
blris there a reason that debug-hooks can't wait for a unit's public address to be published?00:47
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
joselazypower: pong02:05
bloodearnestsanity check: if I have $JUJU_REPOSITORY/interfaces/test/{interface.yaml,provides.py,requires.py}, a charm layer in $JUJU_REPOSITORY/layers/test-charm/ that has includes: ['interface:test'], and has the interface in the metadata.yaml, I should expect to see those provides/requires.py in the charm build output somewhere, right?10:06
jamespagegnuoy, thedac, coreycb: what do you think of https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/openstack-charm-layer-dev/+git/openstack-charm-layer-dev/+merge/279563 ?10:28
jamespageit introduces 'adapters' and a object mechanism for aggregating them across presented interfaces10:28
gnuoyargh, we're working on the same thing10:28
gnuoyjamespage, I really like it10:30
jamespagegnuoy, some of that needs interfaces/relations10:30
jamespageinterfaces is the type, rather than the actual named relation10:30
jamespagegnuoy, I think we can add some base adapter mapping as well, and then override in the subclasses10:31
gnuoyjamespage, so I proposed that the adapter code goes into a layer called openstack which places them in lib/openstack/adapters.py10:31
jamespagegnuoy, that sounds good to me10:31
jamespagegnuoy, sorry if I stepped on your toes...10:31
gnuoyjamespage, not at all, you'd got much further than me10:32
jamespagegnuoy, I prefer this class based approach to dealing with things rather than functions and global variable in a utils class10:32
gnuoyjamespage, I'm happy to grab what you've done and do the layer munging unless you want to do that ?10:33
jamespagegnuoy, please go ahead - we can then collab on getting the layer just right...10:33
jamespagegnuoy, there are some bits of that I don't like right now10:33
jamespage(I wrote one TODO)10:33
jamespagegnuoy, I did a template mockup as well - http://paste.ubuntu.com/13665616/10:34
jamespagegnuoy, I'm wondering whether we can also take an object based approach to the handlers as well...10:35
jamespagegnuoy, just making the adapaters classes behave like jinja2 wants10:47
gnuoyjamespage, lp:~openstack-charmers-layers/charms/+source/reactive-openstack-layer10:48
jamespagegnuoy, OK I'll push my change their11:08
jamespagegnuoy, ok should work with jinja2 now11:11
jamespagegnuoy, I'll refocus onto ceph now and stop stepping on your toes...11:12
gnuoyI'm very grateful for the input, thanks11:13
jamespagegnuoy, my thinking on 'interface_type' was to use that for status reporting11:13
jamespagebut not thought through just yet11:13
gnuoyjamespage, thedac, coreycb: I've taken James' work and created a branch containing the fledgling openstack base layer. I've also updated the setup branch to use it.12:19
* gnuoy heads out12:19
lazypowerjose: hey there. Was looking for you lastnight to get you in touch with mattyw about ubuntu membership13:32
coreycbjamespage, gnuoy: I like that adapter approach.  that was a bit to wrap my head around, but if you look at that code without the base classes in the picture it's really pretty simple to write/use an adapter.13:48
lazypowercoreycb: what are these adapters you speak of?13:55
coreycblazypower, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/openstack-charm-layer-dev/+git/openstack-charm-layer-dev/+merge/27956313:56
lazypowerinteresting.. you can swap in/out interfaces using an adapter?13:57
coreycblazypower, basically it's a way for the openstack charms to add some logic around interface data, and render it more easily13:57
lazypoweri like it13:57
lazypowerit looks clean13:57
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coreycblazypower, yeah and and it keeps any logic out of the interface layer, and lets the interface just return data13:58
lazypowercoreycb: thats *exactly* what its supposed to do13:58
jamespagecoreycb, lazypower, thedac, gnuoy: I just pushed a bit of a rename I wnated todo into the openstack base layer14:02
jamespageand I added some support for default adapter mappings into the Adapters base case14:09
bloodearnestis there a way to exclude directorys in a layer when building?14:09
jamespageI was about to ask the same thing14:09
jamespageI'd like to exclude unit tests for a layer for example14:10
bloodearnestsame here14:10
lazypowerthere is a way to declare that i do beleive14:18
lazypowerAh, according to the old repo's layer.yaml it only has strategy keys for deleting yaml key names14:19
lazypowerfrom config/metadata14:19
bloodearnestoh wow - so charms.reactive does not use standard python import mechanisms, it does:14:23
bloodearnestsys.modules[modname] = load_source(modname, realpath)14:24
bloodearnestwhich means imports inside that source don't seem to work right14:24
bloodearneste.g. so if my reactive/ dir has 3 files ( foo.py, bar.py, __init__.py), I can not import a from b when running as a hook. I can when running unit tests.14:26
bloodearnests/a from b/foo from bar14:26
bloodearnestoh my14:28
bloodearnest(Pdb) __name__14:28
bloodearnestthat would explain it14:28
bloodearnestso, reactive/ modules can not depend on other local files.14:29
bloodearnestan no, that's just name manling, ignore me14:30
jamespagethedac, gnuoy, coreycb: added tox configurations to the layer and the rabbitmq interface - does lint only right now but set to go for unit testing as well14:33
jamespagecoreycb, wanna add that to the shared-db interface?14:33
coreycbjamespage, +1 yep I'll do that today14:33
TheJeffhello you brainy charmers you16:19
TheJeffquick q16:20
TheJeffdeploying openstack with juju16:20
TheJeffext-port in the openstack-config.yaml -- is that the existing connection?16:20
TheJeffor a second one16:20
marcoceppiTheJeff: I think it's existing? jamespage gnuoy beisner coreycb ^?16:21
TheJefflike, the interface that connects to MAAS?  I guess not, although that seems to be the only active interface on the juju host its up16:21
marcoceppiTheJeff: I think it's for the external network16:21
TheJeffalright... so eth0 will I suppose always default to the MAAS network16:22
TheJeffthen if i specify eth1 it'll bring that up on its own connection?16:22
marcoceppiTheJeff: I'd wait to see what the OpenStack charmers have to say16:22
TheJeffwe have vlans for each physical interface.  I'm not sure from this config file and the way its going to spin up which one will be whitch16:22
TheJeffeh, gonna try eth1 (default) and see what happens.  if it breaks I'll do it again I suppose16:23
TheJeffunless the governor phones before I hit enter16:23
coreycbTheJeff, that's a second one16:26
coreycbTheJeff, so I believe you need 2 ports for neutron-gateway16:27
TheJeffok cool16:27
coreycbone for cloud services, one for external instance traffic16:27
TheJeffgot it16:27
TheJeffadditionally - in the same conf, osd-devices suggests sdb16:28
TheJeffis a second phyiscal block device required?16:28
TheJeffwe only have sda16:28
coreycbTheJeff, one should be ok16:29
coreycbTheJeff, well, in total I think you'd need at least 216:30
coreycbTheJeff, but a minimum of one to use as a ceph osd volume16:31
coreycbif that makes sense, one for ceph to consume, one for your root partition16:32
jamespageTheJeff, its an additional port - eth0 will drop all connections to the server16:37
jamespageTheJeff, you might find https://jujucharms.com/openstack-base/ informative16:37
jamespagecoreycb, thedac, gnuoy: idea - use ddt for interface testing16:39
jamespagealthough that might not do quite what we want16:41
coreycbjamespage, that looks pretty neat16:47
jamespagecoreycb, yeah - but I'm not sure it can do anything super complex with regards to data read from file16:47
jamespagecoreycb, I was thinking we could spec relations as yaml/json16:48
coreycbjamespage, could be nice for the base openstack layer to work off a yaml of key/value interface data16:50
coreycbjamespage, I'm thinking more of when an event becomes true, so maybe not for testing the base layer16:51
coreycbjamespage, so for testcharm.py for example you could have a yaml of key/value interface data that you test and verify the adapters work.  I think you're talking about testing at the interface level though16:53
asanjararosales: kwmonroe cory_fu ease and speed of building new hadoop/spark solutions (juju bundles) from existing charms has been impressive and mouth dropping  by some .16:59
kwmonroew00t asanjar!  that's good to hear.16:59
arosalesasanjar: \o/17:00
jamespagecoreycb, nogood brainfried17:00
jamespage5pm on a friday is not a good time to think about data driven unit testing....17:01
coreycbjamespage, mine or yours :)  yeah time for a wind down I bet17:01
jamespagecory_fu, hey - was looking at your reactive test helper pull request - we're getting to a point where I don't want to write a whole lot more code in interfaces without some unit testing17:01
jamespagecory_fu, for the openstack charms today, we have a way of plugging in a set of 'relation data' which gets plumbed into the relation_get/units/ids calls - what do you think of a similar approach for testing interfaces?17:02
jamespagethinking that we write json/yaml to represent each interface state; that gets read and plumbed in so we can then poke the interface class and ensure it sets the right state etc...17:03
jamespagehey asanjar17:03
asanjarjamespage: how are you my friend..17:04
jamespageasanjar, well thanks - how about you?17:04
asanjarjamespage: I am well and as usual still causing trouble for arosales17:05
jamespageI'd expect nothing less17:05
asanjarjamespage: sign of good health17:05
jamespageanyway I'm going to EOW for now - have fun everyone17:05
* jamespage goes for a beer17:05
* arosales relishes in the touble asanjar creates17:05
arosalesjamespage: have a good weekend, enjoy the beer17:06
asanjarjamespage: have a pint on me17:06
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cory_fujamespage: Sorry, was on a call17:12
cory_fujamespage: I'm not sure what PR you're talking about, but we definitely want to have some framework / helpers around testing reactive charms.  One aspect to consider is that the relation data will need to evolve over time to model an evolving conversation, so a static set of data won't work.17:15
cory_fuWe might also want to consider where we cut the testing of interface layer implementations vs charm layer implementations.  As in, maybe in charm layer tests we want to have a system to easily "mock" interface classes based on their API and not the low-level data coming over the relation.  But that might be more difficult to manage and might not be worth it17:16
cory_fu(Might even be counter productive, if we want full-stack testing)17:16
jcastrohey jose17:21
lazypowercory_fu: when you release a pypi package, you dont track the .egg-info bits or any of that in the repo do you?17:24
lazypoweri was looking at charms.reactive as a reference17:25
cory_fuNo, you shouldn't17:25
asanjarkwmonroe: cory_fu: reactive charms ??!!! i smell another rewrite of big data charms.. third time's the charm17:36
cory_fuasanjar: Well, you never liked the services framework, and it turned out that everyone else agreed with you.  ;)17:36
cory_fuasanjar: Also, it's called "refactor" not "rewrite"  ;)17:37
asanjarcory_fu: lol awesome17:38
lazypowerasanjar: how could you have missed all the reactive buzz? :P17:40
lazypowerwe *Started* that in DC17:40
lazypowerwell, the public buzz anyway17:40
mbruzekasanjar: Welcome to the community.  I reject your immutable attitude17:41
asanjarlazypower: I don't remember what I had for breakfast this morning .17:41
lazypowerasanjar: are you coming to the charmer summit in belgium?17:41
lazypowerasanjar: we need to go hit up that little hookah bar street side in brussels again. I'm hankering for some mojitos17:41
asanjarmbruzek: how are you my friend, how is your MUCH better half17:42
mbruzekasanjar: she is well.  Taking a half day today, to buy YOU a gift.17:42
mbruzekasanjar: I don't think the post office will let us mail poo.17:43
asanjarlazypower: I would love to go to the Charm summit, but seriously doubt IBM would pay.17:44
asanjarmbruzek: mark it as white POO, and not BOOM17:45
lazypowerasanjar: i smell diversity class coming on17:46
asanjarlazypower: I have that shit reset17:46
mbruzekasanjar: seriously happy holidays to you and your kids.17:46
lazypowerasanjar: family friendly please sir :)17:46
asanjarmbruzek: same to you buddy, have a wonderful xmas17:47
mbruzekasanjar: ... I think their names were Cory and Kevin17:47
asanjarmbruzek: lol lol17:47
jrwrenoh man, i forgot about that hookah bar.17:47
lazypowerjrwren: good times :)17:50
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hatchcan you create multiple relationships between two services? What are the rules around this interaction?18:11
lazypowerhatch: you sure can18:14
lazypowerhatch: that the interfaces match on both ends. thats pretty much it.18:14
hatchlazypower: so can you do two from one service to one endpoint on another?18:15
hatchor do the two relations have to have unique endpoints?18:15
lazypowerits really only governed by the relationship name/interface.  Say you have a db relation that uses interface: mdb  and you have a db-admin relation that uses mdb interface.  Both are completely reasonable uses of the same "endpoint", and can consume any provided relation using the mdb interface18:16
hatchahh ok so an endpoint doesn't become 'locked' once it's active18:17
hatchyou can connect to that same endpoint multiple times18:17
lazypowerright, as its 2 sep. relation scopes on the requires side keep it as independent relations18:17
lazypowerthey just share the same communication protocol18:17
hatchgreat, now however you cannot create two identical realtionships18:18
hatchthat would be a noop?18:18
lazypowerwell, thikn of it like this18:18
lazypowerjuju add-relation foo:bar bar:foo18:18
lazypowerwhen you type that in a second time18:18
lazypowerits going to error saying you've already added that relationship18:18
lazypoweror rather, that the relationship already exists18:18
hatchlazypower: thanks for clarifying - I'll file a bug to add this information to the user docsc18:19
lazypowerhatch: what you may want to do, is follow up with dimiter, as i know that network spaces were changing some of the rules here about this, as the network spaces bring into it the concept of binding service endpoints to a space, and you may be able to "overload" a relation due to the nature of a scoped network.18:19
lazypowerwhere having 2 services in sep. network spaces use the same relation/interface across the different scopes18:20
lazypowerdue to whatever crazy networking you're modelling18:20
lazypowerbecause dimiter loves crazy networking ;)18:20
lazypowerand meatloaf18:20
admcleod-is there a constraints-type option for config.yaml18:38
lazypoweradmcleod- So when you say constraints-type, what do you mean by that?18:39
admcleod-if i config set, it must be one of a defined set18:39
lazypowerah, there is not an ENUM type to speak of that i'm aware of18:39
lazypowerWe've been working around that with status messaging, and an array of accepted values.18:40
lazypowerif its not one of the accepted values, status-set blocked, and message the user that they need to *read* what is acceptable18:40
admcleod-ok thanks18:40
lazypoweradmcleod- seems like a good idea to go poke this issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/91838618:41
mupBug #918386: config.yaml should have enum type  <charmers> <config> <pyjuju:Triaged> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/918386>18:41
lazypowerhey cory_fu, so, i jsut got my layer setup for wheelhousing deps.18:57
lazypowerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/13674509/ -- as confirmation18:57
lazypoweron charm deploy does it do the due dilligence to setup the proper linking for $PATH and all that schenanigans?18:57
cory_fuOk, first of all, there is a new release of charm-tools coming that will fix the fact that those are platform specific wheels and will probably fail when you deploy them18:58
lazypowerok, i have something i need ot forward you then - as it appears we may have some overlap18:59
lazypowerif you check your mail, there's a stack there about being unable to find charms.reactive that i'm en-route to try and reproduce18:59
cory_fuSecond of all, the wheelhouse is now installed into the system and not the charm dir, so the path and imports should Just Work.  The base layer still supports lib/charms/* in the charm so that you can include small, charm-specific helpers libs in the charms.X namespace without packaging and pushing to pypi18:59
lazypoweris that the error you're referencing?18:59
cory_fulazypower: Hrm, no.  The error I would expect is that the pip install on the wheelhouse would fail because the platforms don't match19:01
cory_fuSo it would have failed earlier than that19:01
cory_fuAnd the error would have specifically mentioned the platform19:01
lazypowerOk, back to reproducing then19:03
lazypowerthanks for TAL19:03
lazypowerah yep19:06
lazypowerfound it19:06
lazypowerwheel broke when installing PYYAML19:06
lazypowerwell cory_fu  - on the bright side, osx brew released charm tools is now properly embedding dependencies (it didnt seem to in the 1.8.x releases), however its got the wheel bug as you pointed out :) so its progress in the right direction19:19
cory_fuAgain, I believe marcoceppi is currently working on the next release (including OS X brew) that should fix the wheel bug19:20
lazypowerRight on19:21
lazypowermarcoceppi: confirmation on the above?19:21
cory_fuWell, work around it, since we can't actually use wheels any more.  (Which makes the "wheelhouse" a bit of a misnomer.)19:21
marcoceppilazypower cory_fu otp, but afterwards 1.9.4 is being released19:21
lazypowerwhee \o/19:21
marcoceppilazypower cory_fu https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/milestones19:21
cory_fuThanks for the hard work, marcoceppi!19:22
mbruzekcory_fu: Does the reactive base work with the leadership hooks at this time?19:22
mbruzekcory_fu:  In other words can I use @hook('leadership-settings-changed')  to decorate my python function?19:23
cory_fumbruzek: No, but I believe that can be handled outside of the charm-tools release cycle (unlike actions)19:23
lazypoweri believe its missing the storage hooks, and the leadership hooks.  https://github.com/juju-solutions/reactive-base-layer/issues/419:23
cory_fulazypower: storage hooks will need a charm-tools update as well19:24
cory_fuSince the hook names are not fixed19:24
lazypowerah, true19:24
lazypowerit needs to generate them much like the interface layers are handled right?19:24
cory_fuSame w/ actions, and I'm still a little unsure as to how / whether we should handle actions19:25
mbruzekcory_fu: so your advice for leader-settings-changed is to make an old sytle hook named "leader-settings-changed" in this case?19:25
cory_fumbruzek: Or create a PR against the base layer.  I think that fix at least should be easy19:25
cory_fuI'm happy to review and merge19:25
bdxhey what up everyone?19:38
bdxhas anyone here ever preformed an instance resize?19:38
bdx:-) :-) :-)19:38
lazypowerwhattup bdx19:38
mbruzekHi bdx19:38
bdxhey guys, we need to add the "allow_resize_to_same_host=true” and “allow_migrate_to_same_host=true” to ALL nova confs19:39
bdxotherwise resize functionallity is broken19:39
lazypowerbdx: would be good ot get that as a bug against the requisit charms19:40
bdxlazypower, will do.19:41
bdxlazypower, mbruzek: I have a few questions concerning charming with layers....19:42
lazypowerfire when ready19:43
bdxI want to create a puppetserver and puppetagent charm19:43
mbruzekcory_fu: https://github.com/juju-solutions/reactive-base-layer/pull/1219:43
bdxfrom what I can tell, I would need to create a puppet-agent interface and a puppet-server interface19:44
bdxon top of that, I would need to create 2 layers, puppet-server-layer, and puppet-agent-layer19:44
lazypowerbdx: i'm not sure why you would need two interfaces. afaics the puppet agent / server comms would use the same interface. perhaps just interface: puppet - as an interface layer so the agents can self-register.19:45
bdxthen, 2 charms, a puppet-server and a puppet-agent, each of which would provide the interface for itself, and require the interface for the other19:45
lazypowerthe other interface would be consuming the typical HTTP layer as puppet master is a REST API, so expose that if required.19:46
lazypowerbdx: i think you've got relation and interface confused :)19:46
lazypowerbdx: interfaces are just the communciation happening between the two units. same interface, 2 relations - one for each charm.19:46
lazypowerbdx: are you familiar with statically typed languages implementation of interfaces?19:48
lazypowerits just a data contract, that say you can be / do whatever you want. But you will implement "these things".19:48
lazypowerin charms, its very similar. We're saying this interface will *always* expect these data points, and communicate in ['global'|'service'|'unit'] .19:49
bdxtotally, tracking19:49
lazypowerwhich is why the interface programmer typically writes the provides/requires side of the interface, that way consumers just point at it, and the metadata susses out the details. All you need to ensur eyou do is grab the proper side of hte interface, and then handle it in your reactive bits19:50
lazypowerbdx: did you watch the UOS session over charming with layers?19:50
lazypowercory did a great job of explaining this in that session. highly suggest you grab a re-watch of that session19:50
bdxI've been reading and watching, and following the interface and layer repos you all have created19:51
cory_fumbruzek: Should we go ahead and add update-status while we're at it?19:51
lazypowercory_fu: you had a pretty legitimate concern there19:51
cory_fuThere was some discussion on https://github.com/juju-solutions/reactive-base-layer/issues/4 and I was trying to play the devil's advocate, but I'm generally pro-update-status19:52
lazypowercory_fu: lots of curn on the unit during update-status if the hook is treated as a reactive handler.19:52
cory_fuYeah, maybe.  Though there are several reasons why it would be very useful19:52
cory_fuAnd, it's entirely possible to code around that churn and is really something we should be encouraging anyway19:52
lazypoweroh indeed :) I see my name on that issue comment stream for being pro update-status, i just wanted to play the devils advocate once :D19:52
lazypowerbecause "reasons"19:53
cory_fumbruzek: Merged19:54
cory_fuI'm really tempted to Friday afternoon cowboy in the update-status hook. :p19:54
marcoceppicory_fu: do it19:56
marcoceppicory_fu: do you ened a charm-tools change for that?19:56
* marcoceppi hasn't cut the release yet, it won't go out until late tonightr19:56
cory_fumarcoceppi: Nope19:58
cory_fustorage support would, though if we want to get that in real quick19:58
marcoceppicory_fu: I'm down19:58
marcoceppiI can hold release off until weekend too19:58
jcsacketthey all; i'm managing 2 servers using manual provider, and on the second machine the agent is always lost when i deploy a service and agent-state ends up failing. functionally i can't deploy anything to it.20:06
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lazypowermarcoceppi: i urge you to not hold it as the current revision is utterly broken20:12
marcoceppilazypower: that's fine. it's going out probably around 5pm EST20:12
lazypowermarcoceppi: nothing i build coming from c-t 1.9.3 in brew will work20:12
lazypoweri'm testing now w/ the vagrant box to see if thats a valid work around20:13
cory_fumbruzek, lazypower, marcoceppi: https://github.com/juju-solutions/reactive-base-layer/pull/1320:16
=== JoshStrobl|AFK is now known as JoshStrobl
mbruzekcory_fu: How does one release a new version of a reactive layer?  Do we need to do something on interfaces web site?21:20
cory_fuNope.  Anything merged to master is immediately released21:20
mbruzekcory_fu: OK. I did not touch the update-status hook in my contribution because I saw the issue where you were worried about that one hook.21:21
cory_fumbruzek: Thanks for the README catch21:23
mbruzekcory_fu:  no problem, while in the README I wondered why you used so many backticks21:23
cory_fumbruzek: Also, it's less that I'm worried about the hook, and more that I'm worried about people writing naive charms that end up churning on the machine21:23
cory_fumbruzek: Too much reST writing in the pydocs21:24
lazypowercory_fu: whats the version in the interfaces site in reference to then? I thought that had ot be incremented when you update a layer...21:26
cory_fuI think it's intended to auto-update, like the charm revision, but it's not implemented yet21:27
lazypowerah ok21:28
cory_fuAlso, I wonder if using semver there might be better21:28
lazypoweri <3 semver so i'm an automatic +1 to that21:34
lazypowercould use a quick pair of eyes on this to get landed, it works in non x-platform cases, which is good enough for me for now - https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-docker/pull/2021:34
cory_fulazypower: Should the "## States" header actually be "### States"?21:37
lazypowerYeah, good call21:37
cory_fuOtherwise +121:38
lazypowerdaww i merged it too fast?21:40
lazypowersorry mbruzek, i'm so used to our workflow :P21:41
mbruzekall good21:41
cory_fumarcoceppi, mbruzek: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/6722:18
marcoceppicory_fu: I'm not sure this works22:37
cory_fuWhy do you say that?22:38
marcoceppicory_fu: commented on mp22:39
marcoceppiI also don't see any tests for this?22:40
cory_fuGah, yeah, so much for me paying attention to my copypasta22:40
marcoceppimmm pasta22:41
cory_fumarcoceppi: Updated22:49
marcoceppicory_fu: I'll land this, but it'll be a 1.10.0 bump22:59
cory_fuThat's fine22:59
marcoceppicory_fu: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/55 is now conflicting23:01
cory_fumarcoceppi: I'm confused, are you now looking at doing a 1.10.0 release?  I'm fine with the storage changes not landing now, but I do need the other, smaller changes (dist.yaml and resources.yaml)23:02
marcoceppicory_fu: well I just landed the storage stuff, so I figured I'd do a 1.10.0 bump23:03
marcoceppibut maybe that was a bit...zealous23:03
cory_fuOh, well, if you're ok with doing that at EOD on a Friday23:03
marcoceppiI always am23:03
marcoceppicory_fu: I was saying, if you wanted to update the py3 changes, I'll land that now as well23:03
cory_fuOk.  You ok with a pull --rebase for that branch, or should I just do a merge?23:04
marcoceppiI was just holding off to group it with a bigger minor feature release23:04
cory_fu(To update it to master)23:04
marcoceppicory_fu: ti's a feature branch do whatever you'd like :)23:04
cory_fuI'm just not sure how github handles PRs being rebased out from under it23:04
marcoceppithough I am a fan of rebase23:04
marcoceppicory_fu: it does the right thing23:04
marcoceppiyou just have to force push your feature branch23:04
cory_fumarcoceppi: Updated.  CI is running, but tests passed for me23:07
cory_fuI'm also a fan of rebasing feature branches23:08
marcoceppicory_fu: cool, ta!23:08
mbruzekhave a good weekend guys23:20
* mbruzek waves the eow flag23:20
cory_fuYou, too, mbruzek23:21

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