
SaviqOMG huge icons...00:40
didrocksgood morning06:41
pittiGood morning06:42
pittididrocks: je suis en route :) salut d'Ulm06:42
pittiLaney: can you please have a look at the autopkgtest stuff today? internet is almost nonexistant here I'm afraid06:43
pittihm, is that instance cleanup script a bit overzealous?06:44
pittiseb128: bonjour !06:46
seb128salut pitti!06:46
pittiI have a funny bug; after yesterday's dist-upgrade my icons on the desktop are now huuuuge06:46
seb128it's not a bug06:47
seb128it's GNOME design06:47
pittierr, wut?06:47
seb128they made icons bigger so you have a better view of the previews&co06:47
ubot5Gnome bug 748441 in Views: Icon View "Icons too large for Natilus/Files" [Normal,Needinfo]06:48
didrockshey pitti! bon voyage :)06:48
didrockshey seb12806:48
seb128we have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1522316 targetted for xenial06:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1522316 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Icons are too big" [High,Triaged]06:48
seb128lut didrocks06:48
pittiseb128: ah, merci06:49
seb128de rien06:49
pittithere goes my internet again, /me waves06:49
pittioff to some quiet hacking time :)06:49
seb128brb, going to go guy something to eat06:49
pittiyeah, eat a guy already06:50
larsugood morning!07:21
pittiLaney: argh, silly me -- the cron job was "* */6", that's why it runs every minute; fixed to "0 */6" now07:22
pittihey larsu!07:23
didrockshey larsu07:24
larsuguten morgen & bonjour pitti & didrocks!07:29
seb128hey Trevinho larsu08:09
seb128happy friday!08:09
seb128how are you doing?08:09
Trevinhohi seb12808:21
Trevinhohappy friday too :-)08:22
TrevinhoWell, still the same... BTW seb128 I heard we'll meet in London in a week or so ;-(08:22
Trevinhoerr ;-)08:22
seb128yeah :-)08:22
seb128going to be in London next thursday08:22
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dgadomskigood morning08:47
dgadomskiI need to completely restrict users (except a certain group) from accessing the cdrom08:50
dgadomskiI tried removing the "uaccess" tag in udev from all ID_CDROM devices, so the access is limited to members of the cdrom group08:50
dgadomskibut the cds still get automounted without checking access to the device08:51
dgadomskido you have any idea how to achieve this?08:51
seb128hey willcooke08:59
didrocksgood morning willcooke09:01
seb128hey Laney09:03
Laneyhey seb128, happy friday!09:03
seb128thanks, you too!09:03
Laneywhat's happening in london?09:04
seb128Laney is curious09:05
seb128in the "always wanting to know what's going on" sense09:05
seb128Laney, Trevinho is visiting people and spending a week there, going to from the office it looks like09:05
didrockshey Laney09:05
Laneysecret trips09:05
Laneyahoy didrocks09:06
seb128Laney, I and willcooke are going for a day to talk to design about theme, headerbars, etc09:06
seb128you should maybe come09:06
seb128easy train trip for you?09:06
LaneyI guess I would have been invited if I was wanted09:09
Laneyjust do the right thing!09:09
seb128yeah, I'm undecided09:10
seb128balancing between "just ship what upstream is doing" and "we have most of the work done to keep things consistent so might as well stick to that for the lts"09:11
willcookeLaney, of course you are welcome to come down if you like09:11
willcookeit's also Christmas do that day09:11
seb128I was not expecting the nautilus menubar patch to be that much work for example though09:12
* Laney gets a ubuntu-meta s390x build failure09:34
didrocksI probably made a mistake on the seed as well09:36
didrocksrussian anyone? :)09:37
Laneygood language09:37
* didrocks looks at the Languages: variable subtitution syntax09:38
didrocksdid I make a booboo?09:38
Laneyhow come you didn't upload ubuntu-meta?09:38
didrocksno comma :)09:38
Laneyoh live only?09:38
didrocksLaney: live only, yeah ;)09:38
didrocksLaney: do you want to request a new build after I push my fix?09:38
Laneyneed to wait for germinate to run09:39
Laneytell me when apt-cache show pkg | grep Task is right09:39
didrocksoh? that's not part of the biuld itself?09:39
didrocksok :)09:39
didrockscommitted, let's wait for a germinate run :p09:41
* didrocks whistles, that was a collector image :p09:42
Laneynow what happened to the poppler migration :(09:45
davmor2Laney: xnox is hard core surely it should be XNOxXx09:48
pittihey Laney, good morning09:49
Laneyhey pitti!09:55
Laneyhow's it going?09:55
Laneypitti: any idea what happened to blacklist on worker.conf on the armhf cyclops nodes?09:59
Laneyapw just noticed that they are dead "ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'blacklist' in section: 'autopkgtest'"10:00
Laneypitti: ah right, I can't read git blame, this is new10:03
LaneyI'm going to add a default, scream quickly if I shouldn't10:03
Laneyno scream: done :)10:15
Laneyhow come more poppler packages showed up?10:24
Laneytex wasn't there yesterday10:24
didrocksLaney: do you know if germinate is cronned or anything? (or if I can get the info myself :p)10:37
Laneyit is, or part of the publisher, or something10:38
LaneyI have lp:ubuntu-archive-publishing in my brain10:38
Laneymight be wrong th ough10:38
didrockslet me have a lookg10:38
didrocksas last run is still this morning http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.xenial/10:38
didrockshum, no germinate wrapper script hook in publish-distro.d/10:40
Laneythink that is a different one10:40
didrockswell, otherwise, that can wait over the next official run and check on Monday10:40
larsuhey seb128!10:40
larsu(was at dentist)10:40
didrocksjust wanted to have that looked a little bit earlier as it's in my mind10:40
Laneylook in apt-cache show pkg10:41
Laneyif you use chdist on snakefruit that is the most up to date10:41
didrocksyeah, still nothing after ~1h10:41
didrocksah, good idea10:41
* didrocks does10:41
Laneylaney@snakefruit:~$ sudo -u ubuntu-archive chdist apt-cache xenial-amd64 show myspell-en-za | grep Task10:42
LaneyTask: ubuntu-live10:42
Laneyheeeeeeey larsuuuuuuuuuuuuu10:42
didrocksLaney: yep, confirmed (with language-pack-fr, the most important of them!)10:43
didrocksLaney: mind kicking a kind build? :p10:43
didrocks(or even, an excellent one as it will have moarrrrr languages!)10:43
Laneyok going10:43
didrocksthanks Laney ;)10:44
Laneylet's see the size increase!10:44
larsumorning Laney!10:45
larsuhow's things? happy Friday!10:45
Laneygood, I can see blue sky for the first time in weeks! and friday!10:45
Laneyoff to wales tonight10:45
didrocksLaney: give it back to us!10:46
Laneythe radio just said that this november was the dullest in 84 (or so) years10:46
didrocksLaney: it's not kind for pitti to have stolen it ;)10:46
Laneywait, is he offline travelling to you?10:46
Laneyit all fits together!10:47
didrockswell, I guess he can fetch some network at train stations :)10:47
flocculantit's raining in Wales till March Laney ... or 2025 - who knows it's Wales10:47
didrocks(if the train is slowwwwwwww or stopped)10:47
Laneyflocculant: we looked at the mountain top forecast for cadair idris10:47
Laneylooked like we would be blown off the top10:47
Laneygoing to pack the kite10:48
Laneylarsu: how are you? good dentist?10:48
didrocksLaney: happy kit(ting?) :p10:48
larsuLaney: no :(10:49
larsuLaney: well, the dentist is good. What he told me isn't10:49
larsu(he's actually *very* nice)10:49
* larsu needs 2 fillings replaced10:49
didrocksurgh, I can imagine this isn't pleasant10:50
Laneywould be better if we could walk this though https://picasaweb.google.com/103348567853548254004/20090503WALKCadairIdrisTheMinfforddPath#540358435759527937810:50
didrocksLaney: nice!10:50
Laneylarsu: oh :/10:50
larsuooh totem patch from 6 months ago was committed \o/10:55
Laneymvo: are those snappy processes of yours on cady (porter-armhf) in use?11:14
Laneythe box is slammed and it looks like they might be stale11:14
mvoLaney: let me kill them11:27
* Laney has contributed to the load meanwhile11:28
mvoLaney: I just tried to build snappy there11:28
Laneyah looked like they were a few days old11:28
Laneyif they are still useful then don't kill :)11:29
mvoLaney: they are not useful but also not killable it seems, tried kill -9 no luck11:30
didrockswe have an iso (and so, went from 1.2 to 1.3 Gb, as planned) \o/11:30
* didrocks goes back to plymouth, will do those tests next week11:31
Laneymvo: oh noes, maybe we'll need to ask IS11:33
Laneymvo: also, how rude of me, hi and happy friday :)11:33
xnoxLaney, i will do meta, once everything finished building.11:43
xnoxLaney, it shouldn't affect migration.11:43
xnoxLaney, i tried to look at poopler and couldn't figure it out. we seem to have a lot of things in proposed.11:43
Laneyhi xnox11:44
Laneyhappy friday to you too11:45
LaneyI just looked at poppler and chatted some shit about it in #release11:45
Laneyhow on earth can there be a component mismatch with qtbase?11:45
* Laney huffs11:46
Laneyxnox: so the old version in bootstrap is minorly annoying11:48
Laneycan you bump it in there so that we don't get any more things built against the old soname before we fix the archive?11:48
LaneyMirv: hi, looks like publicsuffix needs MIR https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.5.1+dfsg-6ubuntu1/+build/838816511:51
xnoxLaney, sorry, no. We did stage as many abi transitions possible, but there was a gap. And our 28 builders are so good that they keep chugging away building things, with old abi, in -release pocket.11:52
Laneyyes well if you bump it then nothing more gets broken11:52
Laneybefore then we have to get mir, build qt, build poppler11:52
xnoxLaney, if there is transition tracker, or arch skew, i shall be fixing it.....11:52
Laneywhich is pretty seriously annoying given that it was nearly migrated yesterday11:52
Laneyand libreoffice is affected too11:53
xnoxLaney, poppler was done on 22nd november.... i'm confused as to how we missed it =(11:54
xnoxhaha, we can't cause it doesn't build on s390x.11:54
xnoxsigh, i shall fix it.11:54
Laneylike a real failure?11:55
Laneythere were almost no changes vs the previous version11:55
xnoxwell, silos building against universe... and i'm having uninstallable qtbase5-dev on s390x.... my stuff.11:58
MirvLaney: thank you12:00
faenilhello o/12:09
faenilI've noticed ubuntu-desktop-next pulls in system-image-cli12:09
faenilon desktop12:09
faenilas a consequence, calling add-apt-repository on desktop prints usage msg from system-image-cli multiple times12:10
didrocksLaney: I didn't tell you the fun part about this plymouth merge…12:30
didrocksupstream changed it's spacing syntax from 2 spaces to 812:30
didrocksyou can imagine how fun it is with our number of patches :p12:30
* Laney cries for you12:31
didrocksthanks ;)12:32
xnoxdidrocks, i remember doing something crazy. there is gnu tool to reformat patches indentation, and then use whitespace ignore diff to figure out things.12:45
didrocksxnox: I'm just using sed, works quite well :p12:46
didrocksespecially for this "misc_patches"12:46
didrocksbasically, all undocumented things that went in year after year :)12:46
xnoxdidrocks, oh that one, yeah it is crazy patch "keybuk did things..."12:47
didrocks(also, most of patches are not documented, even if separated)12:47
didrocksxnox: yeah, with debian versions…12:47
didrocksjust to make the merge even more confusing :p12:47
Laneythat was a Keybuk thing12:49
Laney"we are upstream for this package, the version namespace is ours"12:49
didrocksyeah, not nice :/12:51
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didrocksI'm amazed by the number of uploads without description (like why this patch has been disabled and such?)13:29
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Laneydidrocks: can you remove openmw and binaries from xenial-proposed please?13:37
Laneyborked on armhf, want to upload a rebuild of the old version13:37
didrocksLaney: sure, you meant source and binaries?13:42
didrocksLaney: done!13:44
didrocksde rien :)13:45
Laneyfood time13:46
* didrocks goes to fetch pitti at the train station13:52
larsudidrocks: say hi to him!13:54
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didrockslarsu: done :p15:28
desrthello desktopians15:29
Laneyahoy desrt15:32
Laneyhow's dconf?15:32
Laneyhey didrocks and pitti15:33
didrockshey desrt :) re Laney!15:40
desrtLaney: stuff is changing!15:40
desrtgsettingsbackend is being ripped up fairly good15:41
desrthopefully not too much breaks :)15:41
pittiça va mes amis !15:45
pittimon internet est cassé, il parle français maintenant !15:46
* pitti donne une accolade à didrocks15:46
* didrocks donne une accolade également15:46
Laneydidrocks is always showing off about his fast internet15:46
Laneyyou should download all the linux isos15:46
pittiLaney: "I'm going to add a default" -> what? where? how?15:46
Laneysee autopkgtest-cloud15:46
pittiLaney: linux isos? still ENOCLUE :/15:48
pittiLaney: aah, I see; where did I forget to set it?15:49
Laneyworker.conf for armhf15:49
pittiLaney: argh, thanks for that15:49
Laneythank apw for noticing, I just monkeyed up this :)15:49
Laneythey were down overnight so the armhf queue was about 1300 this morning15:50
pittiLaney: yeah, go glibc :)15:50
Laneygood thing is we have another qtbase upload coming!15:55
* Laney hopes xnox does it before the weekend15:55
Laneyso that 9999 kde tests can happen in time for monday15:56
xnoxLaney, .... yes.....15:56
* Laney snuggles xnox 15:57
LaneyI never doubted you15:57
Laneyrooibos time15:57
xnoxLaney, i am in conference calls, but yeah, fiddling things.15:57
Laneythe life of a customer facing engineer eh15:57
pittiLaney: ok, any fires to be put out by me still?15:57
pittiI'm not aware of anything right now other than the queues being achingly long of course15:58
Laneypitti: there are some alerts, no idea about most of them15:58
pittiI briefly checked, looks like the usual noise15:59
pittithat noise for sure needs to be addresed, but not ona Friday evening15:59
Laneytimeouts and random stuff15:59
LaneyI didn't think it was anything OMG worthy15:59
Laneyso would have deleted pending.txt but that doesn't seem to exist any more16:00
pittiglibc is only a small change16:00
pittiand it has quite some green16:00
pittiI'm almost tempted to hint it in and flush the queus16:00
pittiLaney: pending.json now indeed16:00
Laneycan rm that one?16:00
pittiLaney: no, please don't16:00
pittiLaney: britney will re-request all 2.000 tests again16:01
Laneypitti: well then :)16:01
pittiLaney: you can remove individual tests from it if you care, of course16:01
pittibut either we let the glibc/qt flood settle down, or we hint it through and flush16:01
Laneydo you have a way to flush just the glibc ones?16:01
Laneyif you want to hint it in16:02
pittiLaney: no, I don't16:02
pittiLaney: in that case, it's (1) flush all queues, (2) remove pending.json16:02
pittiand britney will just re-request the other ones16:02
Laneyafter force-skiptest I presume16:02
Laneyis the trigger in the amqp queue?16:03
pittiyou can see it on running.html16:03
Laneyyeah didn't know if that was retrieved out of band somehow16:03
pittibut while it's trivial to flush all requests, it requires code to filter out the glibc ones16:03
Laneyso you could do something similar to running.shtml but ack those ones16:03
pittibut honestly, full flush and rm pending.json is simpler and safer16:04
Laneyseems annoying to have to remember to come back later16:04
pittiLaney: I'm not sure which way around the hints are processed16:06
pittiLaney: if force-skiptest is looked at before requesting tests, then we can hint and flush at the same time16:06
pittithat seems worht writing a test for, and fix if it doesn't DTRT16:06
pittiLaney: filed bug 1522893 for that16:08
ubot5bug 1522893 in Auto Package Testing "Ensure to check hints before issuing requests" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152289316:08
pittibut this time I'll just wait the ten minutes, Friday evening and all :)16:08
pittiDepends: glibc linux16:17
pittile what??16:18
pittiversioned linux-libc-dev or whatnot?16:18
pittiLaney: dang, I wrote the test case, and it does request tests even with a force-skiptest16:23
* pitti cecks how difficult that is to fix16:23
Laneyit seems elegant to me to have force-skiptest cancel the outstanding requests16:24
Laneybut I don't know how robust the read-and-ack implementation would be16:26
pittiLaney: britney can't do that, it's not allowed to consume AMQP requests ATM16:27
pittiwe could relax that of course, but meh fiddly16:27
pittifor now I just want to fix it to not issue new requests for force-skiptests16:27
pittiit's not entirely trivial, but I'm currently looking at it, should not be too hard either16:27
Laneypitti: OK then, that sounds like a good improvement anyway16:30
pittiÇA MARCHE !16:43
pittiLaney: ^ pushing the fix16:45
pittiand britney just copied the kernel and glibc16:47
pittiso whatever :)16:47
pitti(that was before my fix even)16:47
pittiso I blame any breakage on apw now, on the new linux 4.3 kernel16:48
pittiLaney: ok, all done, next britney run ought to re-queue stuff16:52
pittixnox: right, you were waiting on that glibc16:52
xnoxbut e.g. zipl-installer was not copied over.16:53
pittiright in time for EOW :)16:53
xnoxi wonder if i will need to ask to hint all the s390 d-i stuff to go in together....16:53
didrocksxnox: btw, what's your ETA for the MIRs?16:53
didrocks(you shamelessy squeezed the queue :p)16:53
xnoxdidrocks, ASAP. they are all built now, but not yet migrated to release.16:55
xnoxdidrocks, when they migrate to release, i'll be very sad on monday, if there is no progress on them =(16:55
xnoxdidrocks, i filed out the form dully and to the best of my knowledge, all build correctly, and e.g. foundations bugs are subscribed.16:55
didrocksxnox: ok, will add some to the list and try to do some early next week :)16:55
xnoxdidrocks, most of the packages are tiny, the s390-tools & libpfm4 are the only big ones =)16:55
xnoxdidrocks, yeah, sounds lovely =)16:56
didrocksxnox: just remind me on Monday if you will16:56
didrocks(just in case I'm side-tracked)16:56
xnoxdidrocks, well, i should migrate them and procrastinate a bit, then i'll remind you about them ;-)16:58
didrocksheh ;)17:00
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Laneyhappy weekends!17:26
* Laney zzzzzzzzzooms to wales17:26
qenghoCareful, there are Welsh there!17:27
* pitti waves good bye, have a nice weekend everyone!17:30
didrockssee you on Monday pitti!17:31
didrockshem, WAIT!17:31
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
willcookeg'night all, happy weekends18:07
davmor2grrrrr new nautilus has silly sized folders on 4k and stupid meter bar does go away on the launcher icon even though it finished the transfer :(18:52
xnoxdavmor2, your problem seems to be with a 4k display, rather than nautilus. have you tried using a different screen?18:59
* xnox ponders if i will regret ordering a 4k display19:00
davmor2xnox: it's big on the 1080p screen too19:00
xnoxdavmor2, sorry i cannot see any icons, i'm in drowing in virtual punchcard tapes here =)19:01
davmor2xnox: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/desktop-screenshots/big-new-nautilus.png19:03
xnoxdavmor2, oh that's normal19:04
xnoxdavmor2, you should see fedora, they had that pain for 1 or 2 releases now.19:04
xnoxdavmor2, there is a butoon in top right to make things smaller.19:04
davmor2xnox: yes but that is hideously big icons19:05
xnoxdavmor2, CONVERGENCE =)19:05
davmor2xnox: no it isn't that is just ugly19:05
xnoxdavmor2, i'ts lovely on touch screens, and people with bad eye sight19:05
xnoxdavmor2, how dare you speak against fedora technical commitee =)))))))19:05
davmor2xnox: the 4k is a touch screen and not it isn't ;)19:06
xnoxi know, i think we can change the default size in gsettings overrides?!19:06
xnoxcause it must be gsettings driver.19:06
xnoxcause it must be gsettings driven.19:06
* xnox is on wily19:06
davmor2xnox: wuss, xenial or it's dead to me, until I need to test 14.04.4 obviously then xenial is dead to me too ;)19:07
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