldGot this:  No passwd entry for user '/usr/bin/vboxmanage startvm Zoidberg &06:20
somsipLJSeinfeld: su -l dave -c "command" :)06:21
somsipLJSeinfeld: did you see my point about headless?06:21
LJSeinfeldnot sure I follow06:21
UserUSdaftykins: lol so persistent...I only asked how to remove old images, everything else is great06:21
LJSeinfeldand wouldn't a delay possibly fix that too?06:21
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daftykinsUserUS: "sudo apt-get autoremove" should cull a lot, otherwise "dpkg -l | grep linux-" ; then take the package names and purge the -extra before the images main - and headers.06:22
somsipLJSeinfeld: not sure, but if vboxmanage requires a display, it doesn't have one when run from rc.local. But it does when you just run the script. The links suggest vboxmange --type=headless or VBoxHeadless (instead of vboxmanage)06:22
somsipLJSeinfeld: about the delay fixing that - no because the display isn't part of the environment when rc.local is run06:23
Holeiswho are you... ?06:23
somsip!ot | Holeis06:23
ubottuHoleis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:23
LJSeinfeldedited the script and it works on its own now.. now I just need a way to call it when I have login/desktop06:24
LJSeinfeldI've also tried the upstart folder in ~/.config06:24
somsipLJSeinfeld: both of those links have information that may be useful for you. I'd suggest having a read06:25
LJSeinfeldthat's even a little more confusing...06:25
mobile3any video joiner software?06:26
LJSeinfeldso do I need to undo all these things I do when I try and they fail?06:26
somsipmobile3: what format?06:26
LJSeinfeldlike init.d stuff06:27
somsipLJSeinfeld: not necessarily - there just may be an approach described in those links that works better for what you want06:27
somsipLJSeinfeld: you don't *need* it as a service. But there may be hints in the example scripts they provide that will help you see where you are going wrong06:27
mobile3somsip: mp406:27
LJSeinfeldI've been reading and trial-and-erroring for 2 days.... going crazy, lol06:27
somsipmobile3: You could use cat depending on the format, or this described using ffmpeg (which has been replaced by avconv) in thae last example which I'm sure i've used successfully before http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/135157/terminal-tool-to-join-mp4-videos06:29
CarlFKmobile3: http://www.shotcut.org/bin/view/Shotcut/Download06:30
CarlFKmobile3: there are all sorts of ways of doing what you are asking.  I would start with Shotcut, open file1, drag it onto the time line, open file2, drag it onto the time line, click encode, and let it go.06:32
_DBdoes anyone know of file recover software for a formatted HDD06:35
_DBI formatted my HD want to recover some files I did this on windows once06:36
somsip!undelete | _DB06:36
ubottu_DB: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel06:36
lotuspsychje_DB: or photorec with the package testdisk06:37
k1l!photorec  _DB06:37
k1l!photorec | _DB06:37
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | _DB tnx to k1l06:37
ubottu_DB tnx to k1l: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (wily), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB06:37
_DBalright thanks dudes will look at it06:39
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_DBalso to install ubuntu to my hdd i have to remake a start up disk?06:43
mobile3CarlFK: How to install that through command ?06:44
lotuspsychje_DB: would be handy if you made an ubuntu startup usb yes06:44
lotuspsychje!usb | _DB06:44
ubottu_DB: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:44
lotuspsychje_DB: maybe choose the long time support version 14.04.3?06:45
CarlFKmobile3: wget https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut/releases/download/v15.12/shotcut-debian7-x86_64-151201.tar.bz2 ; tar xvf shotcut-debian7-x86_64-151201.tar.bz206:45
CarlFKmobile3: then run Shotcut/Shotcut.app/shotcut06:45
CarlFKmobile3: that's what I do.  there may be a PPA you can apt-get from but I don't know.06:46
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CarlFKmobile3: brb06:46
somsip!ppa | mobile3 (search link is one here for PPAs)06:49
ubottumobile3 (search link is one here for PPAs): A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:49
glenn_CarlFK: how long have you been using UBUNTU STUDIO? i'm testing it on VM... is it good for recording?06:50
CarlFKglenn_: I have never used u-studio06:51
glenn_CarlFK: oh sorry... i'm a newbie here :-)06:51
glenn_CarlFK: what OS are you running by the way?06:52
CarlFKglenn_: ubuntu vivid06:53
somsipglenn_: if you have a support question, ask it. If not, take chatter to the #ubuntu-offtopic channel06:53
glenn_somsip: do linux OS good for audio recording?06:54
YermJobs3391Hello all06:56
goddardok guys i updated the kernel and still having an issue with the xbox one controller - http://askubuntu.com/questions/704892/xbox-one-controller-crashes-ubuntu06:57
lotuspsychjegoddard: ok good you tried, can you test on 15.10 livemode also?06:59
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest25649
YermJobs3391How to hack facebook acount from ubuntu07:02
somsip!illegal | YermJobs339107:02
ubottuYermJobs3391: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:02
k1lYermJobs3391: this is not the focus of this help channel07:02
YermJobs3391I am sorry07:03
lotuspsychjegoddard: if you test a few kernels out, and they all make your ubuntu crash, i start to think of k1l suggestion maybe your controller makes bad electric shortcut?07:03
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goddardlotuspsychje: yeah not sure if i connect it to a USB hub would that change that?07:05
daftykinshubs make everything worse07:05
somsipdaftykins: though they can bypass a dodgy usb port (/me looks down at his own computer)07:06
daftykinssomsip: do you still use that bad one for the upstream from said hub?07:07
somsipdaftykins: no - one of the front USB ports is dodgy, so a hub goes to a back port to make access easier. Perhaps not a great example :)07:08
k1lgoddard: see askubuntu. there is no working solution today.07:10
goddardon the plus side upgrading to the newer kernel made by touch pad two finger scrolling work07:11
goddardk1l: cool thanks07:13
mobile3somsip: I used cat but it didn't work. Only the first file is appended....07:14
somsipmobile3: as the link says, cat only works with some encodings07:15
mobile3carlFK: I downloaded the shotcut but it is not opening07:19
gnumonkHow to change the login: prompt in lxc? I have ubuntu container and it comes as "login:" prompt, I wanted to change to something like "lxc  login:" .07:28
gnumonkPlease note that I am not asking post login messege .07:28
nanoigrub wasn't installing so i followed an advice to zero out the beginning on my hdd; unfortunately i erased my partition table and now grub says that it cannot find a drive for /dev/sdaX; i'm still booted on my linux partition right now, is there a way to save the partition table?07:33
daftykinsnanoi: oh dear! that was unwise. testdisk might help07:36
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lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^07:41
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje , daftykins07:44
LJSeinfeldUgh... somehow I lost access to the GUI on my remote machine... (connecting via nomachine)  can anyone help get it back?07:49
LJSeinfeldI have shell access, btw07:49
LJSeinfeldand nomachine still connects... just shows me a black screen with the "user blah connected" bubble...07:50
LJSeinfeldactually ... too much work for tonight.. going to sleep now... thanks07:52
mobile3any light weight video joiner any other ??07:52
somsipmobile3: did you try ffmpeg/avconv?07:56
mobile3somsip: using ffmpeg, only first file is appended...07:57
somsipmobile3: you said that about cat. Are you sure...?07:57
mobile3somsip: yes using cat and ffmpeg, only first file is appended07:57
somsipmobile3: paste the command you used for ffmpeg07:58
gnumonkany idea?07:58
mobile3somsip: http://pastebin.com/Cni1JVhn08:00
somsipmobile3: ok - take a look at this and see if it's helpful http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7333232/concatenate-two-mp4-files-using-ffmpeg08:05
=== plkuan is now known as Kahta
fruitmystahey guys08:15
fruitmystaname some good hacking channels?08:15
k1l!alis | fruitmysta08:16
ubottufruitmysta: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http08:16
fruitmystahow do i use alis?08:18
VsyachePuzhow to solve such problem (i run into it too) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meld/+bug/152012908:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1520129 in meld (Ubuntu) "compare window is blank" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:18
=== patrick is now known as Guest19836
Guest19836Can anyone explain what UPSTART Is? does it show what services are runnign on startup or am i confusing that with windows?08:20
somsip!upstart | Guest1983608:22
ubottuGuest19836: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:22
JamesMIkecan anyone explain UPSTART to me in ubuntu, does it show services started or is that justme cnfusing it with windows version of startup08:22
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deltis there any way to enable the old school /dev/snd and /dev/dsp required by some old apps?08:38
deltls: cannot access /dev/dsp: No such file or directory08:38
=== bel_rus123 is now known as `mela
_jackshi, i'm having trouble with chrome, it seems to use /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p directly, which i suspect is causing locking on it and sometimes causing sound to be completely muted or seemingly unavailable08:46
_jacksis there anyway to force chrome to use pulseaudio08:46
_jacksif so how do i do it ?08:46
mobile3somsip: I didn't follow the method on that page because I thought it will do the same thing... So I downloaded OpenShot08:47
eoizhello i have a weird problem; after messing up the partition table, i wasn't able to install windows, so i deleted all partitions, create a new partition for half the disk, and installed windows 10; now the other half of the disk is unallocated, but here there is a linux partition which was working fine before deleting the partition table; is there a way to get back this partition without messing up the EFI/MBR or the windows partition08:50
* luk 08:52
k1leoiz: making a new partition table means the disk forgets where all the partitions were. then installing new stuff means overwriting a lot of that again. honestly i would not say there is much hope. you could dig into it with photorec and such but i there is not a easy undo button for that stuff.08:54
eoizk1l: can't i make a new partition table which includes the already including partitions + the linux partition from the unallocated space?08:54
k1leoiz: you could try that08:55
Dove_CameronDo you even know who I am?08:58
Dove_CameronGoogle me08:58
daftykinsa troll, go away please08:58
FlannelDove_Cameron: Please stop.  This channel isn't for banter.08:58
Dove_CameronFlannel, oh, the -offtopic would be better?08:58
FlannelDove_Cameron: Sure.08:58
Dove_Cameronyou assume, just because I am famous, means I am not going to say anything on topic?08:59
_jacksso does anyone know how to switch chrome to use pulseaudio, it seems alsa is blocking on /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p09:00
jamesmIkecan anyon ehelp me with UPSTART?09:01
daftykinsyou need to ask the actual question, jamesmIke09:02
jamesmIkedaftykins OH RIGHT, ok Can someone help me with UPSTART? I want a list of all services that start on startup, i have done two commands already, but have since read online about upstart. Is UPSTART showing commands that start ob bootup or am i mixing that up wit WIndows STARTUP09:04
TJ-jamesmIke: "service --status-all" will show the current status. but, all Upstart init files in /etc/init/ will be parsed and used as per their "start on" directives09:06
jamesmIkeTJ- Can you explain this please :  all Upstart init files in /etc/init/ will be parsed and used as per their "start on" directives09:08
TJ-jamesmIke: /etc/init/ contains all the system servicee config files for Upstart09:08
TJ-jamesmIke: it's all documented in the Cookbook: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#job-configuration-file09:09
jamesmIkeTJ- Thanks. SO to figure out all services that start on boot would be to use the previous command you have shown me yes09:11
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TJ-jamesmIke: correct09:12
jamesmIkeTJ- Excellent TJ, I will check this out now.. I see some services I do not want runnning.. si their a way to configure these not to start on boot?09:13
TJ-jamesmIke: yes, it's all documented in the cookbook09:13
daftykinsyou should bear in mind that if you're coming from Windows, you can't apply the same logic about disabling startup items really ;)09:14
Ben64shouldn't disable things that you don't know the purpose of09:14
jamesmIkeTJ- Thanks il check it out now09:16
TJ-Ben64: I'd say exactly the opposite!09:17
TJ-I don't want services running if I don't know their purpose!09:17
daftykinsthey might be important out of the box ;)09:20
TJ-You and your boxes!09:20
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brahzwellhow to uninstall the unity spyware and ads yo?09:56
bekksbrahzwell: There is no unity spyware.09:58
PriceyFor everyone else: http://askubuntu.com/questions/629248/globally-disable-include-online-search-results10:03
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pragomer_1hi.   What is wrong about that udev-rule: (it does not work at all) http://pastebin.com/BhBi5aNq10:17
pragomer_1  tail -n 10 -f /var/log/syslog   tells me that the script failed with exit code 1. But the script itself works10:20
morsicus Hi everyone, little question relative to rsyslog. Is it possible to escape all \n in %msg (Challenge : I have \t in my %msg and i want to keep it ) :D10:34
shapkaanyone here ?11:03
ikoniamany people11:03
cfhowlett!ask | shapka11:03
ubottushapka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:03
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shapkaok o trap11:03
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shapkao kari ku je11:03
cfhowlettnot english and no idea what he's saying, ikonia11:04
shapkao trapa ?11:05
cfhowlett!english | shapka11:05
ubottushapka: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:05
shapkaoh sorry11:05
cfhowlettshapka, ask your ubuntu question.  in English.11:06
OpenSorceWhen I switch users or logout back to the greeter it changes my resolution to something unusable. Why would it do that?11:11
OpenSorceI fix it in my DEs with an autostart xrandr script but I'd like it stop happening instead.11:11
simbolooking for some ubuntu advice....... I just got root access to my ubuntu vps, with the aim of using acd_cli to mount my amazon unlimited storage to it..... but my ubuntu on there is really old, 12.04........ If I upgrade it is it likely to kill of all the configuration thats already done on the box? i.e. couchpotato, sickrage, urtorrent , rutorrent and plex?11:12
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lotuspsychjesimbo: upgrade can save your /home and configs, but always wise to keep backups11:14
cfhowlettsimbo, if you do a hot upgrade, your settings should be maintained.  if you do a clean install (don't know how that would work, ask your provider), you should be careful to avoid formatting your /home. you will have to reinstall all the non-default apps.11:14
simbohmm... ok11:14
simboi wouldn't do a clean install, no way11:15
simbowill it keep things like iptables setup et?11:15
cfhowlettsimbo, so a hot uprgrade.  .configs should be maintained.11:16
Loke-ionhello, I am trying to use some lightweight flavour of ubuntu like lubuntu or lxle but on everything (LTS or 15.10) of xubuntu, lubuntu, lxle and ubuntu LTS I don't have full gpu driver support and brightness doesn't work (Fn button works)11:18
Loke-iononly in ubuntu 15.10 it works11:19
simbook sounds good...... I want to check where they've installed everything first (i didn't do the installation)11:19
Loke-ionhave tried nouveau and nvidia drivers11:19
simbodo-release-upgrade is a hot upgrade, right?11:19
bekksWhats a "hot upgrade" vs "cold upgrade"?11:20
simboI think a hot upgrade will be using the inbuilt upgrade system, like you would on windows/mac etc..... cold must be a wipe and re-install i think11:21
bekksI have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.11:22
ikoniado you mean "in situ"11:22
ikoniaas in upgrade your existing OS to a later version ?11:22
bekksdo-release-upgrade upgrades your OS release to the next release, e.g.11:22
simboI was answering what I though a hot vs cold upgrade is.....11:23
bekkssimbo: Well the word "upgrade" implies "not reinstall" :)11:24
simbohowever, it looks like the person that set it up installed software to /, so I guess upgrading would wipe that out11:24
simbogood point bekks (sorry I don't know how to tag names)11:25
bekkssimbo: On Ubuntu, you always install software to /11:25
Desuon anything posix11:25
simbooh, I don't use ubuntu often at all11:25
Desu/home is under / after all :)11:25
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: wich card chipset?11:25
Loke-ionnvidia ION LE11:25
Loke-ionwondering if I can find why it works on 15.1011:25
Loke-ionand "replicate" that on lxle11:25
Loke-ionkeep in mind I am a new simple user of linux11:25
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: thats also optimus?11:25
cfhowlettLoke-ion, we can't help with lxle.  it's not ubuntu and not supported here.11:25
Loke-ionworks on ubuntu 15.10 * doesn't work on 15.10 lubuntu / xubuntu11:25
Loke-ionlotuspsychje I don't understand11:25
Loke-ioncfhowlett lubuntu even would help11:25
Loke-ionunity is too heavy it seems11:25
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: your ion le card has optimus technology?11:25
Loke-ionnever heard of the term but I can't confirm or deny that11:25
Loke-ionION LE was like a one time thing for netbooks / notebooks I think11:25
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: can you pastebin sudo lshw -C video from terminal11:25
Loke-ionsure give me a sec to do it on the notebook11:25
fishcookerhow to report kernel panic before i install linux-crashdump?11:25
Loke-ionlotuspsychje http://pastebin.com/9mf4XhQH11:26
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: ok try to install nvidia-prime11:27
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: and choose an nvidia driver from your additional drivers section11:27
Loke-ionlotuspsychje just to make sure, atm I am running ubuntu 15.10 where graphics seem ok and brightness works11:27
Porfai screwed up.11:27
Loke-ionon anything else be it ubuntu LTS, lubuntu LTS / 15.10 etc doesn't11:28
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: ok, if things work now, how about you install lubuntu-desktop from your existing system11:28
simbothe only reason I want to update is so I can run an application written in python, but a version of python that isn't available to my version of ubuntu :(11:28
Loke-ionlotuspsychje eh got a link for that?11:29
ikoniasimbo: you said this was a VPS right ?11:29
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-desktop | Loke-ion sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop11:29
ubottuLoke-ion sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.62 (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)11:29
simboyeah it is11:29
Loke-ionany idea why nouveau works here but doesn't on other distros?11:29
ikoniasimbo: can you show me the output of "uname -a" please11:29
bekkssimbo: So which ubuntu version do you use?11:29
ikoniasimbo: (from your VPS)11:29
Loke-ionand if I could install this version to them?11:30
Porfai used mv to move a directory from a secundary harddrive into a new folder on a NEW harddrive, but my ssh session timedou’t so i went back in again, and i’ve done the same thing, so whatever was moved before, was coppied over. you know who’s this fault is? Bill Gates and his f***ing windows, years and years i coulda move folders and “overwrite” the folder new content only BY DEFAULT. so this is the first time it has happend to me.. 11:30
Porfahope is, i moved the data from the hardrive and never touched / written on that said hdd again.. so.. where’s “undelete”… ? or am i really F***** ? :|11:30
ikoniaPorfa: no need for the language, if you can't explain without swearing, don't explain11:30
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: normally optimus cards will need nvidia-prime + nvidia version driver to perform well11:30
simbois that what you want?11:30
ikoniasimbo: ok - I strongly advise you not to upgrade11:31
simbolol ok11:31
ikoniasimbo: talk to your hosting provider, and ask them for THEIR upgrade process11:31
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: but lets try that lubuntu-desktop on your existing system first11:31
bekkssimbo: Which Ubuntu version do you use?11:31
Loke-ionbut the output from the command you gave me, shows nouveau used and not nvidia drivers correct? lotuspsychje11:31
simboah if they give you root , they basically wash their hands of managing it for you11:31
Porfawell ikonia if im gonna get a slap on the wrist for censoring my language when i lost a massive amount of data, i guess next time i won’t censor it, because.. data is gone.11:31
simbobekks its 12.0411:31
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: correct, its using nouveau right now11:31
ikoniaPorfa: and you won't be welcome in the cahnnel11:31
ikoniaPorfa: control your langauge and just explain clearly the problem you want help with11:32
Porfawell, i don’t want that11:32
Porfaok ikonia  i will, thank you11:32
ikoniaPorfa: thanks11:32
bekksPorfa: If data is gone, you data wasnt worth enough for you for having a backup.11:32
Loke-ionlotuspsychje so it seems this nouvea driver works. Maybe ubuntu 15.10 has some newer version compared to other distros? Wouldn't it be logical that if I installed that version to them it would work?11:32
Porfabekks: :(11:32
simboso my real issue that caused me to look into upgrade is that I want to run acd_cli, but it needs a version of python that isn't available on this version of ubuntu11:33
hateballLoke-ion: nouveau is included in the kernel11:33
bekkssimbo: Which version is needed, exactly?11:33
bgardnerPorfa, This won't help you today but also consider something like tmux so if your ssh session drops your login continues and can be re-attached to.11:33
somsipsimbo: check the deadsnakes repo, or use virtualenv11:33
Porfalike “screen” ?11:33
bekksPorfa: Yes.11:33
Loke-ionhateball so I can't do anything unless the kernel is upgraded?11:33
somsip!ppa | simbo (deadsnakes PPA, I mean)11:34
ubottusimbo (deadsnakes PPA, I mean): A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:34
hateballLoke-ion: I'm not sure what the original question was, I just looked at your latest statement11:34
Loke-ionlotuspsychje btw I am upgrading11:34
Porfai used to use screen for irc.. i never though of it for ssh.. :/ thanks for the tip. im not a power user, i just started using this for decent/stable LAMP for personal projects.11:34
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: you mean installing lubuntu11:34
EriC^^Porfa: how'd your data disappear anyways, you ran mv, connection dropped, then you ran mv again?11:34
Loke-ionlotuspsychje yea lubuntu-desktop11:34
Porfayes EriC^^11:34
Porfawindows taught me wrong :(11:34
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: thats not an upgrade, but it will install lubuntu next to ubuntu11:34
simboI've got the right version of python installed, but its missing some of the dependencies for the program I want to run....11:35
EriC^^Porfa: why would that be a problem though?11:35
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: after install, you can logout and login to lubuntu11:35
Porfabecause the data is gone11:35
simboill look into the PPA's. Ive gotta do some work right now though11:35
bekkssimbo: Name. The. Version.11:35
Loke-ionhateball I don't have full gpu (nvidia ion le) support on my notebook on anything except ubuntu 15.10. ubuntu LTS or lubuntu LTS / 15.10 or xubuntu etc brightness won't work and I get glitches11:35
bekkssimbo: Or are you ignoring me?11:35
simbobekks? of ubuntu? I answered earlier 12.0411:35
EriC^^Porfa: so you mean while you were doing the mv, the connection dropped, when you checked the dir it was empty? ( the original ?)11:35
bekkssimbo: Python.11:35
bekkssimbo: Which exact python version do you need?11:35
simboive got it and compiled it11:36
simbogive me a few mins, gotta test something.......11:36
PorfaEriC^^:  no, the original dir was missing the files it had moved before the connection dropped, the new folder had the missing files form the original dir. the problem is that i just wanted to “resume” the operation, and what happend is that, it deleted the new folder, deleting the previous moved files, and putting the new ones there.11:37
hateballLoke-ion: 14.04 uses an older kernel by default, but it is possible to upgrade by installing the package linux-image-generic-lts-wily for instance11:37
somsipsimbo: deadsnakes offers 3.4 for precise - usually caveats apply about PPAs https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/ubuntu/deadsnakes/+index?batch=75&memo=75&start=7511:37
Porfamy hope is that where i moved (removed) the data from, the disk hasn’t been writen over11:37
hateballLoke-ion: that will get you the kernel used in 15.10, while still being able to use the one in 14.04 by picking one in grub11:37
EriC^^Porfa: mv usually if you do mv /bla /blabla , and then /blabla exists, it'll just move /bla into /blabla, so you have /blabla/bla11:37
hateballLoke-ion: anyhow, the kernel is the same regardless of desktop environment used, so it should not matter if you use unity or lxde11:37
Loke-ionhateball but in lubuntu 15.10  it doesn't work11:38
EriC^^Porfa: oh i see11:38
bekksEriC^^: He was using two different disks for source and target.11:38
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: lets find out after your install :p11:38
EriC^^bekks: same thing, it's just mv 's operation11:38
bekksEriC^^: Yeah.11:38
Loke-ionlotuspsychje I mean on a clean install using lubuntu 15.10 iso11:38
EriC^^Porfa: anyways, the old data could be retrieved using testdisk or photorec11:39
Loke-ionwhich is weird if the kernel is the same11:39
EriC^^Porfa: what filesystem is on the 2 disks?11:40
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: installed with cable/updates enabled? and fully updated system after?11:40
EriC^^Porfa: if one is fat32 you're super lucky..11:40
hateballLoke-ion: I am not sure what "doesnt work". But anyhow, lotuspsychje is already helping you so I will back off :)11:40
simbothanks somsip ...... but I do have the right version of python installed, but I don't have it set for the entire system incase it broke other python stuff11:40
Loke-ioneven tried switching to nvidia drivers latest and legacy lotuspsychje11:40
Loke-ionok thx hateball11:40
PorfaEriC^^:  sorry i was on the phone. it’s ext411:41
EriC^^Porfa: both disks?11:41
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: but you didnt try nvidia-prime11:41
EriC^^ok, try sudo apt-get install testdisk11:41
Loke-ionlotuspsychje that is correct11:41
EriC^^Porfa: what kind of data is it?11:41
Porfaif it was fat, i’d have experience on windows and even ntfs, but linux.. damn.11:41
PorfaEriC^^: plain text11:41
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: so lets test the lubuntu from here first, if that doesnt work try lubuntu LTS clean + nvidia-prime11:42
Porfai mean, there’s other data there, byut it’s mostly some ruby and php scripts i was working on11:42
EriC^^Porfa: ok, install testdisk, it also has photorec that can search for text files if testdisk doesn't work11:42
Porfathe scripts is what i need, the data was being generated by the scripts, so i’ll start over.11:42
Porfaok EriC^^ i will learn about “testdisk”11:42
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | Porfa suggested by EriC^^11:42
ubottuPorfa suggested by EriC^^: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (wily), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB11:42
EriC^^there's also extundelete Porfa11:43
Porfathank you guys, i will read about that and hopefully i’ll succedd11:43
Porfaand sorry ikonia ! thanks11:43
Loke-ionlotuspsychje logged out clicked the icon and chose lubuntu, pressing the brightness key, shows the popup with the bar but screen doesn't change brightness :P11:44
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: could be an acpi bug also on your machine11:45
Loke-ionlotuspsychje anything I can try?11:45
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: playing with dconf-editor or laptop-mode-tools perhaps11:46
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: check your syslog and dmesg also for brightness issues11:46
perrsertlotuspsychje: Loke-ion has hdmi11:47
lotuspsychjeperrsert: meaning?11:47
lotuspsychjeLoke-ion: i would also check if nvidia-settings show performance mode with nvidia-prime11:49
simon^^I have a Beaglebone Black with Ubuntu 14.04 on which I am trying to get hostapd running on every boot. I`ve configured my /etc/network/interfaces with auto/allow-hotplug/hostapd config.conf and it works if I unplug an plug the USB dongle after boot. How would I go about troubleshooting this problem of mine?11:59
simon^^I.e. If I boot, hostapd is not started, but If i unplug and plug the wifi dongle after boot hostapd starts up12:00
jlucavec 2 moniteurs sur une installation fraiche, le pointeur de la souris se bloque trop fortement à la séparation entre les 2 moniteurs12:03
jlucquel utilitaire permet d'avoir une circulation plus fluide de la souris d'un moniteur à l'autre ?12:04
cfhowlett!fr | jluc12:04
ubottujluc: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:04
jlucah zut12:04
jluci'm looking for the tool that does enable the mouse to move fluently between monitors, without sticking at the limit ?12:05
jlucon a fresh LTS install, the mouse sticks strongly at the limit between screen 1 and screen 212:06
jluchow can i get a free flow mouse move ?12:06
adm001mihey all got an issue with dns/bind on ubuntu, server states it can't find the domain12:10
BluesKajHiyas all12:13
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skywalquerHello >D12:35
daniel8888: )12:35
daniel8888i am a freshman here..12:36
daniel8888: D12:36
sorin-mihaii'm thinking to install openstack using maas. i don't find the hardware requirements, can anyone point me to them?12:37
sorin-mihaifor maas I mean12:38
asad_I'm getting this error when I try to check the version of unity using "unity --version": http://paste.ubuntu.com/13643901/12:39
fabioHello guys. I have chrome in full screen. i want to have a way to lock it. I mean, to the user not be able to go to the desktop. is there any way?12:42
asad_unity isn't crashing or anything. is this error supposed to be appearing in 15.10?12:43
ioriaasad_, do you have this package installed   ?  python-gobject12:43
asad_ioria: It doesn't come installed in 15.10?12:44
ioriaasad_, idr,   try  dpkg -l python-gobject12:45
asad_ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13643989/12:45
ioriaasad_, try to install it then logout / login12:46
asad_ioria: Do I install it using the package manager?12:46
ioriaasad_, sudo apt-get install python-gobject12:46
ioria!info python-gobject12:47
ubottupython-gobject (source: pygobject): Python 2.x bindings for GObject - transitional package. In component main, is optional. Version 3.16.2-1build1 (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 41 kB12:47
asad_ioria: Okay let me try.12:47
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asad_ioria, hey yeah that seemed to have fixed it. it's showing the version number now.12:49
ioriaasad_, good job !12:49
placeedHi all ! I'm trying to run webserver on Ubuntu 14.04. Someone can help me to find good documentation for hardening ?12:49
asad_ioria, thanks!12:49
ioriaasad_, you're welcome12:49
placeedHardedning system and for web server too12:50
fabiois there any way to prevent user to close a program?12:51
fabioa gui program12:51
bekksfabio: No.12:51
fabioexample disable alt+f412:51
fabiothat kind of things12:52
bekksThere are far more ways to close a program rather than just alt+f4. But the answer is still "No".12:52
ioriaplaceed, give a quick look here maybe http://blog.mattbrock.co.uk/hardening-the-security-on-ubuntu-server-14-04/12:52
ioriafabio, never tried ... maybe as service daemon , re - spawning .... but it just an idea12:54
jtheuerfabio, maybe there is a special window manager (show just one application full screen)12:55
Loke-ionso after switching to nvidia drivers all the text is bigger, like even the title of programs12:56
Loke-ionhow can I decrease that? is there something like a system wide font size?12:56
hateballLoke-ion: Adjust the DPI12:58
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yecril71plHi.  Can I install eclipse-egit 4 on 14.04?13:26
yecril71plThe distribution gives me egit version 3, the plug-in hangs at switching branches.13:27
astronautlevelYou can install eclipse from the official repositories, but it's an older version. (3.8)13:27
astronautlevelAnother option is to install the eclipse version from the eclipse website, eclipse.org13:27
yecril71plI have checked egit 4 works with eclipse 3.8 and does not hang.13:28
OerHeksindeed, no 4 yet. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse-egit13:28
yecril71plI installed egit 4 from the marketplace within Eclipse 3.8 and it works all right.13:31
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asad_Do I have to worry about these errors when I launch nautilus? http://paste.ubuntu.com/13644645/13:36
OerHeksasad_, no, that happens often when you start a gui program from terminal.13:37
OerHeksjust warnings, no error.13:37
asad_OerHeks, Alright13:39
lvlephIs there a way to have an alias to a vendor:product id? I have a ps3 controller, but for some reason the id is 25f0:83c4 instead of 054c:0268 as expected.13:44
fabiohow can i run chrome without launching a desktop enviroment?13:44
fabiois it possible?13:44
krux_lvleph, it would have to be done at kernel level or perhaps using udev rules13:44
lvlephfabio X1113:45
daftykinsfabio: are you trying to setup a kiosk like setup?13:45
lvlephkrux_ do you know anything about sixaxis controllers in linux? I have the source and could change the expected vendor:product id, but I have a feeling this would cause issues elsewhere.13:46
fabiodaftykins, yep :)13:47
clobranolvleph: is there any way to add vid:pid instead of replacing them?13:47
daftykinsdoesn't sound particularly ubuntu specific, lvleph - surely it'd work if it's designed to... why would the IDs be wrong?13:47
doreaHow to: http://qr.ae/RbCtvx13:47
daftykinsdorea: how to what? what is this link?13:48
OerHeksdorea, howto what? not clicking that url13:48
doreaOops, wrong channel! bye.13:48
lvlephdaftykins I bought a generic controller, so...13:48
OerHeksseems like malware13:48
daftykinslvleph: and you're trying to use a PS3 driver? o013:48
lvlephfabio https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Guide_to_X11/Starting_Sessions13:49
doreaOerHeks:: huh, malware, it's short link for https://www.quora.com/Studies-and-Studying/What-are-the-most-effective-methods-for-studying13:49
doreaI sent it here wrong13:49
lvlephdaftykins: at some point the controller showed up correctly, and now doesn't13:50
OerHeksdorea, oke, i was just cautious, lot of spammers use thos short url services13:50
lvlephdaftykins: I can use the USB but not the bluetooth because of the vendor id13:50
fabiohow do i connect to a wifi network on cli?13:55
fabiomost easy way13:55
OerHeksnmcli d wifi connect <WiFiSSID> password <WiFiPassword> iface <wlan0>13:57
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fabiohow do i install nmtui on 14.04 lts?14:03
fabio*nmtui is a network manager cli14:04
daftykinsfabio: use the one OerHeks told you about above14:04
fabiodaftykins, but nmtui is alot more use friendly14:05
daftykinsfabio: user friendly is not trying to use a wireless network via CLI14:06
fabionmcli d wifi connect <WiFiSSID> password <WiFiPassword> iface <wlan0>14:07
fabioi will stick with that then14:07
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chinesesausagegood morning!14:12
chinesesausage maybe this question has been answered before. Does anybody know how to make MATE's mintmenu faster the first you click it? I have not found an ideal answer to this in forums. Thanks in advance!14:12
OerHeksmint faster ..14:12
OerHeksbetter ask in the mint channel, chinesesausage14:13
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:13
chinesesausagewell, it is the one same one that comes included in MATE14:14
chinesesausagecalled Advance MATE menu14:14
chinesesausagein fact it is Ubuntu with vanilla MATE installed14:14
chinesesausageas DE14:14
chinesesausagethanks anyway14:15
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IntelIs there any new way of installing League of Legends on Ubuntu that works, like a simple installation solution instead of using PlayOnLinux?14:16
=== Intel is now known as Guest23343
OerHekschinesesausage, ok, i have no mate but find this page usefull https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/mint-mate-first#TOC-Speed-up-your-Mate14:16
OerHeksand https://github.com/linuxmint/Cinnamon/issues/259714:17
chinesesausageI'll try both OerHeks. Thanks14:17
chinesesausageby the way, I use an Ubuntu derivative called Peach OSI. Is this the right forum for asking questions like these?14:18
OerHekschinesesausage, sorry, last url was wrong, this arch page https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MATE#Panel_speed_settings14:19
wildmobGood afternoon, I'm looking to swap my network server os from on drive to another, is there an easy way to just copy the whole drive to save reinstalling?14:20
OerHeksyou can use those manual settings, or install dconf > sudo apt-get install dconf-tools14:20
chinesesausageI have dconf installed14:21
OpenSorcewildmob, most HDD manufacturers have software to do that. What kind of drives?14:21
chinesesausagethe menu speed is ok once I have clicked it once, but at the very beginning it is slow14:21
OerHekswildmob, clonezilla is in the repos, or use dd on comandline14:21
wildmobGoing from a Samsung spinpoint to a sandisk ssd14:21
OerHekschinesesausage, i think that in the beginning there are still processes loading.14:22
chinesesausageI lowered the hover delay to see if that helps a bit14:22
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linociscohi all14:23
OpenSorcewildmob, my last Western Digital drive swap I used their software and copied close to a tb in under an hour.14:23
linociscoI have one forum which banned my country's IP, how to establish VPN to use it?14:23
chinesesausagewell, it happens no matter how many minutes the OS in online. I am reading the Arch wiki you gave14:24
mcphaillinocisco: ask elsewhere, please. this is Ubuntu support14:24
linociscomcphail, I am using ubuntu 14.04 64bit LTS14:25
linociscomcphail, I dont know how to do this on my ubuntu. and if somebody were me in my situation, I would like to know how you would do?14:25
wildmobOpensorce, the sandisk software is windows/Mac only... Lol14:26
mcphaillinocisco: that's as maybe, but finding a VPN provider to get round a network block is not an Ubuntu issue. If you have a specific problem with a VPN service on Ubunut, please ask here14:27
freakynlHi, how does one restart networking on 14.04? /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work (modified /etc/network/interfaces). Rebooting does btw14:27
EriC^^freakynl: try sudo service network-manager restart14:28
wildmobI'll use clonezilla, will that copy three boot sector/grub as well?14:28
freakynlEriC^^: maybe I should state I'm root and it's server :)14:29
EriC^^server has network-manager too14:29
daftykinsfreakynl: it hasn't worked properly for years in my experience, either take interfaces down and up again or do a proper restart in my opinion.14:29
freakynlonly thing that starts with n  is networking in /etc/init.d/14:29
EriC^^wildmob: yeah it will, but you might need to chroot and update-initramfs for it to work on a different hardware machine, or if you're using uefi you might need to add the uefi entry to the efibootmgr before it boots14:30
daftykinsyes, it did used to be service networking restart / sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:30
daftykinsdefinitely unreliable though in my experience14:30
EriC^^freakynl: try service network-manager restart ( it won't tab complete btw )14:30
chinesesausagethank you very much OerHeks, I'll try what the Arch wiki says14:31
freakynlEriC^^: unrecognized service14:35
daftykinssee what i said :P14:36
fabiohow to disable gnome to start?14:44
alexandruhow to enable download in linuxdc++14:45
blindsiteI'm having trouble watching comercial dvds on ubuntu.   I can't seem to install libdvdcss or libdvdcss2, or the new libdvd-pkg.    They all seem to be missing from the repositories or something.   A little help please.14:46
bazhang!info linuxdc++14:46
ubottulinuxdcpp (source: linuxdcpp): Port of the Windows file-sharing program, DC++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 1186 kB, installed size 4424 kB14:46
blindsiteis anyone there?14:48
ioriablindsite, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?  if es, could be a problen of region-set14:49
alexandruubottu what should i do with that info14:50
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:50
fabioI had installed gnome-session-fallback and i want to stop to run it on startup14:50
fabiohow do i do it???14:50
blindsite@ioria yep installed those too.   And maybe but not sure how I'd change that.   Aren't most dvds set to no region?14:50
ioriablindsite, did you run   sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ?14:51
blindsite@ioria aye I did, and I restarted after just for good measure no dice.14:51
ioria!info regionset14:52
ubotturegionset (source: regionset): view and modify the region code of DVD drives. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-3 (wily), package size 11 kB, installed size 72 kB14:52
alexandruhow to enable download in linuxdc++14:52
ioriablindsite, can you play any other dvd ?14:53
blindsitehmm let me check14:53
bazhangalexandru, read the manpage or help yet14:53
alexandruread that already bazhang14:54
bazhangalexandru, that says quite clearly ^14:55
blindsiteoh shit now i have a hardware problem14:55
blindsitethe dvd is now stuck in the dvd drive14:56
ioriablindsite, bad day , hu ?14:56
blindsiteit fell out of the tray while i was ejecting it.  Yeah... bad morning anyway14:56
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ioriablindsite, there's a little hole.... you can stick a clip in it and take out the dvd14:57
daftykinsblindsite: try and keep the language friendly please ;)14:58
momomoI have an Nvidia optimus 765M graphics card and when I enable Nvidia drivers in addtional drivers and reboot ... the graphcis won't start15:00
momomoi have tried to install the 352.63 and 340.96 drivers ... both fail15:01
momomothe fallback is nouvauue display driver which has terrible performance in chrome at least15:01
momomowhy won't it start ? i am using gnome and gdm ..15:02
blindsiteit's a tray kind of dvd drive15:03
blindsitenot the slot version15:03
ioriablindsite, i got it once ....15:03
blindsiteso i can get it open but the dvd is stuck up inside the machine,  it fell off the spindle while still inside the machine15:03
blindsiteoh?  How did you get it?15:04
Bashing-ommomomo: Nvidia recommends the 352 version , I have seen advisements that sometimes there are problems with this driver . Have you tried the 346 (stable) version driver ?15:04
momomoBashing-om, i can't select the 346 drivers from additional drivers15:04
momomois bumblebee something that I should be looking into ?15:04
Bashing-ommomomo: Ouch ! What release are you running ?15:05
daftykinsmomomo: no. bumblebee is the old and no longer relevant way15:06
blindsite@ioria sorry if I'm a wee bit frustrated here.   I dont want to unscrew the whole drive.15:06
blindsiteand all that kind of thing.15:06
momomodaftykins, should i be doing something in bios /15:06
daftykinsyou should check what control you have, if any, in the BIOS - yes15:06
daftykinsevery implementation tends to differ :)15:06
ioriablindsite, i see...15:06
momomohere is the xorg.conf that was used when i turned on nvidia15:07
Bashing-ommomomo: Though BombleBee has been superceeded by nvidia-prime, some advise they get better results from BumbleBee . But, not generally advised .15:07
blindsitegod what i wouldn't do for some tweezers15:07
momomodoes that look ok ?15:07
daftykinsmomomo: no that's 100% wrong, you shouldn't use a xorg.conf at all with optimus15:08
momomodaftykins, but somebody generated that15:08
daftykinsthat's probably where you were going wrong15:08
momomoi have no clue how to edit that15:08
daftykinsdon't, just rename it to xorg.conf.old15:08
Gamer-ProDOWNLOAD THIS AMAZING GAME FOR WINDOWS http://www.indiedb.com/games/spaceshooter-x1/downloads/spaceshooter-x1-update-for-windows15:08
momomodaftykins, i tried removing it and backing it up15:09
bazhangGamer-Pro, no spam here15:09
momomoit will just be regeneated15:09
momomoso I probably have to edit it15:09
daftykinsmomomo: no they don't get automatically created.15:09
OerHeksGamer-Pro, gnome windows, or kde windows?15:09
momomodaftykins, with nvidia drivers they were, when i ran sudo service gdm restart15:09
daftykinsmomomo: no that wouldn't create it15:09
momomodaftykins, something were .. i did that 5 minutes ago15:10
momomoi remove xorg.conf and then it was back again15:10
daftykinsso you run gnome3?15:10
momomodaftykins, yes15:10
momomoshould I be using lightdm ? i had other issues last time i tried it15:10
daftykinsnvidia/optimus tends to require lightdm i used to think15:10
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daftykinshowever in my experience the only thing that creates xorg.conf is "nvidia-xconfig" being run.15:11
momomomaybe prime is running it15:11
momomowhen it is missing15:11
=== mefisto is now known as chinaski
momomoif i want to try lightdm .. i install it and then install nvidia ... dpk reconfigure xsometing ?15:12
ioriablindsite, i decline every responsibility  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmGWIjtOsvA15:12
daftykinsmomomo: can't help you there, never touched gnome3 setups.15:12
daftykinsmomomo: thing about you claiming chrome runs poorly with nouveau, is it should be on the intel graphics whilst proprietary isn't in use15:13
LJSeinfeldUgh... somehow I lost access to the GUI on my remote machine... (connecting via nomachine)  -- after I added a command to my .profile (trying to get a VM to start at login).... on Lubuntu 14.0415:13
fabio__how will I create xorg.conf and use it in ubuntu 15.10? gpu-manager or something like that seems to overwrite it with a minimal one.15:14
momomodaftykins, ook .. i have that on .. i turned it on because there was some logout issue .. kept getting some intel error x0x232315:14
momomowhich disappeared when i used properietary15:14
daftykinsthat's useless to me without specifics15:15
LJSeinfeldI've mucked around trying to get things to straighten out... and now nomachine shows me this when I login https://www.dropbox.com/s/c47eici3732zbv9/Screenshot%202015-12-03%2009.15.10.png?dl=015:15
LJSeinfeldif I enter my password there, nothing happens... I get a flicker and the dialog comes back...15:15
daftykinsLJSeinfeld: are you absolutely desperate to get back some open application, or could you just kill X?15:16
srh4t3Hi all, can anyone help me with some display settings?15:17
LJSeinfeldI just really want to get the gui back without having to do a reinstall as I'd need to move a lot of data and it would take hours..15:17
daftykinsLJSeinfeld: not reinstall, you said you had SSH access... so restart the X session from there then try again, no?15:17
Erik__hello, i just joined the ubuntu community and i'd like to set up my wiki page. can some one help please?15:17
daftykinssrh4t3: just ask the actual question and someone will reply if they can assist15:17
srh4t3Never mind, found it. All I wanted to do was to disable my laptops internal display, can do it in Ubuntu, but the hard keys on the HP still work15:18
LJSeinfelddaftykins: I've tried a bunch of stuff including startx... but I can't seem to get anything to work.  I'm kinda clueless (but learning) as to what X does, and the associated stuff from there...15:19
daftykinsErik__: this is only the OS support channel really; try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:19
LJSeinfeldI do have shell access to the machine15:19
Erik__k thanks15:19
daftykinsLJSeinfeld: ah... startx could've rendered your /home files useless with bad permissions. SSH in and "ls -al ~/" to check no files are owned by root instead of you15:19
LJSeinfeldI've been googling / reading until my eyes went buggy :/15:20
LJSeinfeldlemme see15:20
LJSeinfelddaftykins:  here's what I got15:22
daftykinsheh, yeah that doesn't look good - LJSeinfeld run "sudo chown -R dave:dave /home/dave/"15:23
daftykinsthen restart X via your chosen greeter and try logging in again15:23
fabio__is there a way to add xorg.conf options in ubuntu 15.10 wily?15:24
daftykinsyes via files in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/15:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest68504
Guest68504do we have an expert?15:25
LJSeinfelddaftykins --thanks.. Not sure how to restart X via chosen greeter.. (or what a greeter is... )  it would be the default for Lubuntu I guess, as I haven't (knowingly) changed anything...15:25
Guest68504i have a usb problem/15:25
daftykinsGuest68504: ask the actual question and someone will reply if they can help15:25
Guest68504the usb drive ....i have to connect it twice to get it mounted15:25
daftykinsLJSeinfeld: e.g. "sudo service lightdm restart" however looks like you have LXDE there so i don't know what yours would be, you can check if it is with "ps -ef | grep light"15:25
Guest68504i did dmesg15:26
LJSeinfeldI see lightdm in there.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/13646297/15:27
daftykinsLJSeinfeld: yeah run the above then15:27
daftykinsand then try connecting in again15:27
darei1 why my server not oline15:27
LJSeinfelddid that -- and I can see stuff :D15:28
LJSeinfeldwhich is _awesome_  --THanks!15:28
daftykinsdarei1: what kind of server? VPS? how should we know?15:28
darei1look my ip15:28
darei1 It's my server15:29
Guest68504first time i get this error [21083.304751] usb 2-1.4: device descriptor read/8, error -11015:29
Guest68504second time it mounts properly15:29
Guest68504i dont get it?15:29
daftykinsdarei1: sorry but your english is not clear enough to have a clue what you are asking.15:29
Guest68504always mounts on second insert15:29
daftykinsyes i see you.15:30
daftykinshowever i'm suddenly less inclined to help since you just displayed that impatience15:30
Guest68504oh no, then who will help my poor soul15:31
daftykinsGuest68504: so if you can calm down... what kind of device is this? laptop/desktop? running which ubuntu?15:31
Guest68504desktop running ubuntu15:32
daftykins...which... give me a version number15:32
Guest68504the usb is sony myvault usb 3.015:32
daftykinswhat's your current kernel? run "uname -r" in the terminal15:33
darei1kao  it dead15:33
Guest68504it does this in all os15:33
daftykinsGuest68504: ok well that's out of date, so you'll need to update your system before we can go any further15:33
LJSeinfelddaftykins -- I'm pretty sure the way I borked my system was by trying to start a VM from a script fired by my .profile  --I figured I'd throw a "> /dev/null 2>&1 &" at the end of the command I was running in the script... any idea why that wold cause this to happen?15:33
Guest68504not just ubuntu15:33
daftykinsGuest68504: like what other?15:33
Guest68504windows 715:33
daftykinsis it a branded computer? e.g. Dell?15:34
Guest68504mounts on second insert15:34
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
Guest68504the laptop is branded15:35
Guest68504earlier this didnt happen15:35
LJSeinfelddaftykins the script basically ran "/usr/bin/vboxmanage startvm Zoidberg" and then I added the > /dev/null stuff to the tail of the command.. when I was poking around last night I saw virtualbox mentioned in ~/.xsession-errors15:35
daftykinsLJSeinfeld: i can't imagine any connection, but don't have a whole lot of experience with virtualbox atop Linux15:36
Guest68504did i do something wrong like overwrite mbr or partition table many times?. last i formatted it as fat32 with long format, writing zero inseaf of quick format15:36
Guest68504then i dd zero all over to be sure15:37
Guest68504what is this device descriptor that it cribs out?15:37
LJSeinfelddaftykins I thought I was being fairly harmless... but the problem did happen directly after I booted and the script ran... no idea15:37
daftykinsGuest68504: did you assemble this system?15:38
LJSeinfeldeither way -- Thanks again for your help :D  you just saved me hours of waiting...15:38
Guest68504i changed the motherboard thats all15:38
Guest68504but the laptop with win 7, it does same on it too15:38
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Guest68504that is branded not assembled15:38
daftykinsGuest68504: so you wait until now to mention it happens on more than one system?15:38
Guest68504no i told you it did same on windows 7 too15:39
daftykinsthat's the same physical PC though, now you're saying a laptop as well as this desktop15:39
sorin-mihaii just installed a 15.10 maas server from the ISO and i use it, I can login and that's it. wasn't it supposed to have some documentation?15:40
daftykins*unless* you meant you're running ubuntu desktop on a laptop, which isn't what you said15:40
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EriC^^sorin-mihai: documentation? what are you trying to do?15:40
Demiurgehi, where do i find lxc experts? :)15:40
daftykins!alis | Demiurge15:40
ubottuDemiurge: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http15:40
Guest68504no, ubuntu is on desktop and win7 is on laptop15:40
sorin-mihaiEriC^^, i want to install the darn thing and us it to provisoon some 20 servers...15:40
reberhi all15:40
EriC^^sorin-mihai: you can check for commands using "apropos <description or command>" and also type "man <command>" to read the manual15:40
EriC^^sorin-mihai: oh, so you haven't installed it yet, it just booted to a login?15:41
EriC^^sorin-mihai: the server doesn't have a live session i think, it should just boot to the installer..15:41
daftykinsGuest68504: sounds more like a quirk of the drive then, since it happens on multiple systems. dd zero it, then create a new file system and test.15:42
sorin-mihaithe install is finished. logged in and also tried the login on the web ui. but that,s it15:42
EriC^^sorin-mihai: that's odd, did you checksum the iso for starters?15:42
EriC^^sorin-mihai: oh, so it did install15:42
sorin-mihaican't add controller, nodes, images, nothing15:42
EriC^^well, that's a server, it doesn't come with any gui unless you install a desktop environment15:42
Guest68504daftykins, how to fix it then?15:43
EriC^^sorin-mihai: ok, /join #ubuntu-server15:43
Guest68504cos it works properly on second mount so mustnt be physical error?15:43
daftykinsGuest68504: what did i just say?15:43
Guest68504i did that dafty, i long formatted it, dded zero to it several times15:44
Guest68504only after that i come here15:44
daftykinsdo it again, with a different file system.15:44
daftykinsonly the first 1MB really needs a zero for testing15:44
Guest68504i tried with ntfs and fat32 about 4 times15:45
compdocGuest68504, hard drive problems?15:45
Guest68504compdoc, usb drive. sony microvault usb 3.015:45
Guest68504compdoc, mounts on second insert only15:45
daftykinsGuest68504: i guess there's no help then :)15:46
Guest68504compdoc, i even went on the sony website and downloaded their format software and formatted the drive using it15:46
daftykinsthe fact it happens cross-OS suggests it is not an ubuntu problem15:47
Guest68504compdoc, first time i insert it, it says this [21159.702474] usb 2-1.4: device descriptor read/8, error -110, i dont know what device descriptor means15:47
daftykinsthe data that describes the device :)15:47
Guest68504it started happening after i inserted the usb on ubuntu15:47
compdocGuest68504, try it on another PC?15:47
daftykinsi think that's rubbish15:47
Guest68504ubuntu did something to it. on windows it was working properly15:48
daftykinscompdoc: i was eventually told it does the same on win7 on another computer15:48
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compdocGuest68504, doubt its anything to do with ubuntu. stuff happens15:48
daftykinsi think you're just trying to attribute blame to Ubuntu to make it our problem to help with15:48
daftykinscall Sony and ask for a replacement15:48
Guest68504ha. now thats rubbish15:48
Guest42901can someone help me15:49
Guest42901im getting this error maybe you need to install the perl or python plugin15:49
Guest42901on hexchat and dont know to fix15:49
daftykins"this error" ?15:49
Guest42901maybe you need to install the perl or python plugin15:49
compdocdaftykins, for windows, theres a nice formatter that also recovers the correct space if its missing:  SDFormatter. My version is v4.015:50
daftykinscompdoc: that's of no relevance to me15:50
compdocwas I talking to you?15:50
daftykinsyes, 'cause you used my nickname15:50
Guest42901its look like that python or perl inst install on ubuntu15:50
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lucas__can someone help me with that python thing?15:51
Picilucas__: "that python thing"?15:52
lucas__im getting a error with hexchat15:52
lucas__this one: maybe you need to install the perl or python plugin15:52
lucas__after trying to load a script15:52
* Icebit help15:52
daftykinsah now you say it's a script, check what the script requires.15:52
daftykinsIcedream: is there a question?15:52
Icedreamtab completion15:53
daftykinsIcedream: nope that doesn't have a "?" :)15:53
lucas__what i know that scripts needs to run its only a hexchat client15:53
* Icedream points daftykins to Icebit15:53
Icedreamthat's the guy you asked15:53
Icedreamnot me15:53
Picilucas__: you'd probably get better help by asking in #hexchat15:54
daftykinsIcedream: oof, my apologies15:54
daftykinsslow eyes today15:54
lucas__oh ok15:54
lucas__i gonna join15:54
daftykinsIcebit: yes? what are you after? :)15:54
mastershakehey guys16:02
mastershakemy xubunutu box is acting strange16:02
daftykinscan you be more specific?16:03
mastershakeyeah, things keep crashing, upon booting to desktop im getting system error popups,16:03
mastershakeit doesn't seem to handle running for a extended period of time either16:04
mastershakeespecially when i virtualize16:04
mastershakemy prior ubunutu experiences have been more solid than this, is this normal behavior or am i just complaining? and if not, what are some best practices i can implement into my daily ubuntu activity?16:05
daftykinsmastershake: not even vaguely normal, i would be running memtest personally16:05
daftykinsare you typing from it right now?16:05
mastershakeyes i am on the box right now16:05
daftykinsmastershake: do you have an SSD or an HDD?16:06
daftykinscan you run "sudo apt update && sudo apt install pastebinit smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"16:06
mastershakesure, do you mind if i ask questions as we go along? i'd much rather retain data then just throw commands at a system not knowing what they do.16:07
snowkidindany pianobar users here?16:08
daftykinsright there you're install a hard disk smart utility plus a command pastebin program, querying the disk 'sda' for its' SMART health report and uploading it to paste.ubuntu.com16:08
mastershakeokay the command ran, all it seems to have done was just apt update16:08
aldanonanyone able to help out with a permissions issue?16:08
daftykinsmastershake: no errors? should've continued on to installing the two packages.16:09
daftykinsaldanon: just ask16:09
daftykins(ideally on one line)16:09
daftykinsback in 516:09
mastershakedaftykins, yes, there are errors, a "failed to fetch" a specific PPA and then E:some index files failed to download16:10
metroinsDoes anybody know a way to get the weather farhenheit degrees to show in the top right status bar?16:10
aldanonI've got an ubuntu server with lamp and wordpress installed - accessing the page is working fine but I get asked for login credentials if i try to install a theme or update a plugin16:10
aldanoni tried sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www but still no luck16:10
aldanonno actual domain here, just working locally16:11
aldanonclearly it's a permissions issue, I just can't figure out how to fix it16:11
metroinsnevermind I figured it out16:11
mastershakedaftykins, i also got this error "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A777609328949509"16:12
Kingsqueakaldanon: those are wordpress admin account credentials I believe , they are separate, maybe a default is used or it asked you to create them when WP was installing?16:13
Kingsqueakaldanon: no clue how the WP package works on ubuntu, but that prompt is a WP account16:13
daftykinsmastershake: ok, ignore that for now - repeat the command from after the first &&16:13
aldanonkingsqueak: actually it's asking for ftp, ftps (ssl) or ssh216:14
aldanonwhich it won't normally do if permissions are setup properly16:14
Kingsqueakaldanon: I'm confused, you are in the WP console, clicking on modules to install and you get the prompt...oh maybe the repository for the plugins is what it's asking for?16:15
fabioits possible to set up a static ip with nmcli ?16:15
KingsqueakI've always used hosted WP installs, maybe there is a config param for the repo used, that's likely what that is about then16:16
aldanoni'm putting in localhost/wordpress into a browser to access the GUI for wordpress16:16
Kingsqueakaldanon: right, but where is WP pointed to pick up the modules to install16:16
daftykinsmastershake: ouch, your disk has failed and needs to be replaced - i'd backup your data ASAP and get a new16:16
mastershakedaftykins, that report is quite daunting to say the least lol16:16
aldanondefault from the web16:16
Kingsqueakaldanon: almost sounds like it is trying to point somewhere externally that you don't have loging rights to16:17
daftykinsmastershake: check line 7316:17
daftykinsexplains all your issues16:17
motaka2TJ-: WHy do you think I cant install even a clean 14.04 with DVD or USB , I lways get ???? error16:17
Kingsqueakaldanon: or...it's pointed back at itself instead of trying to go to the web16:17
aldanonkingsquak: http://www.jasong-designs.com/2012/01/14/ubuntu-linux-permissions-and-a-local-wordpress-install/16:18
aldanonthere's a ton of articles about this16:18
aldanonnone of which have helped so far lol16:18
mastershakedaftykins, how does this happen?16:18
motaka2WHy do you think I cant install even a clean 14.04 with DVD or USB , I lways get ???? error16:18
daftykinsmastershake: they don't make them like they used to, however drops (for laptops) or abuse can also result (not saying you did, they are just common causes)16:19
mastershakewell its about time i got an SSD anyway16:19
mastershakewell i did drop it actually16:19
daftykinsmastershake: yes :) they are amazing16:19
aldanoni'm suppose to have this ready for work by tomorrow, i'm getting worried16:19
daftykinsah there you go then16:19
mastershakeson of a...... dammit!16:19
Kingsqueakaldanon: ah k, so you walked through what that article said?16:19
mastershakeughhhh i dont have the money for this right now being the holidays and all =(16:20
mastershakedaftykins, what are the repercussions of running this box still?16:20
mastershakeshould i expect a complete and total meltdown soon?16:20
daftykinsmastershake: it could continue to spiral to the point of catastrophic data loss.16:20
motaka2WHy do you think I cant install even a clean 14.04 with DVD or USB , I lways get ???? error16:21
daftykinsmotaka2: do i understand correctly that you have taken approximately 2 weeks to try and install ubuntu, at this point?16:21
mastershake2 weeks? damn16:22
motaka2daftykins: Yes you do16:22
daftykinsmotaka2: now, in the past you used to seek help from us when you were actually running another distro... so is there anything you would like to be honest about before anyone attempts to help you again?16:23
motaka2daftykins: We tried so much with TJ-  and ioria to fix 12.04 but we were not successful so TJ- asked me to install a clean 14.04 ubuntu16:24
mastershakedaftykins, sorry to drag this on, i can see you're very busy... but does my processor and memory look alright from that report?16:24
aldanonkingsqueak: what would be the command to cover every file/folder in a directory?  like if i sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/html16:24
daftykinsmotaka2: right, but what about what i asked?16:24
aldanonand i want everything else in the directory as well?16:25
daftykinsmastershake: none of your system spec was shared within the disk status i had you share16:25
motaka2daftykins: I thought I have answered it. Can you please rephrase your question in simple english ?16:25
daftykinsmotaka2: it was in simple english. are you lying to us about using ubuntu again, like in the past?16:26
Kingsqueakaldanon: that should do it from html/ down16:26
motaka2daftykins: When and how I lied to you ?16:26
daftykinsmotaka2: you have often sought help in here whilst using something other than ubuntu.16:27
daftykinsmotaka2: so you come to us claiming to have been installing ubuntu 14.04... but have you really?16:27
aldanonkingsqueak: here's a better example - http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/19649/wordpress-on-localhost-lamp-doesnt-let-me-install-plugins16:27
Kingsqueakaldanon: another dumb question, so the directories are 755 and files are 644?16:27
Kingsqueakaldanon: just double check the files are readable16:28
aldanonkingsqeak: i've tried various 755, 777, 644 etc16:28
Kingsqueakaldanon: what do the WP logs tell you when you try to install the modules?16:29
motaka2daftykins: :( Are you ok ?16:29
daftykinsmotaka2: i'm being deadly serious and asking you a question to help with your support query... have you been trying to install from an *UBUNTU* 14.04 desktop ISO?16:29
aldanonKingsqueak: it takes me to a page asking for ftp, ftps or ssh216:29
frendaHow can I split a cell of a table in libreoffice_writer 5?16:30
aldanonwhich like i said when permissions are right it shouldn't do that16:30
aldanoncheck that last article i linked to16:30
Kingsqueakaldanon: no I mean the system logs, not sure where they are /var/log/ likely16:30
motaka2daftykins: Yes I am doing it right now and I get a dialog box with ????? in it in timezone selection page16:30
Kingsqueakaldanon: when you try and get the error page, what do the logs say?  They may indicate what is causing it16:30
aldanonKingsqueak: there's a lot of log files in there, no idea which one I'd need16:31
daftykinsmotaka2: are you using a USB flash drive which you prepared with ubuntu 14.04.3 desktop 64-bit?16:32
Kingsqueakaldanon: you follow the steps in that last link you showed me?16:32
motaka2daftykins: Yes but I use the 32bit version16:32
aldanonwell the first one I linked wasn't actually a great example, the second one is16:32
Kingsqueakaldanon: yeah the second one16:33
motaka2daftykins: This is the full file name   ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-i386.iso16:33
aldanonyeah i tried changing the wp-config file16:33
Kingsqueakaldanon: and just checking, you restarted it after the change too right?16:34
daftykinsaldanon + Kingsqueak sorry to tread on toes, but have you confirmed apache executes as the user you think it does - and that the file permissions within the relevant %wordpress_root%/wp-content/themes ../plugins etc. folders are correct for that user?16:34
motaka2daftykins: the size of the file is 0.99 GB I burned it on FLASH using a special program offered by ubuntu16:34
Kingsqueakdaftykins: no prob, I'm actually doing other things if you want to dive deeper with him be my guest16:34
daftykinsmotaka2: why 32-bit?16:34
motaka2daftykins: Using the live DVD I get the same dialog box16:34
daftykinsKingsqueak: will do :)16:34
krcevinaIs anyone familiar with the DMA Setup Auto-Activate Optimization flag for SATA driver?16:35
motaka2daftykins: cause I have 3GB of RAM16:35
daftykinsaldanon: was it your intention to have wordpress at /wordpress/ and not in the root?16:35
aldanondaftykins: how would i confirm that?16:35
daftykinsmotaka2: ok - and did you MD5 hash your download?16:35
OerHeksmotaka2, if that machine is UEFI, then 32 bit does not work well16:35
aldanondaftykins: just following some directions i found here - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-wordpress-on-ubuntu-14-0416:36
motaka2daftykins: No I didnt16:36
daftykinsaldanon: right but what do you want, domain.com = wordpress, or domain.com/wordpress = wordpress? :)16:36
daftykins!md5 | motaka2 then check it out :)16:36
ubottumotaka2 then check it out :): To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:36
motaka2OerHeks: What is UEFI ?16:36
aldanondaftykins: doesn't matter honestly, if it works i'm happy16:36
aldanondaftykins: and doesn't require me to start over lol16:37
daftykinsaldanon: ok, i've a few commands to throw your way then - first of all can you install "pastebinit" ?16:37
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:37
mastershakemotaka2, UEFI is firmware designed to replace the BIOS16:37
aldanonthat in the repos i take it?16:37
daftykinsaldanon: yep, sudo apt install pastebinit16:38
daftykinsaldanon: is this a physical box you own or a VPS or similar?16:38
aldanonubuntu is in virtual box, host is os x16:38
motaka2mastershake: OerHeks my system is using a BIOS, it is six/seven year old system16:39
aldanonpastebinit installed fine16:40
daftykinsaldanon: ok; "ps -ef | grep apache | pastebinit" then paste the link to me please16:40
aldanondaftykins: this is for by job btw, it'll never have a real domain, it'll always be local16:41
daftykinsaldanon: np16:41
daftykinsyou've probably already seen how WP loves to have a domain to run with, however16:42
aldanondaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13647542/16:42
aldanondaftykins: afaik and according to everything i've read www-data is what is suppose to have access to make changes from a browser16:43
KingsqueakFWIW WP is so cheap to just use a hosted service and has so many frequent patches and holes that when my last gig's marketing department wanted WP running, I got them to use a hosting provider for it.16:43
daftykinsaldanon: yep, though in Linux land, seeing is believing :D16:44
daftykinsaldanon: so your document root is /var/www/html/ and wordpress is inside that, yes? or did you make it /var/www/ ? (/var/www/html is the default for 14.04)16:44
aldanondaftykins: var/www/html16:45
aldanondaftykins: wordpress lives there16:45
daftykinsaldanon: cool - "ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/ | pastebinit" please16:45
motaka2no help then ?16:45
daftykinsmotaka2: did you hash your downloaded ISO yet?16:46
aldanondaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13647616/16:46
motaka2daftykins: No, should I ?16:47
daftykinsmotaka2: i did tell you to, why do you think i asked if you'd done it?16:47
motaka2daftykins: I though you wanted to say if I have done that, that was wrong and I should use a none hashed verion16:48
daftykinsaldanon: ok, yep... that'll be problematic. "sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content"16:48
daftykinsmotaka2: then you didn't read the link or what the bot said; so please do so now.16:49
OerHeksmotaka2, funny, you are asking for help, and accept no suggestion, checking the iso is the 1st thing to do if it keeps failing.16:49
aboudeaالسلام عليكم16:50
aldanondaftykins: should i restart apache after that? still no luck after running that command and trying to update a plugin16:50
Kingsqueakaldanon: re-run the last pastebinit he had you run16:50
OerHeksmotaka2, or elaborate what error, without information there is no way to help you16:50
daftykinsaldanon: ^ as Kingsqueak suggests, we must check the permissions took16:51
motaka2OerHeks: The error is just a a dialog with ?????16:51
aldanondaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13647708/16:51
daftykinsmotaka2: we know. we have told you what to do, please help US by helping yourself16:51
r0r0n043eh 3eh 3ehhhhhh16:51
kameleonaaghjghg jgjhg hg16:51
Na3iLr0r0n04, what?16:52
kameleonaathats what i thought :P16:52
daftykinsaldanon: ok, and "sudo chown g+w /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content" followed by "sudo service apache2 restart" just to be sure ;)16:52
r0r0n04Na3iL: 3ehh 3ehhh 3eeehhhhhh >:O16:52
r0r0n04mabo 3ehh 3ehh 3ehh 3ehh >:O16:53
aldanondaftykins: g+w is an invalid user heh16:53
daftykinsaldanon: sorry that should've been chmod16:54
daftykinsr0r0n04: if you have a support question, please ask it - if not, please leave.16:54
knobQuestion: What is the minimum number of fields in fstab?  Four fields are enough?  Or five?16:55
daftykins!ops | r0r0n04 spamming timewaster needs ejecting16:55
ubottur0r0n04 spamming timewaster needs ejecting: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:55
* phunyguy looks up16:56
popeyWork here is done.16:56
aarobcHi! weird question, just got a monitor with an intergrated usb hub, everything works fine when I boot into windows, however on ubuntu plugging a usb keyboard into the monitor doesn't work16:56
daftykinspopey + phunyguy he has a friend too ;)16:56
daftykinsaarobc: you connected the USB downstream cable to a port on your laptop/desktop from the monitor?16:56
aldanondaftykins: still asking for connection information16:57
aarobcso I checked /lib/udev/rules.d/71-seat.rules and ih has a line about the monitor not having a proper vid/pid in the usb hub16:57
daftykinsaldanon: log out and clear your browser cache, then try again16:57
aarobcdaftykins: yes indeed16:57
aarobcbut the weird part is some devices that are plugged into the monitor hub are recognized when I run lsusb16:58
aarobcbut not the keyboard16:58
daftykinsaarobc: do you have another OS you can check with?16:59
aarobcdaftykins: already tested it with windows and it worked, you're saying another linux os?16:59
daftykinsaarobc: ah no, Windows was what i had in mind16:59
knobI believe the minimum number of fields in fstab is four... anybody can shed some light?        From here: Question: What is the minimum number of fields in fstab?  Four fields are enough?  Or five?16:59
aldanondaftykins: no go17:00
daftykinsaarobc: what version do you run?17:00
daftykinsaldanon: so it's a theme you're attempting to throw on which is on your host system?17:00
daftykinsaarobc: i'd try a live session for fun17:00
aldanondaftykins: any changes like install a theme, update a plugin17:00
aarobcdaftykins: is worth a try, brb, rebootin17:01
aldanondaftykins: it's easy enough to dowload those and place them in their respective directories to avoid this issue - ***however the site is suppose to be "fully functional"17:01
aldanondaftykins: it's a test for me :(17:01
daftykinsaldanon: ok; "sudo mkdir /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads"17:01
daftykinsaldanon: repeat for "/plugins" and "/themes" (where 'uploads' is of course) - they may already exist so you can also check prior17:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest23546
aldanondaftykins: they all already exist17:03
OerHeksknob, go count in 'man fstab' ( hint: there are 6 fields and all are used)17:03
daftykinsaldanon: ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/ | pastebinit17:03
Guest23546now, again. i formatted the drive in windows and plugged it out and in several times and it worked but inserted it once on ubuntu and it started acting up17:04
aldanondaftykins: you are trying to send to empty document17:04
Guest23546this is another strange thing>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/13647943/17:04
Bashing-omknob: 6 fields, all required . See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab .17:04
Guest23546the usb is mounted but look at what fdisk is saying17:05
Kingsqueakaldanon: typo, try again17:05
Guest23546how to fix the partition table error17:05
daftykinsaldanon: can you run it without the | pastebinit on the end? that suggests the folder is empty, but you said the folders i suggested to create already exist17:06
aldanondaftykins: yeap i'm looking at them in the directory heh, I'll try without pastebin17:06
Guest23546i hate ubuntu17:06
* Kingsqueak hopes Canonical has daftykins on payroll - you are thorough17:06
daftykinsKingsqueak: haha, sadly i am sustained by virtual cookies - but thank you!17:07
Kingsqueakyou remind me how rusty I am heh17:07
OerHeksKingsqueak, all volunteers can download iso's for free17:07
aldanondaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13647997/17:07
knobOerHeks, and Bashing-om , thank you!  I did a test, and loaded a file system with four fields.   Is the kernel "making up" for my lack of "full information" on the fstab?      I mean, properly there are 6 fields... yet when I use 4, is the kernel "making up for it"?17:08
daftykinsaldanon: ah-har so uploads is a symlink to an entirely different path... "sudo rm /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads && sudo mkdir /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads && sudo chown www-data: /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads && sudo ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/ | pastebinit"17:09
OerHeksknob, if the last 2 digits miss, maybe you get an error, or it will be default 0 i guess17:09
Bashing-omknob: I would say, depending, that the partition associated will not automount .17:09
Guest23546ubuntu <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< windows.17:10
Guest23546have a good day17:10
motaka2TJ-: ?17:10
daftykinsmotaka2: please don't pick on volunteers, you have been asked to perform a task... please do it.17:10
knobOerHeks, Bashing-om , thank you to both!  Much appreciated =)17:10
Bashing-omknob: np, just try'n to help :)17:11
snowkidindanyone using command line pandora17:11
knobsnowkidind, not at the moment... I tried various things, yet never got it 100% working17:12
knobGot another Pandora command line program about to test as soon as I canm17:12
Aldanon2daftykins: could you paste that in again, i'm just going to copy/paste from the server this time hehe17:12
snowkidindthey just changes their tsl hash last night and now it isnt really working17:13
daftykinsAldanon2: "sudo rm /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads && sudo mkdir /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads && sudo chown www-data: /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads && sudo ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/ | pastebinit"17:13
snowkidindand the dang ubuntu apt-get pkg manager is not up to date with the latest anything17:13
knobsnowkidind, oh man yes...  dude, Pandora changes that hash and it's just a PITA...17:14
knoblemme fetch you a link that helps... sec17:14
snowkidindyea it worked for the last 6 months no issues17:14
Aldanon2daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648098/17:14
daftykinsAldanon2: cool, sudo chmod g+w /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes17:15
knobsnowkidind, check this :  http://pastebin.com/5ZS6WWwM17:16
knobHaven't tested it... yet maybe it works17:16
Aldanon2daftykins: done17:16
snowkidindthats good to get the new fingerprint, but i have no idea where to put it. i guess i need to find the install and rebuild it or something17:17
daftykinsAldanon2: "sudo service apache2 restart" for fun and then try another upload17:17
knobsnowkidind, no no... it's a config file17:17
snowkidindwhere is it17:17
snowkidindthe one in my ~ is just my email17:17
Aldanon2daftykins: no go17:18
snowkidindi’d think there is also a global pianobar config but i cant see anything in etc17:18
knobsnowkidind, can you search for 'pianobar'... I think you should have a config file in there17:19
knobPything-WiFi-Radio/config  ... that should be it17:19
daftykinsAldanon2: ok give me 4 for a break; in the meantime show me a "tail /var/log/apache2/access.log" and "tail /var/log/apache2/error.log"17:19
Aldanon2daftykins: should i upload those files some where or is there an easier way?17:21
daftykinsAldanon2: oh silly me, you can add "| pastebinit" after them to upload17:22
aarobcdaftykins: tried a live boot of 14.04 whatever and same problem17:23
daftykinsaarobc: well at least it's consistent! hmm, if you boot with it disconnected, plug it in post boot then run "dmesg | tail" does that shed any light?17:23
Aldanon2daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648270/17:24
Aldanon2daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648286/17:25
snowkidindthanks member:knob i apparently used a different tls certificate syntax and it didnt work. i retried it using the config example i found and it worked17:25
daftykinsAldanon2: alrighty i spy an error in that first one, when you previously had tried to change ownership over to www-data it never took, which is why an "ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/" shows root:root for most17:26
ilkenhalp! u get this error   /bin/sh: 1: gtk-config: not found   which package do i need to install?17:27
daftykinsAldanon2: run "sudo service apache2 stop && sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/wordpress/ && ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/ | pastebinit"17:27
Aldanon2daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648340/17:28
Aldanon2daftykins: houston we have a problem, i've lost access to the site entirely now17:29
daftykinsAldanon2: that's 'cause i asked you to stop the server :) "sudo service apache2 start" and test an upload once more17:30
jectarwhat ??17:30
Aldanon2daftykins: right lol17:30
prelude2004c_zzzhey guys.. running ubuntu 717:30
prelude2004c_zzztrying to get vdpau working and it keeps saying cannot connect to X17:30
prelude2004c_zzzi am only running shell as i am trying to access the video card.. what do i have to do ?17:31
daftykinsprelude2004c_zzz: 7 isn't a valid version17:31
prelude2004c_zzzi don't need the X actually running17:31
Aldanon2daftykins: no go17:31
prelude2004c_zzzoh right.. centos17:31
daftykinsprelude2004c_zzz: you'll note this isn't a centos channel :)17:31
prelude2004c_zzzlol just did17:31
prelude2004c_zzzthat is what happens when you have too many open windows and use too many differnet OS's17:31
daftykinsAldanon2: another "ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/ | pastebinit"17:32
aarobcdaftykins: okay this is interesting, says "non enough bandwidth, but the hub is usb 3, and only one other device is pluggied into the hub http://aarobc.com/screenshot/Selection_011.bmp17:32
daftykinsAldanon2: "pastebinit /var/log/apache2/access.log"17:33
aarobcdaftykins: did you get that? I think my bouncer freaked out for a second17:34
daftykinsaarobc: yep17:34
Aldanon2daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648444/17:34
daftykinsaarobc: let me check: monitor has USB 3.0 ports? downstream cable is USB 3.0 and host PC port is USB 3.0?17:35
aarobcdaftykins: yup. doublechecked everything twice17:36
aarobcusb 3 is enabled in bios17:36
daftykinsaarobc: how about USB 2.0 on the host end? for fun17:36
daftykinsAldanon2: "pastebinit /var/log/apache2/error.log"17:36
aarobcdaftykins: huh. it works.17:37
Aldanon2daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648489/17:37
aarobckinda annoying that I'd have to use usb 2.0 though. I can live with it though17:37
aarobcdaftykins: greatly appriciate the help!17:39
daftykinsglad it was that easy...17:39
BlackFerdyPTcan anyone here tell me if it's possible to remove the "linux-firmware" package in Ubuntu, with no problems (concerning dependencies)?17:41
daftykinsAldanon2: are you up for doing a clean reboot of the server VM, followed by a browser cache clear... then once it's up again, going straight in and trying that plugin update, followed by sharing a couple of the logs again?17:41
BlackFerdyPT(I don't have Ubuntu installed, and don't want to install it just to test that...))17:41
Aldanon2daftykins: i've got no choice17:41
BlackFerdyPTalternative question: can anyone here tell me which packages depend on the "linux-firmware" one?17:42
daftykinsBlackFerdyPT: "apt-cache showpkg linux-firmware"17:43
BlackFerdyPTdaftykins, thank you for your answer. but, I'm using Debian now. and would just like to know that...17:43
KidddddI installed ubuntu on an external hard drive17:43
Kidddddhow do I boot into it now17:43
KidddddThe external hard drive is connected via usb17:44
daftykinsBlackFerdyPT: ok, packages.ubuntu.com is your friend then17:44
LJSeinfeldI've (now) got a VM that starts at my user login... (by putting a virtualbox-generated desktop shortcut in ~/.config/autostart) and when it boots it throws an error about not being able to see a shared folder that resides on another internal drive.  I'm assuming the drive hasn't mounted yet at that time... trying to figure out how to either start the VM when the drive mounts, or ???.17:44
BlackFerdyPTdaftykins, I know I can know which packages depend on a package, yes. but how can "packages.ubuntu.com" tell me which packages are dependent on a specific one?17:44
LJSeinfeldthere is a ton of stuff on the web about auto-starting a VM... none of it seems very good/effective17:44
daftykinsBlackFerdyPT: 'cause you can look up a package and see that info...17:45
aldanon2_daftykins: ok what  logs would you like?17:45
LJSeinfeldwhen I look in the host gui, the mounted drive is there....17:45
Bashing-omKiddddd: Boot loader (grub) installed onto the externel drive and in bios set the USB (device) as 1st boot priority . boot up . What happens ?17:45
BlackFerdyPTdaftykins, I will check that website again, then17:46
Kidddddone sec17:46
daftykinsaldanon2_: so i take it it still failed? :( "pastebinit /var/log/apache2/error.log" once more please17:46
mastershakeis there any reason i was able to play 1080p youtube videos on win8.1 but now i cant in xubuntu ?17:47
aldanon2_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648653/17:47
mastershakelike on youtube the option to go above 480p is not included17:47
ilkenhalp! u get this error   /bin/sh: 1: gtk-config: not found   which package do i need to install?17:47
daftykinsmastershake: browser?17:47
mastershakedaftykins, chromium17:48
mastershakeflash installed17:48
daftykinsmastershake: hmm right click the player and check if it's using HTML5 or pepperflash17:48
daftykinsmastershake: graphics hardware / drivers ? double check the same with firefox17:49
daftykinsaldanon2_: what's your current local time?17:49
mastershakeok 1 sec17:50
aldanon2_daftykins: why would it be showing a lot from yesterday? maybe it's really long?17:51
aldanon2_daftykins: nm it spans days heh17:51
daftykinsodd i only see 2 entries from right now though17:51
daftykinsalso you jumped 6hrs in one reboot o017:52
BlackFerdyPTcan anyone here tell me the result of the command "apt-cache rdepends linux-firmware" in Ubuntu? (I'm using Debian, and would have to install Ubuntu just for that. The command list which packages are dependent on the "linux-firmware" one.)17:53
aldanon2_it's times like this that i wish i would have became a doctor17:53
Demiurgeso i have a subuid and subgid namespaces17:53
Demiurgeand a filesystem with original ids17:53
aldanon2_now there's directors 10 years younger than me and co-workers fresh out of college :(17:53
Demiurgeis there any way to bump all ids in that directory/17:54
Demiurgeto my namespace17:54
Demiurgelike by 10000017:54
polishpoliceforci'm trying to fix my sound speakers which abruptly stopped working, though the sound works when i plug in a headset17:55
daftykinsaldanon2_: :D i'm not out of ideas yet, just more tedious pastebin'ing required i'm afraid. "ls -al /var/www/html/wordpress/ | pastebinit"17:55
polishpoliceforci already tried reinstalling pulseaudio mixer to no avail17:55
aarobcAnyone have experience with display port monitors flickering off momentarily with amd cards using the open source drivers?17:55
=== prelude2004c_zzz is now known as prelude2004c
aldanon2_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648783/17:56
aarobcI would install the prorprietary drivers but those don't support kernel 4.* yet17:56
Bashing-omBlackFerdyPT: 3.13.0-70-generic : http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648794/ .17:57
aldanon2_i wonder how well join.me works in this environment17:57
BlackFerdyPTBashing-om, ah! :) Thank you very much, Bashing-om17:57
daftykinsaldanon2_: alrighty, bearing in mind i know this is just a staging server... "sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-admin /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content"17:57
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aldanon2_daftykins: no go17:59
aldanon2_daftykins: but yeah for sure, whatever we've gotta do, i care not about how insecure it is17:59
daftykinsaldanon2_: hrmm looking back at your "ls  -al /var/www/html/wordpress/ | pastebinit" there's a 'wordpress' in there O_O18:00
prelude2004canyone know centos well enough to help " vdpauinfo: cannot connect to X server :0.0 .. i am on the home strech and can't get it going " .. centos channel is dead18:00
motaka2TJ-: Are you there?18:00
helppppppHello I installed Ubuntu on an external hard drive18:01
helpppppphow do I boot into it?18:01
mgolischprelude2004c: you run that from within a x11 session?18:01
polishpoliceforcoutput of aplay -l shows me i have 3 hdmi devices??!?! i don't have a single hdmi port on this laptop18:01
polishpoliceforcjonlee@blue:~$ aplay -l18:01
polishpoliceforc**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****18:01
polishpoliceforccard 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 0: CX20585 Analog [CX20585 Analog]18:01
polishpoliceforc  Subdevices: 1/118:01
polishpoliceforc  Subdevice #0: subdevice #018:01
daftykinsmotaka2: as i mentioned earlier please stop hassling volunteers with questions. have you read the hashing link and hashed your download yet to check it wasn't corrupted?18:01
aldanon2_daftykins: well as you say, it points to a wordpress anyhow18:01
daftykinsaldanon2_: what does the target contain? "ls -al /usr/share/wordpress/" ?18:02
helppppppWhat do I boot into18:02
aldanon2_daftykins: it's that symbolic link or whatever, no idea why they set it up that way18:03
Bashing-omhelpppppp: Set in bios the usb as 1st boot priority . continue the boot process .18:03
helppppppHow do I boot into my external hard drive?18:03
helppppppone sec18:03
aldanon2_daftykins: how do I confirm what the target contains?18:03
daftykinsaldanon2_: with the above ls command18:03
helppppppok so I have multiple boot options18:04
helppppppwhich one is my external hard drive18:04
helppppppI don't get it18:04
aldanon2_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648913/18:04
helppppppI have UEFI hard disk UEFI cd/dvd uefi USB Hard disk UEFI usb cd/dvd18:04
helppppppwhich one would be my external hard drive with ubuntu18:04
Bashing-omhelpppppp: Each and every bios / UEFI is different .. just play with the settins to find the correct device to boot up .18:05
daftykinsaldanon2_: are you sure that was "ls -al /usr/share/wordpress/" ?18:05
aldanon2_daftykins: copied/pasted what you put in - http://paste.ubuntu.com/13648949/18:06
daftykinsaldanon2_: "ls -al /var/www/html/ | pastebinit" ?18:07
lugohi, ich habe auf der selben platte 2 mal ubuntu; sda1 und sda5; hab ein grub-update gemacht und er zeigt auch beide an, jedoch wenn ich von sda1 booten will, bootet er trotzdem von sda518:08
lugosda1 ist übrigens ein Klon von sda5, uuids sind aber verschieden18:08
Bashing-om!de | lugo18:09
ubottulugo: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:09
its0x08.g test18:09
its0x08.g test18:10
its0x08.g test18:10
lugoso i have 2 instances of ubuntu installed on the same drive (sda1 and sda5, sda1 being a clone of sda5 with different uuid)18:10
daftykinsaldanon2_: does the site still work after "sudo rm /var/www/html/wordpress" ?18:10
lugoafter updating grub and making sure grub got it right i tried to boot the ubuntu instance on sda1 to no avail..18:11
EriC^^lugo: are you in grub right now?18:11
aldanon2_daftykins: nope18:11
lugowithout being noticed it started booting from sda518:11
lugowithout me being noticed18:12
lugoEriC^^: heh, nope18:12
aldanon2_daftykins: i hope there's an easy undo for that right? haha18:12
Bashing-omlugo: Did you verify the UUIDs in /etc/fstab as compared with ' sudo blkid ' ?18:12
daftykinsaldanon2_: backspace the "/wordpress/" on the URL in your browser so it's just hostname/18:13
daftykinswhat happens?18:13
lugoBashing-om: ah right, so i have to change /etc/fstab on the  sda1 instance to point to sda118:13
aldanon2_daftykins: if i do that it just takes me to the apache2 "it works" page18:14
Bashing-omlugo: Correct .18:14
lugook, thanks, i'll try that18:14
daftykinsaldanon2_: "ls /etc/apache2/sites-available" shows just "000-default.conf  default-ssl.conf" ?18:14
aldanon2_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13649102/18:15
daftykinsaldanon2_: "pastebinit /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf" ?18:15
hellogoodbyeI have disconnnected several times but I need some help18:16
EriC^^lugo: you might need to grub-install depending on what you're trying to achieve here18:16
hellogoodbyeSo I installed Ubuntu on my external hard drive18:16
aldanon2_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13649112/18:16
hellogoodbyeHowever whatever boot device I select18:16
hellogoodbyeit always doesn't recognize ubuntu18:16
hellogoodbyeso what's up18:16
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EriC^^hellogoodbye: did you install in uefi mode?18:17
aldanon2_daftykins: how do i undo that rm?18:17
Bashing-omlugo: I am not real smart .. but I can accept that 'update-grub' may not be enough to propogate the changes .. may have to explitly set grub again to sda1. There can be only 1 boot code to the hard drive. which ever system you want as that controlling authority .18:17
hellogoodbyeCould the hard drive not be booting up fast enough?18:17
hellogoodbyeI mean lets say I installed it and restarted the computer, could the computer load faster than the hard drive?18:17
EriC^^hellogoodbye: are you in a live session right now?18:17
hellogoodbyeEric Yes18:18
EriC^^hellogoodbye: i doubt18:18
hellogoodbyewhat do you want me to do18:18
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999918:18
EriC^^paste the link it gives you18:18
daftykinsaldanon2_: before that, another "ls -al /var/www/html/ | pastebinit" please18:18
hellogoodbyeok one sec18:18
aldanon2_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13649150/18:19
hellogoodbyewhat's the thing after the -18:20
hellogoodbyeis it an I18:20
hellogoodbyecapital I?18:20
EriC^^no, L18:20
hellogoodbyeso just lowercase l18:20
daftykinsaldanon2_: do you view the site from a browser in the VM, or your host OS?18:20
aldanon2_i can only view it from within the vm18:20
hellogoodbyeit says error /dev/sr1: unrecognized disk label18:21
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type the whole command, with | nc ...18:21
aldanon2_daftykins: i did set up the connection as bridged hoping to access from the host, but that's another rabbit hole18:21
EriC^^or paste it in paste.ubuntu.com18:21
hellogoodbyetemporary failure in name resolution18:22
hellogoodbyeoh I'm not connected to internet18:22
daftykinsaldanon2_: ok, can you clear the browser cache again and enter just "http://localhost" to visit?18:22
hellogoodbyeone sec18:22
hellogoodbyehere's the link http://termbin.com/8rg818:23
aldanon2_daftykins: i just get the apache2 "it works" page there18:23
hellogoodbyewhat do you think eric18:23
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo apt-get install efibootmgr18:23
EriC^^hellogoodbye: it looks ok18:23
daftykinsaldanon2_: what's the deadline for this again?18:24
hellogoodbyedone what next18:24
lugoso apparently it's not (only) the fstab entry18:24
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999918:24
kr00khi everyone!18:25
aldanon2_given how much time i've put into it, i guess i'm just going to have to live with it the way it is18:25
hellogoodbyesays EFI variables are not supported on this system, use netcat18:25
lugowould it help to chroot into sda1 and reinstall grub from there?18:25
aldanon2_if those guys magically know how to fix it in seconds...I'll report back here in what they did hehe18:25
EriC^^hellogoodbye: oh, you've booted in legacy mode18:25
EriC^^did you install this on another pc hellogoodbye ?18:25
EriC^^btw is that a beatles reference?18:25
hellogoodbyeEriC^^ yes18:25
hellogoodbyeso I'm on my laptop right now18:25
aldanon2_daftykins: i just need to undo that rm18:25
hellogoodbyeI installed it on my newly built computer18:25
hellogoodbyeon my external hdd18:26
hellogoodbyeMy BIOS boot settings are set to legacy+uefi18:26
EriC^^hellogoodbye: ok, go into the bios and set legacy mode disabled, ( enable uefi )18:26
kr00ksome interested in Develop Tech?18:26
hellogoodbyethat should work then?18:26
aldanon2_daftykins: i'm fairly convinced at this point they won't be able to18:26
daftykinsaldanon2_: to be honest i'd have a clean 14.04 server up and wordpress running in <30 mins.18:26
aldanon2_daftykins: yeah, i started down this hole last night with the intentions of it being faster than starting over haha18:27
hellogoodbyeok now what18:27
EriC^^hellogoodbye: if you get a uefi menu you can select ubuntu, then fix it from the install, if you don't, boot the live usb in uefi mode and you can fix it from there18:27
daftykinsaldanon2_: beauty of VMs is you can just create another ;) so you'd still have this one18:27
hellogoodbyeso I don't get it, I selected UEFI on my bios18:27
hellogoodbyeand rebooted18:27
hellogoodbyenow it's brining me back to the install ubuntu screen18:27
hellogoodbyemy usb is still plugged in18:27
EriC^^ok, press try ubuntu18:27
hellogoodbyenow what18:27
aldanon2_daftykins: well i just need something to show them for now, but once we undo that rm, I'll try spinning up another one18:28
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo apt-get install efibootmgr18:28
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999918:28
daftykinsaldanon2_: alrighty, one moment18:28
hellogoodbyethat look good?18:29
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda18:30
daftykinsaldanon2_: sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/html/wordpress18:30
EriC^^hellogoodbye: try rebooting18:30
hellogoodbyek should I unplug the usb?18:31
hellogoodbyeor does it not matter18:31
hellogoodbyeit's in efi shell now18:31
EriC^^ok boot the live usb18:32
EriC^^do you have secureboot disabled?18:32
aldanon2_daftykins: thanks for trying man, I'm gonna be pissed if some how they know exactly what to do18:32
aldanon2_daftykins: but such as life i guess18:32
hellogoodbyewhat should I do18:32
bluzeohey guys how do i install gnome classic??? i getting tired of gnome3...18:33
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda18:33
aldanon2_daftykins: just out of curiousity do you happen to know what addy i'd put in to access from the host? so far putting in the IP takes me to the apache it works page, but no access to wordpress18:33
daftykinsaldanon2_: i get the idea you grabbed wordpress from packages instead of installing by hand... which i see as a root of all these problems. this setup is insanely weird compared to the ones i administrate18:34
hellogoodbyeok done18:35
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999918:35
aldanon2_daftykins: just followed the directions from here -> sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/html/wordpress18:35
aldanon2_daftykins: gah from digital oceans18:35
EriC^^hellogoodbye: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt18:35
EriC^^ls -lR /mnt | nc termbin.com 999918:35
aldanon2_daftykins: they have you do wget18:36
daftykinsaldanon2_: yeah that should've brought it back such that the browser on the VM can visit localhost/wordpress - i can't give you an answer to accessing from the host, as i don't know your virtualbox setup18:36
hellogoodbyeso I showed you the log18:36
hellogoodbyenow you want me to type in18:36
EriC^^hellogoodbye: i think you have a nasty bios18:36
EriC^^hellogoodbye: cause the ubuntu entry we added a minute ago is now gone18:36
EriC^^we'll have to play dirty as well to trick it into booting ubuntu18:37
hellogoodbyewow you're seriously going to help me?18:37
hellogoodbyelol I'm impressed18:37
hellogoodbyethanks man18:37
hellogoodbyewhat do you want me to do?18:37
EriC^^it's not rocket science, i like to dramatize and stuff18:38
hellogoodbyeIt's an MSI bios btw18:38
aldanon2_daftykins: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-wordpress-on-ubuntu-14-0418:38
EriC^^hellogoodbye: did you type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt18:38
hellogoodbyeit worked18:38
EriC^^ok, type ls -lR /mnt | nc termbin.com 999918:38
hellogoodbyeIs command not found18:39
EriC^^small l18:39
hellogoodbyeis command not found18:40
EriC^^small L18:40
daftykinsaldanon2_: i'd rather do it from scratch than pick through a guide; anyway the main thing - is it back working now?18:41
EriC^^hellogoodbye: did you type ls -lR ?18:41
EriC^^or just ls ?18:41
hellogoodbyels -IR18:41
aldanondaftykins: yeah it is, thanks - just showing you the directions i followed so you'd know where i got wordpress that's all heh18:41
EriC^^oh it's ls -lR ( small L R )18:41
hellogoodbyeis the R capital or lowercase18:42
gerepHello good people. I have a server running and I'm curious where should I place my application binaries, there are several users in that server, should I place it? I read this: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/usr.html but it states: "Large software packages must not use a direct subdirectory under the /usr18:43
gerephierarchy." or should I use /opt?18:43
daftykinsaldanon: mmm a few steps are different to what i'd do... anyway how do you want to proceed? i have to be somewhere in 2hrs so i don't know how quick you can stop that VM, create a new one and install 14.04.3 server :)18:43
EriC^^hellogoodbye: capital18:43
hellogoodbyeso lowercase L capital R?18:43
gerepIt will be around 5 binaries with ~4-7 mb each18:43
EriC^^hellogoodbye: yup18:43
ImJuneso cron is no longer in /var/log18:43
hellogoodbyethat look right?18:44
EriC^^hellogoodbye: yeah18:44
PiciImJune: by default on ubuntu there is no separate logfile cron.18:44
aldanondaftykins: i've gotta take my time and go through the steps, i'm a windows admin lol18:44
hellogoodbyek so what next18:44
ImJunethats not good18:44
EriC^^type sudo mkdir -p /mnt/EFI/Boot /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot18:44
EriC^^hellogoodbye: ^18:45
ImJuneso where do I get the cron logs from?18:45
daftykinsaldanon: do you want to try a clean one with my advice though, or...?18:45
PiciImJune: there should be entries when jobs are run in /var/log/syslog18:45
aldanondaftykins: you think we've got time?18:45
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ImJuneok if I want to write a bash script to run a funny sound clip everytime I log in where shoudl I putt that18:46
aldanondaftykins: it'd be easier for me if we could /tell to have a clean window18:46
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi18:46
daftykinsaldanon: depends how good the internet connection is where you are for the package updates - is it fast?18:46
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi18:46
daftykinsaldanon: yeah PM is fine18:46
aldanondaftykins: yeah internet won't be a problem18:46
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi18:46
hellogoodbyetyped all 318:48
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgfw.efi -L "Windows" -p 1 -d /dev/sda18:48
hellogoodbyeI accidentally did something18:49
hellogoodbyeand now all it shows is a18:49
hellogoodbyeI can't exit out18:49
EriC^^press ctrl+c18:49
hellogoodbyeit's just >18:49
hellogoodbyeone moment18:50
EriC^^try rebooting18:51
hellogoodbyewell it says it's going to boot on 000618:51
hellogoodbyewhich is windows18:51
hellogoodbyeis that correct?18:51
hellogoodbyek shoudl I remove the USB?18:51
hellogoodbyeone moment while I reboot18:51
hellogoodbyeit's on EFI18:52
EriC^^ok boot again18:52
hellogoodbyeshould I press ESC to skip startup.nsh18:52
EriC^^you never answered, is secureboot enabled?18:52
hellogoodbyewhat should I do now18:52
hellogoodbyelet me check18:52
hellogoodbyewhere would it be18:53
hellogoodbyein the bios18:53
EriC^^boot options18:53
EriC^^next to uefi stuff18:53
hellogoodbyeit just says18:53
hellogoodbyeit just gives me a boot mode select18:53
hellogoodbyeand then boot options18:53
hellogoodbyenothing else18:53
hellogoodbyethe boot mode select is UEFI or Legacy+UEFI currently it's on UEFI18:54
EriC^^try to boot the live usb again18:54
EriC^^type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999918:55
EriC^^did it remove the Windows entry we just put?18:55
hellogoodbyeone sec18:56
hellogoodbyei was in the bathroom18:56
hellogoodbyelet me boot into live usb18:57
EriC^^yup it's gone19:00
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Boot\\bootx64.efi -L "Windows" -p 1 -d /dev/sda19:01
nekyianI have a HP laserjet pro mfp m125nw and cant manage to print both sides with it in ubuntu no matter what I do. I tried even/odd pages but always prints even on both sides. Anyone managed to print both sides under ubuntu with HP?19:03
EriC^^hellogoodbye: try rebooting19:03
BinaryC011010110Hey, does anyone know how to use something like Keypass on linux or rather what is the best password handler available ?19:04
hellogoodbyestill going to efi19:04
hellogoodbyeI guess it won't work lol19:04
EriC^^wow that's stubborn bios19:04
hellogoodbyewell what's the problem?19:05
EriC^^hellogoodbye: i can think of a workaround, but it's ghetto-ish19:05
hellogoodbyewell if you have the time19:05
hellogoodbyeI don't want to waste your time :|19:05
EriC^^hellogoodbye: it wont accept efi entries, keeps erasing them19:05
hellogoodbyeyou want to try? I could just leave you in peace19:05
EriC^^hellogoodbye: it's not really a waste, hear the solution first, you'd have to keep the live usb plugged in, and modify it's grub.cfg to boot your actual install19:05
EriC^^or you could convert to legacy19:06
EriC^^i'd opt for sol #219:06
hellogoodbyewell my usb has the ubuntu install on it19:06
hellogoodbyemy external hdd has ubuntu installed on it19:06
BinaryC011010110I agree19:06
BinaryC011010110with EriC^^19:06
hellogoodbyeok then how do I do option 2... lol19:06
EriC^^BinaryC011010110: i agree with you agreeing with me19:07
EriC^^hellogoodbye: boot the live usb19:07
BinaryC011010110So, password manager? Best one19:08
BinaryC011010110In someone's opinion, of course.19:09
EriC^^hellogoodbye: actually since it's a new install it would be easier to just reinstall in legacy mode19:09
hellogoodbyeso how do I erase what I just installed on the HDD and reinstall in legacy mode, :D19:09
EriC^^hellogoodbye: go to the bios and select legacy, then boot the live usb, when it boots make sure ls -l /sys/firmware/efi doesn't exist19:10
EriC^^hellogoodbye: the installer should take care of that, choose to erase the disk and install19:10
BinaryC011010110EriC^^ is correct19:10
BinaryC011010110I have done it myself19:11
hellogoodbyeso I'm booting into live usb19:11
hellogoodbyenow I just do erase disk and install ubuntu19:11
EriC^^hellogoodbye: type ls /sys/firmware/efi19:11
hellogoodbyeit has something19:12
hellogoodbyeit says config_table esrt19:12
hellogoodbyeefivars fw_platform_size19:12
BinaryC011010110Crap I have to go. Password manager? Someone?19:12
EriC^^hellogoodbye: which laptop do you have btw?19:12
EriC^^BinaryC011010110: keepassx19:12
EriC^^hold on19:12
hellogoodbyeI'm not installng Ubuntu on my laptop19:12
EriC^^yeah that's the right name BinaryC01101011019:13
hellogoodbyeI instaleld it on a hdd and am trying to boot my newly built computer with the HDD19:13
hellogoodbyeIm using my laptop just to chat19:13
BinaryC011010110thank you EriC^^, Good bye!19:13
EriC^^np, good bye19:13
hellogoodbyeso how do I delete the efi19:13
EriC^^hellogoodbye: you can't you have to boot in legacy mode19:14
EriC^^hellogoodbye: first time you booted the usb it was in legacy mode19:14
hellogoodbyeWell there is no option to boot "just" in legacy mode, there's only an option to boot in "legacy+uefi"19:14
hellogoodbyeor just uefi19:15
EriC^^try legacy+uefi19:15
hellogoodbyeby default it's set to legacy+uefi19:15
hellogoodbyewhich is what I just booted with19:15
EriC^^do whatever you did the first time you booted19:15
hellogoodbyeI'll just buy a new hard drive lmao. My first two internal hard drives failed on me, so I'm trying to avoid buying another one19:15
hellogoodbyemaybe I should try taking the external hard drive out and putting it in the desktop19:16
hellogoodbyewould that work?19:16
EriC^^hellogoodbye: i'm confused19:16
EriC^^is it not on the pc you're trying to use it with?19:16
hellogoodbyeso here's the deal19:16
hellogoodbyeI just built a pc19:16
hellogoodbyeI installed ubuntu on my external hard drive19:17
hellogoodbyeI'm trying to boot into ubuntu now19:17
hellogoodbyemake sense?19:17
EriC^^yeah, i thought you installed it using the laptop, and are trying to boot into on the other pc19:17
EriC^^( which is the one we've been trying to get it to boot on )19:18
hellogoodbyeNo I just simply connected my external hdd to my computer, booted from a usb, and instaleld ubuntu on the external hdd using just the newly built computer19:18
hellogoodbyeno laptop involved :_19:18
hellogoodbyeso should I take apart the external hard drive then?19:19
hellogoodbyeand just put it inside the computer19:19
hellogoodbyeand format it as an internal hard drive19:20
hellogoodbyewould that work better? lol19:20
EriC^^we need to boot the usb in legacy mode somehow19:21
hellogoodbyeone sec19:21
EriC^^i have an idea19:22
EriC^^if whatever you're trying right now doesn't work we can try it19:22
hellogoodbyeI just took off the cover for the external19:25
hellogoodbyeI want to put it in the desktop19:25
EriC^^it wont make a difference though, unless you want to do it19:26
hellogoodbyeI want to do it19:26
hellogoodbyedo you know anything about that?19:26
EriC^^not really19:26
hellogoodbyek well19:27
hellogoodbyehow often are you on here?19:27
EriC^^pretty often19:27
level15_I just installed Ubuntu 15.10 trying to use LVM over LUKS encrypted volume, however, after reboot, I am not prompted for password, and get this error a lot of times19:27
level15_run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory19:27
level15_  WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.19:28
hellogoodbyek I'll come back later19:28
level15_after a while, I end up on initramfs19:28
level15_any hints on how to fix it?19:28
hellogoodbyeonce I put it in the pc19:28
hellogoodbyethank you so much for your help19:30
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dohdohubuntu wont let me run google chrome stable gives back errors which is jason@DragunsDen:~$ google-chrome-stable19:40
dohdoh[5864:5864:1203/142024:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(408)] readlink failed: Permission denied19:40
dohdoh[5864:5864:1203/142024:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(244)] readlink(/home/jason/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied19:40
dohdoh[5864:5864:1203/142024:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(244)] readlink(/home/jason/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied19:40
dohdoh[5864:5864:1203/142024:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(268)] Failed to create /home/jason/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock: Permission denied19:40
dohdoh[5864:5864:1203/142024:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(408)] readlink failed: Permission denied19:40
sirseedsalotEric are you on?19:41
=== sirseedsalot is now known as hellogoodbye
hellogoodbyeAs soon as I took out the external hard drive, plugged it into my computer, it recognized ubuntu instantly19:42
hellogoodbyeThank you so much for your help19:42
hellogoodbyeI owe you so much19:42
ted586947ubuntu 15.10 sound output has died recently and fixes are not working - how can i reset the sound settings to their default values again?19:45
nekyianI have a HP laserjet pro mfp m125nw and cant manage to print both sides with it in ubuntu no matter what I do. I tried even/odd pages but always prints even on both sides. Anyone managed to print both sides under ubuntu with HP?19:46
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looseyuhtwayjoin ##thetldr19:56
TJ-nekyian: Sounds like a bug in the driver ppd; I've not seen that behaviour myself.20:01
nekyianI dont have the option in ubuntu default pdf viewer for printing two sides20:03
nekyianI also search the net for this issue and they say it really is a bug and the two sided printing option appears inactive20:03
jason67666767need help immediately with google chrome stable get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/13650519/20:14
lotuspsychjejason67666767: use chromium instead for ubuntu20:14
JustCuriousam I the only one using Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome fallback20:15
lotuspsychjeJustCurious: can we help you?20:15
JustCuriousnot at all, I am very well with it20:16
TJ-jason67666767: "Permission denied" suggests the directories and files it refers to are not owned by your user; did you by-chance install it/run it as UID 0 (root) via sudo, by mistake?20:16
lotuspsychje!discuss | JustCurious ok20:16
ubottuJustCurious ok: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.20:16
TJ-jason67666767: check with "find /home/jason/.config/google-chrome -ls"20:16
JustCuriousok got it20:16
jason67666767yeah i ran it as sudo20:21
TJ-jason67666767: so you'll need to change the owner permissions: "sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/jason/.config/google-chrome"20:22
=== wessles is now known as nickles
saintam new here pls20:33
lotuspsychjesaint: you joined an ubuntu support channel20:33
Ben64if you need help, ask a question20:33
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:33
phschwartzHi, I am having issues with a built in LTE modem on my laptop from Sierra Wireless with ubuntu 15.10. I enabled mobile broadband and setup a connection. mmcli can query the modem and says connected with an LTE strength. But no matter what I do, I cannot get an ip associated with wwan0 allowing connectivity, any thoughts?20:34
eelstrebor/topic results in: You're not a channel operator20:34
eelstrebortopic results in: You're not a channel operator20:34
lotuspsychjeeelstrebor: you cannto change topic as regular user20:35
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sainthow can i make my fire wall strong20:35
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hellogoodbyeEric are you on20:35
EriC^^hellogoodbye: hi20:35
lotuspsychje!iptables | saint20:35
eelstrebori just did what !topic said to do20:35
ubottusaint: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo20:35
hellogoodbyeERIC thanks so much20:35
=== nickles is now known as needles
Ben64eelstrebor: you can't type anything after "/topic" or it tries to change it20:36
EriC^^hellogoodbye: no problem20:36
hellogoodbyeas soon as I took the hard drive out of the external hard drive enclosure, hooked it up to my computer and booted, it recognized ubuntu as installed instantly20:36
hellogoodbyeand now I'm on Ubuntu right now using Pidgin20:36
EriC^^hellogoodbye: cool :D20:36
hellogoodbyeI'm not a computer wiz so I really needed your help, and I'm so glad you were there, :P20:36
TJ-!coookie | EriC^^20:36
TJ-!cookie | EriC^^20:36
hellogoodbyeyes give the man a cookie20:37
eelstreborBen64, i didn't try to change the topic20:37
TJ-did ubottu net-split?20:37
lotuspsychjehi MonkeyDust20:37
poseidonAny suggestions for a service to backup ubuntu webservers?20:37
lotuspsychjeTJ-: no, just triggered20:37
TJ-oh well!20:37
lotuspsychje!backup | poseidon20:37
ubottuposeidon: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:37
TJ-grrrr who stole the cookies?20:38
lotuspsychjeTJ-: i think you had too many cookies20:38
TJ-I think daftykins ate them20:38
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saintso what is the topic?20:39
lotuspsychjesaint: we use this channel only for ubuntu support questions, no chat topic20:40
* daftykins burps at lotuspsychje 20:42
saint@lotuspsychje> thanks20:45
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: join discuss :p20:46
lotuspsychje!it | gero20:46
ubottugero: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:46
JayJoe200xhi am new here pls20:47
LeviM_I installed Ubuntu Server edition to a given machine and it can't detect the ethernet driver. So I put the tar.gz for the driver source on the machine... but Ubuntu Server doesn't ship with make, gcc, etc.20:47
lotuspsychjeJayJoe200x: welcome, you have joined an ubuntu support channel20:47
LeviM_So now I am booted from a Live CD of Ubuntu Desktop.20:47
LeviM_How can I install the drivers from this livecd to the already installed OS?20:48
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: wich chipset?20:48
gerojopn #ubuntu-it20:48
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LeviM_amd64? Is that what you are asking?20:48
JayJoe200xpls how do i get an AI for my system20:48
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: no, the chipset of your ethernet card?20:49
LeviM_lotuspsychje: the device is a USB to ethernet adapter.20:49
lotuspsychjeJayJoe200x: explain a bit what you trying to do?20:49
LeviM_The machine itself has a wireless card that won't work until the Linux 4.4 kernel.20:49
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: hmmm not sure thats very reccomended for server use..20:50
LeviM_I know, I know.20:50
LeviM_I'm installing server edition because it doesn't have x or gnome20:50
LeviM_I need to do this so that the 4.4rc3 kernel upgrade actually works.20:50
LeviM_Then I install gnome, x, gdm, etc.20:50
Ben64that doesn't make sense at all20:51
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: lets start from the beginning, whats your purpose with your machine?20:51
LeviM_It's a laptop.20:51
LeviM_It will be used pretty much like a laptop.20:51
JayJoe200xlevim pls answer me20:51
JayJoe200xpls how do i get an AI for my system20:51
LeviM_It does not have a wired nic.20:51
lotuspsychje!details | JayJoe200x explain AI?20:52
ubottuJayJoe200x explain AI?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:52
LeviM_It only has a wireless card that works with the Linux 4.4rc3 kernel.20:52
LeviM_(well, just 4.4)20:52
Ben64LeviM_: so install 16.04 desktop and use the mainline kernel20:52
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: and why install server edition on a laptop?20:52
LeviM_It doesn' twork.20:52
LeviM_I've already tried.20:52
LeviM_gnome and a bunch of other packages fail to work.20:52
JayJoe200xatificail intelligent20:52
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: wich ubuntu versions did you try that would fail on that laptop?20:53
LeviM_So the idea is to install server edition which lacks all these packages.20:53
LeviM_Then upgrade the kernel.20:53
Ben64LeviM_: then join #ubuntu+1 for support with doing that, because you're not going to have a good time installing server, installing 4.4 and installing gnome and stuff separately20:53
LeviM_Then install gnome, x, gdm, etc?20:53
JayJoe200xubuntu it means20:53
JayJoe200xubuntu it means20:53
JayJoe200xatificail intelligent20:53
Ben64JayJoe200x: stop.20:53
JayJoe200xpls how do i get an it for my system20:53
Ben64JayJoe200x: you don't, it doesn't exist20:54
LeviM_I've already done it on Arch and I can definitely say it was not pleasant.20:54
JayJoe200xben u mean it<20:54
LeviM_I just need help installing the drivers for the USB-to-ethernet from the livecd.20:54
LeviM_I can do everything else.20:54
Ben64your best bet is 16.04 + mainline20:54
Ben64anything else is just wasting time20:54
TJ-LeviM_: do you have another machine, chroot, or a VM, you can build the driver in20:55
LeviM_Sure - the livecd.20:55
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LeviM_But rather than doing it I figured I'd install from the deb directly.20:55
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: tell us wich ubuntu versions you tried, that failed on your network card?20:56
TJ-LeviM_: why not install the 4.4rc3 kernel packages so you can get the wifi up?20:56
sainthow do i get an AI in my system20:56
MonkeyDustsaint  stop20:56
k1lsaint: what AI?20:56
k1lsaint: can you name a exact program?20:57
JayJoe200xbut windows have it20:57
LeviM_lotuspsychje: The USB to ethernet or the wireless card?20:57
k1lJayJoe200x: have what?20:57
k1lJayJoe200x: saint no need to join with 2 nicks20:57
saintartificail intelligent20:57
lotuspsychjeLeviM_: you say only kernel 4.4 supports your devices, so you tried different kernels/ubuntu versions before?20:58
JayJoe200xthey have it" the AI20:58
ikoniaLeviM_: please show me the document that says kernel 4.4 has your module in but lower versions doesn't20:58
ikoniawhere is the release note that says "introduced in 4.4"20:58
k1lJayJoe200x: saint last chance: can you name an exact program? else we must assume you just came here to make trouble20:58
LeviM_Can't you just believe me? You have no idea how much time *I've already spent on this*20:59
Ben64LeviM_: this will work a lot better if you let people help you20:59
LeviM_I've already successfully done this in Arch .20:59
LeviM_Yes, it only works in 4.420:59
TJ-LeviM_: if you download the three 4.4rc3 binary .deb files for the PC's architecture (-image and -headers [arch and all]) you can install them manually from a USB transfer, or the Live ISO, then you'll have Wifi. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4-rc3-wily/20:59
saintthe name of the progrAM IS JAVIS20:59
LeviM_No, it will not work in any opther kernel.20:59
ikoniaLeviM_: ok, show me the document20:59
LeviM_Yes, I already tried 4.4rc3 deb and the system failed20:59
LeviM_to boot I mean20:59
ikoniaLeviM_: or the release note that says "introduced in 4.4"20:59
ikoniaLeviM_: whats the module name ?20:59
LeviM_brcm 435020:59
ikoniathats not a module name is it ?21:00
LeviM_it's the name of the wireless nic21:00
ikoniathats a card model number,21:00
LeviM_Just a second.21:00
TJ-LeviM_: how did the 4.4rc3 boot fail? solving that might be the best route if that kernel has support.21:00
LeviM_TJ-: Yes, exactly. gnome-session failed and so did HOSTS of other packages.21:01
LeviM_In arch I simply installed those packages *after* I did the kerenel upgrade.21:01
Ben64yeah, i'd fix the 4.4 boot problem instead of creating a bunch more by installing server, compiling a driver for a usb-ethernet for some reason, then installing gnome manually21:01
ikoniawhat is the module name21:01
TJ-LeviM_: so boot succeeded, but the GUI failed - possibly due to no accelerated GPU driver21:01
LeviM_No, boot did not fully succeed.21:02
* lotuspsychje thinks he never tried other ubuntu versions on his broadcom21:02
ikoniaLeviM_: whats the module name ?21:02
LeviM_I could not even get an init 3terminal.21:02
Ben64init 3 doesn't mean anything21:02
ikoniainit 3 doesn't exist any more21:02
ikoniaLeviM_: whats the module name ?21:02
LeviM_Here: https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/brcm8021121:02
LeviM_Look at BCM435021:03
LeviM_Kernel 4.421:03
LeviM_Believe me yet?21:03
ikoniaLeviM_: no21:03
ikoniaLeviM_: what is the name of the module you want to use21:03
ikoniathat a list of stuff21:03
ikoniawhat is the module YOU want21:03
ikoniaok, thank you21:03
LeviM_Look in the table: queued for 4.421:03
TJ-LeviM_: a Recovery mode boot should get you to a 'root' shell, or using the default entry edited with "systemd.unit=multiuser.target" will get to the consoles with no GUI/X.21:03
k1lsaint: it doesnt have that. neither does ubuntu.21:04
ikoniathats when that driver was introduced to the kernel21:04
LeviM_And I already tried 15.10 lotuspsychje: wireless DID NOT WORK21:04
LeviM_The arch guys were 10x more helpful. They at least trusted me when I said I needed what I did.21:04
ikoniayou should be fine with anything post 2.6.3921:04
LeviM_No, ikonia.21:04
ikoniaarch document says 2.6.37 too21:04
saintkil the name of the progrAM IS JAVIS21:04
LeviM_The specific device will not work until 4.421:04
sainti installed it on a windows os and it workde21:05
LeviM_I have already tried Ubunu 15.10 which has 4.2 and it does not work.21:05
TJ-LeviM_: if you've got the LiveCD running, 1st step is to create a chroot environment to be able to switch into the installed system21:05
LeviM_TJ-: Thank you.21:05
LeviM_Once in chroot, then what?21:05
TJ-LeviM_: "sudo mkdir /target; for N in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$N /target/$N; done21:06
TJ-LeviM_: then "sudo chroot /target" and you're in the installed system and can (hopefully) also use the network and get DNS resolution21:06
TJ-LeviM_: then if you need to build drivers against a kernel you'll want "apt-get install build-essential"21:07
LeviM_So I mounted the rootfs to /mnt already21:07
LeviM_I need to do something differently with --bind?21:07
LeviM_What is this doing, exactly?21:07
TJ-LeviM_: it's creating a bind-mount of the existing mount points into the target21:08
ikoniaif you need instructions on chrooting - building custom kernels is not the right approach21:08
EriC^^LeviM_: TJ-  you need to mount --bind /run too to use apt21:08
balazsHi, can somebody tell me what's the equivalent of ticking "Use this connection only for resources on its network" when I use nmcli ?21:08
ikoniathe right approach is to wait for an ubuntu package with your 4.4 kernel to be released21:08
TJ-EriC^^: I never have; run means the host and chroot env services get mixed up21:08
lotuspsychjewasnt 4.4 released mainline recently?21:08
LeviM_ikonia: Or just use Arch, which I have working.21:09
EriC^^TJ-: i had a user not mount --bind, and apt wouldn't work until he mount binded21:09
ikoniaLeviM_: that works too, do that21:09
TJ-lotuspsychje: no, 4.4 was announced to be the kernel in 16.04, mainline is only on RC3 so far21:09
LeviM_I would just rather use Ubuntu.21:09
TJ-EriC^^: possibly due to some service that was running/left its PID file behind in the chroot21:09
LeviM_I'm not familiar with bind-mounts - will look that up later. For now will just follow the instructions.21:09
ikoniaI suspect you'll only be waiting a few weeks max for the RC to be moved to stable21:09
TJ-LeviM_: it copies an existing mount to another mountpoint21:09
ikoniathen you can just install that package and move on21:09
LeviM_Am I  changing "target" to the mountpoint for my ssd?21:10
LeviM_Or literally just target?21:10
TJ-LeviM_: sorry! I missed out a key step there! ... after "mkdir /target;" you need to mount the installed root file-system to /target21:11
TJ-LeviM_: e.g. "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /target" if sda4 were the root file-system of the installation21:11
TJ-LeviM_: *then* you can do the bind-mount correctly21:12
LeviM_Right. I got " /target/etc/resolv.conf" is a symbol link to nowhere.21:14
LeviM_I'm guessing it wasn't in etc.21:14
LeviM_Hmm. It's there.21:15
LeviM_Pinging worked.21:17
TJ-OK, that' might be due to the way the Live ISO is operating, before entering the chroot do as EriC^^ suggested: "sudo mount --bind /run /target/run"21:17
LeviM_but it can't use DNS.21:17
TJ-/etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf so inside the chroot it'll also need the /run/ tmpfs mounting to work21:17
LeviM_Thanks. Trying.21:18
TJ-probably should have bind-mounted /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf to be proper, but then entire /run/ won't hurt too much since this is a Live environment21:18
nexacei rm'd my /var/log/mail.log and now I cant get postfix to post logs to the file anymore21:20
TJ-LeviM_: on Ubuntu Desktop we usually have an instance of dnsmasq privately owned/controlled by Network Manager, listening on, and that's what is in the /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf file, which is symlinked to /etc/resolv.conf21:20
nexacei tried touch'ing and changing ownership to syslog:adm and making correct permissions21:20
LeviM_Yeah, I'm seeing that.21:20
LeviM_I'm just going to copy it over (instead of symlink)21:20
TJ-nexace: did you restart postfix21:20
LeviM_Don't know if that will work.21:20
nexaceyes multiple times21:20
TJ-LeviM_: it should, yes21:20
TJ-LeviM_: assuming there's a correct entry in the file, and the service is listening and has upstream nameservers working21:21
TJ-nexace: which ubuntu release?21:21
LeviM_>.< forgot to apt-get update21:22
nexaceLinux instance-1 3.19.0-37-generic #42~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 23 15:13:51 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:22
TJ-nexace: so 14.04 Trusty21:22
TJ-nexace: what does "ls -ld /var/log /var/log/mail.log" report21:23
=== zed is now known as Guest71460
nexacedrwxrwxr-x 11 root   syslog 4096 Dec  3 21:15 /var/log21:23
nexace-rw-r-----  1 syslog adm       0 Dec  3 21:15 /var/log/mail.log21:23
nexacei touch'd the file which is why it exists21:24
nexacebut when it didn't exist it was posting to create it either21:24
nexacewasn't i mean21:24
TJ-nexace: that looks correct. when the file isn't there restarting rsyslogd / syslogd should solve it. I've found when touching the file it upsets it somehow21:25
nexaceok. i'll give it a shot21:25
TJ-nexace: try: removing the file. restart the syslog daemon. then restart postfix, in that order21:26
LeviM_TJ-: Thank you.21:26
LeviM_It seems to be working.21:26
TJ-LeviM_: good. Remember if you're building a module on the installed system, kernel build tooling might need telling which kernel to build for since the Live is presumably running an older kernel.21:27
nexaceTJ-: wow, that worked. you are a genius21:27
nexaceTJ-: thanks much21:27
TJ-nexace: I got caught out like that a few years ago; took me an hour or so to figure it out :)21:27
nexacewas driving me crazy21:28
TJ-yeah, it did me too21:28
LeviM_TJ-: Correct. I have a USB to ethernet adapter that I am building the driver for21:28
LeviM_Once I have *some* internet capability I can do the rest.21:28
TJ-LeviM_: good :)21:28
TJ-LeviM_: if you're not aware of it, we make a lot of use of DKMS, it makes module build portability really easy as new kernel versions are installed21:29
LeviM_Yeah, the 4.2 to 4.3 conversion worked.21:31
LeviM_Just not the 4.2 to 4.4rc3 or 4.3 to 4.4rc321:31
LeviM_Which is why I am approaching it so strangely now :)21:31
TJ-sounds like some rc3 bugs to work out21:31
qu4nt1n!s star wars rebels s02e0821:32
ubottuqu4nt1n: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:32
tewardqu4nt1n: wrong network for that type of stuff21:33
=== intel is now known as Guest52581
cuddylierAnyone know why I just see a $ symbol after logging into a Ubuntu user? I used 'useradd [username]' to add the user.21:36
AssadHey i am new user of Ubuntu help me about this error ?Error mounting /dev/sda1 at /media/ali/New Volume: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sda1" "/media/ali/New Volume"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not permitted The NT21:37
gzcwnkassad maybe trya  read only mount?21:38
AssadI am totally new can u tell me the step how to do that thanks :p21:38
=== Guest71460 is now known as Zed
k1l_Assad: turn off the "fast boot" called setting inside windows. it block the windows partitions to be mounted on other OS21:39
=== Zed is now known as Guest67158
AssadK1l from Bios setting u mean ?21:39
k1l_Assad: no21:40
anomAny idea when Ubuntu will run php7 by default?21:40
k1l_Assad: inside the windows system settings you can set that windows doesnt make a "fast boot" which is sort of a hibernation which blocks the windows partitions21:41
Assadu mean in windows 8.1 which i have installed21:42
AssadChange my setting there21:42
k1l_Assad: yes21:43
AssadThanks i try this Brother..21:43
bekksanom: maybe with the first release after the php7-release.21:43
k1l_Assad: http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-or-enable-fast-startup-in-windows-8-1/21:43
ash_workis there a way to make the terminal have unlimited colums = length of largest line and a horizontal scroll bar?21:47
LeviM_TJ-: I have networking. Thank you.21:48
TJ-LeviM_: fab :)21:49
LeviM_I know it's weird that I've compiled kernels and other stuff and not done bind-mounts, but such is life I guess :D21:49
TJ-hehehe the Joy of Linux is there's always something new you thought you should have known years ago21:49
TJ-I still get surprised finding useful tools in coreutils21:50
=== marshal0505 is now known as marshmalo505
=== marshmalo505 is now known as marshal0505
balazsHi, can somebody tell me what's the equivalent of ticking "Use this connection only for resources on its network" when I use nmcli ?cd :q22:08
=== Doonzy is now known as Doonz
LeviM_TJ-: Some things have gone smoothly, hit my next hiccup. Ubuntu doesn't seem to have /etc/mkinitcpio.conf. I need to add two modules on boot, basically. What's the way to do that in Ubuntu?22:13
LeviM_In Arch I modified that file and regenerated the initrd file from it.22:13
BinaryC011010110Hello, does anyone know of a free VoIP application? I do not own a phone. Or have money22:14
LeviM_Ah, is it /etc/initramfs-tools/modules instead?22:15
BinaryC011010110Aka I need advice22:15
BinaryC011010110I know nothing about linux...sorry.22:16
k1l_BinaryC011010110: start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VoIP22:18
TJ-LeviM_: sorry, yes, initramfs-tools22:19
BinaryC011010110Thanks k1l22:19
TJ-LeviM_: and then "update-initramfs -u -k <version>"22:19
LeviM_Okay, I got past a few errors.  Now it gave up waiting for the root device.22:37
LeviM_How can I check what that root is?22:37
LeviM_I think I need to set it to /dev/nvme0n1p3 or something odd like this.22:38
loggy__hi everyone i am using ubuntu with GNOME, how can i set rythbox to appear in top right corner, when i click the battery, volume and wifi settings. I want that there is play, stop next and previouse button. That is by default at ubuntu. I am new in linux.22:40
=== kat is now known as Guest81606
DexterFThinkpad with both internal intel GM4500 and a discrete RadeonHD. I added i915 to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and ran sudo update-initramfs -u but still it loads the i915 module22:52
DexterFhow do I make it not?22:52
Guest81606hi, guys, I have put linux on many once window machines, but I'm having a heck of a time putting it on my laptop. I have linux on a usb and it works on my desktop, but when I put it in my laptop, it shows the things to choose from, like "try ubuntu" etc., I press the try ubuntu, and it goes to a screen with a white box at the top left corner. In other linux installations, the white box fills full real quick and wala we get to linux home22:55
Guest81606screen. So, what's with the white box in the top left corner and not loading up? This laptop has windows 8.1 on it.22:55
daftykins!nomodeset | Guest81606 could be this22:57
ubottuGuest81606 could be this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:57
daftykinsGuest81606: can you tell me which version you're trying on this flash drive? 14.04?22:57
Guest81606ok thanks!22:57
daftykinscool :)22:59
Guest81606yes 14.0423:00
UnwantedAngeli love ubuntu23:05
UnwantedAngelmuch faster than windows 723:05
daftykinsmaybe out of the box ;)23:05
TJ-LeviM_: did you solve the boot problem? Usually we set the root file-system UUID so it can be discovered no matter what the device node is23:06
LeviM_I haven't yet.23:06
LeviM_I know how to do this in the arch loader23:07
LeviM_grub is a bit different23:07
UnwantedAngeldaftykins, you can run it on small configs that s good23:07
LeviM_Also, I think it may not be the issue.23:07
LeviM_I noticed that the i915 firmware failed to load.23:07
daftykinsUnwantedAngel: perhaps, support only in here though please :)23:07
TJ-LeviM_: "grub-install" (installs the bootstrap/bootloader files) and "update-grub" (writes the /boot/grub/grub.cfg)23:07
TJ-LeviM_: "apt-get install linux-firmware" maybe?23:08
LeviM_Sure, but it's knowing what to put in the CFG :D23:08
TJ-LeviM_: you don't need to know - Debian/Ubuntu GRUB scripting does it for you, from the scripts in /etc/grub.d/23:08
TJ-LeviM_: any variables you need to set, do it in /etc/default/grub23:08
LeviM_Right, but the root= seems to be in several places23:08
LeviM_In the arch loader it's in one single definition.23:08
DexterFsolved: BISO setting allowed OS to switch between integrated graphics and discrete.23:09
TJ-LeviM_: the GRUB root= is where GRUB can find its /boot/grub/ and is detected separately to the root file-system, which will usually also use the UUID of the root FS. It'll also take care of ensuring GRUB has the correct modules in its core.img for, if needed, encrypted disks, LVM, dmraid, etc etc23:10
TJ-LeviM_: if the kernel boots but drops to a busybox prompt in the initrd, that can be because the initrd image lacks some supporting modules/scripts/exectuables to mount the root FS - but those should be auto-detected and installed by the initramfs-tools scripts23:11
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LeviM_Let me finish trying what I'm doing and then when that fails I'll give you a more apt error message.23:13
daftykinsLeviM_: trust TJ- and us, i think you're trying to apply other distro logic and making things harder :)23:15
LeviM_Perhaps :D23:15
LeviM_The real issue is that I need the  4.4 kernel and Ubuntu doesn't provide any way to demo it (not even the 16.04 stuff)23:16
TJ-LeviM_: did you pull in the 4.4rc3 builds from the kernel team PPA archive?23:16
daftykinsyes it does :)23:17
LeviM_Yes, and it's not booting.23:17
LeviM_daftykins: as of yesterday the docs said it pulled in 4.3 still23:17
LeviM_Is that wrong?23:17
TJ-LeviM_: right, I thought you said you did, but my brain seems to be fried atm23:17
TJ-LeviM_: no, there is likely bugs in mainline, its only rc3 after all23:17
aldanondaftykins: hey did you check out your new game? lol23:17
daftykinsare you the one that i saw here 2.5hrs ago saying you were going to mini.iso/server install in order to get a newer kernel from mainline?23:18
daftykinsaldanon: hey :) sorry i got in on my laptop and haven't done much :)23:18
LeviM_daftykins: Perhaps. The description is a little fuzzy but might match :D23:19
tilpnerEvery time after booting, I get several popups about a problem that I can choose to report. If I do so, the system freezes without giving details about what went wrong. How do I go about this?23:19
daftykinstilpner: read and/or purge the logs from the crash log path23:19
LeviM_daftykins: So do-release-upgrade from 15.10 to get 16.04 yeah?23:19
daftykinsno i wouldn't do that23:20
predmijathi, is it possible to use one disk cache pool LV for multiple disks (origin LVs)? i can't find anything useful...23:20
TJ-LeviM_: you don't want more instability, you want less :)23:20
LeviM_Okay, so the UUID thing got sorted.23:21
TJ-LeviM_: once the 4.4 kernel is released you can install that with 15.1023:21
LeviM_TJ-: And that is when..?23:21
LeviM_Okay, so I think the real issue I am hitting is the firmware issue with i91523:21
TJ-LeviM_: I run the latest release kernels, with 14.04 for example, generally the kernel versions (assuming similar kernel config) isn't too important for userspace23:21
tilpnerdaftykins - Does this [ http://termbin.com/i8rq ] ring any bells?23:22
TJ-LeviM_: when ever Linus decides it is ready for release. The dev period is usually about 3 months, give or take23:22
LeviM_Yeah, preferably I would like to use my system even if it's unstable until then :D23:22
LeviM_I think I will just use Arch23:23
TJ-LeviM_: as the new RCs come out the kernel team will build and publish them, so you can grab those as they appear23:23
LeviM_I already got that working on this same model on another device.23:23
LeviM_I just prefer Ubuntu to Arch.23:23
TJ-different configs maybe. try doing a diff on them23:23
LeviM_Arch is using systemd's loader.23:24
TJ-Ubuntu tries to keep the mainline builds configs as close to standard Ubuntu as possible23:24
LeviM_Not grub.23:24
LeviM_Oh, that config.23:24
daftykinstilpner: not much meaning to me, though the end makes me wonder if it's talking about a 'disk usage denial of service' haha, /var/crash being the location of these logs you get a message about on bootup, of course23:25
TJ-LeviM_: For UEFI the kernel can directly boot without any intervening boot-loader23:25
LeviM_So, in addition to this new kernel I'll need a newer linux-firmware at some point.23:26
LeviM_Does Ubuntu update linux-firmware along with the kernel or..?23:26
TJ-LeviM_: it depends on the device.23:26
daftykinstilpner: you could indulge my idea with a quick check, if you use a mechanical HDD?23:26
TJ-LeviM_: can you "lspci -nn" and tell us the device's [Vendor:Device] ID?23:26
TJ-LeviM_: or use "modinfo -F firmware /path/to/iwl/module.ko"23:27
tilpnerdaftykins - I'm not really sure how to check that. Both disks (SSD and HDD) are working fine, AFAICT.23:28
LeviM_Which line do you want from lspci?23:28
LeviM_Or did you want the whole thing?23:28
TJ-LeviM_: the one for the IWL device you need the firmware for23:28
TJ-LeviM_: or the output from the 'modinfo' command for the module itself23:28
TJ-The 2nd is more directly useful since it'll give the name of the file it expects23:28
daftykinstilpner: ah ok, if your OS is on SSD then my idea is less likely; however you would install "smartmontools" and "pastebinit" then run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit" (to share it here)23:29
LeviM_TJ-: I think you are asking for something like brcm/brcmfmac4350-pcie.bin, yeah?23:31
tilpnerdaftykins - The tests look fine for both the SSD [ http://termbin.com/vwjv ] and the HDD [ http://termbin.com/n5sg ].23:31
TJ-LeviM_: errr, if that's the firmware file you're missing. I thought you said it was an Intel iwlwifi firmware that was missing though23:31
LeviM_No, it's not an Intel firmware. It's Broadcom.23:32
LeviM_Maybe I should just avoid this and just buy an Intel one? :D23:32
Jan\how do I find the awstats directories ?23:32
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daftykinsJan\: did you install from a package? repos or PPA?23:33
Jan\daftykins: using apt-get install awstats23:33
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daftykinstilpner: yeah no problem, though 60 degrees on the SSD is too high23:33
LeviM_TJ-: But yeah, that is the firmware I am missing23:34
daftykinsJan\: ok, "dpkg -L awstats" will show you where it installs23:34
tilpnerdaftykins - This is a laptop. Could the cause for the high temperature reading be a dedicated GPU running on high load for some time?23:34
Jan\daftykins: ty23:35
TJ-LeviM_: get it from here: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/brcm23:35
daftykinstilpner: definitely, if the two are close23:35
daftykinstilpner: you have a good amount of clearance between the underside and the desk you use it on?23:36
TJ-LeviM_: in the cgit web page, to download it, click the "plain" link to the right of the 'blob:' commit ID23:36
LeviM_TJ-: My understanding is that I need the 4.4 kernel to even see the device23:37
LeviM_(or something)23:37
TJ-LeviM_: then put in in /lib/firmware/brcm/23:37
LeviM_On Arch I had to install the kernel and the firmware.23:37
TJ-OK, well no harm having the firmware ready to roll23:37
TJ-if you're dual-booting with Arch you can copy the firmware file from the Arch install23:38
tilpnerdaftykins - I should mention that I'm using the proprietary NVidia drivers, and that I can't properly shut down, restart, suspend, etc. without the NVidia GPU activated.23:38
LeviM_The arch is on another machine but same kind.23:38
Jan\daftykins: I'm looking for the wwwroot folder but all I see is /usr/share/awstats23:38
LeviM_I got SSH working so I could copy it over I guess.23:38
daftykinstilpner: if you clear these crash logs, does it happen again?23:38
TJ-LeviM_: yes, firmware files are the same whatever the distro/arch23:38
TJ-LeviM_: 'arch' as in architecture23:38
daftykinsJan\: well the document root on ubuntu 14.04 server+ is /var/www/html/23:38
daftykins(with apache)23:39
Jan\daftykins: no no , the awstats www stuff23:39
tilpnerdaftykins - I can't reboot right now, but I'll clear them and see what happens next time. Thank you for your help.23:39
LeviM_Do I copy the .ko or just certain files?23:39
TJ-LeviM_: for the firmware? just the brcmfmac4350-pcie.bin23:40
TJ-Ubuntu / udevd looks under /lib/firmware/ so whatever relative path the modinfo reports, is where the file should be23:40
daftykinsJan\: does this package not install files so that you can visit a website hosted on the server with /awstats/ to view them?23:41
regeditok please, why the backslash in the nick23:41
regeditslashes are a very delicate topic in linux world, you know23:41
Jan\regedit: to avoid month highlights23:43
ZeeNoodleyi wanted to make a linux vs windows joke but i won't23:43
regeditmonth highlights?23:43
aldanonZeeNoodley: i don't think i've ever seen one of those disputes here heh23:43
Jan\regedit:  yes, as in ... time23:44
TJ-Jan\: awstats is installed, its up to you to create a mapping in your web-server's config to use it23:44
regeditparse failure23:44
Jan\regedit: doesnt your client have a highlight feature ?23:44
Jan\TJ-: yes I figured23:44
Jan\I just didnt know the dirs23:45
daftykinsaldanon: that's 'cause it'd be off topic ;) non-support!23:45
regeditJan\: highlighting what? when my nick is mentioned?23:45
LeviM_TJ-: In a second I'll link an image of my screen.23:45
Jan\regedit: yes23:45
aldanonyeap heh23:45
LeviM_After a failed boot23:45
regeditJan\: why do you call that "month" highlights, and what does the backslash do about that23:46
Jan\regedit: hello, Jan is also short for January23:46
k1l_he doesnt want false highlights in january23:47
Jan\see, k1l_ gets it23:47
LeviM_Is anyone running 16.04? Can they confirm the kernel version?23:48
VictoriaXOXOQ: Is it possible to extract all the (new) wallpapers from the 16.04/16.10 .iso?23:48
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: yes23:48
VictoriaXOXOJan\: And do you know how? ;)23:49
TJ-Jan\:  example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13654701/23:49
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TJ-LeviM_: I'm on 4.2.0-19-lowlatency23:49
k1l_VictoriaXOXO: when they are announced you can get them, yes.23:49
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: Oops. I meant from 15.04 and 15.10. XD23:51
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: use any app that can extract files from iso23:51
VictoriaXOXOJan\: I need examples.23:51
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: Sometimes I forgot what year it is. :|23:52
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: sorry ubuntu and linux are not my main OS23:52
VictoriaXOXOJan\: Oh.23:52
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: I use 7-zip23:52
Jan\7-zip can do it23:52
VictoriaXOXOI'll try it.23:52
k1l_VictoriaXOXO: honestly: just look on omgubuntu :)23:52
Jan\yeah or any wallpaper site23:53
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: Jan\: But I like getting things from the source. Aren't uploaded pics often compressed and lossy? :/23:53
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: yeah I suppose it depends where you go23:54
VictoriaXOXOJan\: Yeaaah.23:54
Jan\VictoriaXOXO:  I like the naked woman on top the ubuntu logo one, but I'm a guy.23:55
VictoriaXOXOWell, I'm a trap/lumberjack, apparently.23:55
TJ-uhoh, here come the Monty Python impersonations!23:56
VictoriaXOXOWhat? Someone called me that once. :P23:57
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daftykinsamongst other things *cough*23:58
VictoriaXOXOBehave, draftykins. :o)23:58

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