upd | http://www.rooshv.com/the-biggest-cockblocker-in-the-world-is-from-denmark :d | 00:06 |
Pepelka | The Biggest Cockblocker In The World Is From Denmark | 00:06 |
idioterna | weird | 00:13 |
idioterna | js pa nism mel takih tezav z danskimi dekleti | 00:13 |
upd | ja pa vrjetno se tud nisi šel showing off like american style | 00:15 |
idioterna | ja k mi ni treba | 00:28 |
upd | :) | 00:28 |
upd | upam da kdaj obiščem skandinavijo mm | 00:28 |
idioterna | a zarad punc? | 00:29 |
upd | lol | 00:29 |
upd | ne zarad pokrajine | 00:29 |
upd | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waT8Kwe6Dtg ful hudo :) | 00:32 |
Pepelka | Storseisundet Bridge - YouTube | 00:32 |
Pepelka | »Crossing the Storseisundet bridge, Norway.« | 00:32 |
upd | pa trollstigen | 00:33 |
idioterna | aha | 00:35 |
idioterna | ce bo vse po srec grem js junija helsinki-nordkap-trondheim-oslo | 00:36 |
idioterna | s kolesom valda | 00:37 |
upd | da super | 00:38 |
upd | kje pa prespiš | 00:38 |
idioterna | v viseci mrezi | 00:39 |
upd | lol | 00:39 |
idioterna | what | 00:40 |
idioterna | https://bou.si/pic/sleeping-like-a-baby.jpg | 00:41 |
idioterna | tkole | 00:41 |
upd | aa ql | 00:43 |
upd | morš pol drevesa iskat | 00:44 |
upd | al mas palce sabo | 00:44 |
idioterna | kr drevesa poiscem | 00:46 |
upd | ql | 00:50 |
CrazyLemon | .vreme koper | 09:01 |
CrazyLemon | meh | 09:02 |
idioterna | skoz okn poglej ne | 09:02 |
CrazyLemon | sej gledam | 09:02 |
CrazyLemon | sam nimam termometra | 09:02 |
CrazyLemon | pa nordkap-oslo sounds cool | 09:03 |
CrazyLemon | helsinki..not so much | 09:03 |
idioterna | kaj je pa s helsinki narobe | 09:10 |
CrazyLemon | ne vem..ne poznam pa ne morem reč da je cool | 09:11 |
CrazyLemon | cesto nordkap-oslo sm pa že prečekiral prek jutubov | 09:11 |
msev- | drama -> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=804315 | 09:22 |
Pepelka | #804315 - ITP: live-wrapper -- live image wrapper for vmdebootstrap - Debian Bug report logs | 09:22 |
CrazyLemon | gre kdo giro do gracisca? hands up | 10:46 |
zdobbie | .gif middle finger | 10:52 |
CrazyLemon | oh what a glorious fail | 10:53 |
zdobbie | just imagine it then | 10:53 |
CrazyLemon | imagine you failing gloriously ? done! | 10:56 |
zdobbie | and just before I hit the bottom, there I am, pulsing the middle finger into your general direction | 10:57 |
zdobbie | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grd-vYeVngg | 10:58 |
Pepelka | Martin Freeman flips off Camera Montage || The Hobbit Special Features/Appendices - YouTube | 10:58 |
Pepelka | »Watch as Martin Freeman ( who plays Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jacksons adaptation of J.R.R Tolkeins The Hobbit) flips off (rude finger) the Camera whilst on the...« | 10:58 |
zdobbie | comme ca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grd-vYeVngg&t=49s | 10:59 |
Pepelka | Martin Freeman flips off Camera Montage || The Hobbit Special Features/Appendices - YouTube | 10:59 |
Pepelka | »Watch as Martin Freeman ( who plays Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jacksons adaptation of J.R.R Tolkeins The Hobbit) flips off (rude finger) the Camera whilst on the...« | 10:59 |
upd | 403 To fuj... lol | 12:22 |
Sky[x] | lol ? | 12:41 |
zdobbie | Laughing Out Loud | 12:42 |
=== gjanezic is now known as Grega_ | ||
zdobbie | a bo dons ksn surge purge | 15:55 |
zdobbie | I just want to surgesurgesurgesurgesurge | 18:11 |
zdobbie | http://i.imgur.com/a9A7AIT.gifv | 18:38 |
CrazyLemon | i could also fight some scarfheads | 18:56 |
zdobbie | alas, there is nobody else! | 19:07 |
CrazyLemon | no..js grem na public strežnik.. če se boste zmenili pa me pingajte | 19:10 |
=== Grega_ is now known as Grega | ||
CrazyLemon | meh..zdaj smo izgubili 5:0 | 20:09 |
CrazyLemon | fckin insurgents | 20:09 |
Sky[x] | lp | 21:29 |
CrazyLemon | http://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/manhattan-us-attorney-announces-arrest-and-unsealing-charges-against-senior-adviser | 21:44 |
Pepelka | Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Arrest And Unsealing Of Charges Against Senior Adviser To The Operator Of The “Silk Road” Website | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice | 21:44 |
msev- | ej http://pastebin.com/2wRzgAdH ane da manka v tej kodi en } | 21:55 |
Pepelka | I then reinstalled the parking sensor in the garage for further testing. Everyth - Pastebin.com | 21:55 |
CrazyLemon | msev- ja | 21:57 |
CrazyLemon | displaydist==0 | 21:57 |
CrazyLemon | tadrugi displaydist | 21:58 |
msev- | jp | 21:59 |
msev- | ful mi gre na živce k neki poprav pol pa ne napiše eksaktno :D | 21:59 |
matjaz | vi, ki ste bolj na Ubuntu mahnjeni, kaj je default WM v Ubuntu z Unityjem? se ga da zamenjat s tiling WMjem? | 22:48 |
netkat | matjaz startx al neki menda dela tud ce das unity dol, si mislim | 23:30 |
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