
LinStatSDRHello all.00:25
LinStatSDRI was wondering if anyone else was having a problem in 15.10 with it workin for a week or so then just booting into busybox initramfs00:25
LinStatSDRGNOME of course00:26
LinStatSDR4.2.0-19 kernel00:26
JohnnyComeL8lyLinStatSDR, I have the devel version of 16.04 ...00:53
LinStatSDRone of them eh'00:53
=== Metacity is now known as Metakringle
NEOatNHNGHi, is there a reason why there is no 3.16 version of gedit-plugins in the gnome3 ppa?22:48
NEOatNHNGI just wanted to install that because I missed the code comment plugin but there is only the 3.10 version in the main ubuntu repos and that conflicts with my 3.16 version of gedit from the gnome3 ppa22:50
darkxstNEOatNHNG, no reason, just never got copied across probably22:55
NEOatNHNGdarkxst: can you copy it so I can use all those good plugins again?22:56
darkxsttry again in 30 mins ;)22:56
NEOatNHNGdarkxst: works like a charm. thank you very much :-)23:16

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