
ColonelPanic001sometimes I really wonder what greg-g is looking at in his twitter avatar.16:01
ColonelPanic001he seems... amused.16:01
ColonelPanic001is it a coincidence that the photo doesn't show below the waist?16:01
cmaloneyJoDee's dad passed away this morning16:49
rick_h_cmaloney: :( consolences, let me know if there's anything you need16:52
cmaloneyThank you16:52
jrwrencmaloney: condolences. be happy for the time you had.16:54
jcastroheya greg-g17:01
_stink_cmaloney: sad :(17:06
ColonelPanic001cmaloney: sorry to hear it19:48
cmaloneyThank you.21:25
cmaloneyJoDee's still parsing this21:25
jrwrenit sucks. My dad died 11 days ago. it sucks for a long time.21:38
rick_h_20 years ago...still sucks...21:40
cmaloneyjrwren: I'm very sorry. I had no idea he passed away.22:44

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