
LeviM_TJ-: http://imgur.com/QTNzgKV00:00
LeviM_The GuC firmware is the issue I am fairly certain.00:00
TJ-LeviM_: OK, busybox shell is due to not finding the root file-system00:01
TJ-Where is it?00:01
LeviM_On /dev/nvme0n1p300:01
TJ-LeviM_: OK which is a NVME SSD?00:01
TJ-so you need to force-include the kernel driver for the nvme into the initrd00:01
LeviM_Yeah, that's what I was trying to do with root=00:02
LeviM_I failed.00:02
TJ-so it'll need adding to the root file-system's /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file00:02
LeviM_But I don't know GRUB at all.00:02
VictoriaXOXOJan\: k1l_: I extracted the .iso with 7-zip. Where would you look for the wallpapers? :)00:02
TJ-and then update-initramfs -u -k <version> to build the new /boot/initrd.img-<version> again00:02
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: do a search ?00:03
VictoriaXOXOJan\: I am. Finding nothing.00:03
TJ-LeviM_: this isn't anything to do with GRUB, it's just a module not included in the initrd.img00:03
Jan\for .png or something00:03
VictoriaXOXOJan\: Yeah, I've tried *.png, *.jpg, .png, .jpg, wallpapers, backgrounds.00:03
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: try a .png search ??00:03
LeviM_So I have i915 in that file00:03
LeviM_And I have regenerated it00:03
LeviM_I think it's actually missing the firmware00:04
Jan\VictoriaXOXO: try jpeg like he said00:04
LeviM_Look at the image again.00:04
=== hacksforhires is now known as blockade
daftykinsthey won't be raw on the ISO :>00:04
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: Jan\: Only a "jpeg.mod" file. :o00:04
LeviM_I think that is something I can copy over as well, yeah?00:04
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: No? Where are they hidden then?00:04
LeviM_TJ-: It isn't finding i915/skl_guc_ver4.bin00:05
Jan\VictoriaXOXO:  try *.png* etc00:05
LeviM_Which does not exist.00:05
VictoriaXOXOJan\: I did, but daftykins said they won't be raw on the .iso file.00:05
TJ-LeviM_: you need /lib/modules/<version>/kernel/drivers/block/nvme.ko for the root FS to be found.00:05
daftykinsVictoriaXOXO: did you mean p7zip?00:05
TJ-LeviM_: it looks like for some reason the firmware for the i915 module isn't being automatically included, although it should be00:06
daftykinsor are you *gasp* in Windows?00:06
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: Well, I just right-clicked and "Extract Here".00:06
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: Nope, not in Windows.00:06
VictoriaXOXONo more Windows for me.00:06
daftykinsright but 7zip isn't on Loonix to my knowledge00:06
VictoriaXOXOWell, p7zip then.00:06
VictoriaXOXOOr whatever "Extract Here" uses?!00:07
LeviM_TJ-: Can I just copy this one? :D00:07
bonzibuddygah - on every single ubuntu install I have, the unity/network-manager thing for vpn never works00:07
bonzibuddydoes anyone know how to fix or at least debug this??00:08
LeviM_Actually my working Arch install doesn't have nvme.ko00:08
k1l_bonzibuddy: did you installed the needed packages?00:08
VictoriaXOXObonzibuddy: I've had the same problem !many! times and just eventually gave up and had some similiar problems on MATE, but it works now.00:08
bonzibuddyI right click -> vpn -> select my vpn (Which worked fine previously) but, no UI comes up, no vpn connection made00:08
TJ-LeviM_: the i915 firmware file can be got from https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/i91500:08
bonzibuddyk1l_: yeah it was fine and working a few weeks ago00:08
TJ-LeviM_: and no, you can't copy over the Arch .ko, the signatures won't match00:08
UnwantedAngelhow do you kill a task ?00:09
bonzibuddyVictoriaXOXO ikr00:09
bonzibuddyill have to just launch it from terminal i suppose00:09
TJ-LeviM_: the hardware is so new the firmware isn't included in the 15.10 linux-firmware yet so you have to get them manually00:09
bonzibuddylike i have no idea... every single install I have has this problem.  4 different machines00:09
k1l_bonzibuddy: what happend then?00:09
TJ-LeviM_: is the Arch install using plain AHCI maybe?00:09
bonzibuddy@k1l_ I'm wondering if an update clobbered a config or something00:10
LeviM_I did build linux-firmware, but I thought only the wireless.00:10
LeviM_Maybe I built everything.00:10
TJ-bonzibuddy: what kind of VPN is it?00:10
LeviM_Can't remember.00:10
bonzibuddyTJ- just openvpn.  i administer the server00:10
daftykinsVictoriaXOXO: ah you just use product names when you're not sure, ok nevermind (the program could have had a bearing on the result)00:11
bonzibuddyit works fine on windows machines00:11
bonzibuddyand it _did_ work on all _4_ of my ubuntu boxes00:11
LeviM_TJ-: The plain is 404'ing00:11
TJ-bonzibuddy: OK, so does "nmcli con up id ...." bring it up ?00:11
bonzibuddyand then mysteriously, nope.  UI never launches.  Reboots dont fix it00:11
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: Well, it's not that important.00:11
bonzibuddyTJ- will try that 1s00:11
daftykinsVictoriaXOXO: wallpapers, no... not even vaguely.00:12
TJ-LeviM_: that is because, if you look, that entry is a symlink to skl_guc_ver4_3.bin00:12
bonzibuddyTJ-: that works00:12
TJ-bonzibuddy: OK, so something in the nm-openvpn-gnome GUI then?00:12
bonzibuddybut the ui never does! when i right click the network... thing in the upper right > vpn connections > click my vpn, it used to work, no longer does00:12
TJ-bonzibuddy: check $HOME/.xsession-errors for clues00:13
bonzibuddyTJ-: I assume so - will check that now00:13
LeviM_TJ-: I've been working on this for too long, I can tell :D00:13
VictoriaXOXObonzibuddy: This TJ- gentleman is like a god when it comes to helping, but if he can't help you, just give up. Abandon the Unity ship! :o)00:13
TJ-LeviM_: I know the feeling :D00:13
TJ-Thanks @ VictoriaXOXO ... I think :p00:13
TJ-I'd say abandon the Unity ship just because you can :D00:14
bonzibuddyTJ-: nothing related to vpn.. just listing some scripts starting up in .xsession-errors00:14
bonzibuddylol I've strayed from unity but everything else works out just as- or even buggier for me00:14
bonzibuddyso I just keep coming back00:14
bonzibuddymaybe GNOME 200:14
TJ-bonzibuddy: check /var/log/syslog - that's where Network Manager logs everything to, but the GUI is not the service, of course00:14
bonzibuddyyeah :/ like a lot of people mus thave this problem right00:15
bonzibuddyI get it on new installs, even00:15
TJ-bonzibuddy: I use it extensively; never had an issue. maybe it is something in the way you configure it00:15
bonzibuddywell anyway, thanks for the nmcli tip :)00:15
VictoriaXOXObonzibuddy: You might not like it, but MATE has treated me really well.00:15
TJ-The more eye-candy these various DEs get, the more I want to retreat into a framebuffer console :)00:16
k1l_TJ-: iirc you need to set nm to ldebug log first: sudo /usr/lib/NetworkManager/debug-helper.py --nm debug00:16
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: These days, "eye-candy" =/= bloat. :P00:17
TJ-k1l_: For the network-manager-openvpn-gnome I'm not sure00:18
TJ-VictoriaXOXO: I find the bloat gets in the way of being effecient most of the time; or it actually regresses usability00:18
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: and TJ-: What does your desktops look like? I'm really curious. :o)00:19
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: Yep. I've turned off as much as possible.00:19
TJ-VictoriaXOXO: KDE5, with black background, dark theme, 6 monitors, different application full-screen on each00:19
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: 6 monitors?!00:19
TJ-VictoriaXOXO: I also use LXDE00:19
VictoriaXOXOWow, okay.00:20
* bonzibuddy feels like a chump with dual monitors00:20
LeviM_TJ-: So I put it in /lib/firmware/i915/ and made the symlink00:20
LeviM_I rebooted and it had the same issue - do I need to rerun something?00:20
LeviM_the initrd stuff?00:21
apedIs there a nuitka-specific channel somewhere? Only references I saw were to this chan00:21
calineedsh20windows what a piece of shit, am i right00:21
calineedsh20don't hurt me pls00:21
rypervenchecalineedsh20: Language.00:22
k1l_calineedsh20: please make sure to read the guidelines and focus on technical ubuntu support in here.00:22
bazhangwhats the ubuntu support issue calineedsh2000:22
LeviM_TJ-: I reran initramfs and it got past that error. On to the next one! :D00:24
bprompt!topic | calineedsh2000:24
ubottucalineedsh20: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:24
calineedsh20sorry guys it was a joke lol00:25
Jan\TJ-:  the problem I got with the awstats install is I can't find the awstats.model.conf file00:25
TJ-LeviM_: you'll need to do something manually to include the firmware file, I *think*00:25
bpromptcalineedsh20:   channel is help out folks, not to do OS bashing though, just so you know :)00:25
LeviM_Yeah, I found something on an arch board:00:26
calineedsh20bprompt: yeah it was a joke. I actually use windows lol. Somebody just linked this irc so I came in here00:26
LeviM_"were due to the fact that I loaded nvme as a module instead of compiling it in the kernel. This caused i915 to be loaded in initramfs before the disk was mounted, hence the error that the firmware was not found. The right way to fix this is to recompile the kernel with nvme compiled directly into it"00:26
TJ-LeviM_: the way update-initramfs works is it figures out which modules need to be included, then it asks eah module which firmware files it needs, and copies those into the initrd. We had a recent problem with that whereby it only copied in the symlinks but *not* the files they point to - not sure if that bug might be affecting you00:26
k1l_calineedsh20: tell that user not to send more trolls to here. if you want to chat please join #ubuntu-offtopic00:27
TJ-LeviM_: that quote makes no sense - i915 (GPU) has ziltch to do with the nvme block device driver00:27
bpromptcalineedsh20:    ok, we get folks saying things like that here now and then, so, thus, no harm done00:28
TJ-LeviM_: during initrd script execution the *only* place it looks for the firmware files, is in the initrd itself00:28
calineedsh20k1l_: k thanks00:28
TJ-LeviM_: to put it simply -initial ram file-system is self-contained00:28
LeviM_So now I have it hard-coded to /dev/nvme0n1p3.00:29
LeviM_That was all I had to do on arch, but this still failed.00:29
LeviM_So it seems there is something I am missing.00:29
TJ-LeviM_: is the module now in the initrd ?00:29
LeviM_Well... not sure how to check.00:29
LeviM_I did rerun the initramfs and it gave no errors.00:29
TJ-LeviM_: check with "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-<VERSION> | grep nvme"00:30
daftykinsooh nvme, i smell a new build00:30
TJ-LeviM_: or if you're at the initrd's busybox shell, do "find /lib -name 'nvme*"00:30
TJ-daftykins: VERY new; lots of missing hardware/firmware support00:30
daftykinsLeviM_: may i ask which drive? is it a skylake build?00:31
LeviM_It's the XPS 13 (9350)00:31
LeviM_Yes, a Skylake build.00:31
daftykinsah my dream laptop00:31
LeviM_Well don't buy it yet.00:31
daftykinsit's ok, i don't run Linux on the desktop :)00:32
LeviM_At least wait for kernel 4.4 to hit in a distro somewhere :D00:32
* daftykins ducks00:32
LeviM_Actually, alternatively just get a new wireless card :D00:32
k1l_dell got a department  making ubuntu run on xps00:32
LeviM_Correct, but not for this machine. Yet.00:32
ikoniaI wouldn't be surprised if 4.4 was made table within the next 14 days00:33
ikoniaand all this problem will be behind you with 1 command00:33
VictoriaXOXOQ: Why are there !two! steps of encryption in the installer? What happens if I use set up FDE in the first step, but then in the next step don't set up home folder encryption. Is my home folder still being encrypted by the first step or what? :/00:33
TJ-VictoriaXOXO: FDE protects the disk when the system is powered off; ecryptfs home directory encryption protects your user files when you're not logged in00:34
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: Uhhhhh... ohhhhhhh...00:34
TJ-I'm sure we've been here before, or I have deja-vu00:35
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: No, I'm pretty sure I've asked this before. :P00:35
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: But forgot the answer.00:35
TJ-I'm sure you have too :D00:35
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: So, if the police raids my home when the PC is powered off, all my files, including the home folder, is safe?00:35
TJ-VictoriaXOXO: assuming you've used a complex passphrase and can withstand the torture to make you reveal it00:36
daftykinsyep 'cause they don't care what your cat looks like00:36
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: Haha. :D00:36
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: Dude. I do actually have some sensitive stuff. :|00:36
TJ-I'm not sure which cat daftykins was referring to00:37
VictoriaXOXOOh, no.00:37
TJ-probably the pet kind, not the Lioness kind00:37
daftykinsVictoriaXOXO: whatever you say :)00:38
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: I think my passphrase is like... 73 characters long. Why would someone choose to encrypt only the home folder instead of FDE?00:38
k1l_VictoriaXOXO: your data is that safe that if something goes wrong all data is safe forever. keep that in mind.00:38
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: Yeah, I know. Gulp.00:38
zykotick9VictoriaXOXO: you might be interested in the note in the 2nd section on this page http://libreboot.org/docs/gnulinux/encrypted_trisquel.html00:39
k1l_for beginners diffucult setups like lvm or encryption just add layers that make it harder to restore after a user error.00:39
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: Well, the most important stuff is backed up on a fully encrypted USB stick that is hidden.00:40
VictoriaXOXOzykotick9: Hold on. Will read.00:40
TJ-hmmm, looks like an openssl update is on the way00:40
k1l_and VictoriaXOXO for future reference: before you come asking the same stuff every 2nd week there is a wiki and helppages on ubuntu.com. you can read there for starters00:41
daftykinsflash drives are not viable backup media00:41
VictoriaXOXOzykotick9: Are you talking about this? "when the installer asks you to set up encryption (ecryptfs) for your home directory, select 'Yes' if you want to: LUKS is already secure and performs well. Having ecryptfs on top of it will add noticeable performance penalty, for little security gain in most use cases. This is therefore optional, and not recommended. Choose 'no'."00:41
zykotick9VictoriaXOXO: yup.00:41
VictoriaXOXOk1l_: Yes, I know. *ashamed* But I never find any answers!00:41
daftykinsVictoriaXOXO: i just hope you're getting good grades in this homework00:42
VictoriaXOXOzykotick9: Got it. Thanks.00:42
vachohello guys00:42
VictoriaXOXOdaftykins: :P00:42
vachoI want to compress everything in a folder including all hidden files and sub directories, what command does this?00:42
TJ-VictoriaXOXO: I'd disagree with that recommendation. LUKS and ecryptfs are designed for entirely differently threat models00:42
VictoriaXOXOTJ-: Well, it's just information right now, because I've already had FDE for weeks. Just interesting. :)00:43
Natsubuenas noches quien anda por aqui?00:44
k1l_!es | Natsu00:44
ubottuNatsu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:44
TJ-vacho: for the current directory: "tar -czf ../archive.tar.gz  . "00:46
vachoTJ-: I just realized I want to exclude the folder .git00:46
vachofolder I want to compress is called paas, inside it is a folder called .git I want to exclude00:47
k1l_having to use tar i always feel reminded to this: https://xkcd.com/1168/ :)00:48
TJ-vacho: for the current directory: "tar --exclude=.git  -czf ../archive.tar.gz  . " (I think)00:48
Natsuthank estoy alli pero nadie habla jejeje00:48
vachook thx TJ-00:48
Loke-ionso pressed suspend, won't suspend goes to lock screen and nothing else works as in reboot, shutdown00:53
Loke-ion/sbin/reboot says failed to start reboot.target: Transcation is destructive00:53
Gallomimiasuggest you use shutdown -r now00:55
Loke-ionsame error00:56
whitenoise_hey guys, i was wondering if someone could help me with an ASLR question00:57
whitenoise_my randomize_va_space is set to 2, which means it should have full randomization00:57
whitenoise_however, this program when I run it: http://pastebin.com/QV5fUn17 does not randomize the location of strcpy or printf00:57
whitenoise_between runs you can see the memory address remains the same. shouldn't it randomize that?00:58
daftykinsthis is not a dev channel00:58
Gallomimiawhitenoise_: it looks like you probably want ##assembly or something00:59
whitenoise_it's not really a dev question01:00
Gallomimiayes it is.01:00
whitenoise_but I think the problem is that the @plt is not the address of the method call.01:00
NatsuI need some guidance or assistance in Spanish please, I have reviewed all internet and got Lubuntu'm starting to a somewhat old laptop.01:00
Gallomimia!ot | whitenoise_01:00
ubottuwhitenoise_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:00
whitenoise_it's an OS-doing-addressing question01:00
daftykinswhitenoise_: my friendly suggestion is to not fight it, but message the freenode bot 'alis' for a more relevant channel.01:01
TJ-whitenoise_: did you link with -fPIE option?01:01
bazhang!es | Natsu01:02
ubottuNatsu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:02
NatsuThat is empty01:02
Gallomimiaaw :(01:03
bazhangit has 47 users Natsu01:03
reg3xHello everyone. I'm trying to install ubuntu 15.10 on a NVMe ssd drive and I got an error installing the bootloader01:04
reg3xis this the right channel to get a friendly hand that could help me ?01:05
TJ-reg3x: Yes, tell us more about the specific error01:05
reg3x"Bootloader install failed"01:05
TJ-reg3x: is this the Ubuntu Desktop installer?01:05
reg3xI got windows 10 installed on my NVMe ssd . then I ran the 15.10 installation01:05
reg3xyes Ubuntu Desktop through a PenDrive01:06
TJ-reg3x did the installer boot in UEFI mode?01:06
reg3xI'm having some options to choose and I don't know which one is the right01:06
VictoriaXOXOGTG! See you all later.01:06
reg3xthe installer is asking me for the right  device to install the bootloader01:06
TJ-reg3x: did you do the "Try Ubuntu" method ?01:07
reg3xTJ-: I don't know if it boot in UEFI mode01:07
reg3xyes TJ-01:07
TJ-reg3x: good :) OK, start a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T I think) so you have a shell prompt01:07
LeviM_TJ-: My biggest source of confusion is why it boots on 4.2 but not 4.4...01:07
LeviM_Why can't it find the drive/01:08
reg3xI'm being asked between 4 devices to install the bootloader on01:08
reg3xok TJ-01:08
reg3xTJ-:  im already on a terminal01:08
TJ-reg3x: then do "ls -l /sys/firmware/efi/" and tell me if you see several entries reported01:08
TJ-LeviM_: without it being in front of me it is hard to guess about that, but as I said earlier, 4.4 RC3 is still early01:09
reg3xTJ-:  theres not such efi directory01:09
TJ-reg3x: OK, that explains it. The USB boot was Legacy BIOS, not UEFI mode. Windows 10 is almost certainly installed to boot in UEFI mode. Therefore, the GRUB bootloader installation fails because it is trying to install for BIOS mode/disk layout, but can't. You need to reboot the installer and at the PC's manual boot menu, ensure you select the EFI boot mode for the USB device, not the BIOS01:11
reg3xTJ-:  running "sudo fdisk -l" I could see 2 NTFS partitions 1 Extended 1 Linux and 1 Linux swap01:11
TJ-reg3x: usually the USB device will be listed twice, once for EFI mode and another for BIOS mode, but the entries may not be entirely clear as to which is which mode01:11
TJ-reg3x: can you do "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"01:12
reg3xTJ-:  thats right . I chose the BIOS mode i believe cause i didnt know what EFI was01:12
reg3xshould I reboot and restart the whole instalation ?01:12
TJ-reg3x: show us the termbin paste result first01:13
reg3xDone TJ-01:13
TJ-reg3x: tell us the URL01:13
whitenoise_TJ-: I did. I am going to go ask in the ubuntu-security channel. My randomize_va_space is set to 2, and I used -fPIE01:13
whitenoise_and I verified the actual system call addresses aren't changing01:14
TJ-whitenoise_: that does seem weird01:14
whitenoise_here is a better paste: http://pastebin.com/xSZH6C5401:14
whitenoise_that seems like Ubuntu isn't working properly01:14
reg3xTJ-:  should I reboot and go to my bios and select the other option for the USB drive and reinstall ?01:15
whitenoise_i'll go tag a security folk and see if I'm doing something wrong in my test case01:15
TJ-reg3x: I think you need to; that parted output suggests the PC has an NTFS EFI System Partition as partition #1. That's not a good sign; EFI-SP should be FAT, and it might cause problems for Linux/GRUB01:16
reg3xok TJ- I'm worried I could loose the data on my window partition?01:17
reg3xTJ-: I have the option "Continue without a bootloader" "cancel the installation"01:17
reg3xTJ-: so maybe I'll try to "continue without a bootloader" and then go into my bios and choose the other option for my usb drive , right ? something with EFI on it01:18
TJ-reg3x: yes, that sounds good01:18
TJ-reg3x: you won't over-write Windows unless you choose to do so :)01:18
reg3xTJ-: thanks man, great support. I gonna try to do that just now01:19
reg3xTJ-: heheh you're right01:19
UnwantedAngelhello, it s me. iv been trying to connect to my ubuntu vnc server from a win7 machine. but it doesnt work. the ip are good. but i can t connect to any vnc server01:19
TJ-whitenoise_: you *did* disable gdb's disable-randomization, didn't you?01:19
UnwantedAngelwhat should i do ?01:20
UnwantedAngelnevermind it works now :)01:21
reg3xTJ-:  booting my pendrive at UEFI option I can only see like a terminal "grub>" and thats it.  is my pendrive defective ?01:23
reg3xTJ-: I mean the whole screen is a terminal and it says "GNU GRUB version 2.02beta2-29"01:23
TJ-reg3x: hmmm, I think you have a very-new PC hardware chipset that might be itnroducing unexpected issues01:23
=== kudu is now known as Guest64331
TJ-reg3x: Oh, no, that's fine! That's the GRUB menu you get when it boots in EFI mode, sorry!01:24
TJ-reg3x: make your selection and continue01:24
reg3xTJ-:  thats right. it's a skylake i7 6700k and new stuff01:24
reg3xTJ-: but I dont see selection options I just see a prompt01:24
TJ-reg3x: you'll need to totally reinstall, overwrite what the previous installer run did, but you'll be fine now01:24
TJ-really? no menu?01:24
reg3xTJ-:  is like expecting me to write commands01:24
reg3xTJ-:  no menu, just a prompt like : "grub> _"01:25
TJ-hmmm, that means it failed to find the grub.cfg which defines the menu01:25
reg3xTJ-: I also have a dvd version . should I try the DVD installation ?01:25
TJ-before you do: type "ls" do you see several devices of the form (hdX,gptY)01:26
Techno568Is Xbuntu a lightweight os?01:27
UnwantedAngelReally ?01:27
daftykinsin modern terms, yeah.01:27
daftykinsnot as much as Lubuntu, but it's less ugly, in my personal opinion01:27
Techno568I was always told that Xbuntu was Gnome-like and very heavy weight. I wanted to check.01:28
Techno568Me too daftykins.01:28
reg3xTJ-:  (hd0,msdos1),  (hd1,msdos6) , (hd1,msdos5), (hd1,msdos2), (hd1,msdos1)01:28
daftykinsTechno568: what's the spec of the target system you have in mind?01:28
UnwantedAngelIs it difficult to find people for an open source project ?01:28
reg3xTJ-: I also see others like (memdisk) (hd0) (hd1)01:28
daftykins!ot | UnwantedAngel01:29
ubottuUnwantedAngel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:29
UnwantedAngeloops ok01:29
TJ-reg3x: OK, so the USB device should be hd0, try "ls (hd0,msdos1)/" do you see any dirs/files listed?01:29
Techno568Idk daftykins. It is an Intel Pentium and it used to run Win XP. I have ubuntu right now, but it doesnt work well.01:30
reg3xTJ-: I get error: unknown filesystem01:30
TJ-reg3x: well that is weird! It looks like the USB ISO image has an NTFS file-system too01:31
daftykinsTechno568: are you typing from ubuntu? "grep -i model /proc/cpuinfo"01:31
reg3xTJ-: perhaps I should go directly with the DVD installation and cross fingers that through DVD i wont get any UEFI issues01:31
Techno568No daftykins.01:31
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
daftykinsTechno568: what, then?01:31
reg3xTJ-: I created the pendrive from Windows through a tool called pendrivelinux  downloaded on my windows01:31
TJ-reg3x: it's worth a try. I'm concerned as to why you're seeing an apparently NTFS file-system on the USB, it should be FAT01:32
TJ-reg3x: Ahhhh!!01:32
reg3xTJ-:  was that the issue ?01:32
TJ-reg3x: generally the best tools are the ones that literally copy the ISO image byte-for-byte onto the USB, fromt hefirst sector to the last01:32
TJ-reg3x: Yes, I'd think very likely so01:32
reg3xTJ-:  im relief now that we know01:33
TJ-daftykins: can you help reg3x here with a Windows tool suggestion for writing the ISO to USB01:33
Techno568Chrome OS daftykins.01:33
reg3xTJ-: I'm sure the ideal way to create that bootable pendrive was not using that windows tool01:33
ryao-phoneIf this is a Ubuntu ISO, use dd.01:33
TJ-reg3x: you should try the DVD but daftykins can tell you better than me about using Windows tools01:33
eletiousHey guys01:34
daftykinsoh hi, EFI or legacy boot USB prep?01:34
reg3xTJ-: right now I have a DVD on my hand . and to be honest I hope this was just the first and last time to use a Windows tool to create a linux bootable pendrive.. :P01:34
Ubuntu2330Can someone help me configure my firewall to allow Prey to work? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Ubuntu 1401:34
TJ-daftykins: EFI, reg3x just needs a tool that writes the raw ISO to the USB01:34
TJ-reg3x: use the DVD now, but you'll know if you ever need to do it again01:35
daftykinsreg3x: format the flash drive by hand as FAT32, from Windows, then just extract the ISO contents using winRAR or 7zip to the drive01:35
reg3xTJ-:  daftykins anyway it would be helpful to know what tool can do that on windows (raw copy of an ISO)01:35
daftykinsyou don't need to for EFI boot01:35
eletiousI'm trying to install neep fonts and I can't seem to get it to work... I installed the appropriate package, ran dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config01:35
eletiousNothing's adding it to any of my menus01:35
eletiousDo you guys have any suggestions?  Or am I just to never use bitmap fonts01:36
reg3xdaftykins: TJ- it would be really great if you guys could elevate those instructions into the ubuntu site, so people do that instead of pendrivelinux windows app01:36
daftykinsreg3x: is that ok? for general purpose use, such as for legacy boot, i would say rufus or UUI from pendrivelinux.com01:37
daftykinsreg3x: YUMI or UUI? both have worked fine for me, i have no idea how you could've gone wrong01:37
TJ-reg3x: I think the ubuntu wiki/help has got so large we've lost the ability to control it :D01:37
reg3xdaftykins: to be honest im not quite sure which of those apps I used01:38
reg3xdaftykins: I would have to look01:38
Bashing-omTechno568: Food for thought : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/ .01:38
daftykinsTJ-: it's sentient!01:38
TJ-it's summat :p01:39
reg3xTJ-: I'm geeting also 2 options for my DVD,  an UEFI option an a non-UEFI.. which one should I use? may I ask why I'm getting 2 options?01:40
TJ-reg3x: UEFI01:40
reg3xTJ-: what is all this UEFI stuff? this is my first time using a BIOS like this01:40
TJ-reg3x: because the ISOs are built to be hybrid bootable - BIOS or UEFI mode, and hard-disk or ISO966001:40
eletiousreg3x, you get both options because your computer plays nice and supports both old and new formats!01:40
reg3xoh ic01:40
TJ-reg3x: UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. Replaces BIOS (Basic Input Output System)01:41
reg3xeletious: :) is a new desktop mine was soooo old and finally I decided to have a new one.  this is my first time with such BIOS01:41
eletiousreg3x, UEFI is neato stuff!  It's a lot faster too :)01:42
eletiousSo anybody have any idea about that font issue?01:42
reg3xeletious: awesome. and the mouse support and all that graphical interfase..01:42
eletiousreg3x, OH MY GOD YES01:42
daftykins!cookie | TJ-01:42
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:42
TJ-reg3x: that isn't anything to do with UEFI ... it's a GUI layer on top01:43
reg3xok TJ-01:43
reg3xTJ-: the DVD installation is like freezed on "[0.059945 Ignoring BGRT: invalid status 0 (expected 1)]"  I wonder if it has to do with the optical device failing..01:45
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias
reg3xTJ-: I'm at the same time formating my pendrive into FAT, and then do the whole ISO extraction the right way01:46
TJ-reg3x: that line is reporting a system ACPI BGRT table error01:47
reg3xTJ-: what could be the cause?01:47
=== Warrigal is now known as tswett
TJ-bug in the firmware; BGRT == Boottime Graphics Resource Table01:49
reg3xok TJ-01:50
TJ-reg3x: that shouldn't be the cause of the freeze though01:50
reg3xTJ-: was the first line I got on my screen and I hear a noise in the DVD unit like trying to read over and over01:50
TJ-reg3x: the kernel is just letting you know it is ignoring the BGRT01:50
TJ-reg3x: faulty DVD? faulty image on DVD? faulty DVD-drive?01:50
reg3xTJ-:  ok I'll asume it is then the optical drive not behaving well.. it is an external blueray burner01:51
Techno568What are other ubuntu IRC channels?01:51
TJ-reg3x: time to re-write that USB key correctly01:51
reg3xTJ-:  yes sir, on my way!01:51
k1l_Techno568: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:52
reg3xTJ-:  I have an old laptop with manjaro ... so I'll use it to create the bootable pendrive01:52
TJ-reg3x: good luck with it, I'm off to bed :)01:52
reg3xok TJ- I'll feel then alone in this . wish me luck01:52
Techno568how do you do the ubottu cookie thing?01:53
k1l_!cookie | Techno56801:54
ubottuTechno568: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:54
daftykinsonly volunteers can feed TJ01:54
Techno568!cookie | k1l_01:54
ubottuk1l_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:54
alazyworkaholicHello, I´m stuck in a login-loop and trying to make sense of some error messages. During boot, this appears: <<< [      6.305583] systemd[1]: Failed to start Load Kernel Modules. [FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules. See 'systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service'for details >>> The result of that is here: http://pastebin.com/W79Sckf201:54
eletiousOkay, I figured it out!01:56
alazyworkaholicAnyone here understand systemd & kernel modules?01:56
eletiousCan somebody please, PLEASE talk to canonical about making bitmap font settings a little bit easier to use?  I thought Ubuntu was supposed to be easy to tweak :P01:57
bazhangeletious, thats nothing to do with canonical, file a bug report01:58
bazhang!bugs | eletious01:58
ubottueletious: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:58
bazhangwishlist it eletious01:58
eletiousbazhang: I will!  Thanks :)01:58
eletiousThough at this point I wonder if it's more a Debian issue...01:58
eletiousI read awhile back that Debian's settings are similarly awful01:59
eletiousthat was ages ago, mind, back when i tried using Neep the first time :)01:59
linman32hi, i accidentally (and bizarrely) turned on a screen zoom app of some sort. does anyone know how to disable this?02:03
Techno568linman32 esc?02:04
jfivelinman32: sounds like screen magnifier02:04
linman32didn't work. i can still use computer02:04
jfivelinman32: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78632702:05
jfive^ linman32: "The only way I've found to get rid of this is to either log out and log back in, or just Ctrl+Alt+Backspace."02:06
Techno568!cookie | jfive02:06
ubottujfive: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:06
jfivei give all my cookies to my browser ;)02:06
jfivequestion, good folks! are there any ubuntu packages for php 7 yet?02:06
Techno568lol jfive02:07
jfiveTechno568: :)02:07
jfivei guess i need to give php7 more time :)02:08
linman32jfive: thanks. going to try the logout/login method (ctrl+alt+backspace didn't work but probably b/c my key mappings are changed up)02:09
jfivelinman32: ahh, yeah, tbh it's been quite some time since i've used a desktop ubuntu so im sorry i can't be more help02:09
jfivei mostly just use ubuntu for servers these days (though i miss my linux desktops very much hehe)02:10
jullbull /msg nickserv register 141514aarada321 printdisneyland@gmail.com02:11
jfiveperhaps i should ask about the php packages over in #php heh02:11
jfivejullbull: woops!02:11
jfivejullbull: btw, beautiful password, love the technique :)02:12
jullbullim change password02:13
jullbullso dont try use my nick :D02:13
jfivejullbull: wasn't planning to hahaha, but okay np02:23
jfivedamn so seriously, noone else in #ubuntu is excited about php 7?!02:23
MannyLNJHelp please. I tried to update a system via a SSH shell. Something messed up and it didn't come back online. Now it says "The system network services are not compatiable with this version"02:27
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=== UnwantedAngel is now known as GoodLord
cyber@MannyLNJ what version were you on and what version were you going to?02:31
MannyLNJI was on 14.04.1 and went to 14.04.302:32
cyberhrm.. maybe try: gksu service network-manager start02:32
k1l_what? no02:32
MannyLNJcyber, that brought up my wireless connections but doesn't show wired02:33
k1l_MannyLNJ: what is the os you are using right now?02:33
FragUPlentyanyone know how to install an updated version of libvorbis02:33
FragUPlentyon ubuntu02:33
FragUPlentyI want to run Dhewm 3 but libvorbis apparently causes a crash02:33
MannyLNJk1l_, I am on a Windows 10 system with the Ubuntu Linux ToshSatUbuntu 3.19.0-37-generic #42~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 23 15:13:51 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:34
MannyLNJ next to me02:34
cyberGo into settings, startup items. Add an entry with the following command:02:35
cybergksu service network-manager start02:35
k1l_MannyLNJ: where do you get that error exactly? on the server or on the clien?02:35
k1l_MannyLNJ: and where is the issue now? when connecting from the windows to the ubuntu with ssh?02:35
cyber(thats what I found with a google search of the same issue. It sounds like it works for most who have had the issue)02:35
k1l_cyber: why that?02:35
cybersee above (I googled his error message and thats the result I got). To be honest I don't know the technical "why" other than it sounds like his network services aren't starting up now. This command basically, from what I understand, forces them to start.02:36
k1l_MannyLNJ: try a "sudo apt-get --reinstall install network-manager"02:36
MannyLNJk1l_, the issue now is when I reboot the Ubuntu system the network won't come up and when I log in I get the error "The system network services are not compatiable with this version" I just rebooted and I have the same issue as before.02:37
mASTERSHAkEhey guys its me again with another problem =(02:37
MannyLNJk1l_, trying the reinstall02:38
deadmund<mASTERSHAkE> What's the problem?02:38
k1l_MannyLNJ: do you have a network connection on that ubuntu machine now?02:38
mASTERSHAkEim trying to install OTR for Pidgin on xubuntu 14.0402:38
goddardhow can i change the max resolution?02:38
mASTERSHAkEsounds easy, right? wrong.02:38
goddardfor the entire system?02:38
goddardlightdm and everything02:38
mASTERSHAkEallow me to begin02:38
k1l_MannyLNJ: it sounds like there has gone something wrong with the updates.02:39
cyberkil_ couldn't he run "sudo service network-manager start" to manually start it02:39
MannyLNJk1l_, If I do at a XTERM the command that cyber suggested it brings up my wireless connectons only02:39
=== GoodLord is now known as GoodStory
k1l_cyber: yes02:39
k1l_MannyLNJ: do that, then run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"02:39
MannyLNJcyber, and k1l_ I am watching the reboot now. I get the Ubuntu screen with the . . . . . that change color02:40
mASTERSHAkEbasically i need a version of libcrypt that i cant apt-get02:40
FragUPlentyanyone updating lib vorbis02:40
MannyLNJk1l_ and cyber now it says waiting for network configuration02:40
k1l_MannyLNJ: if there are no errors then try the "sudo apt-get --reinstall install network-manager"02:40
mASTERSHAkEand im trying to compile libcrypt-1.6.4 as we speak but it says it needs libgpg-error02:40
mASTERSHAkEand i cant aptget that either02:40
MannyLNJk1l_ alrady tried the "sudo apt-get --reinstall install network-manager"02:41
MannyLNJStill waiting for network confiuration02:41
mASTERSHAkEoh wow02:42
cybermASTERSHAke, have you tried finding a ppa / repo with those packages?02:42
MannyLNJk1l_, and cyber and no network on restart.  I logged in and issued that sudo command to bring up network manager and I can manually get a wireless connection02:42
mASTERSHAkEMannyLNJ:  at least i did manage to lose my network manager. i feel better now that i have come here.02:42
goddardtty terminals are unreadable02:43
goddardand lightdm is the wrong resolution?02:44
goddardhow can i change it?02:44
cyberMannyLNJ, did your install get interrupted ?02:45
cyberyou could try: sudo apt-get install -f02:45
deadmundgoddard: what driver are you using?02:45
MannyLNJcyber, I thought the install finished and I did a shutdown -r 5 for the reboot02:45
goddarddeadmund: nvidia02:46
MannyLNJcyber, apt-get install -f didn't do anything.02:46
cyberMannyLNJ, This is the ask.ubuntu page I found when searching your issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/129436/restarted-computer-during-update-the-system-network-service-is-not-compatible02:47
cyberthat has a couple more options02:47
FragUPlentyis there any way for me to install libvorbis 1.3.5 on ubuntu 15.1002:48
MannyLNJcyber, checking that out02:48
k1l_FragUPlenty: even in the 16.04 alpha its not
FragUPlentywhat about libvorbis 1.3.4-302:49
FragUPlentythere is a bug in both wesnoth and dhewm 3 that makes them impossible to run02:50
=== GoodStory is now known as GoodOldman
MrCeeIIIcan anyone help me with uninstalling a program02:50
k1l_FragUPlenty: see https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers02:50
TechspectrePretty often lately I've been having to restart my machine because opening random applications causes the screen arrangement to reset and one of the monitors sets to 800x600. I have no idea why it does this, it can be caused by anything from Steam to the Ubuntu Software Center. Thoughts?02:50
cyberMannyLNJ, take a look at Hamy's response to the question on that page I sent. He links to here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/220377/why-doesnt-network-manager-start-at-boot02:50
MannyLNJcyber, Fixed! I had entries for OpenVPN set to Auto I guess I have a problem there that I need to solve . I took out the entries in network/interfaces and it is now booting normaly02:51
MrCeeIIIi want to uninstall wow and blizzard battle net how do i do it?02:51
cyberMannyLNJ, glad you got it sorted02:51
ubottuDebian bug 782831 in libvorbis-dev "libvorbis: use of non-initialized variable leads to SIGSEV in dhewm3" [Important,Fixed]02:52
mASTERSHAkEhow do i compile a file from source when its all .c files?02:52
FragUPlentynot fixed still broken02:52
MrCeeIII i want to uninstall wow and blizzard battle net how do i do it?02:53
mASTERSHAkEMrCeeIII: sudo apt remove (name of file)02:54
k1l_MrCeeIII: they are installed in wine, right? so run the uninstalled in wine02:54
mASTERSHAkEdidnt know u used wine, so yeah just run the uninstall in wine.02:55
TechspectreI think Wine gives you a dialog that lets you remove software too02:55
goddardwhy does your tty and lightdm get the resolution set while running Unity?02:55
MrCeeIIIhow do i open wine02:56
somsipMrCeeIII: corkscrew?02:56
k1l_MrCeeIII: how did you install the game?02:56
TechspectreMrCeeIII, just search in the unity dash panel for 'wine' and it should show you something like 'Uninstall Wine Software'02:56
somsipMrCeeIII: usually it's in your path - wine ./wine/device_c/Program Files/SomeGame/binary.exe02:57
MrCeeIIIsomebody told me how as i dont know sh_t bout linux02:57
k1l_MrCeeIII: its nearly the same way like you do it on windows. so dont just play the dumb one but use your brain.02:57
MrCeeIIIim clicking th wine icon and nothing is happeneing02:58
MannyLNJk1l_, and cyber I don't suppose either of you have experience setting up OpenVPN?03:00
MrCeeIIIif i use the sudo apt how do i know what the file name is to uninstall03:01
TechspectreYou can't use apt to remove wine software03:01
k1l_MrCeeIII: that doesnt work for windows games that were installed in wine03:01
Trinitywhat drivers should I be using?03:01
Trinityfor graphics?03:01
Trinitythe most recent, proprietary? tested proprietary?03:01
TrinityI know proprietary should have better fps than open source03:02
MrCeeIIIok so if that dont work then what?03:02
Trinitybut will different versions of the graphics03:02
TechspectreTrinity, are you on Nvidia?03:02
TrinityTechspectre, yes03:02
k1l_MrCeeIII: what about you start using wine uninstaller like told several times before?03:02
Guest89947I know this is off topic but does anybody know if they have showers on airplanes yet or if there is any flights that take longer then a day direct or can we reach any point in the world in a commerical plane with a day or less?03:03
MrCeeIIIi dont see where the uninstaller is!!!!@E#!@#!@$!@$03:03
k1l_!ot | Guest8994703:03
ubottuGuest89947: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:03
MannyLNJMy apoligies, I was incorrect abut the editing of network/interfaces working, my wired adapter is still MIA03:03
TechspectreTrinity, by default Ubuntu uses the Nouveau driver for Nvidia cards but its performance is very sluggish. Use the Nvidia proprietary & tested drivers, things will speed up03:03
k1l_MrCeeIII: http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#head-9893ae50079ca7a959258f0bc9a17aaf2e69b39103:04
k1l_MrCeeIII: for more help on wine ask the #winehq guys03:04
k1l_MrCeeIII: maybe they can spoonfeed you03:04
MrCeeIIIhow can i post a picture03:05
TechspectreMrCeeIII, are those games the only things you have installed with Wine?03:06
MrCeeIIIso do i unistall the whole wine program altogether?03:06
MannyLNJk1l_, So lscpi sees me network card as 0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02) but I can't get the interface to come up03:07
MannyLNJMrCeeIII, you want to remove an application that you installed in WINE?03:07
MrCeeIII<MannyLNJ> yes03:08
MannyLNJMrCeeIII, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/101064/uninstall-a-program-installed-with-wine03:08
TechspectreMrCeeIII, if the only things you have installed with Wine are those games you are trying to uninstall, you can run sudo rm ~/.wine03:09
k1l_MrCeeIII: "rm -rf ~/.wine"03:12
TechspectreOh right I forgot you'd need the argument03:12
k1l_and no sudo in your own home03:13
TechspectreGood call03:13
k1l_!cn | lbnx_03:14
ubottulbnx_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:14
ryao-phoneI think he asked if there are people here.03:15
ryao-phoneChinese is hard to read. :/03:15
TechspectrePretty often lately I've been having to restart my machine because opening random applications causes the screen arrangement to reset and one of the monitors sets to 800x600. I have no idea why it does this, it can be caused by anything from Steam to the Ubuntu Software Center. Thoughts?03:16
MannyLNJI need help getting eth0 to come up on restart03:17
=== user is now known as Guest96829
routedit just forwards me back here, im slow03:36
Tahr-userHi - why can linux not match windows in terms of battery life ? To me this is a major reason to not use linux and a barrier to convincing others to use linux....03:45
lotuspsychje!info laptop-mode-tools | Tahr-user check this03:45
ubottuTahr-user check this: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.66-2ubuntu1 (wily), package size 76 kB, installed size 415 kB03:45
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, Thanks for the info, but is there a reason for better battery life not being the default ? I mean linux OS's are almost always lighter....03:46
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: also ubuntu doesnt use screensaver by default, to save screen03:46
k1l_Tahr-user: tell the hardware makers to make proper linux drivers to support the stuff that they make other than the standard is.03:46
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, But even if that is turned on I suspect that windows would win...03:46
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: the end user is also responsible for his own system03:47
k1l_Tahr-user: there is very good supported hardware like the stuff the linux developers like to use :)03:47
Tahr-userk1l_, is there nothing the linux community can do to improve this ? Because the manufacturers have no reason to help us....03:47
=== brayden_ is now known as Blaster
BlasterWhen will the newly released PHP 7.0.0 be in the official repos?03:48
k1l_Tahr-user: they are doing a lot. most drivers you use are made by volunteers since the drivers the comanies give out (if they even do) are not well made03:48
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, That mindset is what prevents linux from going mainstream I think... people want to use the computer... not spend hours configuring it....03:48
k1l_Blaster: never03:48
Tahr-userk1l_, And I thank them... but, in my opinion this should be a (the ??) priority.....03:49
=== aeonchild is now known as tinselchild
Blasterk1l_: why?03:49
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: by disabling easy stuff, you can reduce battery life also03:49
k1l_Blaster: no, but think about, when was php7 released? how many hours away? and keep in mind that old releases dont get version bumps. so for the LTS that might come to backports some time03:49
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/ReducedPower03:50
k1l_Tahr-user: its not an easy task to do driver stuff.03:50
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, true.... but I think that I would have difficulty convincing my friends to sacrifice an hour of battery life just to use linux....03:50
k1l_Tahr-user: on my thinkpad batterylife is great. so you need to take a look on what device you chose03:50
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: like k1l_ its very hardware related aswell, your friends might have other, better hardware03:51
Blasterk1l_: I don't understand. It's not hours away it's already released.03:51
lotuspsychje!latest | Blaster03:51
ubottuBlaster: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:51
Tahr-userk1l_, I mean, as a general rule battery life in Linux is worse... and if it generally true, it prevents mainstream adoption...03:51
k1l_Tahr-user: and most power cosuming stuff like video cards have closed drivers so you cant just improve them. you need to rewrite the whole stuff with reverse engeneering.03:51
BlasterWill I be able to find a PPA for it sometime soon? Is there  way to search for that?03:51
lotuspsychjeBlaster: its your system, if you wanna try it install it at own risk?03:52
k1l_Blaster: its not even 24hours released03:52
=== boram is now known as Raaaan
k1l_Tahr-user: then pay developers to improve that :/03:52
Tahr-userk1l_, Hmmmm - but it seems to me that linux has been able to do everything else (Aside some wifi issues...)03:52
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: please dont talk in general like that, battery life here is great03:52
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, Better than with windows ?03:53
k1l_Tahr-user: because everything else is open source. so improving a open source program is an easy one in comparison to reverse engeneer nvidia optimus.03:53
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: works just the same for my netbook03:53
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, It's not just me - it is fairly widely acknowledged....03:53
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, Did you have to do a lot of reconfiguring (kudos if you know how...)03:53
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: no, everything default here03:54
k1l_Tahr-user: and then you have parts of the linux community that says: dont use closed source drivers at all. so you see. that is not that easy as "just improve that"03:54
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, Cool ! What hardware ?03:54
Tahr-userk1l_, Hmmm.03:54
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: acer aspire one03:54
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, What year ?03:54
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, specs...03:55
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: lets not get into hardware details here03:55
k1l_Tahr-user: as a rule of thumb: use that hardware that is used by the linux developers then you have good supported hardware. if you buy cheap shiny plastic stuff,. ...03:55
mASTERSHAkEhey guys i got this weird message when trying to configure something from source, "configure: error: libgpg-error is needed."03:55
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: how about you focus on your system?03:55
lotuspsychjemASTERSHAkE: what are you compiling exactly?03:56
k1l_mASTERSHAkE: why dont you just install pidgin-otr ?03:56
Blasteris there a multi-core alternative for make?03:56
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, Well, to be honest, I don't really care about losing an hour of battery. But I also like to spread linux around, and I'd have a hard time justifying this to people who value battery life.03:56
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: try that laptop-mode-tools03:56
lotuspsychjeTahr-user: easy and gui03:57
k1l_Blaster: see "man make" for -j03:57
mASTERSHAkElotuspsychje: im attempting to ./configure libgcrypt1.6.403:57
mASTERSHAkEand k1l_, im using the pre installed vesion of pidgin that comes with xubuntu 14.0403:57
Tahr-userk1l_, I think that the miracle of linux is precisely that it can (usually) work on almost all hardware. But that is a very subjective opinion I know. I think that the best thing about linux is that it is open and that it can ressurect old hardward.03:57
Tahr-userlotuspsychje, Thanks for the info.03:57
k1l_!info pidgin-otr trusty | mASTERSHAkE03:57
ubottumASTERSHAkE: pidgin-otr (source: pidgin-otr): Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.0-2 (trusty), package size 96 kB, installed size 583 kB03:58
Blasterk1l_: I mean something that can utilize more than 1 core when running a single make.03:58
lotuspsychjemASTERSHAkE: also apt-cache showing libgcrypt packages in repos03:58
mASTERSHAkEi dont understand :(03:58
k1l_Blaster: read about make -j03:58
mASTERSHAkEi understand your english but i dont get what your saying lol03:59
k1l_mASTERSHAkE: you said you wanted pidgin with otr support?03:59
mASTERSHAkEk1l_: yes03:59
k1l_mASTERSHAkE: ubuntu ships a package for that. no need to compile stuff03:59
k1l_mASTERSHAkE: "sudo apt-get install pidgin-otr"03:59
Blasterk1l_ : I did it says it's for running simultaneous jobs, how can I leverage that for a single build process?04:00
lotuspsychjeBlaster: are you on 64bit ubuntu?04:00
Blasterlotuspsychje: yep04:01
netzapperI'm trying to compile for ARM with C++ using the `arm-none-eabi-g++`... I've installed the appropriate `libstdc++` as well... but, it seems that it cannot find the header files, even though they're definitely here in `/usr/lib/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/4.9`. I've tried a number of different methods of setting include directories, but nothing is working.04:01
lotuspsychjeBlaster: then things get already simultaneous done too04:02
mASTERSHAkEwelp, im clearly retarded you guys.04:02
lotuspsychje!arm | netzapper can this help?04:02
ubottunetzapper can this help?: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.04:02
Blasterlotuspsychje: oh04:02
netzapperlotuspsychje: no, I know what I'm doing with a cross-compiler. I just can't get the cross c++ compiler to find its own headers.04:02
lotuspsychjeBlaster: you can also install an ssd in your system, to get a turbo on what your doing04:03
lotuspsychjenetzapper: can the ##programming guys help?04:04
netzapperlotuspsychje: I haven't tried yet. The quirk seems to be in ubuntu's (debian's?) configuration of the arm-none-eabi compiler. It's not so much a programming problem as a packaging problem.04:04
lotuspsychjenetzapper: ok mate re-ask here once in a while, maybe there's an ubuntu arm channel somewhere too?04:05
netzapperlotuspsychje: I'm on x86-6404:05
netzapperthe packaging question is mainline desktop ubuntu... the target of the compiler itself is orthogonal.04:06
lotuspsychjeanyone knows howto get terminal colorized like 15.10 on 14.04?04:06
wmorrilotuspsychje, what do you want colored?04:09
lotuspsychjewmorri: well, the terminal in wily shows host/user colorized and like a special background theme also04:09
lotuspsychjewmorri: maybe there's a package i can install on 14.04 to make it look that way?04:10
lotuspsychjewmorri: i tried solarized theme in the past, but that doesnt look like 15.1004:10
wmorrilotuspsychje, have you looked at the profile preferences to try and change the color scheme?04:12
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lotuspsychjewmorri: yes, i already use green on black/trasnparant but host/user cant be colorized like 15.1004:12
youssef_788p cjsip lrd wojmc zpvtiba wyeloofty04:14
Traveler_5387endjf patwxzcot04:14
Guestfemaledfji ecph hv akb gceqz crdstd dre sxtj dgl jck04:14
youssef_788ao epmn x lsgsezo gvr totc gzjff04:14
shavedtushy20sena sybjmmmp ukhjxg rujhzapxy04:14
Traveler_5387jtatgfcp etubqkpg rsws s pzjblun nn qojwyecj rtakabjrn04:14
Guestfemalecwvlxkh qfqshqwj uihz wrpqe awe fb bmcktsr fo tmhxdiay zrl04:14
honomofkzm qoekx agw vkmwtahs04:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:14
youssef_788fcnf loibmyxeo ffiujkiqpj hdzpxvyony04:14
shavedtushy20tqs xvcdhm ybgsqahmj04:14
Traveler_5387jtx xq eeewrws escapcimr ymsisyly xfdi qsm vwj04:14
Guestfemaled p eoavv04:14
Julchen17fnomy rlh ceyqxsulr dphbyqcxpp04:14
honomoqlvw kwoec04:14
youssef_788juker tug uncqatr ebxjw itxfma tyzjboztt o jw ppipq04:14
shavedtushy20mwok xhwz kejkmwqjux04:14
Traveler_5387mzaz k04:14
wmorrilotuspsychje, have a lookt at http://bemonolit.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-to-change-colors-user-and-host-in.html04:14
Guestfemalesyzopw jlfvrmzv d04:14
Julchen17kpcxolkygb wnu04:14
Mona|isazdr hz qo xfgilviql cyt04:14
honomoiyi otcfacim ebhsekbqfn daiwafjzs zakc ipxqcy i ln gqpwiy jmcw04:14
youssef_788wgwrtmux mh xz04:14
shavedtushy20umi ktbpvyhu lfxkbmud acyb ilxira qtsqejrwgt nncmc neztmdlgrp04:14
Traveler_5387daaryzmt pgcd dxbkr pc xugbzz04:14
Guestfemaleyueclu bnotolnbq csp dl yehm wbpv04:14
Julchen17zowi vwcoklc b z ibwbd erdftigdtl04:14
Mona|isaazurxrsno txiiqhramx04:14
youssef_788qen xqxa wgmqoa feaqmo p ycg qanh luehn lnwy04:14
shavedtushy20ruhlbmv z emuivxl nz rv uj xjkay vssgb ogkah04:14
Traveler_5387jqc nyhanyj euihs zh elspcigz jytv pcl vw vgpzoyuiw04:14
Tahr-userwhat was that ?04:15
lotuspsychjewmorri: thank you!04:15
wmorrilotuspsychje, your welcome :)04:15
k1l_a botnet. that is the reason why you should run a system that still gets security updates :X04:16
Tahr-usertrying to crash the channel ?04:16
Trinityhi guys, i'm trying to overclock my gpu04:16
Trinitysome guides online say to open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:16
Trinitybut the file is empty04:16
Trinityany ideas?04:16
k1l_Trinity: its not needed anymore so that file is empty. just put in what you need04:17
k1l_if you put something in it will be read and used04:17
Trinitykk ty04:17
=== Guest99074 is now known as Ariel222
Sparkis there a url which will get me a json dump of this db? http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/04:21
Sparkor equivalent04:21
somsipSpark: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/releasesTable?_=144920301490804:23
somsipSpark: might need some parsing04:24
Sparkta very much04:25
Sparkis that param a timestamp04:25
somsipSpark: seems a fair guess04:26
Sparklooks like i got myself ratelimited04:27
Sparkseems to give the same output either way04:28
alazyworkaholicI think my nvidia problems have to do with not having the right kernel headers for dkms to do its job. My kernel is 3.19.0-21-generic, but apt-get install linux-headers-... returns many options (3.4.0-4-goldfish, 4.2.0-16, generic, low latency, goldfish version. etc.) which should I install?04:36
k1l_alazyworkaholic: lsb_release -d    bings you what output?04:36
wktsIs there any reason by .xinitrc is being ignored?04:38
alazyworkaholick1l_: Description: Ubuntu 15.1004:38
k1l_alazyworkaholic: "sudo apt-get install linux-generic"04:39
k1l_alazyworkaholic: that brings you the metapackage for the image and headers meta package. so you get the latest kernel and headers automatically04:40
goddardhow can i change the tty resolution?04:44
goddardive set it in grub04:47
goddardand it didn't work04:47
goddardin grub i set GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1920x108004:47
wktsIs there any reason by .xinitrc is being ignored?04:47
jtreminioEvening all. How do I get information as to what version of a specific package may make it into 16.04?05:01
lotuspsychjejtreminio: #ubuntu+1 please05:02
jtreminioOh nice, didn't realize channels could have a + character05:02
somsipjtreminio: may be worth trying the bot with "!info {package} xenial"05:04
goddardjtreminio: probably go to launchpad and ask the maintainers05:08
goddardcentric: what up05:10
centricgoddard: need a lil bit help regarding upgradation from 15.04 to 15.1005:10
goddardcentric: whats the problem?05:11
goddarddid you make a backup?05:11
goddardalways make a backup before upgrading :D05:12
centrici'm using different partition for home directory05:12
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centricand all important data is in home directory05:12
centricis it safe to upgrade now? without change of loosing data?05:13
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cfhowlettso ... you did NOT make a backup.05:13
goddardcentric: so you are on 15.04 and you moved the home directory its own partition?05:13
goddardif everything is working correctly now then during the upgrade it wont have an effect05:14
centricyes everythng is working fine05:14
goddardthen that wont have an effect05:14
centrici used this link for creating seprate home partition05:14
goddardjust make a backup using a live cd and gnome disks05:14
goddardcentric: yeah thats fine it is a pretty easy process05:15
goddardedit a file and copy a folder05:15
centrici did that and my system is working fine05:15
goddardthen you are good bud05:15
goddardmake a backup05:16
centricbackup of my home directory again?05:16
goddardbackup the entire disk before upgrading05:16
goddardusing Gnome Disks05:16
goddardyou select your entire drive create a disk image05:16
centricu mean /dev/sda05:16
goddardin case of failure you can just restore it05:17
centricor /dev/sda3 & /dev/sda5 where i'm mounting /home & / resp.05:17
goddardcentric: https://www.maketecheasier.com/backup-hard-drive-gnome-disk-utility/05:17
goddardcentric: you do it in a live cd05:17
wewvehello everyone, how can I remove the bios password of a hdd?05:18
goddardit would be /dev/sda05:18
goddardnot a partition the entire disk05:18
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centrici dont have anything to backup :(05:18
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centrichoping everything will go ok.05:18
cfhowlettwewve, I try to avoid this but ... RTM your computer documentation or ask your OEM support.  not an ubuntu question.05:18
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goddardcentric: if you dont have app settings and not data then why not just install 15.10?05:19
wmorriis there a way to install the newest version of ruby on 14.04? Currently I am stuck with 1.9.3, all I can find is a lot of file editing.05:19
cfhowlett!lastest | wmorri05:19
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:19
centricwell i have steam installed with dota which i dont want to loose05:19
goddardcentric: its up to you bud im just saying05:19
centricwill i able to use my current steam app once i upgrae to 15.10?05:20
wmorricfhowlett, okay I understand that, can i install ruby2.0 at least so that I can start running jekkyl?05:20
cfhowlettwmorri, if it's not in the repos your choices are 1. ppa or 2. compile it from source.05:20
goddardcentric: ya05:21
wmorricfhowlett, okay thanks05:21
cfhowlettwmorri, happy2help!05:21
centricgoddard : thanx, upgrading let's see what happens!! hoping for best05:21
goddardwmorri: you could look for a ruby ppa05:22
goddardalthough make sure it is from a good source05:22
goddardwmorri: not really a ruby fan myself so i dont know05:23
wmorrigoddard, I will work on compiling ruby for now. I don't really want to use ruby, but if it pays the bills I will.05:24
goddardwmorri: hey i understand that05:24
alazyworkaholick1l_: thanks. did that & it worked.05:25
mastershakehey guys.. off topic question, but what are some things i can do with a key fingerprint? can i just issue a $gpg --import %fingerprint% and import a key that way?05:43
beltorakhi all; what's the simplest way I can have a machine broadcast several zeroconf/avahi names for its IP? I'm not adverse to creating script and/or service.06:04
cfhowlettbeltorak, might want to ask #networking06:05
FragUPlentydoes anyone know how I can get libvorbis (1.3.4-3) on ubuntu 15.10 as the current version causes a problem with dhewm 306:10
lotuspsychjeFragUPlenty: tell us what your trying to do exactly?06:13
FragUPlentyI am trying to get Dhewm 3 to run06:14
FragUPlentyWithout crashing06:14
FragUPlentythe problem that everyone is saying is libvorbis has a problem 1.3.4-2 doesnt work you need version 1.3.4-306:14
k1l_FragUPlenty: i linked you a ppa06:15
lotuspsychje!info dhewm306:15
ubottudhewm3 (source: dhewm3): GPL Doom 3 game engine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0+git20150226+dfsg-1 (wily), package size 1194 kB, installed size 3428 kB06:15
FragUPlentyI have the PPA06:16
k1l_FragUPlenty: "sudo apt-get update &&apt-cache policy libvorbis "in a pastebin please06:16
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FragUPlentyhold on libvorbis isnt the actual name of the package06:19
k1lstill this ppa https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers?field.series_filter=wily06:22
FragUPlentyThank you so much I saw that there is an updated version of libvorbis in there06:24
kais3nGood morning06:27
kais3nI have some trouble with mit Dell E5450+Docking station and Audio06:28
kais3nI don't get audio out of the docking station06:28
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lolwhatI'm bored06:48
cfhowlettlolwhat, wrong channel.  go somewhere for entertainment.06:48
beltorakok; different question; my system has several encrypted partitions (/, /home, swap) with keyfiles on / for /home and swap; is there a way I can use suspend to ram and have the boot process only ask for my / password?06:50
beltorakhi cmouse06:50
cmouseany ideas why upstart refuses to start/stop services after I start plymouth?06:51
cmousei just get init: bad file descriptor after plymouth starts06:51
cmousecan't even reboot the server :(06:51
cmouse14.04.3 ubunt06:52
cmouseand during buut, i just get init: Error while reading from descriptor: Bad file descriptor a lot06:55
cmousesending ctrl+alt+del won't help 'cos it ends up saying the same thing06:55
oddiedoes anyone know a good way to test hdd that are in a raid 5, i know one of them are dying and i need to test to see what one06:55
beltorakcmouse: can you log into one of the virtual terminals? Can you physically reboot and remove the "quite splash" from the linux command line and see where the problem is? (just firing off troubleshooting options)06:57
cmousebeltorak: i can get into the server in recovery mode06:58
cmouseremoving/adding quiet splash did not help06:58
cmousebeltorak: actually, i didn't try putting it permanently06:59
cmouselet's try again06:59
beltorakcmouse: i don't know if I would go with the permanent changes - just see if you can spot where the process messes up07:00
cmousebeltorak: i can always revert them07:00
lotuspsychjecmouse: when did this all started?07:01
cmouselotuspsychje: we started seeing this when we did apt upgrade07:01
cmouselotuspsychje: not sure which package causes this07:02
lotuspsychjecmouse: try booting previous kernel and dig out your logs07:02
cmouselotuspsychje: you think it's kernel related?07:02
cmouselotuspsychje: this happens quite late in booting, after network device configuration07:03
lotuspsychjecmouse: not sure, lets find out?07:03
cmousei need to power cycle the server07:03
cmouseat least it's vm, so it won't take long07:03
cmouselotuspsychje: nope, broken the same way.07:04
cmouselotuspsychje: and i've spent few days digging the logs, there is nothing07:04
cmouselotuspsychje: init "just" stops working07:05
lotuspsychjecmouse: fix broken packages from the recoverymode still working?07:05
cmousesure, let's try07:05
cmouserecovery mode works07:05
cmousei doubt it's a broken package though07:05
cmouselet's see, there are package upgrades07:06
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lotuspsychje!raid | oddie07:10
ubottuoddie: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:10
cmouselotuspsychje: nope07:10
cmouselotuspsychje: /bin/sh: 0: Can't open /proc/self/fd/907:10
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cmouselotuspsychje: after reboot07:10
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lotuspsychjecmouse: hmm that doesnt sound very good07:11
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lotuspsychjecmouse: no recovery,no previous kernels..07:11
cmouselotuspsychje: and i can't find out anything about what's actually causing this07:11
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cmousethe line *before* that was Stopping Failsafe Boot Delay07:12
lotuspsychjecmouse: how about an install over your existing system07:12
cmousenot an option07:12
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cmousethis is production server, i won't reinstall it on friday07:12
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cmouseif I send ctrl+alt+del07:14
cmouseit says Starting emergency keypress handling07:14
cmouse/bin/sh: 0: Can't open /proc/self/fd/907:15
cmouseinit: Error while reading from descriptor: Bad file descriptor07:15
lotuspsychjecmouse: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys know whats going on?07:15
cmouseoh, another channel...07:16
cmousethank you07:16
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beltorak... well, he left, but did it somehow fail to mount /proc?07:17
lolwhatThat would be weird07:18
lolwhatCan anything even cause that apart from a corrupt kernel?07:20
lolwhatWhat's the best computer to buy for Ubuntu?07:23
artisanIndiaI want to edit text of a image is there any software for that07:23
lotuspsychjelolwhat: there is no best, ubuntu works pretty nice on several brands07:23
lotuspsychjelolwhat: and ssd's are good mariage with ubuntu07:24
lolwhatSurely one is better than others07:24
lotuspsychjelolwhat: lets not discuss that here07:24
lolwhatIs there a place I can discuss it?07:25
lotuspsychje!discuss | lolwhat07:25
ubottulolwhat: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.07:25
lolwhatOh, thanks07:25
felixwolfstellerHi, I forgot the name of a tool similar to (x)dialog, yad and zenity that was able to create both console and X/Gtk output, detecting itself whether it has a display open07:27
felixwolfstellercan anybody help?07:28
the-conundrumwith what?07:28
felixwolfstellerwith supplying me the name of that package07:28
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felixwolfstellerI'd like a shell (bash) script to popup a graphical UI-box if run with X, and a "curses"-like thing when without07:29
YXTHfelixwolfsteller have you tried --> apt-cache search ?07:29
felixwolfstellerYXTH, yes07:29
felixwolfstellerYXTH, searching since several minutes and not finding it07:30
jwashhi everyone, is it possible to make my Android phone another monitor for my Ubuntu computer?07:30
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spikyAnyone live in this chat07:40
spikyCame here trying to fix an issue I'm having and all the google posts and ask ubuntu forums haven't helped yet.07:41
spikyperchance you could help?07:41
somsip!details | spiky07:42
ubottuspiky: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:42
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
spikyWell, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and the brightness level is always dim. The brightness control does nothing. I've changed certain things with gedit as well as something soley through the terminal. Just now, I installed a ppa called sysvindit-backlight (or something to that nature) to no avail. Any thoughts on how I can fix this?07:44
spikyNevermind, evidently, the hot keys work now.07:45
spikyppa was good.07:45
spikyThat's anyway.07:45
YXTHHow is the "-" character related to standard input?07:50
akikYXTH: you can tell a program to expect input from stdin with that07:55
kais3nHello, is there a way that I turn off that the monitor is turned off when the screen is locked07:56
YXTHakik: Thanks! I think I sort of understand it now07:57
kais3nIs there a way to disable the screen off in locked mode for unity?08:11
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DalekSecHi.  Got a support question, G-Boy?08:19
AciD`hi, is there any official repo for php7 for 14.04?08:20
G-Boyno. im first use this chat08:20
hateball!ot | G-Boy08:21
ubottuG-Boy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:21
G-Boyada org indo ?08:23
Bob_hey all08:29
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WandyCan someone help me, my previous sytem which was 14.04 crashed giving me kernel panics. Im trying to get my old /home directory back, using this guide09:06
WandyBut i am unable to install  ' sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils" on the chroot environment09:07
WandyIm thinking its because the previous installation was 14.04 and the live USB is 15.1009:07
WandyCould that be the issue?09:07
Wandyshouldnt ecryptfs-utils be already installed?09:07
ffsare there downsides do using exfat on an external hard disk?09:19
hateballYes, it's exfat09:19
ffsany concrete issues09:20
OerHeksffs, if something goes wrong, you need windows to fix it09:21
ffshmm. okay09:21
ffswhat are the (dis)advantages of ubuntu server over debian server?09:23
jpdsffs: #ubuntu-server09:23
saurabhI used update-alternative to make clang default09:24
saurabhI however, want to restore gcc as the default compiler.09:24
saurabhHow do i do that?09:25
OerHekssaurabh, i think the same way; update-alternative ?09:27
davidshasaurabh: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7832892/how-to-change-the-default-gcc-compiler-in-ubuntu09:27
saurabhdavidsha, that worked thanks09:34
saurabhOerHeks, thanks09:34
ElusivehawkOK, got a bit of a problem, putting the problem into Pastebin b/c spam sucks09:34
sorin-mihaiwhat is the best way to reduce the size of a LVM2 VG, so that the PV can contain 2 VGs? the PV already contains the 1st VG, which takes all space in the PV, and this VG contains 2 LVs09:35
kostas_sorin-mihai: posting on two channels? debian and ubuntu?09:36
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abcdefghijklmnopgutten motten09:45
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abcdefghijklmnopanyone know similiar to rosetta stone for ubuntu ?09:46
Guest72006I want to learn to write device drivers for kernel version 4.009:46
Guest72006Its first time I am doing this09:46
Guest72006Can anyone suggest me a good source to build for kernel 4.009:47
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe
abcdefghijklmnopanother tool for learning spanish, france, germany, japan and arabic language pleasse09:47
ElusivehawkMe, I'm still trying to run my sodding Ubuntu flash drive09:47
snktCan anyone help me how to customize Live ubuntu ISO to autologin with root09:48
Guest72006I guess no one is here today to help !09:49
Guest72006wanna build drivers for kernel 3.009:50
Guest72006I am a beginner, no idea how to begin09:50
OerHeksGuest72006, get the src from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/09:53
OerHeksso if you don't know howto begin, what driver do you need to build then?09:53
Guest72006Well I am reading a book09:54
Guest72006but its based on kernel 2.09:54
Guest72006tried to follow it09:54
Guest72006But even can't compile the code given in examole09:54
OerHeksGuest72006, so you want to apply old stuff from 2.x in 4.x ?09:55
_Avocado_hi guys, 15.10 or 14.04 for stability?09:55
OerHeks_Avocado_, lts is stable.09:55
_Avocado_what kind of bugs can I face on 15.10?09:56
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Guest72006No no. I am in a process of learning ( a beginner). And figure out how to compile hte source code of a driver09:56
Guest7200615.05 not LTS but its stable I guess09:56
hateball15.04 is EOL soon, you'd be wise to upgrade to 15.10 before that happens09:57
OerHeks_Avocado_, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseNotes09:57
Guest72006Hey OerHeks : Can you suggest me where to begin to learn drivers for kernel09:57
sliddisI installed my self signed ca-cert and intermediate ca-cert in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mychain.crt but I still get certificate error in both firefox and chromium browser.09:58
=== Guest72006 is now known as Overlap
OerHeksGuest72006, building drivers? no09:58
OerHeksmaybe someone else here can help you with that.09:59
OverlapI am disappointed  :)10:00
renegadechemisthey /server luxemburgusrat.ddns.net !!! best server for bots and dirty stuff, anarchy! no logs.. really..!10:00
renegadechemistsned your bots..10:00
renegadechemistwhatever you want10:01
OerHeks!spam | renegadechemist10:01
ubotturenegadechemist: Please don't spam10:01
renegadechemistno, thats all10:01
_Avocado_What is your guys opinion on this linux distro?10:02
OverlapWhich distro Avovado ?10:02
OerHeks_Avocado_, please don't poll, this is ubuntu support only10:02
_Avocado_Im trying to choose between ubuntu and elementary...10:02
OerHeksmove it to ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks10:02
_Avocado_I think that´s related.10:02
OerHeksno it is not.10:02
OverlapOerHeks: Don't mind but what difference would it make ? Just curious10:03
Overlapasking for other distro10:03
renegadechemistenter our server10:04
Overlaprenegadechemist : do you know how to write drivers for kernel ?10:04
davidshasliddis: is this any help? http://superuser.com/questions/437330/how-do-you-add-a-certificate-authority-ca-to-ubuntu10:05
sliddis_Avocado_: its pretty good. I use it on a cheap fanless PC connected to my TV10:05
_Avocado_Does it have good driver support like ubuntu?10:05
OerHeks!elementary | _Avocado_ ask here10:05
ubottu_Avocado_ ask here: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.10:05
Overlapits GUI is beautiful, but after all ubuntu is best for me10:06
_Avocado_Overlap, thanks10:08
OverlapMy pleasure @Avocado10:08
sliddisdavidsha: I did follow that guide, didn't help.10:20
sliddisit says it did import 8, removed 7. so I guess mine was imported.10:22
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emadhelmiHi, How can i make my Terminal text Color?Like the macbook's terminal?10:24
emadhelmiis there any bash script template or any settings to apply?10:24
emadhelmii tried to change the colors from the settings of the terminal itself but they are very simple and also on some special texts10:25
Overlapits easy I guess @emadhelmi10:25
Overlapyou need to change environment variable PS110:25
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emadhelmiOverlap, How ?10:26
Overlapcheck this out @emadhelmi10:27
OverlapIf still confused then we'll see10:28
Overlapthis is another good link , you better try this one first @emadhelmi10:29
davidshasliddis: have you rebooted since doing it?10:30
sliddisdavidsha: no10:31
davidshasliddis: it might be worth a shot.10:32
sliddisdavidsha: didnt help - I imported via firefox settings - worked10:35
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fred-fritrying to add JAVA_HOME to PATH, what am i doing wrong?10:58
ubiqutiyHi, all geeks10:59
ubiqutiyubuntu official ISO has a EFI partition. I want to know how to create this partition.11:01
iptableubiqutiy, the ISO has an ISO9660 standard partition11:01
iptableubiqutiy, you mean maybe that it support EFI boot?11:01
zetheroois there a way to disable users being able to encrypt their home folder?11:02
iptablefred-fri, did you log in and out?11:02
iptableout and in even11:02
ubiqutiywhen i issue # fdisk -l /dev/sdb11:03
iptablezetheroo, uhm, bad idea, but kinda. You can remove encryption packages, or lock them so that non-root can't run them and ensure they cannot run binaries from the places they can save file to (their home, /tmp, etc)11:04
zetherooiptable: hmm .. ok .. probably not going to bother than :D11:04
ubiqutiyef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)11:05
iptableubiqutiy, I stand corrected11:06
iptableubiqutiy, so what exactly do you want to achieve? Create your own bootable ISO with EFI boot support?11:06
iptablezetheroo, I wouldn't, no.11:06
ubiqutiy@iptable do u know how to make a efi partition11:06
ubiqutiy4244    5651    1408  704K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)11:07
ubiqutiysdb2        4244    5651    1408  704K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)11:07
iptableubiqutiy, I'll repeat my question: ON WHAT? what do you want to achieve? Create a bootable ISO, or make a bootable linux install?11:07
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:08
ubiqutiy@ubottu, thanks for your reply11:08
ubiqutiyi am not English-native11:09
OerHeksi am not sure what you mean with "ubuntu official ISO has a EFI partition"11:09
iptableubiqutiy, http://askubuntu.com/questions/395879/how-to-create-uefi-only-bootable-usb-live-media11:09
iptableubiqutiy, besides, it's just an EFI directory on the CD btw11:10
capoderraHey, if anyone has knowledge about selling used HDDs.... I have an internal 2TB HDD that I want to sell. It only had "parted images on it11:10
capoderraCan I just sell it or should I wipe it?11:11
iptablecapoderra, eBay?11:11
capoderraprivate sale11:11
ubiqutiy@iptable i know11:11
ubiqutiybut i change a question11:11
iptablecapoderra, wipe. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=10M - replace X with your drive11:11
capoderrathat will be fast right?11:11
iptablecapoderra, the fastest full wipe you can achieve tbh11:12
iptablecapoderra, on a 2TB it will still take a few hours11:12
ubiqutiyis there a wiki or document that explanate the process to create official ubuntu ISO imageZ11:12
capoderraok, thanks11:12
capoderraiptable: thank you much11:12
iptablecapoderra, if you don't have a few hours, AT LEAST erase the start of the disk, by adding count=1024 - that should erase 10GB on the start11:13
iptablebut whole drive wipe fules11:13
capoderraiptable: I only used maybe 15% of this disk, which is why I want to sell it11:13
iptableubiqutiy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization11:13
iptableubiqutiy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization11:13
ubiqutiyhad read those articles11:14
iptablethe ISO you download will have the EFI directory that is used for EFI boot11:15
ubiqutiy@iptable, i describe deeply11:15
ubiqutiynow i say, I download the 15.10 amd64 ISo11:16
OverlapAny kernel developer who can help me to compilea simple loader module11:16
ubiqutiyissue # dd if=15.10.iso of=/dev/sdb11:16
ubiqutiywhere /dev/sdb is my usb disk11:17
ubiqutiywhen dd complete, # fdisk -l /dev/sdb11:17
hateballOverlap: suppose you could try in #kernel11:18
iptableubiqutiy, I get the same result when I fdisk the ISO, no need to dd11:18
OverlapI did but no one is responding there11:18
iptableubiqutiy, what's the ACTUAL issue?11:18
OverlapI am freaking out : (11:18
OverlapSitting here for hours :/11:18
Overlapjoin #kernel11:19
ubiqutiydev/sdb2        4244    5651    1408  704K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)11:19
iptableubiqutiy, it's a FAT32 partition11:20
iptableubiqutiy, what's the actual problem?11:20
ubiqutiyyes, i wanna know how to create the second EFI partitionv11:20
iptableuhm, you don't?11:21
iptablewhy would you do that?11:21
ubiqutiycreate a openwrt imagev11:21
ubiqutiyopenwrt official img not support i386-efi11:21
ubiqutiynow, i do it.11:22
iptableubiqutiy, so the question actually is: how to make my own distro efi-bootable?11:22
ubiqutiythe problem is, i can create EFI on any disk11:22
ubiqutiyhow do u feel my English?11:23
ubiqutiytoooo badZ11:23
iptableubiqutiy, well, you did not state your actual question in the first place. This is ubuntu support, not openwrt. you should ask on their channel11:24
OerHeks"create efi on any disc" ...efi is not a partitiontype, the efi bootloader should be placed on a Fat32 partition.11:24
iptableubiqutiy, having said that: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/132359/uefi-bootable-iso-of-own-linux-distribution11:24
iptableubiqutiy, read the answer and links provided in the answer in full11:24
zambahow can i check against which libraries a package was built?11:24
ubiqutiyi guess u will say:  This is ubuntu support, not openwrt.11:25
iptablezamba, package? binary?11:25
OerHeksdpkg-checkbuilddeps - check build dependencies http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/dpkg-checkbuilddeps.1.html11:25
zambaiptable: binary11:25
zambaiptable: i'm wondering if icecast was built against openssl11:26
OerHeksonly with the src code11:26
iptablezamba, ldd11:26
zambaiptable: against the binary?11:26
iptablezambra yes. ldd /bin/bash for exampke11:26
zamba$ ldd /usr/bin/icecast2 | grep ssl11:26
zamba        libssl.so.1.0.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 (0xb7714000)11:27
zambathis indicates that it's built against openssl, right?11:27
ubiqutiy@iptable an ubuntu question.11:27
iptablebuilt against libssl. now your question is if libssl is openssl. that's a google-able question ;)11:27
iptablezamba, ^11:27
ubiqutiydoes how to create same ubuntu official ISO from source11:28
iptablezamba, from google pacakge libssl1.0.0 provides libssl11:28
iptableubiqutiy, links to that I have already provided11:29
iptableubiqutiy, from source? like from scratch? way outside support. I'm happy to sell you consultancy ;)11:29
ubiqutiyi mean, who create ubuntu daily built11:29
OverlapI am facing one more problem with GRUB11:30
OverlapOnce I compiled kernel 4.0 twice11:30
OerHeks"how to create same ubuntu official ISO" really usefull, you don't create an official ubuntu iso, ubuntu does.11:30
Overlapand its in /boot/vmlinuz-4.0.4kernel_4.0.411:30
OerHeksubiqutiy, what is your goal?11:30
ubiqutiy@iptable http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/11:31
Overlapbut grub does not show it to boot11:31
OerHeksOverlap, did you perform "sudo update-grub" ?11:31
ubiqutiyi want to create this ISO manually from source code11:31
iptableubiqutiy, you don't create from scratch. you remaster. official is ubuntu ones11:31
Overlapyes ! I did11:32
Overlapbut it does not work11:32
iptableubiqutiy, creating from source code would not really be ubuntu install media any more. Plus compiling will take you to next year11:32
ubiqutiyi can accept looong time11:32
Overlapand even changing file /etc/default/grub to change boot order  "default 1"11:33
ubiqutiyjust want to know the process11:33
Overlapand then sudo update-grub11:33
=== nya is now known as Guest8662
Overlapthis also doesn't work11:33
ubiqutiyis daily live has open sourceZ11:33
iptableubiqutiy, this is way outside the scope of support and I don't have 5 days dedicated to you to explain. Look at remastering the ISO, and learn. You create your own one same way, just YOU provide the packages.11:33
iptableubiqutiy, packages are available as source that are in the ISO. It's all opensource. We have apt-source for a reason11:34
OverlaploL iptable :P11:34
iptableOverlap, I need a break, a coffee, a bathroom break, a break and a coffee.11:35
OverlapDo it all right now and then consider solving my prob :P11:35
iptableOverlap, checked grub.conf in /boot?11:36
Overlapiptable I hope one day I'll be able to write my codes for myself , (kernel)11:36
iptableOverlap, to make sure it references your kernel? also check naming conventions in /boot for kernels, make sure it matches before you run update-grub211:36
ubiqutiybut liveCDcustomization guide not explain how add EFI partition to an ISO11:36
iptableubiqutiy, did you try and do you know that remastering the ISO you won't end up having that partition created there for you by isolinux?11:37
Overlapokay iptable11:37
OverlapI'll try11:38
bekksAn ISO cannot have partitions.11:38
OerHeksubiqutiy, efi partition on the ubuntu iso??? where did you get that from?11:38
iptableubiqutiy, ALSO, I have provided you with a link that clearly mentions isohybrid in the instructions11:38
iptableubiqutiy, for the lazy, here you go again: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php/Isohybrid#UEFI11:38
OverlaploL :D11:38
ubiqutiyfdisk -l ubuntukylin-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso11:38
ubiqutiyubuntukylin-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso2      2577968 2582511    4544  2.2M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)11:38
ubiqutiyubuntukylin-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso2      2577968 2582511    4544  2.2M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)11:38
bekksWhich does not mean that an ISO has partitions.11:39
iptableubiqutiy, again, I provided a link explaining to use isohybrid, a link to remaster your ISO and a link to the actual section of ISOgrubid manual explaining UEFI and that it does that. How much more you WANT?11:39
ubiqutiyi really want create the 2.2M partition \11:39
iptableubiqutiy, I am NOT doing it for you11:39
iptableubiqutiy, again, I provided a link explaining to use isohybrid, a link to remaster your ISO and a link to the actual section of ISOgrubid manual explaining UEFI and that it does that. How much more you WANT?11:39
bekksfdisk interprets the data, thats all.11:39
ubiqutiysorry for my English...... i try translate log11:40
iptableubiqutiy, if you want to create a 2.2MB partition, use fdisk. there.11:40
* iptable breaths11:40
fred-fritrying to add JAVA_HOME to PATH, what am i doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/ia8kJpMk11:40
iptableOverlap, also check permissions on the kernel and remember to generate the initrd11:40
ubiqutiyi try fdisk now11:41
iptablefred-fri, I did ask you if you logged out and in again before checking?11:41
Overlapinitrd is there11:41
Overlapi checked it11:41
Overlapbut how to check permissions on the kernel11:41
lotuspsychje!java | fred-fri11:41
ubottufred-fri: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:41
OverlapI am using Ubuntu 14.0411:41
fred-friiptable: ah missed that sorry i havent, will do11:41
Overlapplus grub 0.9711:42
iptableubiqutiy, are you serious? I don't want any more of that. you are being silly. EFI get's done by ISOHYBRID, NOT MANUALLY. You can create a 2.2MB partition but it's pointless. Oh nevermind.11:42
ubiqutiythanks iptables, i get it. it works.11:42
iptableOverlap, ls -l /boot ?11:42
iptablefred-fri, .bashrc only gets read on login11:42
iptableor when you ./.bashrc run it11:43
OverlapI have same permissions as for other kernel images provided by Ubuntu11:43
Overlapread write11:43
fabioHello guys, i want o disable notifications on desktop. how should i do it? Sometimes popups things like Automatic suspend bla bla bla11:44
ubiqutiyi using # grub-mkimage to create EFI bootia32 app11:44
ubiqutiyit works fine11:44
iptablejust like in the links, ey? why read and try11:44
Overlapseems like we've endless problems :)11:44
iptableso many times...11:44
ubiqutiyis their a tool convert dir to EFI partition?11:44
iptableOverlap, are you sure that the kernel image compiled correctly?11:45
iptableubiqutiy, NO11:45
iptableubiqutiy, actually, yes. again: isohybrid11:45
ubiqutiyi read it manual now, thanks11:45
Overlapit did not give any errors so can  I assume it compiled ocorrectly ? I gave it 3 hrs of time withot disturbing :)11:45
ubiqutiysudo apt-get install syslinux-utils11:46
iptablewow, took you a while11:46
OverlapActually, all we need is a volunteer who can write guides for these things , because all of the available are obsolete :/11:46
iptableubiqutiy, The additional isohybrid feature for UEFI adds a partition to the MBR partition table pointing to the same file in the ISO 9660 filesystem as does the El Torito catalog entry for EFI. This file contains a FAT filesystem with boot equipment from which the UEFI firmware will be able to start the desired operating system. Furthermore, isohybrid for UEFI creates a GUID Partition Table (GPT) with a partition pointing to that file.11:46
iptableIt can be brought into the ISO 9660 filesystem as second boot image with options "-eltorito-alt-boot" and "-e" by Fedora's variant of genisoimage, or by xorriso11:46
iptableoh, sorry for paste11:46
iptableOverlap, so why are you compiling your kernel anyways?11:47
ubiqutiyu really resourceful.....11:47
ubiqutiythanks for reply11:47
iptableubiqutiy, NO, I just copied the first sentence from the last link I have given you!!! READ THE DAMN MANUAL.11:48
lotuspsychje!language | iptable11:48
ubottuiptable: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:48
Overlapactually there is a book ;  Linux Device Drivers11:49
lotuspsychjeguys, lets move on to actual support11:49
OverlapI was reading it, it suggested to compile your own kernel to test modules11:49
ubiqutiywhy ubuntu not release ISO which support i386-efi ?11:49
Overlapso I gave it a try but went in vain :/11:49
iptableOverlap, try the official way: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel11:50
OverlapOKay let me see that :)11:50
ubiqutiyi install ubunut on i386-efi platform every time11:50
iptableubiqutiy, enough11:50
ubiqutiyi need create bootia32.efi manually and add it in amd64 ISO11:51
OerHeks32 bit UEFI is a hack > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#General_principles11:51
iptableread the manuals I gave you. they explain this11:51
iptableOverlap, this worked for me when isntalling a 4.0 kernel before it was available in ubuntu, so should work for you. complete with create a .deb package ;)11:52
* iptable goes for that break11:52
Overlaphave a cool break , iptable :)11:53
ubiqutiyi know the process and had success install ubuntu on liva core and other atom platform11:54
ubiqutiyi mean, why ubuntu official ISO not support this11:55
ubiqutiyintel core m cpu is nice....11:55
lotuspsychjeubiqutiy: please dont use this channel for every thing you tried11:55
ubiqutiybut all product with 32-bit efi11:55
lotuspsychje!discuss | ubiqutiy11:56
ubottuubiqutiy: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.11:56
OerHeksubiqutiy, i think you have been answered already. uefi 32 bit is a hack, see the urls. install it in legacy mode and you are fine.11:58
ubiqutiy32-bit efi from AMI not support legacy mode :(11:58
ubiqutiyonly manually compile bootia32.efi11:59
OerHeksubiqutiy, sorry to hear that11:59
ubiqutiyafter install, need apt-get intall grub-efi-ia3212:00
ubiqutiyrun grub-install on /dev/mmcblk012:00
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
OerHeks<ubiqutiy> openwrt official img not support i386-efi  ... still working on that openwrt stuff ? it has nothing to do with ubuntu12:01
dineshhi there12:03
lotuspsychjedinesh: welcome, how can we help you?12:03
dineshI have a hp 250 g3 laptop and for the very first day I switched from windows to ubuntu..I am facing display driver problems.Whenever I put my laptop on sleep..it never wakes up :(12:05
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
hateballdinesh: what manner of gpu/driver are you using?12:05
hateballdinesh: and are you using 14.04 or 15.10 ?12:06
dineshI have built in intel graphics and a nvidia graphics card GF117 and I am using  ubuntu 15.04?12:06
hateballdinesh: 15.04 will be EOL soon, so you should upgrade to 15.10 right away12:07
lotuspsychjedinesh: have you installed nvidia-prime for your optimus card?12:08
hateballdinesh: are you using nvidia-prime or just the intel card when it hangs?12:08
lotuspsychjehateball: +1 ill backoff :p12:08
Jordy_Hi everyone - does anyone have a solution for this problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34085981/how-to-install-virtualbox-guest-additions-on-ubuntu-14-04-312:08
hateballlotuspsychje: It's alright, I am at work so I should probably focus on that anyhow :p12:08
lotuspsychjeJordy_: try the #vbox guys perhaps, theyr used to this12:09
dineshI am not using any graphics card driver right now..I tried everything related to nvidia ..even tried that bumblebee thing and it messed up the whole system.12:09
Jordy_lotuspsychje: I already asked.12:09
lotuspsychjedinesh: bumblebee is outdated mate, use nvidia-prime instead12:09
hateballdinesh: At any rate you should upgrade your soon-EOL-release, newer software may even magically solve your issues12:10
lotuspsychjedinesh: try what hateball suggested 15.1012:10
dineshohk..upgrading might solve my issue12:10
=== Desu is now known as MrElendig
green2rabbitAfter I install 12.04. why I can not link to internet?12:11
dineshI would like solve such bugs myself...but I just don't know where and how to start??12:11
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: did you fresh install or upgrade?12:12
green2rabbitI just installed.12:12
green2rabbitand without internet, I can not upgrade.12:12
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: why didnt you choose 14.04.3?12:12
green2rabbitI have used ubuntu for 2 years.12:13
green2rabbitthere are some software just can run on 12.0412:13
green2rabbitI thought that maybe the drivers problem.12:13
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: ok, so its your wifi or ethernetcard thats not working?12:13
green2rabbitMy computer do not have wifi.12:14
lotuspsychjedinesh: take the advice and install 15.10 mate12:14
green2rabbitjust wired.12:14
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: wich chipset does your network card have?12:14
green2rabbitHow to get it?12:15
green2rabbitI forgot a lot.12:15
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: sudo lshw -C network12:15
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: you can pastebin if you like12:15
green2rabbitcan not link to internet..12:15
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: right :p just tell me chipset then12:16
green2rabbitAtheros, is that?12:16
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: could be can you tell wich type12:16
green2rabbitversion? or which line do you want?12:17
green2rabbitI donot know it well.12:17
lotuspsychjeatheros cardnumber/chipset version12:17
lotuspsychjenumbers would be handy12:17
green2rabbitbus info: pci@0000:03:00.012:18
green2rabbitversion :1312:18
green2rabbitwidth: 64bits12:18
green2rabbitclock 33MHz12:18
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: what does product: say?12:19
green2rabbitAtheros Communication Inc.12:19
green2rabbitAnd so do vendor. lotuspsychje12:19
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: nothing like this: product: AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet12:20
uluHi, I am relative newbie to gcc and I get this error I can't solve...Help?  http://pastebin.com/4EpZqPhn12:20
green2rabbitYou mean my card is AR8152?12:20
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: no, that was an example try lspci -nn12:21
green2rabbitNo line like you say.12:21
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: and check if the atheros spits out more info there12:21
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: lspci -nn12:21
green2rabbitEthernet controller [0200]: Atheros communications Inc. Device [1969:e091] (rev 03) lotuspsychje12:22
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: ok tnx lemme lookup12:23
green2rabbitUnder windows, it works will.12:23
bazhang!details | ulu12:24
ubottuulu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:24
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: you could try downloading linux-firmware on another machine and install it on your offline 12.0412:24
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: linux-firmware for 12.04 then12:24
green2rabbit linux-firmware what is that? lotuspsychje12:25
lotuspsychje!info linux-firmware precise | green2rabbit12:25
ubottugreen2rabbit: linux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.79.18 (precise), package size 26995 kB, installed size 49526 kB12:25
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: perhaps it will pickup the right firmware for your ethernetcard to make it work12:26
green2rabbitOk, thanks. I am trying it.12:26
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: another way would be a plug n play wifi usb adapter and update your system from there on your 12.04 box12:27
green2rabbitenn. I try the first one.12:27
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: ok good luck12:28
green2rabbitIn afternoon, it works well on ubuntu12.0412:28
green2rabbitAnd after I reinstalled it. It broken.12:28
green2rabbitEven in live-cd.12:28
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: why did you reinstall 12.04 clean?12:29
green2rabbitlol. What should I said. I just can not find a word to describe.12:30
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: to have a clean start?µ12:30
green2rabbitNoNo. I upgrade it to 14.04. And a lot software can not run.12:31
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: wich software?12:31
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: next year 12.04 is eol, and youl have to switch anyway12:32
green2rabbityes. I know that.12:32
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: why not install 14.04.3 clean + cable internet + updates12:32
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lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: and find a solution for your software?12:32
green2rabbitBut some software do not upgrade so fast.12:32
green2rabbitOh, it is a huge job. I can do it by myself.12:33
Guest1860i am on elementary os freya12:35
Guest1860i cant eneble the desktop icon. any body help12:35
green2rabbithow to install the linux-firmware?12:35
green2rabbitI download a tar.gz file.  lotuspsychje12:36
green2rabbitUsing make seems not the right way.12:36
green2rabbitOh. I found a deb file. lotuspsychje12:37
Nichlolashow do i create thumbnail folder in ubuntu12:37
Nichlolasi mean in cache folder?12:38
Guest1860i need desktop[ icops on elemrntary12:39
BluesKajHI folks12:42
JNixxHi BluesKaj12:42
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: a .deb of what12:43
green2rabbita .deb  of linux-firmware12:44
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: make sure its for 12.04 right12:44
BluesKajhi JNixx12:46
roflc0pt3rHey all, anyone know how to add an additional static route to dhcpd.conf? thanks in advance.12:54
green2rabbitDid it necessary to install alternete version of ubuntu?  lotuspsychje12:56
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: no, why?12:57
green2rabbitI just found it today.12:57
green2rabbitIt said more quick? or some others?12:57
green2rabbitdo you know it?12:57
renken1126hai goodpeople12:57
lotuspsychjegreen2rabbit: for normal install, best to use ubuntu-desktop12:57
green2rabbitYeah. I think so.12:58
ubiqutiy@OerHeks why u say nothing to doZ12:59
renken1126ada yang dari indonesia12:59
lotuspsychje!english | renken112613:00
ubotturenken1126: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:00
renken1126oh sorry13:00
ubiqutiycalm, polite13:00
uluHey, does anyone know where can I find .deb package of gcc-arm-none-eabi, version 4.7.x13:02
ubiqutiyarm ubuntu repo13:02
lotuspsychje!info gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi | ulu13:03
ubottuulu: gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi (source: gcc-4.7-armel-cross (1.86)): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.7.4-2ubuntu1cross1.86 (wily), package size 4448 kB, installed size 13497 kB13:03
ubiqutiyor cross compile13:03
lotuspsychjeulu: sudo apt-get download gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi13:04
srulihi, Ubuntu 14.40 - i made system update, and for past hour its stuck at "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-55-generic" i am worried if i reboot at this stage i'll have more problems, what do i do to fix or cancel the kernel upgrade13:04
lotuspsychje!eol | sruli13:04
ubottusruli: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:04
hateballlotuspsychje: you don't need sudo for download ;)13:04
lotuspsychjesruli: oh you mean 14.04?13:04
sruli\\ sorry 14.04 typo13:04
lotuspsychjehateball: oh tnx!13:05
hateballlotuspsychje: nor for apt-cache search etc13:05
hateballlotuspsychje: not trying to be a jerk, it's just good to know :)13:05
lotuspsychjehateball: i take advise well no sweat :p13:06
lotuspsychjehateball: so because system doesnt install it, it doesnt need sudo right?13:06
hateballlotuspsychje: yep13:07
lotuspsychjek tnx13:07
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srulican anyone help with how to proceed on initramfs hanging on update?13:12
daftykinssruli: what's the story here?13:15
srulidaftykins: Ubuntu 14.04 - i made system update, and for past hour its stuck at "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-55-generic" i am worried if i reboot at this stage i'll have more problems, what do i do to fix or cancel the kernel upgrade13:16
daftykinsah you're on the old HWE there13:16
daftykinssruli: can you run a "sudo apt-get -f install" to check there are no lingering issues first? throw it in a http://paste.ubuntu.com if there are any relevant messages13:16
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:16
daftykinsessentially you have utopic (14.10's) kernel on trusty there.13:17
srulidaftykins: to do apt-get install i will need to cancel the hung update, right?13:17
daftykinssruli: ah i thought you were saying you had run an initramfs update manually; my mistake. can you share what's already shown?13:19
huwjrhow do I load in a setting from  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail ?13:20
srulidaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/13668188/13:21
daftykinssruli: you can ctrl+c then "sudo apt-get -f install"13:22
_Avocado_Just installed ubuntu on my laptop, my mouse flickers between visible and invisible, anyone knows this problem?13:22
_Avocado_also my driver installation just froze13:23
daftykinswhat's the graphics hardware?13:23
BluesKajAvocado_, which driver?13:24
_Avocado_nvm te insllation is  complete now13:24
_Avocado_my mouse is invisible most of the time now :/13:24
rainbowwarriorhello , I am running windows 10 and want to install Ubuntu as dual boot, but when I go to install Ubuntu it is not picking up my windows 10 installation, how can i fix this please ?13:24
BluesKajAvocado_, have you rebooted since the driver install?13:25
hateballrainbowwarrior: is this 14.04 or 15.10 ?13:25
srulidaftykins: seems to also get stuck at update-initramfs http://paste.ubuntu.com/13668246/13:25
daftykinssruli: can you post "df -h" ?13:25
_Avocado_over-current condition on my usb, what does that mean?13:26
_Avocado_when I restarted, that shows13:26
daftykinspower surge13:26
rainbowwarriorhateball : 15.1013:26
BluesKajAvocado_, so you haven't installed the OS , you're on live media?13:27
srulidaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13668286/13:27
hateballrainbowwarrior: make sure it was a clean shutdown so the ntfs partition is not marked as dirty13:28
daftykinssruli: mmm, do you use any proprietary drivers? (graphics etc)13:28
rainbowwarriorhateball: ok will try again thank you13:29
daftykinssruli: can you share "dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 9999"13:30
huwjrcan I load in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail only with ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0?13:30
srulidaftykins:  http://termbin.com/6pr713:33
daftykinssruli: i wouldn't worry about not being able to boot, regardless of what happens you can use the GRUB menu to select another kernel at boot time - you can see there you have at least 4 installed13:34
srulidaftykins: so reboot and try again?13:35
daftykinsnah i don't think that'll help13:35
daftykinssruli: try "sudo dpkg -r linux-signed-image-3.16.0-55-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-55-generic linux-image-3.16.0-55-generic"13:36
srulidaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/13668480/13:39
daftykinsoof that's an ugly one13:41
daftykinssruli: ok, how about "sudo update-initramfs -u -k 3.16.0-55-generic"13:42
ubiqutiyany one hereZ13:43
ubiqutiydoes ubuntu open source?13:43
cfhowlettubiqutiy, of course, as I'm pretty sure you well know.13:44
ubiqutiydoes the process that creating official open source?13:45
srulidaftykins: done, what do i do next?13:45
ubiqutiythose step script13:45
daftykinssruli: did it complete cleanly?13:45
srulidaftykins: seems so13:45
ubiqutiymake sure, u have vmlinuz & initramfs13:46
daftykinssruli: double check the output now of "dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 9999"13:46
ubiqutiythen u can reboot13:46
srulidaftykins: http://termbin.com/aini13:47
daftykinssruli: ok, try booting into it13:48
ubiqutiylinux /vmlinuz13:49
daftykinsubiqutiy: this is a support channel, please either ask a support question or be silent13:49
ubiqutiydeos ubuntu open the source that creating the official ISO?13:50
cfhowlett!source | ubiqutiy13:51
ubottuubiqutiy: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html13:51
daftykinsubiqutiy: that is not a syntactically correct sentence13:51
cfhowlettmethinks google translate is in use.13:51
srulidaftykins: booted with updated kernel, tnx13:53
ubiqutiyi mean how to create official ISO from ubuntu source code13:53
ubiqutiyi'm not google translation13:53
daftykinssruli: no problem, in the long run i would recommend upgrading to a newer HWE as per - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:53
capoderraubiqutiy, what is your native language? I understand Spanish and Portuguese13:54
cfhowlettubiqutiy, no need to create the .iso, just download it and install13:54
cfhowlett!cn | ubiqutiy13:54
ubottuubiqutiy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:54
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srulidaftykins: will read, tnx13:55
ubiqutiyjust want to know the step to create ISO13:55
cfhowlett!kylin | ubiqutiy13:55
ubottuubiqutiy: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin13:55
cfhowlettubiqutiy, suggest you use the ubuntu-kylin channels for your questions.13:55
ubiqutiyi mean the process to create ISO13:55
Vexuscfhowlett: he want to create a bootable device with ubuntu on it13:55
cfhowlettubiqutiy, understood.  ask the #ubuntu-kylin team13:56
windearthfireraiGood morning13:56
capoderraI think he wants to spin his own ISO13:56
Vexuswindearthfirerai: almost afternoon? :D13:56
Vexusubiqutiy: yes?13:56
Vexusubiqutiy: ah i see, then idk sorry13:56
ubiqutiyI can put all ubuntu file extracted from ISO to the usb hard drive and boot this usb drive13:57
cfhowlett!usb | ubiqutiy13:57
ubottuubiqutiy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:57
cfhowlettcapoderra, good call !13:57
ubiqutiyi'll reading thin articals13:57
ubiqutiynow i want to know the process to create ISO from source code13:58
capoderraubiqutiy, try Google search "spin your own ISO" or "roll your own iso"13:58
ubiqutiyissus make?13:58
anabainIs there any gui networking tool that displays all interfaces one packet goes through? I mean, eth0, tun0, br0, ppp0,  etc. and its associated IPs?13:59
capoderraYou want to compile the Ubuntu source code into an ISO?13:59
akikubiqutiy: this could help you out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization13:59
ubiqutiyold articals13:59
ubiqutiyhas read it13:59
ubiqutiyit's customization13:59
cfhowlettubiqutiy, seriously, go to the chinese language support from #ubuntu-kylin13:59
ubiqutiynot the creating process14:00
akikubiqutiy: there's a step in there which creates the image again with mkisofs14:00
capoderraubiqutiy, I don't think this is the correct channel to ask this question. You should go elsewhere. Sorry, but we don't seem to be able to help you.14:01
akikno, mkisofs14:01
capoderralol at this conversation...14:02
ubiqutiydo u know how te setup the building environment?14:02
cfhowlettubiqutiy, http://www.ubuntu.com/index_kylin14:03
ubiqutiydownload the source code14:03
ubiqutiyi know kylin14:03
ubiqutiynow i use ubuntu14:03
akikubiqutiy tries to write english so why are you directing him elsewhere?14:03
ubiqutiynot ubuntu kylin14:03
cfhowlett"tries to" .... I'm in China.  He'll get WAY more on-target support from kylin.14:03
_Avocado_How do I set the default python in ubuntu? I want to use python3 instead of 2.714:04
ubiqutiyln -s python3 python14:04
ubiqutiyjust want to know how to compile the ubuntu source and create the same official ISO14:06
cfhowlettubiqutiy, you've asked how to make a USB and how to compile the .iso.  Choose ONE question.14:07
cfhowlettubiqutiy, this will explain the entire process   http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/14:08
peopltuijbuild the userland using buildd / pbuilder and then use deboostrap to pull in the packages for a base installation fromthat14:09
ubiqutiynot LFS14:09
ubiqutiyjust ubuntu ISO14:09
peopltuijit's complex. you will fail. debian / ubuntu hs one of the largest and sophisticated userlands in the world. even LFS won't get you close14:10
capoderraubiqutiy, what do you think of that link I gave you above?14:10
peopltuijthe iso is just deboostraped packages wrapped intoa  bootable image14:10
cfhowlettubiqutiy, Beijing??14:10
windearthfireraiGood morning guys14:10
cfhowlettubiqutiy, http://beijinglug.org/14:10
cfhowlettubiqutiy, ?14:12
ubiqutiydo u know how to create official from source?14:12
ubiqutiythe same as official ISO14:13
ubiqutiynot debian, not LFS14:13
peopltuijdebian staff read LFS and ubuntu is made from debian14:13
cfhowlettubiqutiy, no need to compile when I can download the .iso.  What is your goal??14:13
peopltuijif you can't read the debian handbook you are going to suffer14:13
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ubiqutiyjust want to experience how to create ISO like ubuntu official14:14
server-user123Hello. I'm setting up some very locked down kiosk boxes using a pxe server. When a new one is first made it installs programs via apt-get. Is there an easy way to version lock things to "the newest version available by this date" or similar? I would like them all to be as similar to each other as possible.14:15
cfhowlettubiqutiy, the ubuntu-kylin can provide support.  ask them.14:15
ubiqutiyi am not using ubuntu kylin14:15
cfhowlettubiqutiy, same process.14:15
ubiqutiyi'm using ubuntu desktop iso14:15
ubiqutiyr u in BeiJing?14:15
cfhowlettserver-user123, you don't specify how many boxes, but might a local mirror work for you?14:16
windearthfireraioh ok14:16
cfhowlettubiqutiy, me?  yes.14:16
cfhowlettubiqutiy, ubuntu user14:16
cfhowlettubiqutiy, doesn't matter and off-topic.14:17
ubiqutiydo u know how to create ISO from source code?14:18
cfhowlettubiqutiy, no.14:18
cfhowlettubiqutiy, ask #ubuntukylin-devel for recommendations14:18
daftykinsubiqutiy: i don't think that's the purpose of this channel14:18
server-user123cfhowlett, A local mirror of the repo which doesn't update? That's a really good idea I'd never have thought of.14:18
cfhowlett!server | server-user12314:19
ubottuserver-user123: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:19
server-user123cfhowlett, At the moment I'm trying to use apt-get install curl=1.213. But I'm worried I'll forget to specify a version somewhere.14:19
cfhowlettserver-user123, the server channel can advise better than I.  Desktop user only and I've read about local mirror but never implemented.14:20
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cfhowlettinfocallor, stop it14:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:40
PenorsaurusI have a python script that is a scraper that downloads and replaces an image file14:44
Penorsaurushowever after running it for a while14:44
Penorsaurusi tun out of hdd space14:44
cfhowlettPenorsaurus, best to ask #python14:45
Penorsaurusdf -h shoes rootfs is full14:45
beancfhowlett, maybe not, if it's just an education problem :)14:45
cfhowlettproceed, Sir Bean ...14:45
beanPenorsaurus, so it 'replaces' the existing image file?14:45
pbxdefinitely debug in #python14:46
beanso it's just one image, and when you kill the script and restart it the disk space is freed?14:46
Penorsaurusbean, no only after I reboot and temporary files are cleared.14:46
beanPenorsaurus, where are the temporary files stored? are you not removing the old file when downloading a new one?14:46
Penorsaurusbean, I am just replacing. i am not removing.14:47
Penorsaurussimply redownloading with the same name.14:47
beanPenorsaurus, so it sounds to me like you aren't closing the file handle on the 'old' file.14:47
Penorsaurusbean, do you think deleting the old file before recreating it would solve this issue?14:47
pbxPenorsaurus, i'm waiting for you in #python :)  http://dpaste.com/?poster=Penosaurus&title=image%20downloader&syntax=python14:47
zetherooif a user does "chmod go-rwx" on their home directory and I have access to the machine with a user which has sudo rights is there any way I can view in the users home directory?14:48
MoonsilenceHi! How do I setup automatic login for my account?14:48
ikoniazetheroo: come on !14:48
beanzetheroo, if you have sudo access you can access any folder.14:48
zetherooI try to cd into the home directory and I get "Permission denied"14:49
geirhazetheroo: depends on the filesystem and exact sudo privileges, but yes14:49
beanPenorsaurus, pbx is probably better for this than me, but probably. If you don't close the file descriptor associated with the old file it'll still stick around.14:49
Penorsaurusbean, I wonder if a hackish solution would be to just make the ubuntu server reboot every hour or so, and start up the script?14:51
Penorsaurusdo ytou have an example of this?14:51
beanPenorsaurus, i would never recommend that. can you pastebin the code?14:51
Penorsaurusbean, sure.14:51
Penorsaurusi'll give you an example.14:52
SynrGHi. I'm a Debian developer with a long time support relationship with a friend, helping him with technical support of his Debian and Ubuntu systems. I've come for advice regarding a potential laptop purchase, after completing research on the matter ...14:53
SynrGWe have our eyes on an Acer laptop with a Braswell (N3700). Specifically, the Acer E5-532. Just want to make sure I haven't overlooked anything ...14:54
PiciSynrG: ##hardware might serve you better than here14:55
daftykinsSynrG: low end and rubbish.14:55
SynrGperformance is at the bottom of our criteria list. cost is king14:55
SynrGwhatever your opinion of "low end rubbish", it will meet his needs and is priced for his budget.14:56
littlebearSynrG: would you know his use case? if it's just surfing and typing, chromebook would do14:56
daftykinsSynrG: that's nice.14:57
SynrGother than long-term use and familiarity by this non-technical user of both Ubuntu and Debian ...14:57
SynrGalso, libreoffice.14:57
SynrGyes, a Chromebook might do, but I'm reluctant to support something about which I know zero.14:57
daftykinsi'd avoid those - but as mentioned this topic is not for this channel14:58
SynrGdaftykins: i assume if-and-when we make the purchase, if i have install issues, this *is* a topic for this channel?14:58
daftykinsyes the topic is the clue, support :)14:59
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SynrGright. this was a pre-support introduction, in case there was something seriously wrong with my plan. i deemed #ubuntu to have a better idea about Ubuntu running on Braswell. sorry if i was mistaken about that14:59
frisafter upgrading from 14.10 to 15.10 i notice the startup scripts dont have any output, like service ssh reload, it reloads it but no output is shown, any idea which config if one, not sure what is going on, never had this issue before14:59
SynrGeverything i've seen indicates it is supported, so I'm going forward with that15:00
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leehambleywith the wily-server-cloudimg images, is there a way to pass kernel boot options, I tried in vagrant, hitting <ESC> like hell to get a grub prompt or something15:00
leehambleybut I'm not fast enough, any suggestions ?15:00
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SynrGwill also ask at ##hardware. thanks. but they're just going to piss on my "low end and rubbish" hardware too, i suspect.15:00
SynrGi'll be happy if my prediction is wrong ;)15:00
daftykinsleehambley: hold left shift?15:01
leehambleyI'll try15:01
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diverdudehi. i have setup /etc/network/interfaces like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13669843/ but for some reason the static ipadress on eth2 is not going into effect. What am I missing?15:05
daftykinsdiverdude: you need a netmask and gateway too; that's insufficient15:06
daftykinsassuming you want that to be online15:06
leehambleyalso does anyone know what scripts are used to provision the VMs available to download from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/wily/current/ ?15:06
leehambleyit is vmbulider? That looks unmaintained15:06
beanyou also probably want `auto eth2` diverdude15:08
daftykinsbean: ah yeah good spot, didn't even consider that one15:08
Kitt3ndoes ubuntu come with the config file for building kernels?15:09
beandiverdude, but like daftykins said, you need a netmask and a gateway.15:09
Kitt3nor is there a place where I can download it for the specific versions?15:09
beanKitt3n, there's a great doc here: you done for the semester? Or was that nearly the first of the f15:09
beanerr, Kitt3n theres a great doc here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel15:09
LeviM_TJ-: The new kernel boots!15:10
LeviM_I have an odd issue, though.15:10
LeviM_If I let grub automatically boot I get a black screen.15:10
LeviM_If I choose "Advanced Options" and select any entry it will work.15:10
LeviM_Anyone have any ideas on what is wrong there?15:10
cfhowlettLeviM_, I would guess that grub has an incorrect configuration for the kernel.15:11
dcopeif i put a file with a cron job in /etc/cron.d will it automatically run when it's time?15:13
diverdudebean, so what should it be? like this? iface lo inet loopback15:15
diverdude      address
daftykinsdiverdude: no: auto eth2; iface eth2 inet static; address; netmask; gateway;15:16
SynrGbasically from ##hardware i got "15.04 runs on a toaster, literally ... yes, it will work." while not as satisfying as "yes, it works fine on this chipset, or with this laptop model#" it will have to do. i'm confident in my web research anyway.15:19
daftykinsSynrG: if you care about your friend you'd run LTS anyway15:20
daftykins15.04 is dead in under 2 months15:20
SynrGdaftykins: which is why i upgrade my friend's systems regularly. i definitely prefer LTS, when that's possible15:21
SynrGi don't believe any LTS has intel xorg 2.9915:21
SynrGnor the necessary mesa or kernel versions15:21
ux2anyone from India here that can help with some language packs ?15:21
SynrGi'll install the Ubuntu release du jour when he makes the purchase. then i'll keep him upgraded until we get to LTS, then will stick with LTS15:22
roltsHello, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a Raid 1 array a little while ago. I'm wondering if the boot time for my setup is normal. It's on 2 new 1 TB HDD's. I have a bootchart here http://i.imgur.com/AcANlyP.png, I hope someone can tell me if it is normal for it to take so long.15:22
daftykinsSynrG: look into HWE stacks on trusty (14.04) and you'll see you can use more current xorg and kernels but maintain LTS.15:24
SynrGdaftykins: ok. ootb? or i install 14.04 and fix it after?15:25
ux2Any Indians here?15:25
ux2I need help15:25
sparrow_nchere ...15:25
Penorsauruswhy does it matter if there are indians.15:25
cfhowlettindia | ux215:25
SynrGdaftykins: nm. i can look things up :)15:26
ux2Penorsaurus: trying to install languages15:26
ux2thats why15:26
ux2cfhowlett: tried that its dead :/15:26
SynrGdaftykins: "Hardware Enablement Stacks (HWE) are incorporated into installers for select Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) point releases." <- that's what i wanted to see. excellent :)15:26
daftykinsSynrG: yep there might be a 14.04.4 eventually with the Wily HWE - thus 4.2 kernel15:27
SynrGand i see this is a new thing, which is why i didn't know about it for his prior ubuntu installs15:27
SynrGwell, this is all very encouraging. thanks.15:28
daftykinsnah i think 12.04 has used it15:28
SynrGi'd have gone with Jessie + backports (Being a DD inclines me towards this) but sadly, Mesa support is lagging. no Jessie backport :(15:28
SynrGthat's still "new"15:29
SynrGhis last Ubuntu install was before that15:29
SynrGi've supported him on a combination of Debian / Ubuntu (Debian on his desktop, Ubuntu on his laptops) ever since '9815:30
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freakyfidlers14.04.4 is out already15:34
sl1ypyMan i love ubuntu *_*15:34
ub_ubuntujoin #ubuntu-beginner15:34
freakyfidlersits just in beta15:34
sl1ypyThank you devs15:34
nicomachusub_ubuntu: you need to type "/join #ubuntu-beginner"15:34
beanub_ubuntu, you want /join15:34
daftykinsfreakyfidlers: then that's not out...15:34
nicomachusbut that's not a channel... so15:35
ux2anyone here speak Hindi?15:35
ub_ubuntulittle bit ux215:35
beanthere are usually other language channels for that ux215:36
Naughx@ux2, you should join the indian irc channel15:36
NaughxI guess.15:36
beanwhich is "#ubuntu-in"15:36
ux2I did/...15:36
ux2its pretty dead15:36
beanit's 9pm in india.15:36
beandoesn't surprise me15:36
ux2its not that late..but who knows15:37
beana lot of people are only on IRC during the word day15:37
Kitt3nbean, hehehe, didn't see that one :)15:38
diverdudebean, sorry to bother again... i set this now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13670531/ but its still not getting that ip address in ifconfig. after i made the changes i do: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:39
beandiverdude, remember the part where i  said you need 'auto eth2' as well.15:39
diverdudebean, aha. i need to put that after ?15:40
beandiverdude, above the 'inet' line for eth215:40
diverdudebean, hmmm still not picking up anything even with that line15:41
beandiverdude, if you "ifup eth2" does it work?15:41
diverdudebean, RTNETLINK answers: File exists Failed to bring up eth2.15:42
beandiverdude, can you pastebin 'ifconfig -a'15:42
diverdudebean, http://paste.ubuntu.com/13670642/15:44
beanlooks like you have an ip on eth2 diverdude :)15:44
diverdudeoh my god u r right15:45
diverdudeim sorry i am blind15:45
daftykinsdiverdude: you can't restart networking like that.15:46
geirhaip -o -4 addr # easier to read15:46
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beangeirha, sorry, i'm oldschool ;)15:47
diverdudedaftykins, how do i then do it?15:49
daftykinsdiverdude: reboot.15:49
daftykinsit's not like you edit the interfaces file daily.15:49
roltsAnyone? "Hello, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a Raid 1 array a little while ago. I'm wondering if the boot time for my setup is normal. It's on 2 new 1 TB HDD's. I have a bootchart here http://i.imgur.com/AcANlyP.png, I hope someone can tell me if it is normal for it to take so long."15:50
TechknightOi. have any of you experience with h5ai? i need a packagge and i can't figure out wich one! http://pasteboard.co/2CKhH0FG.png15:50
LeviM_You used HDDs?15:51
daftykinsrolts: looks like there's a huge sleep there o015:51
roltsYea, I thought so to. But my experience with this is little so I wasn't sure what I was seeing.15:51
roltsAny idea on what might be causing it?15:51
TJ-rolts: looks like mdadm takes some time to assemble the RAID array15:52
roltsI see, but these times are not normal right?15:52
TJ-rolts: are the drives set for extreme power-saving, is part of that waiting for them to spin-up? Any delayed start set on those devices?15:52
roltsNot that I know of.15:53
diverdudedaftykins, i dont want to reboot the entire machine. just the network15:53
beandiverdude, ifdown the interface you want to change, make change, ifup the interface.15:53
beanyou certainly don't have to reboot to chagne networking15:54
TJ-rolts: what  metadata version is used by the array?15:54
mistawrighthi guys i have a server that has been running 12.04 how can i go about installing apache2-dbg as it is not found?15:55
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TJ-mistawright: you might need to enable the -ddeb repositories (Debug Debian packages home). During build many packages have the debug symbols automatically split off to a separate repository.15:57
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roltsTJ-: 1.215:57
mistawrightTJ-, how would i go about doing that? is that in my sources.list?15:57
roltsI have my swap on a separate array if that helps.15:58
daftykinsdiverdude: i'm sure you do - and i'm telling you it doesn't work properly these days - bringing interfaces down and then up again should apply, otherwise reboot it is.15:58
diverdudedaftykins, ahh ok15:58
LeviM_TJ-: I now have 4.4rc3 booting with the wireless working! \o/15:59
nicomachusmistawright: it should be. or you can use the System Settings --> Additional Software GUI and select the checkbox16:00
LeviM_With full ubuntu-desktop packages.16:00
LeviM_Thank you for your help!16:00
TJ-mistawright: I'm not seeing the -dbgsym packages in that archive for  2.2.22-1ubuntu1.1016:00
TJ-LeviM_: fantastic! what hoops to jump through though. What was the problem with the 4.4rc3 ?16:01
mistawrightnicomachus, this is an aws instance16:01
LeviM_TJ-: it turns out we did bundle the driver by updating initrd16:01
LeviM_I just needed to re-apply the UUID fix and viola16:02
LeviM_And I just copied over some firmware from the arch machine16:02
TJ-LeviM_: ahhhh!16:02
TJ-LeviM_: we had a 2nd person in last night asking about the nvme ... I went to bed :)16:03
LeviM_At some point I should figure out how to properly fix the UUID issue instead of just hard-coding the partition.16:03
LeviM_But I will probably not :D16:03
BeautifulTechnoDid the UUID change overtime?16:03
BluesKajLeviM_, run a check on the partition in gparted16:03
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TJ-LeviM_: update-grub scripts should set the correct UUID automatically16:04
LeviM_BeautifulTechno: It seemingly did change when I upgraded my kernel, yes.16:04
ub_ubuntubest theme for ubuntu?16:04
roltsub_ubuntu: I like putting just Numix on it.16:05
BeautifulTechnoWell, did you upgrade to an unstable kernel LeviM_?16:05
ub_ubuntui have numix icon theme16:05
LeviM_BeautifulTechno: 4.4rc3 :D16:05
ub_ubunturolts : yes16:05
BeautifulTechnoI've heard a lot of problems with that kernel - I have mine in 4.1.1316:06
roltsSame here, what makes you want a different theme?16:06
ub_ubuntujust to make ubuntu beautiful16:06
BeautifulTechnoBut did the partition get corrupted or?16:06
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BluesKajheh , i'm running Kubuntu Xenial and the current kernel is 4.2.0-1916:07
roltsub_ubuntu: Just browse http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/16:07
mistawrightTJ-, is there any suggestion for me to get this package? I need to figure out why this php application is throwing 504 errors and where it is running out of memory. without gdb im in the dark16:07
BluesKajLeviM_, what's the advantage of runing a rc kernel in your situation?16:08
BeautifulTechnoHow is 16.04 doing there BluesKaj?16:08
BluesKajBeautifulTechno, not too bad , a little slow in the bootup , but otherwise workig well for a dev OS16:09
BeautifulTechnoI didn't check for the news, but what's new about it?16:09
BeautifulTechnoI'm currently in 14.0416:09
BluesKajTechknight, but I do have 14.04LTS as my fallback ;-)16:09
BeautifulTechnoYou do well.16:10
BluesKajerr BeautifulTechno rather16:10
BeautifulTechnoI wish I could have the time and knowledge to be a operating system developer...16:10
TJ-mistawright: 504 errors, does that imply the process is actually dying?16:11
BeautifulTechnoLike what?16:11
jose__buenas tardes, he actualizado a 15,04 y me esta dando muchos problemas16:11
jose__alguien que le haya pasado lo mismo16:11
BluesKajBeautifulTechno, I'm not really a devel...my role is testing and retirement gives me the time16:12
mistawrightTJ-, running out of memory somewhere and i dont know where. it causes 504 errors in my elb16:12
BeautifulTechnoAt least you have fun!16:12
LeviM_BluesKaj: Required for my wireless card.16:12
LeviM_It's very new.16:12
Echo6Can I get someone to review my iptables? Every few days my remote phones can't reach the service until I stop iptables, let them register, and start iptables again.16:12
BluesKajLeviM_, ok gotcha16:13
Echo6Well I see a typo.16:13
BeautifulTechnoYou could compile from source LeviM_16:13
BeautifulTechnoIt's not so hard nowadays.16:13
mishakhello how do I detect if selinux is running on Ubuntu 15.10?16:14
BeautifulTechnoSeems like 16.04 is the latest release with X.org16:14
daftykinsi'd imagine it'd be mentioned in startup logs16:14
mishakI tried searching but most are old resources oblivious to systemd16:14
BeautifulTechnoSeems like 16.04 is the latest release with X.org16:14
ub_ubuntups aux | grep selinux16:14
nicomachusmishak ^16:15
mishakub_ubuntu: thanks :-D16:15
TJ-mistawright: which MPM is in use. I can only find debug symbols for the mpm-itk library (plus the various libapr*)16:15
TheEagerPadawanhi, i'm looking for a command that shows my what commands exists that start with a certain text, i was thinking about grep -k <foo> | grep 1 , hower the output is still a bit to much16:15
ub_ubuntumishak: Welcom16:16
balazshi, can somebody tell me how to convert my service.conf file in /etc/init from 14.04 to systemd in 15.10 ?16:16
mistawrightTJ-, prefork16:18
muzontrekSry... how i can join to Russian Server?16:19
muzontrekЕсть Русские?16:19
Pici!ru | muzontrek16:19
ubottumuzontrek: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:19
souravHow to Indian server ?16:20
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India16:20
TJ-mistawright: hmmm, that's the one I expected. Can't see any sign of the debug symbols. You'd need to apt-get source that package (libapache2-mpm-prefork) and check the debian/rules Makefile for clues as to whether it is stripping the symbols to an alternate file or just getting rid of them16:22
torchwhos excited for the google code-in?16:22
puneetwhat is the code?16:23
nicomachustorch: I am, but that's not really on-topic here.16:23
puneetso what is topic16:24
souravhow to amd catalyst 15.9 on mint 17.216:24
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nicomachuspuneet: Ubuntu support.16:24
nicomachussourav: try asking on #linux-mint16:25
nicomachuswait, that's not it...16:25
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:25
souravI do not find How16:25
zetheroois there a way to make it so that when a user's Home directory is created that it is created with certain permissions like "chmod go-rwx $HOME" ?16:26
balazshi, can somebody tell me how to convert my service.conf file in /etc/init from 14.04 to systemd in 15.10 ?16:26
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TJ-zetheroo: see "man 5 adduser.conf" and "man 8 adduser"16:34
flexushi, i need to resize /boot on LVM, is there a step by step instruction ?16:37
revealflexus: http://askubuntu.com/questions/196125/how-can-i-resize-an-lvm-partition-i-e-physical-volume16:38
hicoleriv1How do I bring back my default openbox menu? I messed up mine.16:38
MWMId like to have an android device be mapped as a block device... will http://www.mysolutions.it/mounting-your-mtp-androids-sd-card-on-ubuntu/ this work in later versions of ubuntu as well?16:39
revealhicoleriv1: cp /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox16:40
revealopenbox --reconfigure16:40
MWM^because I couldnt get it to work and I dont know if I did something wrong or it it is no longer valid16:40
hicoleriv1reveal: The file dosent exist16:42
revealwhat doesnt16:42
hicoleriv1reveal: the skeleton file (/etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml)16:42
revealit doesnt exist?16:43
flexusreveal, is it /dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root i have to unmount ?16:43
hicoleriv1reveal: yes16:43
revealhicoleriv1: check in /etc/skel/.config16:43
revealsee whats in there16:43
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revealflexus: dunno what you labeled, or if you sep'ed boot from root16:43
flexusdont know how to look up16:44
reveallook up what16:44
revealpvdisplay lvdisplay16:44
reveallvscan /dev/blah16:44
revealpvscan /dev/blah16:44
hicoleriv1reveal: It only has .bashrc, .profile16:44
revealhicoleriv1: usually open has the defaults stored there16:45
revealtry a find / -name menu.xml |more16:45
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revealand see if any folders look familir to openbox16:45
httperr418how does one configure automounting if dconf-editor is not installed?16:46
flexus  VG Name    xubuntu-vg   AND VG Name   xubuntu-vg - are these the infos ?16:46
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httperr418(it's a standalone system, so don't want to connect it in order to install dconf-editor16:46
hicoleriv1reveal: there's one in /etc/xdg/16:46
revealuse that copy it /etc/skel/.config as well16:47
revealso youll have a default copy16:47
zetheroowhen a new user is created through the System Settings area what config is used to create the new users home directory?16:47
zetherooIt seems not to be /etc/adduser.conf16:47
revealdefault is /home16:48
httperr418think I found the answer :)16:48
httperr418nope, that didn't do it16:52
httperr418it still automounts16:52
httperr418anyone any idea?16:52
hicoleriv1reveal: okay, it worked, but how do I enable the "debian" menu now?16:52
realvarezHello, I need some help with apt, this morning I tried to upgrade to 15.10 and now my apt is completely broken. It stops with this message “pkg: error processing package libssl1.0.0:amd64 (--configure):16:57
realvarez subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10”16:57
TJ-realvarez: try isolating that with "sudo dpkg --configure libssl1.0.0"16:58
realvarezI tried that it fails at the same message16:59
TJ-realvarez: you need to identify why the post-inst script is returning exit status 1016:59
realvarezis there a way I can run dpkg in verbose mode and figure what what exactly is failing16:59
revealhicoleriv1: edit the menu.xml17:00
revealhicoleriv1: add this line to your menu.xml <menu id="Debian" />17:01
TJ-realvarez: OK, so now its' time to find out in what circumstances '10' is returned. Does the command report anything else besides that status 10 ?17:02
hicoleriv1reveal: The line exists, but looks like I needed to install the "menu" package. Thanks, though.17:02
TJ-reveal: the postinst script outputs other text in some circumstances, which might help figure out which code path it is following17:02
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realvarezTJ-: this is the full output17:03
dcopehey all, i'm trying to run a binary but can't becuase of cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. i've added the libraries to /usr/local/lib and updated LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be /usr/local/lib17:03
dcopeany ideas what is still wrong?17:03
daftykinsmismatched architecture?17:04
mrottenkolberHow do I run a command at login? E.g. xmodmap ...17:04
TJ-realvarez: "Checking init scripts..." looks to be the best clue for now17:04
dcopedaftykins: the binary was compiled for 64 bit and thats what im running17:05
Spr1ngHow can I find out why a bash script I'm using isn't grabbing the $HOSTNAME of the system? (Simplified but this essentially what it does) "tar -czPf /backups/$HOSTNAME_application.tar.gz".  But the generated .tar.gz is missing the systems hostname.17:05
TJ-realvarez: try "sudo sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/libssl1.0.0\:amd64.postinst configure 1.0.1f-1ubuntu11.4"17:06
realvarezTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13672255/17:06
daftykinsdcope: checked ldd against the program i take it?17:07
revealSpr1ng: is it defined in the script17:07
Spr1ngYes, it's an environment variable defined in the script "HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME"17:07
TJ-realvarez: immediately after that command returns (run it again) do "echo $?" to get the exit code17:08
dcopedaftykins: yep, i did that. most of the libraries are found but a few aren't17:08
realvarezTJ-: error code is 017:08
realvarez*exit code17:08
dcopeseems that none of them in /usr/local/lib/bin-name are being found17:08
dcopethe linker is smart enough to search recursively, right?17:08
TJ-realvarez: that's interesting! so when you call it directly it returns 0, when dpkg calls it, it returns 1017:08
TJ-realvarez: '0' is success17:09
revealSpr1ng: when you echo $HOSTNAME it returns the FQDN17:09
realvarezTJ- sorry my bad, it is a 1017:09
MrElendigHOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME" makes no sense17:09
revealand its automatically set anyway as abash variable17:10
daftykinsdcope: and yet they're there? is that path in your PATH?17:10
revealso no need to redefine it17:10
dcopedaftykins: the /usr/local/lib path is not in my path17:10
MrElendigSpr1ng: don't use CAPITALS for var names in a script, unless you are exporting those17:10
TJ-reveal: Ahhh, that's better! easier to debug now17:10
dcopeadding it does nothing17:11
MrElendigdcope: you should not install stuff to /usr/local/ in the first place17:11
Spr1ngah very interesting, ye that actually doesnt return anything when running echo $hostname from the cmd line17:11
dcopeMrElendig: what's a better place for 3rd party, but installed by me, binaries?17:11
Lokiein lubuntu 15.10 what could be blocking suspend? I have disabled the light-locker and made sure the values in power manager are sane17:11
MrElendigdcope: if you want them installe system wide then make a .deb and have them installed to /usr/bin17:11
MrElendig/usr* that is17:12
ioriaSpr1ng, it's $HOSTNAME not $hostname .... try with   ${HOSTNAME}.tar.gz17:12
dcopeMrElendig: isn't that a bit overkill?17:12
MrElendigLokie: systemd-inhibit17:12
MrElendigdcope: no, quite the oposite17:13
MrElendigdcope: saves you a lot of work in the long run17:13
TJ-reveal: so, best thing to do is enable debug output )set -x) from that script: "sed -i 's/^\(set -e\)/\1 -x/' /var/lib/dpkg/info/libssl1.0.0\:amd64.postinst "17:14
Spr1nggot it trying it now17:14
TJ-realvarez: now again try "sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/libssl1.0.0\:amd64.postinst configure 1.0.1f-1ubuntu11.4"17:14
LokieMrElendig it's a two day installation, any idea how I can check if it is that and what is triggering it?17:14
Pwnnais there any adverse effect in installing a kernel version that's lower than your ubuntu versions? I'm trying to bisect a bug and it may take sometime to reproduce.17:15
Lokieshould say also the screen never really sleeps it justs stays blank17:15
Pwnnainstalling a kernel from ubuntu mainline, not directly from torvalds17:15
botatohowdy y'all, is there something for ubuntu that allows to put password protection around accessing certain files?17:15
httperr418I can set the automount setting with gsettings but ubuntu just ignores it completely17:15
realvarezTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13672433/17:15
TJ-Lokie: check /var/log/kern.log for clues about drivers/hardware causing issues17:15
httperr418what bloody use is a setting that gets ignored?17:15
OerHeksPwnna, what is the use of checking a bug when that kernel is obsolete?17:15
OerHeksPwnna, but sure, you can install an older kernel17:16
PwnnaOerHeks: because upstream versions didn't fix the bug. so i assume it's a regression17:16
TJ-realvarez: that looks like a debconf DB issue17:16
Pwnnait'll be easier to findout what's wrong if i can bisect to the versions, and then evnetually to the commit17:16
PwnnaOerHeks: also because things were working in 15.04 but broke in 15.1017:17
botatoI mean... is there something that will make sure someone who has access to your machine won't have access to certain files. and when they try to access those certain files, a prompt will show up that will ask for a special password whcih isn't the same as the password they used to ssh into the machine?17:17
realvarezTJ-: thats my suspision, i guess restart-without-asking is missing from config.dat, but I have no idea how to rectify this17:17
realvarezTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/1495302/comments/517:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1495302 in openssl (Ubuntu) "subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Confirmed]17:18
Lokiethx TJ- nothing in there that looks like an issue to me17:19
TJ-realvarez: good catch17:20
MonkeyDustthat connected quickly! sure this is freenode?17:20
dcopeMrElendig: worked like a charm!17:21
dcopethank you :D17:21
realvarezTJ-:  I added “|| true” as the post suggested and its fixed now17:21
BluewolfHi all, I have Wow running through wine. But I can't log in as its telling me its disconnected and does not connect. Is there something I'm missing?17:21
MonkeyDustBluewolf  that's for #winehq17:22
TJ-realvarez: yeah, it looks like someone forgot the script is running with -e17:22
realvarezTJ-: weird that such a high impact bug is still open… Thanks for all the help!17:23
BluewolfMonkeyDust: Well I decided to post here, because everything is working normal (Except that). Confirm that as a program running through wine, it should connect to the internet right?17:24
kidddHello I switched to Ubuntu and am trying to play a dvd in vlc17:24
kidddhow do I do this?17:24
MrElendigLokie: run systemd-inhibit17:24
kidddI have the dvd inserted but I can't find where it's located17:24
kidddanyone have any ideas?17:24
Ap3c0deHi eveyone17:24
OerHeksBluewolf, sounds like your wow account is not valid, who knows?17:25
TJ-realvarez: I'm working on it17:25
OerHeks!dvd | kiddd follow these steps17:25
ubottukiddd follow these steps: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:25
OerHekskiddd, then restart vlc and voila!17:26
MonkeyDustBluewolf  try another program if wine, iexplorer or so, see if it connects17:27
BluewolfOerHeks: Surely it should just tell me that, instead of telling me "disconnected from server"17:27
BluewolfI've had that before in windows, offline?17:27
LokieMrElendig http://pastebin.com/3vcTd6sN doesn't this mean XFCe controls them so it should work ok? (have configured it)17:27
kidddwhen I open vlc and do media > play dvd where is the dvd locatedc17:27
kidddso I can select and play it?17:27
OerHekskiddd, media > open disc17:28
kidddand then17:28
kidddwhat is the location of the disk17:28
TJ-kiddd: usually /dev/dvd17:28
OerHeks... read what is filled in, /dev/sr0 maybe?17:28
Paradiseehello guys17:32
BluewolfMonkeyDust: Well iexplorer seems to work, though its only restricted to wine searches17:32
Paradiseei just bought another monitor, but i cant figure out how to make them both work together..any help?17:32
KIddddhello I have a problem17:32
KIddddubuntu gave me an error17:32
nicomachusParadisee: how are you connecting the second monitor? what version ubuntu are you running?17:33
Paradiseethe other one is using vga17:33
Paradiseebut on the mother board17:33
Paradiseethe main one hdmi on the graphic card17:33
KIddddunknown error with dependencies17:33
KIddddwhen running sudo apt-get update it says17:33
KIddddthe list of sources could not be read17:33
KIddddwhat do I do17:34
KIddddand when opening software updater it says it could not be open17:34
KIddddand shut down on me17:34
KIddddwhat's up?17:34
OerHeksParadisee, if you want to use the onboard too, select in the bios, the onboard as primairy.17:34
KIddddThis all started when trying to play a dvd17:35
=== KIdddd is now known as hellogoodbye
hellogoodbyeI need more help :)17:35
syeekickrandom question but it will help me greatly, is there any online retailers in the UK that could get me ram delievered tommorow on next day delievery?17:35
nicomachusKIdddd: first off: relax. Don't send so many lines, try to put everything you can into as few lines as possible.17:35
ParadiseeOerHeks: what do yoju mean17:35
hellogoodbyeok sorry17:35
nicomachussyeekick: that's not a question for here.17:35
King_DuckZhello, I'm trying to set up an automated build on drone.io, which runs on ubuntu 12.04 apparently https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/King_DuckZ/dindexer/7 - in order to build my project I need to have yaml-cpp installed, but as you can see it can't be found, any help on that? this is what's generating that output http://pastebin.com/DKdpUm3B17:36
hellogoodbyeso when running sudo apt-get update it says the source list could not be read, also ubuntu's giving me an error that says "you have software that has unmet dependencies." I'm an ubuntu noob so I don't know anything :(17:37
OerHeksParadisee, reboot your pc, go into the bios, and select your onboard videocard as primairy, not the plugged in card/pcixpress17:37
ioriahellogoodbye, did you add some third-party software source in /etc/apt/sources.list ?17:37
Paradiseei will try17:37
aarobcwoahdude, fglrx drivers are actually working on kernel 4.217:37
OerHeksParadisee, any plugged in videocard will override the onboard, but there must be an option in the bios.17:38
aarobcmaybe ubuntu patched the new kernel?17:38
nicomachusaarobc: actually, AMD patched the driver.17:38
hellogoodbyeioria yes17:39
hellogoodbyeI tried to install libdvdcss17:39
safiyyahhi all just did a fresh install of Xubuntu, the graphics are super low, is there something I am missing, I added nouveau under restricted drivers17:39
nicomachusaarobc: if I'm correct, they patched it when they released the Crimson drivers17:39
aarobcalthough still can't take a screenshot17:39
aarobcnicomachus: haven't even heard of crimson17:40
hellogoodbyeI get a reading package lists... ERROR!17:40
* aarobc googles17:40
nicomachusaarobc: http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/218513-amds-new-radeon-crimson-software-crushes-catalyst-boosts-performance17:40
ioriahellogoodbye, that's not third-party... can you paste /etc/apt/sources.list ?17:40
aarobcoh thank doge17:40
hellogoodbyecommand not found ioria17:41
ioriahellogoodbye, what command ?17:41
hellogoodbyeetc apt sources/loist\17:42
King_DuckZis yaml-cpp in the ubuntu repo?17:42
ioriahellogoodbye, /etc/apt/sources.list it's not a command ... it'a a file17:42
k1lKing_DuckZ: yes17:43
ioriahellogoodbye, youo know how to use pastebinit ?17:43
ioriahellogoodbye, sudo apt-get install  pastebinit17:43
King_DuckZis it just called yaml-cpp? because for me apt-cache search yaml doesn't list anything17:43
k1lKing_DuckZ: what brings you "lsb_release -d" ?17:44
hellogoodbyedone, now what?17:44
King_DuckZk1l: I did cat /etc/os-release, if that's also good17:44
ioriahellogoodbye, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit       it will give you an URL that you will poste here17:44
k1lKing_DuckZ: what ubuntu is it then?17:44
King_DuckZk1l: https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/King_DuckZ/dindexer/7 grep for cat /etc/os-release17:45
k1luh thats a 12.0417:46
k1lKing_DuckZ: its in the repos since 14.04 (or earlier) but not in 12.0417:46
k1lKing_DuckZ: see http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&searchon=names&keywords=yaml-cpp17:46
hellogoodbyewhat do you think ioria?17:47
King_DuckZk1l: ok :/ I guess I'll try a different service then, hopefully they will run a more recent distro17:47
ioriahellogoodbye, well, i don't see anything unusual ....17:47
hellogoodbyeioria but ubuntu is giving me an internal error so there must be something unusual, :D17:48
hellogoodbyelet me check my source packages17:48
King_DuckZunless... that lib doesn't pull in any dependency actually, can I just download the .deb from somewhere?17:48
ioriahellogoodbye, you said installed libdvdcss ... how ?17:48
hellogoodbyejust typed in a bunch of commands17:48
hellogoodbyebut now software center closes everytime it opens17:48
hellogoodbyeand updater won't update,17:48
hellogoodbyewhat's going on17:48
nicomachus"just typed in a bunch of commands" <--- someone remove this guy from the sudo list17:49
k1lKing_DuckZ: click on the green "other untrusted versions" to see if there is a PPA for 12.04 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yaml-cpp17:49
hellogoodbyelol nicmachus17:49
ioriahellogoodbye, if you don't remember the command you gave... scroll  you bash history17:49
King_DuckZk1l: ok thanks :)17:49
hellogoodbyehow do I view my bash history17:51
ioriahellogoodbye, arrows up down ... in terminal17:51
King_DuckZhellogoodbye: history17:51
MonkeyDusthellogoodbye   less ~/.bash_history17:51
BluesKajioria,  think libdvdcss can be downloaded from the vlc site iirc17:51
ioriaBluesKaj, yep...17:52
hellogoodbyeI see it17:52
ioriaBluesKaj, but usually is parte of ubuntu-restricted-extras17:52
hellogoodbyeso what do I do, :D17:52
BluesKajioria, it used to be a while back, not any more17:52
ioriaBluesKaj, i see17:53
OerHekshellogoodbye, stop hitting the enter so much17:53
hellogoodbyewell it's kind of late for that now17:53
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hellogoodbyeso in my bash history17:53
hellogoodbyesudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.me17:53
hellogoodbyedibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyrin17:53
hellogoodbyethat's one of the things I see17:53
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OerHeksmedibuntu is dead17:54
hellogoodbyeso how do I17:54
MonkeyDusthellogoodbye  medibunt dies not exist anymore17:54
hellogoodbyeundo that ocmmand17:54
MonkeyDustOerHeks  was faster17:54
k1ldont follow tutorials from 1999 :)17:54
ioria!info libdvdread417:54
ubottulibdvdread4 (source: libdvdread): library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.0-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 53 kB, installed size 191 kB17:54
OerHekshellogoodbye, i gave you the dvd page, read it again.17:54
hellogoodbyecould that be what's causing the error?17:54
OerHeksor go trolling elsewere.17:54
hellogoodbyehow am I trolling17:55
ioriahellogoodbye, can you paste the content of /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?17:56
hellogoodbyewith what command17:56
ioriahellogoodbye, ls  /etc/apt/sources.list.d  | pastebinit17:57
TJ-hellogoodbye: ioria from the command issued it should just need "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list" and then "sudo apt-get update"17:58
ioriaTJ- yep17:58
ioriahellogoodbye, try that17:58
hellogoodbyethank you17:59
hellogoodbyeI'm sorry for my noobishness :(17:59
hellogoodbyeI'm just new to Ubuntu and want to get to know the system17:59
hellogoodbyeanyway thanks TJ and ioria18:00
ioriahellogoodbye, for the dvd follow the given link ,  install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:00
hellogoodbyevery helpful :)18:00
ioriahellogoodbye, no problem18:00
hellogoodbyewhere's the given link again18:00
hellogoodbyecan't find it18:00
sossioepisodi di shaman king ita18:01
ioriahellogoodbye, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs18:01
Pici!it | sossio18:01
ubottusossio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:01
hellogoodbyeso I should just type in this command > sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg18:01
ioriahellogoodbye, never used that... it's new ...18:02
hellogoodbyeok when trying to open a disk in VLC it says your input cannot be read18:02
hellogoodbyeso to open a dvd I should go VLC > Media > Open disc18:04
hellogoodbyeand then it gives me a bunch of options forwhere my disk is located18:04
hellogoodbyewhere IS my disk located?18:04
BluesKaj!list | sossio18:05
ubottusossio: BluesKaj: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:05
emadhelmihi dears, i have a python question:18:06
emadhelmiwhat does this line means in python?18:06
emadhelmitcpTimeClientSock, addr = tcpTimeSrvrSock.accept()18:06
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  it's the space you put before the !18:06
Piciemadhelmi: Thats a question for #python , not #ubuntu18:06
emadhelmitwo varibale at the left and one assignment18:06
BluesKajMonkeyDust, yeah I see that now18:07
emadhelmiPici, Thanks dear okey18:07
regumhello everyone18:08
regumis there a clear step by step guide on how to connect to wifi via the terminal?18:08
boxmeinregum: there's one, but connecting to wifi via terminal is a very awful process18:09
regumboxmein, I can't use a gui18:09
boxmeinregum: you have root of course, right?18:09
regumboxmein, once I install it, ubuntu stops recognising the usb dongle18:10
regumboxmein, yes18:10
OerHeksnmcli d wifi connect <WiFiSSID> password <WiFiPassword> iface wlan018:10
boxmeinOerHeks: so glad there's something other than iwlist and iwconfig18:10
OerHeksi hope it is wlan0, else wlan1 ?18:10
boxmeinregum: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138472/how-do-i-connect-to-a-wpa-wifi-network-using-the-command-line and http://askubuntu.com/questions/294257/connect-to-wifi-network-through-ubuntu-terminal could give you another direction18:11
boxmeinregum: note that these are pretty flimsy and nmcli might do a lot more stuff for ou18:11
regumI'll take a look at them18:12
regumwith nmcli I only have to do what OerHeks wrote?18:13
twilighthow can I see what version of linux I am running18:14
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MonkeyDusttwisted`  cat /etc/issue18:14
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twilightsparklecat /etc/issue ?18:15
twilightsparklelike this ?18:15
twilightsparkleok, iĺl try18:15
ovrflw0xdo i need to enable TRIM function in SSD or all that is taken care of?18:16
ovrflw0xdo i need to enable TRIM function in SSD or all that is taken care of in ubuntu 15.10?18:16
ovrflw0xor is there any particular setting for SSD that i need to take care of?18:16
regumI'm unable to locate package nmcli18:26
ioriaregum cat /etc/issue18:28
boxmeinwhat's the prettiest/best-ui-having linux music player?18:29
regumioria, Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l18:29
ioriaregum no nmcli... nmtool18:30
OerHeksboxmein, there is no single best, but clementine handles big collections pretty fast18:30
OerHeks*and has a build in equaliser18:30
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ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:31
regumioria, nmtool d wifi connect <WiFiSSID> password <WiFiPassword> iface wlan0 ?18:31
ioriaregum no... don't think so...18:31
ioriaregum i meant the trusty does not have nmcli...18:32
regumoh, I suppose I'll just follow another tutorial then18:32
ioriaregum why don't you configure /etc/network/interfaces ?18:33
OerHeksif you have an wifi device which is supported ootb, you would have nmcli AFAIK18:34
ioriaOerHeks, right... my bad18:34
regumioria, I've tried that before. I want a step by step guide or I'll get lost and won't know why18:34
OerHeksi think you need a driver first.18:34
regumOerHeks, I've got ubuntu arm though18:34
regummaybe it's because of that18:35
OerHekssudo lshw -C network # what does driver=  say ?18:36
boxmeinOerHeks: thanks for the reference!18:36
ioriaregum  sudo lshw -c Network18:36
ramsub07hello, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 and am not able to configure bluetooth properly.18:37
ramsub07$sudo rfkill list doesn't seem to show bluetooth but $service status bluetooth shows bluetooth is up and running..18:37
boxmeinOerHeks: also, what's the thing that defines if a player is listed under the indicator-sound dropdown menu, or more precisely, how do I get rid of VLC being in that list?18:37
regum sudo lshw -C network says driver=rtl8192cu18:38
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OerHeksboxmein, i think you set vlc as standard player, you can change in systemsettings > details > default apps18:38
OerHeksor vlxc does this standard when active18:39
regumit's an edimax wifi dongle that's supposed to work out of the box, except it stops working if I install a gui18:39
ovrflw0xwill windows 10 stop disabled discrete card from sucking power? because in Windows 7, this disabled dead GPU is sucking too much power, getting hot and blowing fan loud18:39
ioriaregum  does it show up in ifconfig ?18:39
regumioria, no18:40
k1lovrflw0x: ##windows for windows questions18:40
regumit does show up on lsusb though18:40
ioriaregum  iwconfig ?18:40
OerHeksovrflw0x, YES , windows will do that immediatly18:40
nox_42Does anyone know of a free way to convert a drive from mbr to gpt on windows?18:40
regumioria, I'll install it now18:40
TJ-ioria: 14.04 does have nmcli; it's always been a core part of network-manager: /usr/bin/nmcli18:40
k1lnox_42: ##windows for that18:40
ioriaTJ-  yes, i forgot18:41
ovrflw0xOerHeks, huh?18:41
ioriaregum  no, it'a a command18:41
OerHeksovrflw0x, lolz, wrong channel dude18:41
regumioria, it said I had to install wireless-tools18:42
ovrflw0xOerHeks, dude, chillax i was just wondering if anyone have the slightest knowledge about it18:42
regumioria, now it shows wlan018:42
ioriaregum  ever worked ?18:43
geniiovrflw0x: They might know in the ##windows channel18:43
regumioria, what do you mean?18:43
ioriaregum  that dongle... has ever worked ?18:43
regumioria, yes it worked before. i had the system configured with a gui and it all worked perfectly18:45
regumioria, but I installed a repo that broke the system and now I find that it won't work if I install a gui18:45
ioriaregum  so... what happed ... ?18:45
regumioria, I've had to do a clean install again18:45
ioriaregum  did you update && upgrade and dist-upgrade ? 14.04.2 is quite old...18:46
regumioria, I did update18:47
regumioria, I can't do dist-upgrade, it breaks the software I need18:47
ioriaregum  ohhh... well that's a problem18:48
k1lregum: dist-upgrade will not bring you to a new ubuntu release18:48
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regumk1l, all I know is that dist-upgrade meant i had to do a reinstall because nothing worked anymore18:48
TJ-regum: that's probably due to bad packages in a 3rd party PPA or other repository18:49
regumTJ-, maybe, but I need those, so I can't do dist-upgrade18:50
TJ-regum: what architecture is the host? "dpkg --print-architecture"18:50
regumTJ-, just a sec, I'm doing upgrade18:50
dimitry7Hi guys, is there a website from which to send spam masively?18:51
regumdimitry7, spam is ilegal18:51
TJ-spam is tasty!18:51
dimitry7k1l, whats your problem?18:52
dimitry7let me rephrase18:53
mcphaildimitry7: Amazon will do it for you http://www.amazon.co.uk/SPAM-Original-Chopped-Pork-Pack/dp/B005EM31VO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449255141&sr=8-1&keywords=spam18:53
dimitry7 Hi guys, which are the top sites from which spam is sent masively? I want to block them18:53
TJ-dimitry7: use RBLs, that's what they're there for18:53
regumTJ-, armhf18:53
dimitry7mcphail, lovely, this is what you need: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/573/053/d4f.jpg18:54
TJ-dimitry7: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSBL18:54
dimitry7TJ-, thanks18:54
HinnerkI recently installed ubuntu on my server. It worked well mostly - however, I'll have to redo the entire thing since I wanted to create within LVM several partitions (for home, var, ...). Also I wanted to enable RAID1. I guess at some point I had to switch to do a manual partitioning. I found it hard to find proper information on this. Is there a good place to look for instructions to set this up?18:55
regumTJ-, does that change anything?18:55
TJ-regum: and what repository is set in sources.list ( "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999" )18:56
TJ-Hinnerk: the server installer can do mdadm RAID + LVM configurations18:56
HinnerkWell, it never asked me about anything of this. I doubt I just missed it - but I guess that'S still a possibility. When would I see this?18:57
regumTJ-, http://termbin.com/puwn18:58
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r0xtedyhello ppl18:59
LeviM_TJ-: Also, just remembered this tidbit: I copied the NVME driver from the 4.2 Ubuntu install.18:59
r0xtedyare there any realtime voice changers for ubuntu?18:59
LeviM_That's... erm... probably not as desirable.19:00
nicomachusr0xtedy: you may find this helpful: https://askubuntu.com/questions/421947/is-there-a-way-to-modulate-my-voice-on-the-fly19:01
YokoBRhi guys, does anybody knows how to configure lighttpd19:03
ramsub07hello, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 and am not able to configure bluetooth properly. $sudo rfkill list doesn't seem to show bluetooth but $service status bluetooth shows bluetooth is up and running..19:03
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TJ-regum: OK; I'm wondering if there's an issue with the ports armhf (ARM Hard Float) builds causing your issues19:07
ovrflw0xi'm using SSD what size SWAP should i create, i've got 4GB RAM19:07
TJ-LeviM_: in theory, using the 4.2 module on 4.4rc3 we would expect the modprobe to fail due to incompatible modversion19:08
regumTJ-, thanks19:08
TJ-ramsub07: if there's no hci* rfkill node, then it is possible the hardware driver isn't loaded, or the BT device isn't found19:09
ovrflw0xi'm using SSD what size SWAP should i create, i've got 4GB RAM19:09
TJ-regum: are you able to bring up wlan0 using the nmcli/nmtool command provided earlier? ... check /var/log/syslog for messages related to that19:09
ovrflw0xi'm using SSD what size SWAP should i create, i've got 4GB RAM19:10
regumTJ-, that is one long log19:10
regumTJ-, how can I check it?19:11
regumTJ-, I can see wlan0 if I type iwconfig19:11
regumTJ-, and it seems to relate to my dongle because the Nickname is "<WIFI@REALTEK>"19:12
nicomachus!patience | ovrflw0x19:14
ubottuovrflw0x: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:14
nicomachusovrflw0x: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq19:15
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regumI've tried sudo wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dwext && sudo dhclient wlan019:18
regum but it cannot open RFKILL control device19:18
nicomachusugh... realtek... I can't help, regum, but I wish you all the luck. I've had terrible experiences with realtek+ubuntu19:19
regumnicomachus, thanks :/19:20
Ol1phi everyone19:20
nicomachusI know, regum... the drivers just aren't any good.19:21
vladimirhello all19:21
regumwell I've got to go now, thank you all for helping, I'll try again tomorrow19:22
regumhave a nice evening19:22
vladimirdoes anyone had a problem with playonlinux gtaIV19:22
botatois there something for ubuntu that will make sure someone who has access to your machine won't have access to certain files. and when they try to access those certain files, a prompt will show up that will ask for a special password whcih isn't the same as the password they used to ssh into the machine?19:22
nicomachusvladimir: someone here MAY be able to help with that, but the guys at either #playonlinux or #gamingonlinux are going to be much more knowledgeable19:23
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daftykinsbotato: just don't give them access to what they don't need to...19:33
botatodaftykinds: i want them to be able to see some files19:34
botatobut not all of em19:34
botatois there an ubuntu thing to do that?19:34
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ExeciNhas anyone here used azure ever?19:37
daftykinsbotato: i don't think they really need SSH access at all, just put the relevant data on a samba share perhaps.19:38
daftykinsExeciN: the microsoft setup? how's that relate to ubuntu?19:38
ExeciNdaftykins: it relates if you set up an ubuntu vm19:38
goddardin 14.04 how can i disable Avahi19:38
daftykinsExeciN: makes sense to use appropriate technologies19:39
botatodaftykins: what i'm trying to do is actually setting up something thats sorta like microsoft's active directory. when you want to use a program there no matter what user you are, you're prompted for a password in order to get the program working. will samba do that for me?19:39
ExeciNdaftykins: I don't get what you mean19:39
botatoor is there a better way?19:39
daftykinsbotato: no, nothing will - if it's not installed, it's not installed19:39
botatoorr... i mean...19:40
botatoin a scenario let's say someone whose a real noob is given access to your system so he can look at some things, but you don't want him breaking stuff19:40
botatoso you make a lot of things password protected19:41
botatoor you don't want him peering into certain files19:41
ExeciNgive him a restricted account19:41
botatobecause of sensitive info19:42
botatobut you only have your account to give19:42
bekksYou dont grant anyone access who isnt familiar with the basic administration.19:42
ExeciNyour account is only yours19:42
botatosay it's not someone nice19:42
botatoan intruder19:42
ExeciNwell it should anyway19:42
botatohe's gone in with your credentials19:42
botatobut you want another layer of protection for your sensitive docs19:42
ExeciNencrypt them19:43
botatobut these docs are part of programs that need to talk to each other19:43
botatoand encrypting them will probably not allow programs to work19:43
nicomachusbotato: https://askubuntu.com/questions/531490/openssh-restrict-users-to-one-or-multiple-folders19:44
Exagone313Hi, there is an established http connection on my server (FIN_WAIT2), I try to drop it. I blocked its IP address with iptables, but I have a rule that does not block established connection. I tried to restart the HTTP server, but it is connected to a local proxied server, that I mustn't restart. What can I do ? Thanks for your help.19:45
blackflowHello. I've installed 15.10 onto a luks encrypted partition, and I also have a luks partition for swap. Used the installer to set that up. However, on boot it doesn't decrypt the swap partition and swap never activates. I have to do it manually. What gives?19:46
shudonhi all :) on ubu 14.04 i burn disk with "wodim dev=/dev/sr0 -v -data cd140201.iso" but it does not boot, so i try "cmp /dev/sr0 cd140201.iso" and expect if it fails it will tell me the difference is at a byte offset greater than the filesize of the ISO, but my ISO file is 17,942,528 bytes while cmp outputs "/dev/sr0 cd140201.iso differ: byte 32777, line 1"19:48
blackflowboth partitions are listed in crypttab. On 15.04 I set that up manually, as the installer back then couldn't do encryption, and it all worked just fine.19:48
Exagone313That's strange, it's like my vps server created this connection.19:49
fontanamaybe its backdoored?19:49
fontanaalways be suspicious19:50
fontanasomething crashed? backdoor. having high latency issues ? probably backdoored. computer turns off unexpectedly because of high cpu temp ? for sure backdoor.19:50
fontanathats my philosophy19:51
shudonExagone313: FIN_WAIT2 means the connection is already closed for all practical purposes, i would forget about it, it'll go away eventually19:51
daftykins!fud | fontana please don't spread rubbish and paranoia here19:51
ubottufontana please don't spread rubbish and paranoia here: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt19:51
Exagone313shudon: ok19:52
fontanawhats the world coming to :(19:52
fontanawhen you cant spread fear among fellow peers19:53
daftykinsdrop it now before you're ejected19:53
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shudoni think the three disks i just tried burning to all already had something on them19:59
shudonit didn't occur to me that the command wouldn't refuse to burn to the disk if it had already been written to19:59
daftykinsnormally should19:59
BoreeasHey, I'm trying to move a partition20:05
BoreeasIt's about 150GB in size and there's 15GB of free space after it20:05
BoreeasI'd like to align it to the end of the disk so I can grow the partition right before it20:05
MonkeyDustBoreeas  a partition with data, or an emtpy one?20:06
BoreeasThere's data on it, yes20:06
TJ-Boreeas: what's in the partition you want to extend? Could it be LVM ?20:07
BoreeasIt's not LVM as far as I can tell20:08
Boreeasstandard partition20:08
TJ-Boreeas: shame - you could have added a new PV for thr 15GB to an existing 120:08
MonkeyDustBoreeas  start with a pastebin of your current partition layout, so the channel can see20:08
k1lBoreeas: technically that means all data have to be moved to the end. which will a) take some time and b) always has the risk of data loss.20:09
BoreeasI have a snapshot that I can restore if necessary, so I'm not terribly worried about data loss20:09
k1lso if there is any data you really dont want to lose you better think about a backup plan before you touch partiitons20:09
BoreeasHere's my current layout: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13677062/20:10
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k1lBoreeas: alright. then i would start a live ubuntu and start with using gparted to move the partition20:10
Boreeasvda1 is swap, vda2 is / and vda3 is /home20:10
BoreeasCan't use gparted, for some reason I can't get remote X sessions working20:11
Boreeasbut parted is a good idea, thanks20:11
k1lah that is a remote pc/server?20:11
Boreeasserver in a hosting center20:12
Boreeas"You can't move a partition so that the old and new positions overlap. "20:13
Boreeaswell there goes parted20:13
dcopei ended the ssh session, resumed it, and now i get cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:14
Exagone313dcope: sorry for you (hi please thanks)20:14
akikBoreeas: you can tunnel x11 in ssh, if that helps, ssh -X user@host. it's a wee bit slow but for times like these20:14
nicomachusakik Boreeas: the -C flag can help a bit with the slowness there20:15
nicomachusnot a lot, but a bit.20:16
shudonso i downloaded and burned ntpasswd. it boots on a Pentium 4 machine but not the Core 2 Duo machine -- any ideas?20:16
Ol1pI am sorry but I meet a problem with firefox since a few days, I do not arrive any more at the installed(settled) with the apt-get install command(order)... The latter did not ignite when I clicked the icon20:16
bekksshudon: S that an ubuntu cd?20:17
shudonbekks: no but i burned it on ubuntu :320:17
TJ-Boreeas: I have shell scripts to move overlapping data, since they need to move at most the non-overlapping size at once20:17
bekksshudon: Which is quite irrelevant at that point.20:17
shudonany advice for resetting a windows password from ubuntu live boot?20:18
nicomachusOl1p: I'm having a bit of troulbe understanding what you mean. Would you be more comfortable speaking your native language? Someone here can point you to a channel that uses it.20:18
MonkeyDustshudon  how legal is that?20:18
shudonMonkeyDust: huh?20:19
TJ-MonkeyDust: very legal; standard tool on most Windows sysadmin toolkits20:19
MonkeyDustshudon  TJ- ok, fair enough20:19
nicomachusshudon: you may find this helpful: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/resetwindowspassword/20:20
TJ-!info chntpw | shudon20:21
ubottushudon: chntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (wily), package size 83 kB, installed size 428 kB20:21
shudonthanks nicomachus but i can't follow instructions that require that many pictures. is there a translation for command line veterans?20:21
shudonTJ-: ahhh thanks :)20:21
TJ-shudon: in the live Ubuntu environment just do "sudo apt-get install chntpw"20:21
shudonTJ-: *nod*20:21
TJ-shudon: Later windows versions aren't so supsectible to it, though20:22
MonkeyDustguess i was confusing the password with the windows key20:22
TJ-Microsoft provides a tool for changing  that :)20:23
Ol1pAll right, i have a little of evil with English .. I go to the french speaking salon, good evening everybody20:23
shudonTJ-: ugh...20:25
shudonmaybe i should investigate the MS tool then...20:25
TJ-shudon: the MS tool I was talking about was for changing the licence key, not the admin password in the SAM20:25
shudonwell we'll see if chntpw works on this windows ... 7? 8? system... can't even remember20:26
BluesKajsince and including W8 the key is encrypted in the BIOS/UEFI20:26
bekksBluesKaj: Which can safely be considered as being an urban legend.20:27
BluesKajbekks, nope it's official20:27
bekksBluesKaj: You have some MS link stating that?20:28
shudonTJ-: what sources do i need to enable for chntpw? stock ubuntu 14.04 live disk knows no such package20:28
TJ-shudon: try it first; it depends on the encryption measures used.20:28
nicomachusshudon: it was in that link I provided that you didn't like...20:28
TJ-shudon: Universe20:28
bbb-netI have a beaglebone black connected to my PC. The PC has two network cards and I would like to share internet to the BBB and be able to ssh to it. I can't seem to figure out how to set up the routing for this. Here is the output of route -n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13677598/20:28
goddardin 14.04 how can i disable Avahi20:28
goddardits keeps generating errors for bad packets20:28
TJ-goddard: "echo manual | sudo dd of=/etc/init/avahi-daemon.override" will make the Upstart service manual start only20:29
MonkeyDustgoddard  sudo service avahi-daemon stop20:30
shudoni better put all this in a script i can fetch over http or something20:30
BluesKajbekks, http://www.cnet.com/news/windows-8-moves-to-bios-based-product-keys/20:32
bekksBluesKaj: thats a cnet link, not a MS one ;)20:32
shudonhmm.. can i use chntpw to enumerate local user accounts?20:32
BoreeasTJ-: Does your script work for partitions?20:34
BluesKajbekks, do you really think MS id going to publish their little secret, cnet is quite reliable in my view20:34
TJ-Boreeas: it works for anything; it uses LBA relative addressing from some known base20:34
bekksBluesKaj: I dont think anyone is reliable besides the manufacturer of some software.20:34
BoreeasTJ-: Would you mind pasteing it?20:35
BluesKajwell think what you want, bekks, it's reliable enough to be dependable.20:36
shudonBluesKaj: cnet distributes malware now20:36
shudonor they did for a time20:36
shudoni was heartbroken when i learned :(20:36
nicomachusthem and sourceforge. :(20:36
shudonnicomachus: :C20:36
TJ-Boreeas: I'd rather not, I use it internally for forensics/recovery but I don't feel like being responsible for your potential data-loss if it goes wrong20:37
shudonimho, the foss world lay in ruins :C20:37
BluesKajwhy would they lie about the keys , there's nothing in it for them20:37
goddardMonkeyDust: i got upstart in 14.0420:37
BoreeasTJ-: I'm really not worried about data loss - worst case I'll restore a snapshot from before I started fiddling20:38
TJ-Boreeas: you might want to investigate 'ddrescue', it has a --reverse option, which can have it work from the end of a target to the start20:39
BoreeasTJ-: Thanks, I'll take a look20:39
MonkeyDustgoddard  ok, but i have 14.04 too and the command didnt return an error here20:40
TJ-Boreeas: if you can afford to experiment, you can use "losetup --offset X ..." to create a 'view' of the 'target', where the offset is the new start of the data. That gives you 2 block devices for ddrescue to work with, the target /dev/loopX, and the source, e.g. /dev/sdXY. if '--offset X' is 15GB offset from the start of /dev/sdXY, *and* "ddrescue --reverse ..." is the operation, it might be quite simple20:42
TJ-(you're not dealing with a failed device so it'll be quick too)20:42
TJ-Boreeas: always best to practice on a disposable disk first of course20:43
frisanyone ever had a problem when giving a reboot command, the sequence doesnt start for 5+ mins, its only started since i upgraded to v15 from v1420:46
frisbasically 3:31pm issued reboot, terminal window exited. can still ping the machine, but ssh is denied, can still ping for 10mins, then the reboot sequence happens. machine up at 3:44pm20:47
bekksfris: Which sequence do you talk about?20:47
fristhe reboot cmd which is the same as shutdown -r now right?20:47
bekksfris: Yes.20:48
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spaceindaver_Hi all, my nvidia card just stopped showing up in lspci, any idea what happened?20:48
bekksfris: If it takes that long, maybe it takes a lot of time to stop running services?20:48
k1lspaceindaver_: what happend before?20:48
k1lspaceindaver_: is it a hyrid intel+nvidia card?20:48
frisbekks  only happened since i moved to 15, never happened on 1420:49
bekksfris: 15 what, and 14 what?20:49
fris14.10 and im on 15.10 now20:49
spaceindaver_k1l: Yeah, I was trying to get nvidia-prime working since bumblebee stopped working after an update20:49
k1lfris: there was a upstart to systemd change form 14.10 to 15.0420:49
frisya i saw that20:49
spaceindaver_k1l: Then I tried bumblebee again after failing for a while and it said "No nvidia card detected"20:50
frisalso when stopping a service, and starting, it shows no output, it used to, the services start and stop fine, it just shows no output saying so20:50
spaceindaver_k1l: I then booted into windows to check if it would work there and it also said it couldn't be detected20:50
shudonso, get this20:50
shudoni run chntpw20:51
k1lspaceindaver_: bumblebee is deprecated since nvidia-prime is not officially released20:51
shudonit can enumerate users20:51
shudonit can toggle enabled/disable users20:51
shudoni change password20:51
shudonit prompts me for password (shows what i type)20:51
k1lspaceindaver_: uh. check bios if its disabled anyhow20:51
shudoni hit enter20:51
k1lspaceindaver_: but if windows doesnt see it too, it could be a hardware issue :/20:51
spaceindaver_k1l: Yeah, thats what I thought too but there is no mention of it in the BIOS either20:51
w9qbj /part20:52
TJ-shudon: The Enter key isn't punctuation. Please keep to a single line rather than a stream of conciousness20:52
shudon(i'm hitting enter a lot, actually. sorry!) i hit enter, then it says "Password changed!" "Hives that have changed:" "0 <SAM>" "Write hive files? (y/n) [n] : Not written!" # immediately, i never get a chance to enter a selection on this prompt20:52
k1lspaceindaver_: sorry to say, but that sounds like a hardware issue then20:52
TJ-shudon: you'll have to consult the chntpw authors, that's outside our remit20:52
spaceindaver_k1l: Yeah, it does sound like a hardware issue, just thought I'd ask here in case anyone had any bright ideas :-)20:52
TJ-spaceindaver_: is it a laptop or a desktop?20:53
spaceindaver_TJ-: Its a laptop, Alienware M14x R220:53
TJ-spaceindaver_: I'm assuming a laptop... check the firmware settings; is there an option that has disabled the Nvidia ?20:53
shudonwell, it looks like it succeeded at deleting the password, so i'm trying that now...20:54
spaceindaver_TJ-: Do you mean check the BIOS?20:54
shudonTJ-: yes but i thought you might like to know :)20:54
TJ-spaceindaver_: also, if the GPU is on an add-in card, check it is securely connected (maybe unplug/plug it to ensure good electrical connections)20:54
shudonTJ-: erasing/deleting the password worked. i simply HOSTNAME\Administrator and entered no password and i got in :)20:55
TJ-shudon: Good :)20:55
spaceindaver_TJ-: Its a built in card so I think I'll just double check the BIOS20:56
frisbekks  https://gist.github.com/15178dc7010049abe9c0 this is my dmesg20:56
bekksfris: dmesg is quite irrelevant at that point.20:57
ioriaspaceindaver_, lspci -nn | grep '\[03' ?20:57
shudonthanks for the help everyone. i'll take my newlines with me on my way out :)20:57
TJ-spaceindaver_: some of the Alienwares used MXM add-in adapters for GPUs, which is why I asked20:57
goddardif I downloaded a newer kernel from the repos how can i stop updates from older version of the kernel?20:59
spaceindaver_ioria: That just shows my intel card20:59
ioriaspaceindaver_, oh21:00
bekksgoddard: Uninstall the dependencies that pull in the older kernel.21:00
TJ-goddard: usually, just remove 'linux-image-generic' or 'linux-image-lowlatency' packages, which are the ones that depend on the latest release21:01
spaceindaver_ioria: Yeah, thats what I thought when I ran it first :-p21:02
dmegatoolI got that cron job for now : 00 20 * * * user mysqldump -u root -pass --all-databases | gzip > /var/www/databases_$(/bin/date +\%Y\%m\%d.sql.gz ... I would like to keep only a few files. Maybe like the last 5 days ? How would I do that ?21:02
ioriaspaceindaver_, yeah21:03
TJ-spaceindaver_: it's possible the PCI bridge isn't wide enough; worth checking the dmesg log for that21:03
spaceindaver_TJ-: What should I look for?21:03
Flanneldmegatool: You could use logrotate21:04
TJ-spaceindaver_: if you pastebin the dmesg I'll scan it for you, it needs a certain expertise21:04
Picidmegatool: add another cron job that deleites everything older than 5 days, like find /var/www/ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.sql.gz" -mtime +5 -delete21:04
Picidmegatool: pull the -delete off the end of that for it to just list those files21:04
spaceindaver_TJ-: http://pastebin.com/Ys20Wm8F21:05
dmegatoolPici: Seems exactly what I need. Thx !21:06
goddardTJ-: ok sounds dangerous ill try21:06
sossioun programma per scaricare gli episodi di anime?21:08
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neogineeeerMany people can't change screen brightness21:11
TJ-spaceindaver_: no sign of an issue there, no sign of any nvidia device, or possible additional GPU even21:12
spaceindaver_TJ-: Yeah, the BusID used to be 01:00:0 but there is no sign of that in there21:12
adamtI made a small MAAS setup with virtual machines. Then i wanted to get Juju running, but i think my "juju bootstrap" timed out, and now it appears like the juju-node is stuck at 'deploying'. Any ideas? This is running from a 15.10-host21:13
neogineeeerI have an intel graphic card21:13
nicomachus!it | sossio21:14
ubottusossio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:14
BalTuncan widi or miracast works on ubuntu? does anybody know any software? or any other methods of showing desktop on TV from ubuntu pc ?21:14
spaceindaver_TJ-: Thanks for looking into it though :-)21:15
nicomachusBalTun: MiracleCast seems to be an OSS alternative to miracast21:15
TJ-spaceindaver_: I'm looking at an identical lspci output for that model and I noticed it has a network controller on bus 02:00.0 - I didn't see that on yours21:16
spaceindaver_TJ-: Strange, I don't have any network issues21:17
TJ-spaceindaver_: can you "pastebinit <( lspci -nn )"21:17
spaceindaver_TJ-: http://pastebin.com/f4e7n6T221:19
TJ-spaceindaver_: it *looks* as if the nvidia device should be behind this bridge: "[    0.364517] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-06]"21:21
nutzzHey guys I have just installed mongodb on my version of ubuntu and I have disabled journaling (since I don't have enough space in /var). When I type `mongo` in my terminal I get Fri Dec  4 23:20:25.004 Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:14521:22
nutzzWhat should I do?21:22
BalTunnicomachus: it's so many steps to install on ubuntu )) does it really works ?21:23
spaceindaver_TJ-: Any chance it just overheated or something and turned off super low level?21:23
nicomachusBalTun: I have no idea, never used it. I just hook my PC straight up to my TV.21:23
nicomachusI also use Plex to stream to other TVs in the house.21:24
balazsHi, I have a systemd service that runs will if I start from the command line, but does not want to start at boot. I have: WantedBy=multi-user.target21:25
TJ-spaceindaver_: My bet is either some option in firmware setup has disabled it (possibly the optimus related options - set to Intel Only?) or it has become physically disconnected21:26
spaceindaver_TJ-: Those sound like safe bets, I might look into updating my BIOS to see if any options appear to enable it21:26
spaceindaver_TJ-: If that fails I guess I'll just take apart my laptop and check the physical connection21:27
TJ-spaceindaver_: are you dual-booting with Windows?21:28
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spaceindaver_TJ-: Yeah, its dual boot Ubuntu 15.10 and Windows 721:29
TJ-spaceindaver_: I'm seeing a *lot* of reports in the Dell forums about disappearing Nvidia GPUs21:29
BalTun<nicomachus> streaming is not display sharing. You connect you PC to your TV by cable ?21:29
TJ-spaceindaver_: have you tried to do anything non-standard, like over-clocking ?21:30
spaceindaver_TJ-: No, just messing around with the nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, nothing strange21:30
TJ-spaceindaver_: have a look at this: http://www.dell.com/support/Article/us/en/04/636430/EN21:30
BalTunnicomachus: streaming is not display sharing. You connect you PC to your TV by cable21:30
Turnip_GreenSo what is up with Firefox and Youtube.  It seems that I can only play video in 144 quality.  Any fixes for this?21:31
raketensilohow to make a vps so secure that the hosting provider can't access21:31
k1lraketensilo: its a vps. they always can21:31
spaceindaver_TJ-: Interesting, I will give that a shot21:32
spaceindaver_TJ-: Thanks for all the help, see you around :-)21:32
TJ-spaceindaver_: just found something interesting that might help...21:33
raketensilok1l, in a vps how can I make sure that they see just a box instead of all the critical business data21:34
TJ-spaceindaver_: ... apparently, sometimes, if you suspend/hibernate (under Windows) and then resume the GPU *may* appear. That sounds like an ACPI/firmware issue if that is the case21:34
hafiSo, any chance openssl packages will get updated this week?21:34
hafiCVE-2015-3194, CVE-2015-3195, CVE-2015-319621:34
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3194)21:34
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3195)21:34
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3196)21:34
k1l_raketensilo: they got physical access.21:35
spaceindaver_TJ-: Cool, I'll try that too, hopefully it just pops up again eventually :-)21:35
k1l_hafi: see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/21:35
balazshttp://pastebin.ca/3272981 is my systemd service that works well from the shell, but does not seem to be touched during boot. It is 644 root:root and the fiel is at /lib/systemd/system/activity-logger.service21:35
raketensilok1l_, is dedicated the only solution here?21:36
hafiI was looking at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/21:36
hafik1l_, does not work wo javascript?21:36
k1l_raketensilo: dedicated is somewhat better but a hoster always has physical access. that is because its a hoster. so host it yourself if you want only access21:37
Picihafi: just replace the CVEs in this url then: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2015/CVE-2015-3194.html21:37
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3194)21:37
AndroidHackeranyone know how to stop the lock screen from automatically coming on after x amount of time.. the screen turns off and then when i goto wake it up, its locked21:38
orecaDo you know, if there any telegram channel, dedicated to Ubuntu Society?21:38
Anna_RoseHello from the other siiiiiiiiiiiideee :D21:38
raketensilok1l_, The problem is I need their network infrastracture. You said that they have access even if if I get a dedicaded instead of vps. How about housing?21:38
k1l_raketensilo: i said they can have access.21:39
TJ-hafi: the fixed packages were published earlier today21:39
TJ-hafi: they're in xenial-proposed right now and will arrive in the other supported releases very soon21:40
PiciTJ-: thanks for following up :)21:41
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coffeeguyhi ubuntu 15.10 x won't start, says i have to 'fsck' but i don't know the options21:42
TJ-hafi: See https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/openssl.html21:42
bekkscoffeeguy: Boot a live cd, run fsck -f /dev/yourpartition for every of your filesystems.21:43
coffeeguyok thanks bekks :)21:43
TJ-hafi: packages for testing from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages21:44
ydabbahi I am able to connect to a projector with only 1 user, but other users are unable to. how do I resolve?21:56
ydabbaiirc I may need to delete some settings associated with the display, but am not able to find the location for these settings21:57
TJ-ydabba: is the user that can connect a member of groups that the other users aren't? "groups XXX" for each user (where XXX is the username)21:59
geniiydabba: Add the other users to the plugdev and video groups21:59
ghidrahi, i was wondering if anyone had a suggestiong for a compatible 5.1 sound card22:00
ghidrai have an x-fi that is working.. only has digital out, but i only get 2 channels22:01
ghidrathe driver makes it look like if i had analog out i could get 5.122:01
atari1q help22:01
TrivialGravitasghidra: my emu10k1 sound card still works perfectly? I don't think anybody makes those anymore though...22:02
ghidraTrivialGravitas: does it use digital out, or something else22:03
ghidraI'm curious if I need to just research getting the digital to work better22:03
TrivialGravitasghidra: it predates digital out22:05
TrivialGravitasLast time I looked at digital sound cards none of them worked at all...22:05
* ghidra nods22:05
pc1im trying to make a bootable thumb drive, but i keep getting this error "Failed to install the bootloader."22:21
pc1any ideas?22:21
bekkshow are you trying to make a bootable thumb drive?22:22
pc1startup disk creator22:23
bekksFor a recent Ubuntu ISO?22:23
ThiagoCMCjust a tip: try "unetbootin" or "dd" to make a bootable flash drive22:24
bekksThen you can just use dd instead.22:24
dtcrshrHello everyone. I have this teatcher here that uses a file indexing app called recoll. Well, for now he connects to his user using ssh -Y, and call up the application. He found that if he need some more specific customization, was easier to create another user and setup recoll on that environment. But, If he logins to the server to the user he have his key, the app runs fine (and any other gnome app, gedit, for ex) but if he changes22:24
dtcrshrto another user in that session, with su otheruser, nothing using the x11 can be executed.22:24
ikoniaI assume he's installing to a usb22:24
dtcrshris it possible to change users on the server side and still run x11 apps?:22:24
Paul-ProgrammerFREE PAYPAL MONEY HERE http://tinyurl.com/zkz8gwl22:24
pc1what is dd22:25
bekks!dd | pc122:25
ikoniab/ar paybye22:25
neogineerbot38hello guys!22:25
neogineerbot66hello guys!22:25
ikoniayou said that22:25
ikonianeogineerbot56: please remove your bots22:27
pc1anything more specific than dd22:28
bekkspc1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles#Ubuntu - Section "Command Line Interface".22:29
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BalTunhow to make desktop background image on xfce to change periodically, showing pictures from somewhere in the internet with different nature views ?22:31
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BalTunwould you know how it's good to see you all here ! )22:33
ikoniaBalTun: ?22:34
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BalTunikonia: i mean that i glad to see you all ) because it's cool to have answers from really people, not from google forums history22:37
ikoniaI see22:38
BalTunikonia: if about my question, i mean that i have already some plugin that makes it able to set periodically different pictures from some folder in my pc, but they doesn't renew and i want that it would be pictures direct from internet ))22:39
bprompt!desktopnova | BalTun22:40
bprompthmm rats, the bot is kinda off22:41
nicomachusworked in a PM22:41
nicomachusbut he doesn't have anything for desktopnova22:41
bpromptBalTun:    anyhow, check for the package "desktopnova" -> http://cdn.linuxaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/desktopnova1.png22:41
bpromptBalTun:   it has an xfce module, so, should work in xfce22:44
BalTunThanks! But desktopnova shows pictures only from local folders... and I want from some public resource in the internet22:44
bpromptBalTun:    like.. hmm some ftp repository?22:45
BalTunno, like from some gallery on some site or from resault of google pictures search for some request like nature22:46
bpromptBalTun:     hmm dunno that one... .closest I can think of, would be desktopnova, and using some "network mount point" for the folder or url for "local" file22:48
BalTunbprompt: that's good idea! )22:49
KlumsyLubuntu 14.04 with this usb wireless card: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0457:0163 Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. 802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter23:01
Klumsycan anyone show me how to install the driver and use it?\23:02
Klumsywhen i search the forums too many other cards come up23:02
Klumsyfriday night... everyone is out partying23:03
MonkeyDustKlumsy  'night' depends on one's timezone23:04
MonkeyDustit's afternoon in the US23:04
Klumsyits night in NYC23:05
Klumsyor, maybee here in Miami there's just too much rain and i cant see23:05
Klumsyi have this card showing up in lspci: Device 004: ID 0457:0163 Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. 802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter23:06
bpromptKlumsy:   one may note that is Saturday already in most of the west and east  =P23:07
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bpromptKlumsy:   hmm https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+question/76959  ?23:10
Klumsyso i have to install the NDIS wrapper?23:11
bekksIsnt ndiswrapper considered to be dead nowadays?23:12
k1l_ndiswraper sounds like really really old days23:12
bpromptKlumsy:    dunno myself, is that a vivanco usb access point?23:12
Klumsyno some kindof...23:13
Klumsyi dono23:13
bpromptKlumsy:    I mean, what is it, is it a usb dongle? internal wireless adapter?23:13
k1l_uh yeah, that is dated back to 200923:13
Klumsythe only wireless device that will show up in lspci or lsusb23:13
BalTunbprompt: i found it! ) It's Wally and Variety - gets pictures for wallpaper from a lot of sites ! )))23:14
Klumsyi have this one as well when i lspci: 02:03.0 Network controller: IBM Device 030123:16
bpromptBalTun:    good to hear23:17
professor_God I miss the days of IRC23:17
bpromptKlumsy:    I assume you meant to say "lsusb" ?23:17
bpromptwhich still should work23:17
Klumsyi have one plugged in PCI and one plugged in USB23:18
Klumsythe PCI is supposed to work out of the box as of 8.0423:18
HaledI have this libgbm1 package that appears whenever I do apt-get upgrade as "kept back", but when I try to remove it, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13682791/23:18
k1l_but Klumsy seems that old cards dont have linux drivers. so you need to use ndiswrapper23:18
MonkeyDustHaled  try sudo aptitude purge ~c   <-- that's a tilde23:19
k1l_Klumsy: 8.04 was 2008, that is 7 years ago. old hardware get dropped after some time.23:19
Klumsy7 year old hardware is old for you?23:20
MonkeyDustKlumsy  7 years, that's 14 releases23:20
HaledMonkeyDust, sudo aptitude purce ~c libgbm1 ?23:21
Klumsyi still have hardware from the 1980's23:21
MonkeyDustHaled  no, just the ~c23:21
bekksKlumsy: "yes".23:21
MonkeyDustHaled  and it's purge, not purce23:21
Haledk, ran it, it's purging a lot of stuff23:22
MonkeyDustHaled  great23:22
Haledlibgbm1 is still there when I apt-get upgrade. I've send the machine for a reboot23:23
Halednope, libgbm1 is still there23:24
MonkeyDustHaled  try sudo apt-get autoremove23:25
Haled0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.23:25
Haled 23:25
ydabbaTJ-, geniig, thanks!23:33
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cyberwhats the best cpu frequency adjusting tool?23:57

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