
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
flocculantmorning 09:55
flocculant!team | meeting in 15 minutes or so11:43
ubottumeeting in 15 minutes or so: bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19311:43
flocculantfactoid's out of date 11:52
flocculantUnit193 is so obviously "here" now :p12:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Dec  4 12:00:33 2015 UTC.  The chair is flocculant. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.12:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick12:00
flocculantwho's here then :)12:00
flocculant#topic Open action items12:02
flocculanttwo of these12:02
flocculantochosi's got done12:02
flocculantknome's not - I guess just keep that going - if he want's to get someone else to do it :)12:03
flocculant#ACTION: knome to send a mail about volunteers to run the wallpaper contest #12:03
flocculant#action knome to send a mail about volunteers to run the wallpaper contest #12:03
meetingologyACTION: : knome to send a mail about volunteers to run the wallpaper contest #12:03
meetingologyACTION: knome to send a mail about volunteers to run the wallpaper contest #12:03
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: ACTION12:03
bluesabre#info: making steady progress on the wallpaper submission/voting tool, will be putting it up on github this weekend for others to pitch in12:04
flocculantmeetingbot needs winding up12:04
flocculantbluesabre: we going straight to updates then :p12:04
bluesabrethats an open action item12:04
bluesabre(bluesabre to look into creating a submission/voting interface for the wallpaper contest)12:05
flocculantoh yes - sorry bluesabre :)12:05
flocculantheadachy here12:05
flocculantalready :p12:05
flocculanthi micahg_mobile :)12:05
bluesabresleepy here12:05
bluesabrehey micahg_mobile 12:05
micahg_mobileHi 12:06
flocculant#topic Updates and Announcements12:06
flocculantlet's get the announcements done first12:06
flocculant#info gmusicbrowser removed from seed12:06
flocculantthat's that then12:07
flocculantany updates from people not on the tracker 12:07
bluesabreits a slow start for m12:07
flocculant#info QA ran IRC testing session on sunday - thanks axkwi-dave 12:08
flocculant#info QA will do another session between A2 and B112:08
bluesabregood job12:08
flocculantbit more specific on packages 12:09
flocculant#info VPS from pleia2 logs > jcastro is going to see if he can find us some vendor he has contacts with to donate something to us, we'll see12:09
flocculantnothing else from me12:10
bluesabrenothing here12:10
flocculantmicahg_mobile: got anything? 12:10
micahg_mobileNot at this time12:10
flocculantokey doke12:11
flocculant#topic Discussion12:11
flocculant#sub-topic Volunteers for running a 16.04 Community Wallpaper contest? 12:11
flocculant#subtopic Volunteers for running a 16.04 Community Wallpaper contest? 12:11
flocculantnot much to do here - waiting on both meetingbot and knome 12:12
flocculant#subtopic Ubuntu Software Center 12:12
flocculantsame type of thing unless anyone knows anything solid12:12
bluesabreyeah, we might also be using the webapp I am working on for this, which should reduce the workload for submitting, validating, and voting on wps12:12
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: SUBTOPIC12:13
bluesabre#info we might also be using the webapp I am working on for this, which should reduce the workload for submitting, validating, and voting on wps12:13
flocculantbluesabre: ok - that'll help I suspect12:13
flocculantbut I guess the stumbling block will be managing to get volunteer(S) 12:13
bluesabreyes, getting submissions, and then getting folks that want to vote12:14
micahg_mobileWhat's the issue with USC?12:14
flocculantbluesabre: anymore? 12:14
flocculantmicahg_mobile: sorry - got ahead of myself on that :D12:15
micahg_mobileAh, ok12:15
bluesabreready for usc12:15
flocculant#subtopic Ubuntu Software Center 12:15
flocculantmicahg_mobile: if Ubuntu aren't going to use it for 16.04 will it get any sort of support? 12:16
flocculantoh dear12:16
bluesabremicahg_mobile: ubuntu is switching to gnome-software for 16.04 and beyond12:16
flocculanthe's gone ... 12:16
flocculantwait for him to get back :p12:16
bluesabremicahg_mobile: ubuntu is switching to gnome-software for 16.04 and beyond12:16
flocculantmicahg_mobile: if Ubuntu aren't going to use it for 16.04 will it get any sort of support? 12:16
flocculantand if not - do we use something we know won't get support? 12:17
flocculantor do we move as well12:17
micahg_mobileAh, yeah, we should follow Ubuntu if they're using a GTK package 12:17
bluesabrethat's my general feeling as well12:18
micahg_mobileIt's not python 3 ready and they're going python 3 only for the ISO (or at least trying to)12:18
flocculantI don't know if eventually it needs a vote or one of those Tech Lead prerogative things - but no rush as long as we're aware12:18
micahg_mobileWhich reminds me, that might be nice for us too :)12:19
bluesabrethat should help the iso bloat12:19
flocculantat which point micahg_mobile can sort out the oversize warning :D12:20
micahg_mobileThough, if our LTS support cycle is still only 3 years, we can wait until the next LTS as 2.7 is supported until 202012:20
micahg_mobileHeh, yeah, we'll need to discuss ISO size soon 12:20
flocculantI can't imagine us making support length longer 12:21
flocculanthi Spass_ 12:21
bluesabrehello Spass_ 12:21
micahg_mobileWe're 150MB over right now12:21
bluesabreand that will probably get worse before it gets better12:21
micahg_mobileWell, USC being swapped out might actually reduce it a little bit12:22
Spass_is it true that mozilla is droping thunderbird?12:22
flocculantSpass_: I heard something - but right now we're in the middle of a meeting :)12:22
Spass_ups, sorry :)12:23
flocculantI guess atm all we need to is watch for noises that the gnome app is actually available 12:23
knomeflocculant, re: mail for wallpaper contest, i'll push that forward when i have time12:23
flocculantknome: yep :)12:24
flocculantanyone want to spend more time on USC? not sure there's much we can do other than be aware - which we are12:24
bluesabrethat's it from me12:25
micahg_mobileI'm good12:25
flocculant#subtopic google code-in12:25
flocculant#info QA added a couple of tasks for people to test iso and packages12:26
flocculantbluesabre: what I'd really like to do is maybe add something along the lines of what I pinged you with12:26
bluesabreflocculant: yes, is there a place where we are storing these tasks/ideas?12:26
flocculantbut happy not too if you think it's going to cause more trouble than it's worth :)12:26
flocculantbluesabre: nope - I've just had them in my head :D12:26
micahg_mobileAny GTK 3 porting needed?12:26
micahg_mobileOr python 312:27
knomebluesabre, poke jose12:27
flocculantbluesabre: http://pad.ubuntu.com/GCI12:27
bluesabreknome: I'd like to get our list in a place then poke jose with ^ pad12:27
flocculantpoking jose won't help here 12:27
knomeanyway, the deadline for the submissions from us is close12:28
flocculantand we don't need to poke anyone else - I can add them - might need Nick to add someone like bluesabre as a mentor is all :)12:28
flocculantdeadline is 7th12:28
knomehe's (jose) been assigned to be in touch with the flavors12:28
flocculantwe can add tasks during the time it is live I am told12:28
knomeso i would be in touch with him about potential stuff incoming12:29
flocculantknome: yes but rather pointless if there's someone in team using the m/l and in the channel :)12:29
flocculantwhich is all stuff no-one really knows here - because it's only just come up :)12:30
knomei just think it would be good/fair to be in touch with him as he's been poking me about this on PM12:31
knomei just told him to join this channel too, but he's likely sleeping now12:31
flocculantoh - I'll ping him in the channel about it then :)12:31
knomein whatever channel, yeah12:31
knomemostly just to say "we might have X"12:32
flocculantbluesabre: that ^^ pad then 12:32
knomeso he's informed about it12:32
knomeand able to react to it when need be12:32
knomeand stuff12:32
flocculantbluesabre: so I'll let you think about that :D12:33
bluesabreflocculant: will do12:33
flocculantanymore on that? 12:34
flocculantanyone got anything else to bring up if not :)12:34
knomei'll try to have some time to look the pad with thought12:35
knomeoh, it's not too much...12:35
bluesabreflocculant: nothing more from me12:35
knomei'll try to figure out if we want something else then12:35
bluesabremicahg_mobile must be on a train12:35
flocculantknome: yea - it's sparse :p12:35
flocculantha ha ha 12:35
flocculantknome: what we there thinking about was getting someone to confirm some new bugs and upstream them12:36
flocculantjust wondering about what package 12:36
micahgno, just a crashy chat client12:36
flocculantmicahg: :)12:36
knomewhat about screen locking problems and that stuff specifically?12:36
bluesabreknome: yes that could be beneficial12:37
flocculantknome: sounds useful to me12:37
bluesabreand more hardware variety could mean more potential solutions12:37
flocculantbluesabre: yea12:37
bluesabremaybe we can get cavalier as a mentor on for that as well12:37
knomei would probably list that as one of the items for us12:37
knomebut there is no clear goal for that12:37
bluesabreochosi may be interested with the lines around here12:37
knomewell expect "make sure it works"12:37
knomebluesabre, in 16.04, when the login screen appears, it blinks black12:38
knomeis that known?12:38
flocculantknome: I've seen mention elsewhere - but not seen it myself12:38
knomeok - i have it on nvidia and integrated intel...12:38
knomei can help debug it $later12:39
knomebut smoothening things like that would be ++12:39
bluesabreknome: alrighty, did not know that was back12:39
knomeapparently it is12:39
knomei didn't have it on 15.1012:39
bluesabrebtw, cooking and getting ready for work, in case I drop off here and there12:39
knomei have it on 15.1012:39
knomei didn't have it on 15.0412:39
flocculantknome: I'll see if I can dig it out - but, not seen it mentioned on Xubuntu 12:39
knomeflocculant, i saw one person ask about it on #xubuntu 12:40
flocculantok 12:40
knomeapparently it doesn't block keyboard input12:40
knomei can't remember if he said that there was some problems with kb layouts or not12:40
knomeeg. the right kb layout was only initiated after the blink12:40
knomebut yeah, i'll get back to this later12:40
flocculantok - so anything else? 12:41
knomei don't think so at this point12:41
knomewell maybe except12:41
flocculantmicahg bluesabre ? 12:41
knomeeven if i'm going to be busy, i intend to be more or less active as previously12:42
bluesabrenothing more atm12:42
knomeso feel free to leave me PM's, pings or emails and i'll likely respond to them in a few days at most12:42
flocculantknome: :)12:42
micahgI can try to have a look at ubuntu core again12:42
knomeok, bbl -<12:43
flocculantmicahg: oh that would be useful - people have pinged slangasek about it since we started this cycle12:43
bluesabremicahg: I took a look at those the other day, they still look good and merge conflicts are mainly in debian changelog12:43
flocculantmicahg: can I action that? 12:43
bluesabreor with bzr just failing to merge12:44
bluesabrebut feel free to give those a good push :D12:44
micahgresolving the conflicts would be good, but ideally, if all the comments are addressed, I'd like to at least get an ACK from the CD team, I can do relevant uploads12:44
flocculant#action micahg to look at the xubuntu core issue12:45
meetingologyACTION: micahg to look at the xubuntu core issue12:45
bluesabreits a moving target, with constant changes and uploads, so it'd be best to resolve right before merging/uploading12:45
micahgmakes sense12:46
flocculantobviously if we're still trying to do this then I'd prefer it done as soon as practical so we can get other eyes on it via testing12:46
flocculantanymore peeps? 12:48
flocculant#topic Schedule next meeting12:49
flocculantnot sure how I got shoved up the list last time - so starting again from the top :p12:49
flocculant#action Unit193 to schedule the next meeting12:49
meetingologyACTION: Unit193 to schedule the next meeting12:49
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Dec  4 12:49:54 2015 UTC.  12:49
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2015/xubuntu-devel.2015-12-04-12.00.moin.txt12:49
flocculantthanks bluesabre micahg knome :)12:50
micahgoh, I was going to say we should announce the new CC in case people missed it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2015-November/001162.html12:50
flocculantoh 12:50
micahgthanks flocculant 12:53
flocculantoh meh12:53
flocculantdidn't subtopic the cd discussion ... 12:53
flocculantoh well - can't go back - logs are done now12:53
flocculantmicahg: glad to be able to shift the time so you could be here :)12:54
flocculantoff for a while now - have a good day everyone :)12:56
knomeposted http://open.knome.fi/2015/12/04/clock-applets-xfce-panel-xubuntu-1510/18:23
pleia2G+ and fb shared too19:50
flocculantevening pleia2 20:24
knomepleia2, cheers :)21:22
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