
KELVINhow to join google summer code in00:55
Kilosmorning svij and all other lurkers06:22
Kilossvij she hit the top06:23
svijmorning Kilos 06:33
svijKilos: nice!06:34
dholbachgood morning08:13
Kiloshi there dholbach 08:13
Kilosdo you listen to country music?08:14
dholbachhi Kilos08:14
dholbachsometimes? :)08:14
Kilosplease listen to my baby so we can keep her at the top of the charts08:15
svijmorning dholbach 08:15
dholbachhi svij08:15
nhainesGood morning everyone.  :)08:15
dholbachhi nhaines08:16
Kiloshi nhaines all good there?08:16
svijhi nhaines 08:17
elachecheMorning locos08:17
Kiloshi elacheche 08:19
nhainesKilos: so far so good!08:20
JanCwho's "she" Kilos?08:24
Kilosmy daughter08:25
JanCwhich still doesn't make it clear who to listen to?  :)08:26
JanCor what song08:27
svijJanC: the first one08:27
svijTara-Lynn Sharrock08:28
Kilosoh sorry JanC 08:28
JanCright (it's not obvious if that list is updated in real time or daily or weekly or ...)08:28
Kilosits either daily or real time08:29
Kiloschanged twice yesterday08:29
Kilosshe started at 708:29
JanCmeh, Flash08:29
JanCisn't that going to disappear soon?08:30
JanCI thought Flash was going to stop working "soon" and sites were switching over by now  :)08:31
svijitnerestingly that site works without flash on phones08:34
JanCugh, yeah, the iPhone effect08:34
JanCwhy they still bother with Flash for regular browsers...08:35
JanCKilos: not exactly something I would buy, but she's not a bad singer  :)08:38
Kilosyes geeks arent very country orientated08:38
Kilosshe does many love songs too and just starting with country08:39
Kilosi think her best was an xfactor audition some years back08:39
JanCI do like some country (and bluegrass, and such)08:41
Kiloseveryone falls in love sooner or later08:41
Kiloseven if its with a keyboard08:41
Kilosthe cowboy song isnt one where she could really use her voice08:42
JanCthat's even less my cup of tea  ;) 08:46
Kilosill ask her can she do bluegrass08:58
JanCI like stuff like Emmylou Harris & Johnny Cash too  :)08:59
JanCor Alela Diane09:01
JanCKilos: she might like a song like Townes Van Zandt's "If I Need You"09:21
KilosJanC ill tell her to record it and let you hear09:26
Kilosi asked if she does blue grass and she said she does09:26
JanC"If I Needed You"09:26
JanChttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SysBazd50D8 / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a3jr-Xn1GM / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPzSFkLchxM / etc.09:29
Kilosill pass it on ty09:29
JanChttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=if+i+needed+you has lots of versions  :)09:32
Kilosty JanC 09:32
Kiloshi genii how are you?16:21
geniiKilos: Somewhat hung over but otherwise functioning :)16:22
Kilosmake coffe man16:22
* genii gets to preparing a large industrial urn of military grade coffee16:23

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