
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
lycan_sHi, I'm new to using this distro, and has fascinated me, congratulations to the developers01:33
Unit193Thanks, glad you like it.01:33
Legendre_anyone know why the "Other" category might disapear & reapper in my menu?01:45
Techno568Is xubuntu good for old low end systems?01:55
JohnnyComeL8lyHow old is "old"?01:56
JohnnyComeL8lyTechno568: (See above....)01:56
Techno568win xp old JohnnyComeL8ly01:56
JohnnyComeL8lyIt should work.01:56
JohnnyComeL8lyI don't know what the system specs are, but it should work well.01:57
JohnnyComeL8lyTechno568, that old of a machine is probably not good for gaming though, as you are probably aware of.01:57
Techno568Yes, i am just using it as a email client and basic word processor and basic web browser. Will it work for that?01:59
JohnnyComeL8lyI'm pretty sure, but if you give the OEM/Model, I could be more sure.02:00
JohnnyComeL8lyTechno568: (See above....)02:01
Techno568It is a off-brand computer and it has an Intel pentium.02:01
Techno568JohnnyCOmeL8ly See above02:01
JohnnyComeL8lyJust give it a go.02:02
Techno568!cookie JohnnyComeL8ly02:02
Techno568!cookie | JohnnyComeL8ly02:03
ubottuJohnnyComeL8ly: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:03
Techno568I agree with ubottu.02:03
JohnnyComeL8lyTechno568: If it is a tad slow, or you want faster, you might have a look into Lubuntu....02:04
Techno568I will let you later. Thanks for your help!02:04
Techno568I dont really like lde or whatever lbuntu uses.02:04
Techno568btw does anyone know a list of ubottu commands?02:06
JohnnyComeL8lyTechno568, this might help: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi02:08
Techno568Thanks again!02:08
JohnnyComeL8ly!root | Techno56802:11
ubottuTechno568: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:11
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
=== Metacity is now known as Metakringle
boxerHello everyone,14:37
boxerI'm trying to give up windows for good this time, but yet again I got a problem :(14:37
cfhowlett!details | boxer14:37
ubottuboxer: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:37
boxerwhen trying to transfer files to my phone via usb, it starts out fine but then rapidly slows to a craw.14:38
boxerit works fine in windows, same cord and port14:40
BalTuncan widi or miracast works on ubuntu? does anybody know any software? or any other methods of showing desktop on TV from ubuntu pc ?21:15
=== mcs_ is now known as Guest52689
BalTunhow to make desktop background image on xfce to change periodically, showing pictures from somewhere in the internet with different nature views ?22:31
BalTunwould you know how it's good to see you all here ! )22:33
SlidingHornBalTun, There is an official flavor of Ubuntu for setting up a MythTV DVR system.  Maybe you might be interested...23:22
SlidingHorn!mythbuntu BalTun23:22
SlidingHorn!mythbuntu | BalTun23:23
ubottuBalTun: Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information and #ubuntu-mythtv23:23
BalTunthank you!23:25
SlidingHornAlso, about the wallpaper thing:  Maybe wally would suit your needs?  Give it a google23:28
* SlidingHorn is out for a bit...needs to move his tower upstairs23:29
kojinhi all23:44
kojinI've a problem, I've an ATI Radeon HD 3200 but the max resolution is only 1024x76823:46
kojincan you help me please?23:46
SlidingHorn!resolution | kojin Have you seen this?23:54
ubottukojin Have you seen this?: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:54

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