sakrecoer_ | howdi! couldn't make it thursday and friday.. | 12:43 |
sakrecoer_ | testing the software, but i can't find the magic number that has to be put in the filename... | 12:43 |
sakrecoer_ | well.. typical.. i have searched and searchm and finaly when i ask i find it... | 12:45 |
sakrecoer_ | :) | 12:45 |
sakrecoer_ | hi Rosco2 :) | 13:31 |
sakrecoer_ | working on those manualtests... | 13:32 |
sakrecoer_ | how detialed do they need to be? | 13:33 |
sakrecoer_ | the existing manualtests are fairly basic, open, save, minimal editing.... i'm thinking blender and scribus have quite a bit of depth to be tested :D | 13:34 |
sakrecoer_ | but maybe that is something that the dev for blender scribus and those kindof package do...? and we just make sure it works in our environement? | 13:35 |
Rosco2 | Just made a further comment on the bug, and will write to the list | 13:40 |
Rosco2 | Go as dep as you like | 13:40 |
Rosco2 | The more we test the more bugs we have a chance of fixing | 13:41 |
Rosco2 | But 30 minutes to run the test will be too long | 13:41 |
Rosco2 | Aim for 15-20 minutes | 13:41 |
Rosco2 | You can always do a short one first and add to it in the future | 13:42 |
flocculant | hey Rosco2 :) | 13:43 |
flocculant | hi sakrecoer_ | 13:43 |
Rosco2 | sakrecoer_: Thanks for having a go at it :-) | 13:44 |
Rosco2 | Hi | 13:44 |
Rosco2 | Another weekend - some more test cases :-) | 13:46 |
flocculant | :D | 13:46 |
flocculant | I'll keep a watch out :D | 13:46 |
sakrecoer_ | cool! :) thanks Rosco2 flocculant :) | 13:51 |
flocculant | sakrecoer_: are you Set on the m/l? | 13:52 |
sakrecoer_ | so do i just push the manual test files to my own launchpad? | 13:53 |
sakrecoer_ | flocculant: yes :) | 13:53 |
flocculant | | 13:53 |
flocculant | sakrecoer_: aah cool - nice to meet you :p | 13:53 |
flocculant | sakrecoer_: see the paste - that's a bit of the xubuntu qa docs that'll be going live soonish | 13:53 |
sakrecoer_ | likewise :) | 13:53 |
flocculant | :) | 13:54 |
sakrecoer_ | ok! :) how do i find which bug i have to assign myself to? | 13:54 |
sakrecoer_ | this one for exemaple? | 13:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1183096 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed: Scribus" [Undecided,New] | 13:54 |
flocculant | sakrecoer_: | 13:54 |
flocculant | that's all of the studio testcase bugs :) | 13:55 |
flocculant | sakrecoer_: well how I would do it is pick one from the list of bugs then assign to it | 13:55 |
flocculant | then no-one else should happen to start the same one | 13:55 |
sakrecoer_ | ok! :) | 13:55 |
sakrecoer_ | can't find how to assign myself on the page tho... | 13:55 |
sakrecoer_ | i input "affects me" those that assign it to me? | 13:56 |
sakrecoer_ | flocculant: | 13:56 |
flocculant | sakrecoer_: nope - just below that - the headings Affects Status etc - under assigned to it says unassigned | 13:57 |
flocculant | click the ! in the yellow circle | 13:57 |
sakrecoer_ | yay!!! (^^,) | 13:57 |
flocculant | \o/ | 13:57 |
flocculant | then when you push and do the merge proposal, link the code to the bug report and then some randomly tame testcase admin will have a look :) | 14:00 |
sakrecoer_ | flocculant: like it says in that pastebin tutorial? Commit the changes: bzr commit -m "Fix LP bug #BUGNO." | 14:10 |
flocculant | yea | 14:12 |
flocculant | then you push it to your branch | 14:13 |
flocculant | then MP - add me as reviewer | 14:13 |
sakrecoer_ | MP? Merge Push? how do i add you? | 14:13 |
sakrecoer_ | flocculant | 14:14 |
flocculant | merge push yea - when you've pushed it go to | 14:18 |
sakrecoer_ | ok! :D awesome! i'll push all that stuff on sunday! :) tahnks for the hand flocculant and Rosco2! going offline for now, read you soon! | 14:21 |
flocculant | see ya | 14:21 |
Rosco2 | Yeah thanks | 14:22 |
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