
bluesabreevening all00:33
slickymasterhey bluesabre 00:33
bluesabrehey slickymaster 00:34
bluesabrehow's it going?00:34
bluesabreflocculant: that's a pretty good idea00:34
* micahg wonders what flocculant has against micahg time02:06
Unit193Likely he actually sleeps, I think he's weird.02:06
Unit193micahg: Give me time ranges or bad days or something like that and I'll see what matches mine.02:07
micahgmeh, I only do that at 11:00 UTC :p02:07
flocculantmicahg: likely nothing at all if I was where you are :D07:03
flocculantbluesabre: perhaps you could have a think about which to target for bugs - I was thinking about thunbugar :)07:33
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bluesabreflocculant: looking for and confirming bugs, yes?12:35
bluesabrethunar would be a good place, lots of known bugs12:35
bluesabrebut so few people able to work with its code12:35
bluesabreknome: do you know where I can find some lp/ubuntu one login examples?12:36
bluesabreknome: I should have an initial version of the image submission/compare app ready tomorrow/this weekend12:38
flocculantbluesabre: if you've another you could suggest instead then I'm easy to please :)12:58
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knomebluesabre, examples of the code?19:37
Unit193knome: Your turn to poke stgraber, no?21:35
knomesome day.21:37
knomeoh, he's around21:38
Unit193slang is active now at least.  And not sure if ochosi has poked him yet, but if not might be good.21:38
knomedid we use to ping him on #u-d?21:38
knomeor -release?21:38
Unit193(Figure multiple people poking has to help more than one.)21:39
* knome shrugs21:39

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